
Friday, May 29, 2009

I "almost" forgot to mention these lovely Abenaki plastic license plates for one's automobile. I "registered" my 1975 Dodge van, and bought one of these license plates for, I think, each about $10.00 dollars US, in Swanton, Vermont from Homer St. Francis in late May 1994, just before the Abenaki Heritage Weekend.
I drove my 1975 Dodge van over to Homer's place that very afternoon, intending to put these on my van, and then driving over to the Highgate Airport where they were having their event. I figured hey, why not. I had the Sovereign Abenaki of Missisquoi Membership Card, so why shouldn't my ol' Dodge van become 'sovereign' too?!
But that was never to become reality. Thomas Obomsawin and his friend Larry from Louisiana, they came walking down the street and told me not to put them on my vehicle. It would cause too much trouble, they continued to tell me. I guess "Abenaki Sovereignty" is only meant for some automobiles and not others. Wonder whatever happened to the money I spent on those "plates"? I do know, that years later, I sold the Abenaki License Plate on for a good sum of money to some woman down south of New Hampshire. She probably has it above her bathroom toilet.