
Monday, February 19, 2018

Recent Online Statement by the Nulhegan "Chief" Donald Warren Stevens Jr.

February 08, 2018
WAMC Northeast Public Radio
By Pat Bradley
City Councilors Consider Action on Controversial Downtown Mural
A 124-foot long mural near Burlington’s downtown shopping mall has become a controversial subject. At the most recent city council meeting, a resolution was put forward to remove the artwork, arguing it does not reflect the city’s diversity.

The “Everyone Loves a Parade” mural along the Marketplace Alley, which connects the shopping district to the parking garage, was painted in 2012 to showcase the history of Burlington and the state of Vermont.  The mural was vandalized in October and called racist, prompting communities of color in the city to urge its removal.
Ward 7 Democrat/Progressive Councilor Ali Dieng, the only individual of color on the council, proposed looking into the legal ramifications of its removal.  “I did not see the many New Americans as well as African Americans and people with disabilities represented. It is really important for us to take the mural down. But knowing that there are some legal ramifications I am asking for the city attorney to get back to the council by March 12, 2018.”
His efforts were supported during the public comment period by several individuals including Annie Lawson.  “This issue is about a mural that proposes to tell the story of our community. Folks who are Abenaki, disabled, Black, Latino, New American, immigrant, LGBTQ, other people of color are not shown on this mural.”
 “I’m Chief Stevens. I’m the Chief of the Nulhegan Abenaki tribe. I want to make it clear.  We are a sovereign nation. We are not victims. We would like to promote education and cultural opportunities which I think Burlington has a unique position to be able to afford that including the mural.  It’s problematic just from the fact that it doesn’t represent Abenaki people. But I want to find ways to work with you guys in promoting our culture in a positive manner.”
East District Councilor Democrat Richard Deane says the community needs time to work together to resolve the underlying issues the mural debate highlights.  “I don’t believe that the mural accurately or fully reflects who we are as a community or the history of all of us as immigrants to this place, because we are all immigrants other than the First Nations peoples. Taking the mural down without a robust process doesn’t support or motivate the opportunity for open dialog and deeper understanding.”
Mayor Miro Weinberger said the mural was a well-intentioned effort to upgrade the alleyway when it was envisioned in 2009 and 2010.  “There are issues of artist rights and public art values and issues of government overreach here.  It’s not even clear what the city owns and there’s a lot to be sorted through here. And I think we should support the idea that as a next step we get this counsel from the city attorney.  We can continue parallel to that having some additional communication about how we move forward.”
Clauses ordering the mural removed were deleted and councilors approved on a 7 to 5 vote a resolution asking the city attorney to report back to the council by March 12, 2018 on the legal ramifications of removal.

My thoughts: 

Here is a "Chief" who claims and implies that he is an Abenaki descendant, and yet ... (wait for it) no Abenaki ancestry can be detected in his ancestry. As for their group's "founding document" (the Philippe - Louie Métallic Land Deed of mid-1796) that's BS too. This group was created in 2003-2004 and is not "historical" whatsoever, other than the reality that 2004 is before 2018.

But how I digress ...

Donald Warren Stevens Jr. implies that his group, (The Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe was afforded State Recognition on April 22, 2011) is sovereign...

Apparently, this "Chief" is having delusions of grandeur, and his Highness has his BS backed up clear to his brain.

NOWHERE in S.222 nor in Act 107 does it imply or state that ANY GROUP within Vermont, (that claims fraudulently to be an "Abenaki" "Tribe"), that they are sovereign nations whatsoever!

Check for yourselves:

If you look and evaluate closely, NONE of these groups were recognized officially as Abenaki Tribes whatsoever either. They were officially recognized at Native American Tribes, generically because the State needed to create a generic Native American "tribe" for minority status, so they could tap into Federal Monies, with these "new" "tribes" created since 2009. It's that simple.

The group that Don Stevens' is "Chief" of claiming to be connected with the afore-said Land Deed (Surrender) in ca. 1796 doesn't apply to him or his ancestors the Phillips Family of Vermont. Genealogically and Genetically this is proven over and over again. (Of course, he would deny that this is the reality, because he doesn't operate in reality apparently).

So, yeah, whatever floats their boats in Vermont, implying they are a sovereign nation. I am sure the Vermont Legislature and Governor's Office including the Attorney General's Office would politely conclude differently! Then again, Vermont's Legislature was gullible and naive more than once or twice with these self-declared /self - identifying "Abenakis" and their incorporation's-created, giving them an inch or two.

Now they want to claim they are sovereign nations in Vermont ... and take a mile ... or two ... or three.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A bit of a thought about the Bruchac Narrative, etc. on this fine Monday afternoon ...

"Penn State has hired multiple tenured fast-track Native American professors. In 2013, when the University hired Assistant Professor of Anthropology Margaret Bruchac, she was the third tenured fast-track Native American professor to be hired by Penn."

The Bruchac's narrative doesn't fit the genealogical and genetic research into their Bowman ancestors. So what does this say about their WHITE PRIVILEGE in gaining the positions that they have ... based on their false yet repeatedly perpetuated ancestral narrative?

They are not descendants of the O'Bomsawin's of Odanak ... that they pimped and pushed to the na(t)ive and non-native public for years.

The genetic Y-DNA proves this false ancestral narrative to the reality for what it is. And since that is the reality, what about everything else that Marge Bruchac - Kennick and her brother Joe Burchac has embellished and pawned out there in her or his writings, (or should I say their "historical imagination"!)

This point ALSO APPLIES TO FREDERICK MATTHEW WISEMAN of then-Johnson State College, and many others.

Let's take a look at the reality here:

1. Ots Toch - married a Dutchman VanSlyck (she was 100% Mohawk Indian woman allegedly)
2. Elizabeth VanSlyck - married a VanBuren so she would be 50% Mohawk Indian woman
3. Cornelius VanBuren - married a Dutch woman he would be 1/4% Mohawk Indian man
4. Aaltje VanNess VanBuren - she would be 1/8th Mohawk Indian woman
5. Hendrikje Fonda VanBuren - 1/16th Mohawk Indian woman (if #1 were full-blood Mohawk)
6. Douwe VanAntwerp - 1/36th Mohawk Indian        
7. Winant Van Antwerp – A drop 1/64th = "Damn near nothing"
8. Daniel Wynet Van Antwerp - 1/128th = "Tiny Drop"
9. Alice Van Antwerp - 1/256th - Her was husband Lewis H. Bowman Sr.
10. Jesse Elmer Bowman - He ain't no Mohawk or an Abenaki! - 1/512th
11. Marion Flora Bowman - 1/1024th - She swore up and down she weren't no Indian!
12. Joseph Edward Bruchac III - 1/2048th - There ain't no NDN drops left!
13. Jesse Bowman Bruchac - 1/4096th - “Abenaki” based on Beliefs, Theories, and Stories…

So ... what are these Colleges and University's really pimping out there to naive students in their education seeking? Are the University's and Colleges getting on the band wagon of making and pimping FAKE Native "professors" of questionable dubious Native Ancestry and or Status? 

You do remember Iron Eyes Cody?
You do remember Ward Churchill?
You do remember Mariella Squire - Hakey?
You do remember Rachel Dolezal?
You do remember Susan Taffe Reed?
You do remember Elizabeth Warren?
You do remember Donna (Carvalho) Charlebois - Moody?

How about Joseph Edward Bruchac III?
How about Margaret (nee: Bruchac) Kennick?
How about Jesse Bowman Bruchac?
How about James Edward Bruchac?

In conclusion ... about Marge Bruchac and her "tenured fast-track Native American professor" ... it is based on what exactly? Other than creating FAKE / FALSEHOODS that the Bruchac's themselves have created about their ancestors and themselves (repeatedly) for their own status and profit.

(P.S. I am sure this will be ignored by the 'feel-good' Native People's in many communities ... because the truth and the facts are difficult to look at, to acknowledge and accept ... the Bruchac's DEPEND on that ignorance ... to gain what they have and continue to seek).

They are so DESPERATE to be Indians ... Jesse Bowman Bruchac created a website (quick as he could) in September 2015 when he heard I was researching his ancestors ...

WHY is it that the Y-DNA Haplogroup genetically tested and confirmed as R-Z2109 FROM EUROPE for Jesse Elmer Bowman and his brothers, and their father Lewis Bowman Sr.? 

We know who Sophie Senecal dit LaFramboise / Rasberry' ancestors now and ALL OF HER ANCESTORS came from FRANCE. Joe Bruchac is a wonderful storyteller ... just like Iron Eye's Cody (the 100% percent Italian) and other Non-Native People's PLAYING INDIAN, whether in Hollywood or as authors ... and as presenters in public engagements.



Question is: 

Was Lewis Bowman Sr. actually of the Bowman family in reality, or was he genetically from a different surname altogether? (Stay tuned boys and girls ... ) 

M-269 > R-Z2109 is the Bowman Y-DNA Haplogroup and more testing is being done, to ascertain whether or not (further down the phylogenetic tree IF that Haplogroup Y-DNA R-Z2109 will change into a smaller more defined haplogroup, such as KMS67 and or FGC6444.

Fake is Fake and Lies are Lies

TRUTH is what I am hunting ...