
Friday, November 15, 2019

The TRUTH about Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD.- PART 8

A Complaint against Carollee Reynolds

By Frederick Matthew Wiseman

To the Tribal Council; St Francis-Sokoki Band of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi:

Since April of this year, I have been harassed and stalked by a person who uses her status as doing genealogy for Missisquoi to lend credibility to her harassment. Her obsessive, inarticulate and often crude messages to my friends and colleagues within and without the native community in Vermont and elsewhere only reinforce damaging stereotypes regarding Missisquoi during a time when we do not need any more negativity. Ethics and legal violations and constitutional issues fall under the purview of the Tribal Council, so I am making this complaint to you.In the below document I show that Ms. Carollee Reynolds has weaponized genealogical research to support her hurt feelings -- because of her not being permitted to join the board of Alnôbaiwi. This organization has important social, historical and geographic links to Missisquoi, that I co-chair, and so she asserts that I lack evidence of Indigenous ancestry as part of a larger campaign of disinformation. This complaint will address those, as well as her probable tampering with many years of documentary evidence at the Archives at Missisquoi Tribal Headquarters and illegally taking that privileged information for personal useI expect that this complaint will be confidential within the Tribal Council, and form the basis of a remedy, such as disciplinary action against Carollee Reynolds, if the data alluded to below prove true after a full and proper investigation.


First, let me say that I personally believe that Indigenous identity is a political distinction that is bestowed by tribes on individuals as they become citizens, not a birthright or a self-identification such as other minorities enjoy.
I do not know much about the details of my genealogy beyond what was known in my family. I have too much to do in the rough and tumble world of Indigenous revitalization to concern myself with ancestry, so I have left it up to the professionals at the Abenaki Research Project over the years to repeatedly research and confirm an Indigenous heritage. Therefore, I believe that it is unethical on my part to assert more than the verifiable facts that:

1. I have been a proud citizen of St. Francis/Sokoki Band, Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi since my completed application was accepted by the Nation in 1986
2. I held two separate terms on the Missisquoi Tribal Council
3. I was the Director of the Abenaki Tribal Museum
4. Missisquoi Diplomatic Ambassador
5. Missisquoi Tribal Historian
6. Missisquoi representative to the Governor's Commission on Native American Affairs
7. Co-chair of the Missisquoi Cultural Preservation Committee
8. Missisquoi delegate to both the Wabanaki Confederacy and the Seven Nations 

I have also done many other things of service to Missisquoi, including writing the historical portions of the State Recognition Petition, testifying in the VT House and Senate to support recognition as well as directing and filming ‘Against the Darkness’ video to support recognition and the ‘From Calumet to Crisis’  video for their smoking cessation grant.  That being said, until I am asked to turn in my Band card #2585 by the Missisquoi Tribal Council, for cause and with due process, I will assert a Missisquoi Abenaki citizenship. 

Second, I have gone through Carollee Reynolds' assertions that she has shared with me and others in the Abenaki community over the last few months. All of the readable assertions that I know of are listed below; with my responses, others are too incoherent to evaluate or too vile to share. This documented analysis of Carollee Reynolds' assertions deals with pedigree and residency elements, as well as issues of genealogical incompetence and malice, as well as possible corruption --tampering with tribal records for personal gain (revenge). I apologize for the length and detail for this document, but Carollee Reynolds has concocted a disjointed, dim-witted argument that needs to be deconstructed carefully, element by element, in an organized manner. 

Third, before discussing her claims, I need to add short historical back-story to her campaign of negativity, to highlight a sense of Carollee Reynolds' state of mind at the beginning of her assault.  Carollee Reynolds and I have been (supposed) friends and colleagues for over 25 years, until early April 2019. She changed from being a friend she could turn to when she was feeling persecuted by Missisquoi and the Alnôbaiwi organization, to an avowed enemy. Below is a chronology of selected quotes from Carollee Reynolds' during our flurry of March and early April, 2019 emails, that outline the bizarre reversal of our relationship -- that happened in a mere five days (compare the 4/1/19 and 4/6/2019 posts). 

March 05, 2019
Hey Fred Hope all is well with you. Did you say you had a piece for my top hat? ... See you later! 

(She wanted me to give her a sterling silver "Hat Crown" worth $100-$300, which I did)

March 10, 2019 (two emails)
I was supposed to be on the exhibit and dance part of things but I think I will contribute to the gardening only, I am interested in learning and arts and crafts field trips and spirituality. Hopefully things will be less confusing in the future...Yes, I will enhance my calm! I treasure our friendship and no I don't want you to stroke out on me! If the monthly meeting turns out to be a council meeting where the committee is deciding things then I would feel superfluous.

(I was trying to help her deal with her extreme agitation regarding her perceived wrongs by not being accepted on the Council of the Alnôbaiwi group. It began at a meeting of the group earlier in the year with vehement recriminations and outbursts against the Alnôbaiwi secretary and two Council members; after she was informed that membership in the Council was closed. Note here that she was interested in learning spirituality from me.)

March 30, 2019
I hope to continue my friendship with you, Kerry (nee: Royce) Wood, Allison and Patrick Crawford, I don't see this situation as getting any better. If they want to talk behind my back, then have at it.

(She was vehemently disparaging Alnôbaiwi to me at the time.)

March 30, 2019
Hope you and Anna are having a wonderful time in Arizona ... Because you are my friend and will remain so; I am letting you know what I am doing, so you don't have to guess.

(She was disengaging from Alnôbaiwi at the time.)

April 01, 2019
Heads Up; Missisquoi says they will not allow me to leave the band and they are hopping mad at their own council people setting up a nonprofit. They are saying it is a conflict of interest. I don't want to get involved especially when some of those folks were less respectful to me. At this point I don't dare to talk to anyone.

(Anyone can leave the Missisquoi band, it requires a witnessed letter.  She was railing against the Missisquoi Tribal Council, and Alnôbaiwi. I was trying to help her join the Nulhegan Band).

April 06, 2019
Why do you keep lying about being Abenaki? Being one of the founders of the Canadian genealogy society I traced all your French ancestors to France; Why tell big lies about your house, no Abenaki people have ever lived there, you are not related to the Hilliker’s, You better start coming clean about who you really are. You are on some kind of power trip and a pathetic man, the longer you lie, the worse it will get. I am not your friend; you don't lie to your friends.


1.  Fred is not a citizen of Missisquoi
After Carollee Reynolds began her assault on my identity in April, 2019, I talked to the Missisquoi Chief Eugene G. Rich and at least one member Morgan Lamphere of the Missisquoi Tribal Council; the tribal officials who have always had the charge of expelling a citizen for cause. My good standing in the Tribe was made clear to me when I was invited by the Missisquoi Tribal Council to help with cultural revitalization in 2018 -- that led to the eventual formation of the Alnôbaiwi group, and classes in Abenaki history and culture at Tribal Headquarters. Also, I was gratified to be appointed by the Tribal Council to the Missisquoi Cultural Preservation Committee in 2018. I was glad to see that at that first 2018 meeting, Tribal Council member Lester Lampman was very welcoming and basically said that we should leave past disagreements in the past. That was wonderful to hear. If I was not a citizen at that point, this invitation and warm welcome would not have been given. The 2019 discussion with Chief Eugene Rich was regarding my citizenship status after Carollee asserted that I was not Abenaki.

I have illustrated here, the letter of May (2019) from Chief Eugene G. Rich. I consider that this letter is extremely important to "lock in" my Abenaki identity from Missisquoi as of 2019, in case the political winds of Missisquoi change in the next few years.

2.  I belong to the French Canadian Genealogy Society in Colchester Vermont ... like I’ve been doing genealogies since the 1980’s
I do not know about her length of time as a genealogist.  I do know about her incompetency. She has become the author of my family tree and she is the only one who can post there. Neither I nor any member of the Wiseman family authorized the construction of our ‘Wiseman family tree’. According to, it is quite unusual for non-family members to create pedigrees. 

As of September 2019, the ‘Wiseman family tree’ contained significant errors discovered by Paula Harris, the family genealogist, including that my parents did not have children, that I may have been born out of wedlock, and that my grandparents died in “London, England”.
My first cousin, who was annoyed with Carollee Reynolds' inept portrayal of her grandparents, her aunt and uncle, tried to initiate a correspondence with Carollee Reynolds through the messenger in, but Carollee Reynolds never replied. After I exposed her inept research concerning my parents, Carollee Reynolds quietly corrected the erroneous information on without apologizing or acknowledging her incompetent research to me or anyone else. Since I did not mention the error concerning my grandparents to others (thank goodness!).  Cousin Paula Harris took a screenshot on October 25, 2019, to document that some evidence of genealogical ineptitude remains -- before Carollee Reynolds could change this element of her bungling research on Paula Harris's and my grandparents. My grandmother Anna (Annie) Marie (nee: Hines) Platt (b. July 07 1897 – d. April 17, 1960) died in Catonsville, Baltimore County, Maryland and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery in Maryland. Grandmother Anna Marie did not die in “London, England”. Paula Harris tells me that the Loudon Park = “London, England” type of error is a typical result of "lazy genealogy," where instead of doing the careful work of primary research; unvetted information is lifted from secondary and tertiary sources, then grafted onto a family tree. If there is that level of error in my parents' and grandparents' data, I cannot imagine the shoddy work that lurks in the more distant ancestral branches of my published pedigree. It is bizarre to have someone with demonstrated malice and who has claimed that that I am "pathetic" [April 26, 2019 email], or "sick" [October 16, 2019 email]), seize authorship of my family tree. Yet she did a terrible job on the public posting and then excluded editing by my family's genealogist -- by not communicating through Ancestry's private messaging. From some of the information on the pedigree, I allege that she based portions of the family tree information on the Missisquoi Tribe’s genealogical data housed in the Abenaki Research Project Archives that are never to be made public. This entirely unethical genealogical practice combines self-evident malice, bad faith and incompetence. My first cousin Paula Harris can corroborate elements of former posting of bungled genealogy on before the evidence of Carollee Reynolds' ineptitude was wiped out by Carollee Reynolds. 

3. You really don't have any native lines that anyone can find. ... I do genealogies for (Missisquoi) headquarters. Headquarters has your genealogy root and branch.

Disappearance of my tribal file

Last week, Chief Eugene Rich and another Abenaki citizen went to the Missisquoi citizen's "Hard files," at the Tribal Headquarters. That citizen reports:

"Morgan (Lamphere, a Tribal Council Member) had called me and told me that (Nulhegan Chief) Donald Warren Stevens Jr. had sent him a message letting him know that you (Fred Wiseman) were removed from tribal rolls. I then immediately went to headquarters and asked Eugene Rich to check ... he brought me into the room and he looked, and your files was indeed removed ... unconstitutionally mind you, since this was never brought up to tribal council, presumably (name redacted), Carollee Reynolds and their cult followers."

Misuse of Abenaki Research Project (ARP) Files

I must assume that my Abenaki Research Project file has been destroyed or removed to further tamper with it. For purposes of this rebuttal against claims of my having no Indigenous ancestry, I will assume that my paternal grandmother's connections to indigenous heritage that were pointed out to me by Carol (nee: Gromatski) Nepton and Christopher A. Roy of the Abenaki Research Project, which are now deleted (check the ARP genealogy chart illustrated below to see my copy of what WAS once there).  In addition to the possibility of files tampering, it is a major ethical breach for Carollee Reynolds, who has no authority (this is reserved to the Tribal Council) to discuss the nature of tribal rolls at all, much less outside Missisquoi to Nulhegan Chief Donald Warren Stevens Jr. She also used the detailed genealogies from my ARP files, which are never to be touched except by the family or people appointed by the Tribal Council, as a source for her public posting of my family tree on I base my allegation on the simple fact that there were no public ‘Wiseman family trees’ for her to base the pedigree tree on before she began her campaign of harassment

Removal or altering of ARP files, public sharing of tribal rolls information and taking of privileged ARP family files for personal use are entirely unethical, corrupt, and need to be dealt with by the Tribal Council.

4.  You (Fred Wiseman) said you were descended from a great chief. (Also) You claimed that you are descended from the first Abenaki chief.
I am unfamiliar with any particular historical 17th, 18th, 19th or 20th century chief that I am descended from. I did know Rudolph Kent Ouimette slightly, long ago, who told me that he knew my father and he, (Ouimette) was related to me, which made sense to me, since he has the last name of my Father's maternal grandmother. Rudolph Kent Ouimette was very active in the 1970's and was the "Sogomo" (translates as "chief" in English) of the K’dakinna Pobatamwogan Medicine Society (then located at 15 Jewett Street, Swanton, Vermont) at the politically intricate time when the Missisquoi tribe was forming.  Rudolph Kent Ouimette was responsible for having Odzihozo, also known as ‘Rock Dunder’, deeded to the Kdakinna Pobatamwogan Medicine Society (I suggested years ago that Missisquoi should have the deed reassigned-- did that ever happen??). Rudolph Kent Ouimette later left Missisquoi to work with Richard Blackhorse Wilfred Phillips in another band. This is the only possible knowledge that I have that makes reference to an Ouimet Chief. 

5.  His (Fred Wiseman's) Family moved into Swanton in 1910
My Grandmother and Grandfather met at the now derelict Riviera Hotel in Swanton in 1901, and soon married; my Aunt Dorothy Erno (nee: Wiseman) Carman was born October 19, 1905 in Swanton; and the home I live in was built by Frederick William Wiseman in 1908- 1909 at 17 Spring St. in Swanton. Those uncomplicated data, including the marriage place/date information for Frederick William Wiseman and Josephine (nee: Erno) Wiseman, could be easily found by any competent genealogist. 

6.  You (Fred Wiseman) said your house was the most continually (sic) Abenaki dwelling in Swanton
Carollee Reynolds faulty remembrance is part of a discussion of who was living in Swanton during the 1910 census that I once had to study for Recognition research. I did say that I did not see any other "Core" Abenaki family names listed in the census for Swanton Village (this may or may not be true, I only said that I did not recognize any modern core family surnames). She did not share any residency data during the discussion to refute this assertion. There may be other Abenaki families in the village dating to that time, but they did not seem to be evident to me in that census. Professionally, I would, of course, be very happy to discover a significant early 20th century Abenaki presence in Swanton Village. In another context, while showing Carollee Reynolds a set of three historic images of 17 Spring Street, I told her that three generations of Fred Wiseman’s had lived here since my Grandfather built the ancestral house in 1908 and then my grandmother (documented as Abenaki, see Figure 6 below) and he moved into the new house in early 1909 -- something I am proud of. 

I forwarded this dated residency information to the Abenaki Research Project in the early 2000's to include in their rebuttal to the federal rejection of the Missisquoi Recognition Petition -- to document that at least some Abenakis were in Swanton Village in the 1910 period, geographic evidence they did not have at the time. They may have found others later, I do not know.  This is the knowledge that I retain that is pertinent to her foolish claim.

7. You (Fred Wiseman) said that they (Wiseman's ancestors?) were the last off the Reserve
I don't know how to respond to this foolish claim. This one is so incomprehensible; I do not know where this claim came from.  I do not know if I have ancestors who were ever on a reserve, much less the last off of it. (Like a week ago?) 

8. He (Fred Wiseman) has an ancient card that Homer gave him
My tribal registration card dates to the winter of 2013, which I had to have updated when the band number on my previous (2012) card was printed incorrectly. The card is signed by Sandra Shedrick, (not Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.)  

That card dates to the time frame when Tribal Council Chair Joe Bertrand invited the Lampman’s back to Missisquoi to end the strife between Missisquoi and Maquam. Carollee Reynolds must have had her card updated at that time, because the previous (2012) card registry number's were incorrect. The Lampman’ first Missisquoi cards after their "return" were certainly of that age as well. If Carollee Reynolds was so deep in my supposedly secure tribal records as to claim that she was responsible for getting me removed from tribal rolls, it is inconceivable that she would be so inept as to miss the obvious record of the creation of the recent tribal card.

9. He has a card from before we had to submit original vital records.
We had to update our ancestry vital record data in 1993-94 when Homer St Francis did a "purge" to selectively remove people he did not like for political purposes, and then tried to change the underlying documents -- that corruption led to the creation of the Traditional Band of Mazipskoik.  A repeat of this corruption of Tribal Rolls by April St. Francis in the mid 2000's created the beginnings of a movement that later constitutionally eliminated the position of Chief in 2012. Christopher A. Roy (who later turned on Missisquoi), Carol Nan (nee: Gromatski) Nepton, and a suite of researchers at the Abenaki Research Project (under an Administration for Native Americans ANA Grant) did the research on genealogy beyond my meager ancestral knowledge; and cleared me as we were preparing to update the Federal Recognition petition records in late 1996. A page of the now-removed November 12, 1996 Missisquoi genealogical records enclosed here; note my grandmother listed as "Abenaki" by a blue arrow

Note that that document (Figure 6.) is a truly vital record of an assessment of ethnicity by duly appointed Missisquoi Abenaki Research Project officials; rather than some culturally ignorant 1890's white doctor or bureaucrat.

I had to resubmit it again in 2004-2005 when we were dealing with the first round of the Missisquoi Recognition rejection by the Federal Government BIA Acknowledgement Department, and again in 2009 in preparation for the State Recognition petition. Everyone had to "show a documented descendancy from an identified (by white people) Indigenous Ancestor;" a rigorous demand to meet the Federal (and later State of VT) criterion that was under consideration. This "tightening" of genealogical requirements knocked a lot of people off the tribal rolls. But as you can see from the above 2013 tribal card, I was not removed. So, I know that I was on the tribal rolls at the beginning of the Lampman regime in 2014. If Carollee Reynolds is, as she said, actively working on verifying genealogy for citizenship, she should have known this. If I was removed from the tribal rolls, it was quite recently, apparently by Carollee Reynolds, according to what she has told other Abenakis; without any form of due process through the Tribal Council. 

10.  When I asked Fred how he knew he had native ancestry he got very insulting, said I was too dumb to find it, and Tom Ledoux found it
Absolutely; below is the specific quote I sent her about "Tom Ledoux" that Carollee Reynolds refers to; that I emailed to her on October 11, 2018.  It documents a truly breathtaking misinterpretation of my statement about Darryl Leroux.  (NOT Tom Ledoux)

"Perhaps when Darryl Leroux comes after you and your ilk, you may begin to understand what you are doing.  You can rail against me and what I do all you want to mess up my genealogy online and probably elsewhere, but in the long run, what you do will pass, that which we do will endure, at least we can hope. Take your venom to people who hate, it works better there. I don't know what happened to you last April, but I don't care anymore. Good bye please. 

Carollee Reynolds emailed (I suppose) Tom Ledoux, and then a puzzled Tom wrote to me; trying to understand what was going on. I told Tom I did not have a clue, and asked who brought this up.  His portrayal of Carollee Reynolds' temperament in his reply to me, may shed a bit more light on the context of her completely delusional query from a "within the family" perspective.

"Fred, that's what I thought. I have a wacky cousin, Carollee Reynolds. We're related through John Hilliker and the Hogle, Lampman, Ledoux, and Patenaude families (about 20 times)."

The Darryl Leroux that I mentioned in my "insulting" email is Professor of Social Justice at St. Mary's University in Halifax, NS and the main purveyor of the "Race-shifting" concept based on weaponized genealogy such as practiced by Carollee Reynolds.
He (Darryl Leroux) is now actively deconstructing Missisquoi (and other VT tribes') leadership's right to be called "Indian."  He (Darryl Leroux) is portraying them as privileged white people.  
Check out this link for a glimpse of future woes for Missisquoi:

That Carollee Reynolds does not understand who Darryl Leroux is, documents a profound and troubling ignorance of genealogical issues that form an existential threat to her tribe.  Below is a sample of the October 22, 2019 Darryl Leroux Twitter quote to illustrate what I was referring to.

"At the October 09, 2019 meeting of the VCNAA, he (Richard Holschuh) explained how my book was putting “Abenaki tribes” in VT in “negative light”. Good. I’ve seen and completed dozens of genealogies of their leaders. Every single one of them rely on an ancestor or 2 from 1600’s ... In this case, white French-descendants weaponized pain and suffering faced by generations of actual Abenaki people who still live in New England, then lobbied to ban descendants of these same people from testifying about the truth."

[Darryl Leroux was/is specifically speaking of the Abenaki People whose parents and grandparents come from Odanak whose descendant child(ren) and grandchildren etc were/are living in the States, such as Richard "Skip" Robert Bernier and many others living in Vermont; and well as Denise Watso, and many others living in New York, etc.]

Carollee Reynolds must be able, in the very near future, to defend Missisquoi's genealogical credibility from a very well-funded and organized offensive operation. From what I have seen, she is not even close to being up to the task. Meanness and ineptitude are not a substitute for knowledge and logic in this case.

11. You (Fred Wiseman) are not related to the Hilliker’s
Judson Hilliker' mother was Christine Ouimet (one of my great-great grandparents' 4 children), who married Judson's father Dorman Hilliker. This connection is not very far in the past, and concerns an important family that should have been well known to Carollee Reynolds or others who have a passing competency in NW VT genealogy. 

Concluding thoughts

In summary, I have countered each of Carollee Reynolds' assertions that she has presented to me, or have been forwarded by other concerned Abenaki leaders. The assertion of my not having native ancestry is refuted by the November 12, 1996 Abenaki Research Project genealogy document included above. These assertions, flung about here and there in the VT Abenaki world, demonstrate a fascinating mix of ignorance, foolishness, ineptitude, obsession, illogic, and malice. Her assault has been labeled as "Lateral Violence," by at least one irritated Abenaki chief and a respected, but saddened cultural leader.  Another (angrier) Indigenous leader wrote that Carollee Reynolds is "doing the Devil's work."  Others seem saddened about her tragic, erratic behavior. However, I certainly do not consider myself oppressed by such a "genealogist."  I am happy to finish this distasteful endeavor, and can now get back to being of service to the Vermont indigenous community. 

Nevertheless, Carollee Reynolds' actions, combined with the troubling absence of my tribal files, and their use for personal purposes, indicate a deeper security problem that the Tribal Council needs to address. Twice before, during my 32 years at Missisquoi, there have been instances of tribal records being altered, removed or corrupted in secret for political or personal purposes. I am sure that this is not the systemic case today, so I am assuming that all of this nonsense is Carollee Reynolds' typically inept revenge for not being asked to be on the Alnôbaiwi Council

Lastly, I profoundly understand Missisquoi politics, having witnessed, studied, and chronicled the ebb and flow of ethical and unethical governance over the last 32 years. I believe that it may be best for the Tribal Council set aside politics and follow historical procedures in considering citizenship rather than allow an angry, inept, non-official fool play little secretive games in the ARP Archives to achieve some form of personal revenge. Also, it may be to the tribe's greater political advantage to retain me than fall prey to petty squabbles. The Tribe may soon need good, effective scholarship to counter the coming firestorm from a coalition of scholars and angry Indigenous advocates to the north and east of Missisquoi (referred to in the counter to Carollee Reynolds' bungled Leroux assertion). 

Dr. Darryl Leroux has Odanak and Indian Island stirred up, as well as Barry Dana and Western Maine "Abenakis" who are working to see Missisquoi fail. A combination of extreme leftist "Social Justice" theory combined with weaponized genealogy, and political rival tribes with full federal recognition, may be hard to counter using petty incompetents like Carollee Reynolds to sway the court of public opinion, if not in the legal courts. I have always been of service to Missisquoi and, as long as I have my tribal card, I will continue to serve.

Thank you for hearing my Complaint.

                          Band # 2585

My Response will follow in Part 9 of the TRUTH about Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD. ...

The TRUTH about Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD.- PART 7

Alright, NOW that you kind people have walked this far along the blog road of the "Abenaki" La-La-Land of the Vermont 're-invented' (race-shifting) reality ... I will get to the point of all the previous Parts 1 through 6 of the TRUTH about Frederick Matthew Wiseman below in this post; and in the following post.

Dr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD.

Fred M. Wiseman with Nancy (nee: Millette) and Senator Vincent Illuzzi

pretty much a "criminal enterprise"
"of their circus and monkeys"
right along with VT Senator Vince Illuzzi, Hinda Miller et al.

Now Frederick Matthew Wiseman stated that he was of Abenaki descent through his grandmother, Josephine (nee: Erno) Wiseman (October 01, 2019 on The Seven Days Newspaper, By Melissa Pasanen "Sweetwaters Chef and Abenaki Community Honor Traditional Foodways"

Fred M. Wiseman is an impostor, a race-shifting Professor whose apparently been PLAYING "ABENAKI" for a very very long time (since ca. 1986), likely "created" by the late Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. (and maybe even Walter Guy Watso) to my thinking to BS the State of Vermont Politicians. (Vince Illuzzi, if you are reading this, I hope you have an explanation)

As you have read from the published Vermont newspapers, he first implied it was his maternal grandmother that was "Abenaki" ... then going a number of years forward ... he implies and states clearly, that he's pinned-the-tail-of-his-Abenaki-ness on Josephine Kay (nee: Erno) who married his paternal grandfather, Frederick William Wiseman in 1904.

As you can see and review of these two jpeg's above, there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary with this genealogy (though I am not sure where Frederick Matthew Wiseman, was specifically born i.e. location within Maryland; but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater over that very slight technicality, we know he was born in the State of Maryland regardless).

NOW, just WHO is Josephine Kay (nee: Erno) born January 12, 1883 in Phillipsburg, Missisquoi County, Québec, Canada who married May 24, 1904 in Ste. Armand, Missisquoi County, Québec, Canada to Frederick William Wiseman (b. 1871 - d. 1985) and died on March 02, 1966 in St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont?

Did Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. map out and validate HER genealogy? Did Chris Roy or Carol Nepton check and validate this Professor's Grandmother's genealogy? Did ANY OF THEM EVER do the genealogy of her ancestors and their ethnicity, thereby such would be Josephine (nee: Erno) Wiseman's ethnicity?!

So, recently, I surprisingly got quite a number of communications from Carollee (nee: Reynolds) to my utter surprise, beginning October 06, 2019. And while I was extremely wary of her intention(s) ... (considering her previous retrospective repeated BAD MOUTHING and LIES about my person, trying to perpetuate 'disability shaming' to the next level, and infer that I was to be watched around little boys, when doing ceremony (lodges), and this and that nonsense, I decided to simply let her communicate via email.

October 06, 2019 
8:11 PM
From: Carollee Reynolds
To: Douglas Buchholz
Subject: Bruchacs
I knowingly misled the Bruchacs. I told them we had a common ancestor, Elizabeth Van Slyke.
I let them borrow a book I had. Elizabeth was born on the ship crossing from the Netherlands. I just wanted to see how far they would run with it ... I am a distant descendant of Ots Tock about 6 different ways. The Bruchacs are not from Ots Tock (?)

He is telling people that he is descended from a "Great Chief" the first chief of Swanton an Ouimette. He also told people that his home was the longest continually inhabited/ owned Abenaki home in Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont.
Now you may think me just a River Rat, indigenous to that area perhaps butt trying to claim that your Germanic privileged self in regards to a town where we go back at least 8 generations just makes me sick.

I could care less about the Bruchacs. Who I really do have issue is Fred Wiseman who is telling huge whoppers, that his house beautiful in Swanton is the longest continually occupied Abenaki home in the area. And that he is descended from a great chief? 
Whether or not any one is Abenaki isn't the point, it's running around telling gullible people a lot of lies about who you are, then telling people you are a spiritual leader! But I will try to get a copy of that book and photo copy it for you . His new 503(c)3 with the the  Ethan Allen Homestead is a complete dictatorship, money, members, grants all go directly through him. It's like the Mickey Mouse Club for Fred & Company.

October 10, 2918 
10:45 PM
Having retired with bad health I am letting go of negative things, I have trouble remembering half the places I have been ... much less the things I have said. I'm sorry for my behavior. I choose to go forward and not hold grudges as it weighs down and poisons today.Hopefully we have grown in the passing years, 2006-2019 is a chunk of time. I choose to remember the good things. I know you have a curious mind as do I and nobody else in the world cares about this stuff unless of course money is talking.

October 25, 2019
10:46 PM
Fred M. Wiseman spun some crap that because the Sheehans and Melody (nee: Walker) Brook (my first cousin's daughter) had a common ancestor that that somehow made them a tribe, through the Patnode/ Patenaude line.

October 25, 2019
11:02 PM
Fred M. Wiseman said he was the descendant of a Great chief called Ouimette so I started looking.

October 25, 2019
11:41 PM
Nancy (nee: Millette) was really nice to my daughter T K and myself and you know how defensive/ offensive people get about their beliefs. So I was going to stay out of that mess. To me the community was more about having a supportive family. Because mine were alcoholics, etc. 

You like the details and I am more into the broader strokes. However its just gotten to be about money and self importance. I don't pretend to know a lot of things but I do know the history of Swanton. 

Fred Wiseman's family doesn't show up there until 1910, mine were there continuously since 1788, so when dumb ass Wiseman tells a room full of people that his family has the longest occupied Abenaki residence in Swanton ... 

Also the Great Chief thing and he said his family was the last ones forced off the reserve. My dad remembered the flood of 1927 and their farm was across the river from Monument Road. he remembers that they floated canoes out the second floor windows, took the tools and kids, they were not forced off, the government paid them. 

My ancestor John Hilliker spoke Mohawk, Abenaki, French, German, and English. He has a Court document in St Albans where he leaves land to his Abenaki Daughter, also he interpreted for Abenakis in court. He leased his land from the Abenaki. So yes I know my family's history. 
When we first met Fred Wiseman at Johnson State College in the Theater he was doing this play about the Abenaki and it was so awful we laughed so we almost lost it, then it suddenly wasn't funny at the end of the play. I stood up and hollered across the theater, "Your full of shit, if anything like that walked across the streets of Swanton I'd think my grandparents would have known about it and the outfits you have the students wearing look like you took a box of outfits from all over and shook it up! That girl has a Seminole skirt on for Christ's Sake. He still it has on his Artist web page that he is Missisquoi Abenaki. He has a membership card from the 1990's because he couldn't produce any documentation; so whatever I am or am not, I share a heck of a lot of DNA with every one in that area.

October 26, 2019
9:11 AM
Melody (nee: Walker) Brook says she can't do genealogy. At her grandmother's Betty's funeral, I tried to find out what the older people thought and they all stubbornly said they were Mohawk.

October 26, 2019
5:01 PM
I just wish Don Stevens would adopt him Frederick Matthew Wiseman so he can play make believe other there.

October 26, 2019
5:26 PM
Missisquoi won't accept him Frederick Matthew Wiseman because his line is so far out. 
Don Stevens tried to get us to go to his group. 
I found out that he took every one from Swanton who didn't have any documentation. But they weren't full members. 
They couldn't vote, etc. So he created first and second class membership cards. I know some of those people, they have like one ancestral line; so Frederick Matthew Wiseman could become a member of Don's group!

October 26, 2019
5:41 PM
I know why he Frederick Matthew Wiseman left Johnson State College; and the same BS he told those girls is the same crap he is telling newbies "I am descended from a Great Chief and let me be your Spiritual leader" ... pass the cool aid.

October 26, 2019
6:00 PM
Frederick Matthew Wiseman has recruited the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs (that appointed by the Governor). Fred goes before the Commission but they have received goods and services and money from Fred.
The new By-Laws of his group Aln8baiwi, which is one of the reasons I hit the roof. So he has Don Stevens, Roger Sheehan and the current chief Eugene Rich in his pocket.

October 26, 2019
8:21 PM
Frederick Matthew Wiseman has the perfect self-sustaining system. He invents the other groups ... then he makes up his little group with complete control over monetary grant's etc. He can cherry pick who he wants and his council is appointed by him, such as his secretary. He can kick out anyone he wants. He doles out the grant money at his discretion, because he thinks that he won't find enough Native People he will have " friends" of the Alnôbaiwi  to dress up. There is no voting, as there is a gag order ... so no one says anything ... and he controls all press releases.
On his council, are Vt Native Commission,  Eugene G. Rich (who has been giving him Missisquoi money and Eagle wings), who gets to sell his stuff at Ethan Allen Homestead; and Fred M. Wiseman has a special clause wherein the council gets special trips to Maine, etc. with Fred discreetly.
Joanne Crawford and her teenage son Patrick are on his council.
Joanne Crawford is also on the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs VCNAA as is several other people; all the commissioners got invited to be on Fred's Aln8baiwi Organization. 
I wrote to Vermont Governor Scott about the corruption from his own appointed people. I asked him to read the by-laws. 
Eugene got chewed out by the elders for treating me Carollee Reynolds really bad and threatening me. I included that, plus information that Fred Wiseman is lying about having a current St. Francis-Sokoki membership card. 
Then I explained this to the Vermont head commissioner who was clueless, because then she went silent .... because Fred is trying to get funding for his club through the VCNAA commission, while on her watch. 
Then I put pressure on the St. Francis-Sokoki group while at the same time, I kept telling Don Stevens that the guy Fred Wiseman lies. At first Don Stevens tried to intimidate me and when that didn't work, he wrote an email explaining what my point was. 
I asked Aaron Todd York to reason with his stepdad Fred M. Wiseman but then a month later Aaron said for me to 'stop being evil' and I said in response that "stealing ancestors for material gain is wrong". Then Morgan Lamphere who is also in Fred's club and tribal council sent me a poorly written letter as if it were scribbled in kindergarten, and in reply, I asked him about his ethics? I said my grandmother would have whacked pansy ass Fred M. Wiseman with her ugly stick. 
Then there's all the violations of the Indian Arts law. Fred has a card from the 1990's which was issued before we had to produce actual birth death and marriage certificates
Because he couldn't produce those documents, his membership was revoked by the previous tribal council before Eugene Rich was chief. 
The head commissioner now wants to see his card. I also said I would later drive to all the places he makes money in the next election. The other 2 candidate despise Fred M. Wiseman; except Eugene who obviously has his head up Fred's ass. I am going to try to get an amendment wherein no one who is in leadership can take favors from Fred Wiseman PhD. 
It doesn't see like much but perhaps other people will catch on to the sneaky grasping behavior of Fred's.

October 26, 2019
8:35 PM
I could not believe the people at the meeting of the Aln8baiwi org. by-laws just went along with it. 
I got excited saying that I asked (or was asked) to be part of this group so take my name off your damn list. 
They all had dollars and trips dancing in their eyes ... so now Fred's trying to rewrite history
The fools were marching in the St Albans Maple Festival; that's like the Irish descendants dressing up and marching. It was so embarrassing, because they looked like a bunch of crazies with cheap powwow pan-Indian crap on.

October 26, 2019
8:37 PM
Fred Wiseman is into everything. He has the monopoly and now he says he's a spiritual teacher; that's why I stay home. 

October 26, 2019
9:41 PM
Tom Ledoux Sr. had called my parents house in the 1970's and asked if we had an oral history of John Hilliker jumping Split Rock in Lake Champlain. When I said yes, but that our history was that John Hilliker had jumped Split Rock because the Indian warriors had been chasing him due to he was too popular with the Indian women. 
The real reason was because the Colonists kept commandeering him as a Scout and he afterwards became a Tory and went to Sorel, Quebec.

October 26, 2019
11:06 PM
Did I tell you that Fred Wiseman said I was too stupid to find his Indian lines and that Tom Ledoux did, I know Tom Ledoux and his father so Tom wrote to Fred and said his family had never met him much less did his genealogy.

October 27, 2019 
12:44 AM
Supposedly Eugene's grandmother was on tribal council Eugene runs for reelection in November. Brenda Gagne is a candidate and Dick Menard, the totem pole guy. He seems pretty down to earth; but both of them really hate Fred. 

I've called Fish and Game about the eagle feathers. I have turned him in a couple of times for the Indian Arts program on the federal level. 
If he is outed by the commission, that might do something In his group, Charles Lawrence Delaney Jr. is an Elder (Ha Ha Ha). 
If you send me a corrected copy of his genealogy I guess I could plaster the Capital Building and the Maritime museum and over the Internet. 
I could also put it up in the office; but not with Eugene there. 
But the Vermonters eat that stuff up and it generates tourist dollars. 

October 27, 2019
1:25 PM
She showed Fred's genealogy to Eugene Rich. She said he had a funny look on his face.

October 27, 2019
7:13 PM
Most of Don Steven's Nulhegan people only have one rumored line (sigh). 
When Don was trying to give me a talking to, he was most worried that you would get wind of it.

October 28, 2019 
3:15 AM
I recently found out that Fred M. Wiseman used my grandmother to legitimize the Elnu
Apparently we had a common ancestor Alexis Patnode. Fred M. Wiseman told the Vermont Legislature that because the Roger Longtoe Sheehan' group were distantly related when Melody joined with them that that made the proof that Elnu was a tribe
A month ago Seven Days kept calling Fred M. Wiseman an Abenaki and about his lineage, so I wrote and alluded to the Johnson State College thing along with the corruptness of his organization ... And also the Abenaki Artists Association non-profit.

Douglas Buchholz to Carollee Reynolds: "Interesting dynamics with the Patnode connection between the two groups, Missisquoi and Elnu. Do you have objective evidence of this mess, or is it just "awareness" / belief/ perception of what, how why and when on your part? 
What you state makes sense on the surface but I am curious if there is documentation to this situation you describe?"

October 28, 2019 
3:15 AM
Seven Days wrote all this stuff about Fred M. Wiseman being native and I made them aware that the tribe had proof, in genealogy, that Fred wasn't native, but that he was a fraud
I hooked that information all up to the Abenaki Artists Association and showed Phil this Professor Wiseman's artists page and reminded him that Fred helped them become a tribe and now he is using them to make money for himself and keep the lie alive. 
I asked Phil to have him produce his tribal card; he has the old green one. 
When we asked for vital records he could not produce them. 
Look at that list of accomplishment on the web page ... he states "my work is not available for the Euro-Americans to buy and he lists whom he has gifted these to legitimate chiefs in other places. I will look to find the document about my grandmother.

October 28, 2019
1:54 PM
I just now wrote to the Vermont Governor again, stating that 5 generations ago, the Sheehan's and Doris had a common ancestor from Canada who was 100% percent white and never lived in Vermont but Malone New York
I said I met the Sheehan' online doing genealogy and they came up to meet me at a powwow, and they then ran into Melody (Walker) Brook. 
I said to the Governor that my family had no contact with the Sheehan' ... until they came up seeking distant relatives. Frederick Matthew Wiseman then fraudulently helped them become a tribe and then used them to further his lies, sell his stuff, get paid lectures and further support more of his lies.

October 28, 2019
1:54 PM
In the Elnu's recognition draft is my grandmother Doris (nee: Hilliker) Reynolds. They used her to show a pattern of affiliation. 
Also how Frederick Matthew Wiseman is profiting off the same people he helped to create.

October 28, 2019
3:28 PM
I was referring to Fred Wiseman. Your work is impressive!

October 28, 2019
4:22 PM
I try to be understanding and patient with people but when I figured out the ever-widening circle of self-aggrandizing, self-serving  bullshit and brazen-capitalizing off the same people he looks down on, his name is now 'Fred, the Euro-American' ... how much more of a hypocrite can one be!

October 28, 2019
4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Doris Hilliker Reynolds
You know, I think I read about my Grandmother being used by the Elnu like that on your blog last month and it was the first time I had heard of it. Because my grandmother would never have agreed to let her name be used like that. A person would have gotten some rare abuse from her. 
Melody and her mom have no idea how to use genealogy. Melody's mom thought those 4 Indians in Alburgh, Vermont ca. 1863-4 ... had been brought in as a bounty and forced into the Civil War.

October 28, 2019
6:32 PM
Hi, I don't think I am going to send this to anyone yet. I don't want them to think that I have a grudge,  who's finally figuring it out. I don't want to alienate the other groups because when they hear it's you (Salmon) their brain turns off ... so I hope I can remain anonymous. 
If it comes out another way then it will be just me against Fred M. Wiseman. 
Other people tried to keep me quiet and my answer is "over my dead body! 
Where are you ethics?" I asked them.
I wonder how embarrassed the State of Vermont will be? 
Will they sweep it under the rug or go right after Fred?
Vermont Governor Phil Scott is running for re-election and perhaps he doesn't want this info to bite him in the ass. 
I gave the genealogy to a person who wants to be rid of Fred Wiseman. 
If Eugene G. Rich decides to give the Euro-American (Fred) a membership card then this might be ammunition. 
Like the pictures of the Ouimette relatives; a picture is worth a thousand words! For now, since the shit has hit the fan (the nonprofit is no longer listed and their site is down for maintenance) I'm just going to let Eugene and Fred stew. 
I will be watching to see what happens to the Abenaki Artists page, I'm all in favor of community but I'm not one for dancing for the tourists for that clown Fred Wiseman. 

October 28, 2019
7:39 PM
I am sorry for my words about you.
Bruce Delorme said he was in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) with Charles Delaney Jr. who was kicked out for trying to **** a ****. 
I am standing up. Don Steven's thinks he's enrolled and had sent an email to Fred Wiseman stating my beef. 
Please forgive any wrong I have done you. I really am trying to be a better person. Thank God for my little dog, she makes this studio apartment a home. 
The band is in a sorry state now; nobody wants to hang around; only 25 people showed up for harvest supper this year, when it used to be 300 persons.
Montpelier has already been getting complaints about all of this business with Fred Wiseman and Co. way before I started. I have been encouraging others as well to speak out and stand up.

October 29, 2019
12:51 PM
From: Carollee Reynolds
Subject: Fwd: Emailing Frederick M. Wiseman Ancestral Chart October 28 2019.pdf
To: Brook, Melody, Tom Ledoux Jr., Chief Donald Stevens Jr., Jesse Lawyer, Morgan Lamphere, Roger Longtoe Sheehan, Eugene Rich (personal email), Eugene Rich (business email), Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Charles Delaney Jr., Chan Crawford, and the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi Newsletter

To Whom It may Concern, 
I am fed up with the Euro-American Frederick Matthew Wiseman lying about his past, his ancestors and their heritage. He used my Grandmother Doris (nee: Hilliker) Reynolds' name to further his own capitalistic and self self-promoting ambitions
He has no native ancestry. 
He was not descended from a great chief. 
So I hear Fred telling people that his residence is the longest continually occupied Abenaki dwelling. His German ancestor moved into Swanton in 1910 and married a pure French Woman.
He says his family was the last people forced of the reserve (sic). Actually Carollee is referring to the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge, not a reserve. 
My father remembers great flood of 1927, they had a farm near Macs Bend on the Missisquoi across from Monument Rd. My dad said they floated canoes out the second floor window, put tools and kids and paddled away. The government paid them for their land. Nobody was forced out and the Missisquoi Wildlife Reserve (sic) Refuge did not exist at the time. What a twisting of words and lies! He creates non-profits to continue to circulate his lies. 
No More!
Perhaps he is delusional or senile? He (Fred Wiseman) is not a member of the Missisquoi Band. 
He has a card from the 1990's; but since that time, the tribe required birth, death and marriage records. He uses the tribes name and then bad mouths them. 
He says he is a spiritual leader, which is so pathetic and sad. 
If you all want to be his puppet tourist Indians then go right a head. 
Let people pay $10.00 bucks a head to watch the Indians eat. 
It was so degrading and humiliating. 
Where are native values like humility and not making a big deal of yourself. 
You can decide; but I am going to every place Fred makes money off our culture and every publishing house and straighten this out.

[Clarification: Professor Fred Wiseman uses the word "reserve" when talking about the Missisquoi Wildlife Refugee while doing speaking engagements/ presentations, because people are NAIVE as to his distortions. Using the word "reserve" in lieu of "refuge" is not a Freudian-slip oops moment of Fred's slippery tongue. It is quite intentional on his part. Because "reserve" equates to "reservation" wherein he can IMPLY more of his BS to the naive Vermont (etc) audience. You see, he wants the audience(s) to believe stupidly that the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge was somehow an Abenaki Reservation, wherein Abenakis were forcibly removed in the 1920's or so. In fact, people were FLOODED OUT in 1927, and the Disaster Relief trucks came in to save people. No one was "forced out" or removed (as Charles L. Delaney Jr.) has implied, to made to "disappear".] 

October 29, 2019
1:28 PM
From: Fred Wiseman
Subject: RE: Emailing Frederick M. Wiseman Ancestral Chart October 28 2019.pdf
To: Carollee Reynolds

Melody (nee: Walker) Brook
Tom Ledoux
Chief Donald Stevens Jr.
Jesse Lawyer
Vera Sheehan
Morgan Lamphere
Roger Longtoe Sheehan
Eugene Rich
Ethan Allen Homestead Museum
Charles Delaney Jr.
Chan Crawford
Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
Rich Holschuh

I was not planning to release this document regarding Carollee Reynolds, but I suppose this is the time. It is too bad. She had so much potential, wasted. Eugene Rich, could you make sure that the Tribal Council gets this complaint. I am sorry to have to do this. Be well.
F. (Frederick Matthew Wiseman)

(Please note in the email section, Carollee Reynolds wanted to learn spirituality from coursework I was planning)

October 29, 2019
1:02 PM
From: Carollee Reynolds
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: I emailed this to Fred, Eugene and a lot of other people along with his pedigree.

October 29, 2019
2:17 PM
Fred has filed a complaint against me with the tribe.

October 29, 2019
6:15 PM
Fred is trying to lodge a grievance against me with the tribe. But Fred is not on the rolls. 
Also I lodged a complain against Eugene Rich and Cody Hemingway for saying nasty demeaning sexual things to me.
If Eugene Rich contacts me I will tell him that he gave tribal money and he was on Fred's Aln8baiwi "Council" I already told Vermont Gov. Phil Scott about his appointed State VCNAA members being on Fred's Aln8baiwi Council. 
Fred was going to the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs (VCNAA) for grants, etc.  Eugene also accepted favors, publicity and money from Fred. Eugene Rich is implicated with Fred's doings.
Some folks are telling me that I ruined Fred's reputation, works etc etc. I said "Well, Fred's was a fraud using my grandmother and lying about the area". 
The Alnôbaiwi Incorporated is no longer listed on the Secretary of State's website and if you click on their website it says under massive maintenance.

October 29, 2019
6:43 PM
I just got an email from Donald Warren Stevens Jr., and he said that if I drag this out into public ... then I am no better than you, Salmon (Douglas Lloyd Buchholz). Don Stevens also said he didn't want to get involved, so I said Fred is not enrolled in the tribe and that he, Don Stevens, was subordinate to Fred in the Alnôbaiwi Incorporated group.

October 29, 2019
7:16 PM
I have put this out in public to the Governor's Office and Seven Days etc. I am going to follow up with all the public places Fred relies on.

Fred has written up some trash on me and sent it out, but who the hell is going to care? I'm nobody. I haven't made money off anything. I am not selling anything. 
Personally I like the slow roast.
Let him fume and worry and try to do damage control, and whine like crazy.

October 29, 2019
7:23 PM
Eugene G. Rich was a cop in Swanton, VT. He beat the hell out of Jesse James Larocque back in the day. He said he believed in racial profiling. 
I brought a complaint up to the tribe because he (Eugene) and Cody Hemingway were really saying nasty sexual things ... and the council let Cody have it ... so he hasn't been around. 
Eugene Rich called me a liar and said I was crazy. 
Now Fred Wiseman wants Eugene Rich to file a complaint against me. 
He's got something missing. He's not with the tribe and Eugene will be opening a can of worms for reelection.
I have already complained to the Vt Commission on Native American Affairs and the Governor etc. about Eugene Rich and Joanne Crawford, who are both Fred's minions.
She showed up last year from Shelburne, Vermont offering to be on the Maquam Board and the Vermont State VCNAA. She is one sneaky person and grasping at everything she can attach herself to. 
The tribal ladies call her Joan Crawford. She refused to eat their food. So Joanne became Fred's right-hand person in the Alnôbaiwi Incorporated group. 
Fred Wiseman makes a proclamation and she backs it up. 
She is at the State level (VCNAA, tribal level and very friendly with Eugene Rich. And also on Fred's Alnôbaiwi Inc.'d council. She put her teenage son Patrick on the Alnôbaiwi Inc.'d council, while he's still in high school ... and hes going to have hierarchy over elder members? 
She is a 'female' version of Eugene Rich. I called her out at tribal council, i.e. "there's another snake in the grass!"

October 31, 2019
4:10 PM
So Fred responded to the letter I emailed to him by asking Eugene G. Rich to take his complaint against me, to the Tribal Council.
1. Fred M. Wiseman is not on the membership rolls.
2. If Eugene Rich does that,  then he implicates himself and that he gave Fred  money and free advertising, etc. Plus he is on the Vt Commission (VCNAA) that Fred tries to get grants and endorsements from.

November 03, 2019
9:12 AM
Fred M. Wiseman sent Eugene Rich a formal complaint against me with the tribe ... wherein I would have to show up and defend myself. So far nothing has come of this.
So factually when I was up at the Harvest Festival in Swanton, VT there were Jeff Benay and other people on the membership rolls who have wanted to ditch Fred Wiseman as well, So I can truthfully say it came from with in the tribe.

November 08, 2019
4:37 PM
Don Stevens Jr. put Jesse Bruchac and Jesse's kid "on display" in Burlington on Church Street and officially declared them Abenakis and at that point I really took a dim view of Don Stevens Jr.
I'm just waiting for Don to take Fred in!

November 11, 2019
11:10 PM
I just read Fred's complaint against me. It was submitted a while back, but nothing came of it. 
I like the part where Don Stevens tells Patrick about Fred. (Ha Ha Ha)

November 12, 2019
12:27 AM
So funny about Fred Wiseman asking Eugene Rich to see his paperwork that was allegedly illegally taken. Also how Don Stevens Jr. told other people. I didn't want to be on Fred's Alnôbaiwi Inc.'d council. 
It was when he put in his by-laws wherein it stated that people had to submit an application and could be turned down and anyone could be kicked out with out due cause that I started saying that "I never applied so take my name off your list Fred!" 
See how stupid Wiseman is, when he was refuting my 1910 statement he starts talking about 1908. 
I do not have access to tribal genealogies but they are a wreck. 
I don't need to drive 70 miles round trip for free to steal his genealogy files! 
If someone wants me to look something up for them, then I do that.
Douglas, free to use my letter about him using my grandmother and Fred's complaint about me. The dumb ass just proves that he is, in fact, a fraud. 
You can mention because he isn't in the band, that nothing came of his complaint against me.

November 12, 2019
Forwarded message
From: Carollee Reynolds 
Subject: Fwd: Emailing Frederick M. Wiseman Ancestral Chart October 28 2019.pdf
You can put that in your blog Douglas.

November 12, 2019
12:25 PM
It has been said that the prior chief sent letters to people who had no supporting documentation, before their files were removed, so Eugene Rich, did in fact know.

November 12, 2019
10:15 PM
I always knew Fred M. Wiseman was full of crap, and apparently he was unpublished before he moved to Swanton, this has been his gravy train, his platform for him to play an important person and direct other people. I'm going to give away my regalia and never attend anything else; there's just too many self-serving people. A lot of these people have a weak sense of identity and hide behind embellishment. 

Regardless of the above cited emails from Carollee (nee: Reynolds) Matthews to my person, I have decided to post them, AND re-examine Dr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman's genealogy, and in particular, that of whom he claims in his ancestry, was his "Abenaki" grandmother. 

Review and (please) cross-reference the genealogical ancestry of his paternal grandmother Josephine Kay (nee: Erno) and FIND and CONCLUDE what I have.

She (Josephine) was NOT ABENAKI. Hell, she wasn't even descended from ANY NATIVE PEOPLE whatsoever! 

So HOW IS IT that Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD. can sit there (or stand there) and claim his paternal grandmother, Josephine Kay (nee: Erno) Wiseman was an Abenaki? When CLEARLY she was not even Native at all !!

OK, now that we are (again) touring the cesspool of Vermont's concocted post-1975 "Abenaki" La-La-Land , let's next post Dr. Frederick Matthew Wiseman's recent complaint to Eugene G. Rich, (of the St. Francis-Sokoki group up in Swanton, Vermont) complaining about Ms. Carollee (nee: Reynolds) Matthews, on October 29, 2019 and emailed to all of his cronies/ followers/minions.

Because this all begins and ends with objective evidence along with genealogy.

Part 8 of the TRUTH about Frederick Matthew Wiseman PhD will be next ...