
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Nancy L. (nee: Coffin) Lecompte Communications from June 04, 2009 up to March 2015:

Jun 4, 2009 
[NOTICE that it was May 29, 2009 that I began this blog]
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: Re: here is the link; have fun love ya......
Ok My Friend - Ne-Do-Ba is ready to officially weight in on this
situation, if you want it!

I think it is time for Ne-Do-Ba to make a public statement, so I have carefully put some words on paper - certainly it will stir things up and bring down some heat on us - but it's time to take a public stand.
I can't figure out how to post it as a comment on your blog - and not exactly sure where the best place would be to put it, so I will send it to you and you can do what you want with it. Perhaps you will want to make it a "guest" blog entry or something like that rather than a comment. That would be fine with me.
Perhaps a title or tag line should read "Statement by Ne-Do-Ba concerning Western Abenaki History & Genealogy" or something along that line.

Here it is
Our nonprofit organization, Ne-Do-Ba, has been quietly sitting for years in the back corner listened to and watching events unfold in Western Maine, Vermont, & New Hampshire. As an organization, we have always insisted who you are is your business and not ours - we are interested only in the ancestors and in recovering the lost history of the Wabanaki People of Interior Northeast. We do not maintain information on people born after 1890 in our genealogical database and we can not confirm or deny the claim of "Abenaki" by anyone living today.

Our research to date suggests the true Abenaki bands still in place in the Interior Northeast at the time of the Revolutionary War slowly disintegrated or merged with the Wabanaki groups that continued to maintain a land base in Maine, Quebec, and New Brunswick. By disintegrate, we mean members of those bands made individual choices rather than group choices about how to survive. Some chose to maintain their culture, some chose to accept a different culture, and some chose to adapted one to the other - but regardless of the outcome it was THEIR CHOICE and we can not change that. Some may feel that remaining Abenaki was simply not an option at various times in history, but the fact that
we still have recognized Wabanaki groups (such as Odanak, Penobscot, Maliseet, etc.) that were able to maintained land and identity demonstrates it was an option and survival was possible when that option was chosen.

Our research is always on-going and every day we make new discoveries that force us to re-evaluate previous beliefs and former conclusions. If any one can provide documentation of any kind to support the concept that any band remained intact and off-reservation in Western Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont after 1860, we would certainly welcome hearing from you. Anecdotal information from personal family stories has value and we welcome it. However, please understand that such things are not proof unless some part of it can be substantiated by some form of documentation from the time period.

As an individual, I have always believed that we should honor all aspects of our ancestry without favoring one over another. By claiming in an obviously public way that we are Abenaki, Mi'qmaq, Irish, German or whatever, we create a responsibility to those ancestors. Before demanding that history and governments have wronged us, we must be active in discovering the real and complete story (not just our family's version). We must be willing to accept whatever we discover and willing to put it out there for others to see. I applaud Douglas for being brave enough to do this with his family history. Unless others are willing to do this, their motives and sincerity should be questioned.

I personally can not document my Native ancestry. Because of that and out of respect for those who chose throughout history to remain Abenaki (those reservation/reserve families of today), I have stopped referring to myself as "Abenaki" and simple state that I believe I am an "Abenaki descendant". I do not ask for anything from anyone based on this self-designation and I have never accepted money based on my claim to Abenaki ancestry. All moneys coming through me for Wabanaki research or programming go directly to Ne-Do-Ba to further our research. It is also
important to understand Ne-Do-Ba has never received any grants or funding earmarked for Native American minorities. We survive on volunteer hours and very meager donations from individuals.

It's one thing to declare yourself an "Abenaki descendant" and honor that ancestry by attending PowWows, supporting Native rights, learning the crafts, language, & culture, participating in ceremonies, etc., but it's quite another to declare yourself to be an "Abenaki chief", "medicine man", or "Abenaki band" and demand others to accept that without question. If you were applying to the Penobscot Nation (or any other recognized Native group) for membership, you would have to prove
your claim with copious documentation. Why should it be any different for these self-proclaimed groups? They need to back up their claims if they expect others (especially governments) to take they seriously.

I see no problem with setting up nonprofit organizations as social, genealogical, and/or historical societies with a focus on our Native heritage. These groups can provide valuable services to their members and there are several out there that do just that. But when these groups declare they are speaking for all Abenaki, demand states acknowledge them as Native Americans and provide them with special rights, or make claims about historical people or events they can not substantiate with
some form of documentation - that is, I believe, CROSSING THE LINE. I am very glad to see that someone is finally questioning the activity and claims of some people and groups in a public forum.


Please - do not think that all "Abenaki" people or all "Abenaki" organizations are acting in fraudulent or inappropriate ways. As with anything, there are some good ones and some not so good ones. Please take the time to look into the claims of people or organizations you are interested in and form your own opinion before becoming involved with them.

As I mentioned at the beginning, Ne-Do-Ba is involved with the past. This is the first and most likely the only time Ne-Do-Ba or myself  will ever make a public statement concerning a modern day issue. It is only being done because some of the people and groups in question are seriously fouling the waters with unsubstantiated claims and making our mission of rediscovering the lost Abenaki history of this region even more difficult then it already is.

Thank You for your time
Nancy Lecompte
Research Director for
A Maine Nonprofit 501(c)3 Corporation

P.S. We will respond to any constructive conversation generated by our statements. Any e-mail containing foul or derogatory language will be immediately deleted without further reading or response from Ne-Do-Ba and the e-mail address will be added to our blocked address list.









Jul 17, 2009
From: Nancy
Subject: Re: Vermont Abenaki Blog
You say his statements are "neither truthful nor accurate" but you don't explain in what way or where he is in error. Sorry, but I do not have time to review and research each detail he is writing.
Have you read the material on the page link I sent? Here it is again in case you lost it.
You certainly have the right to think and act any way you want concerning your ancestry. Ne-Do-Ba will never make any public comment for or against the ancestry claims of any specific living person.
However, once you make a public claim, I feel very strongly that you MUST to be able to document your claim in a proper way and willing to make that information public.
If Salmon has made a transcription error in the material from Gretchen, then talk to him about it in a reasonable manner - I'm sure he will correct it. If he has made an error in the genealogy that is posted - then show him where he is wrong by providing documentation and I am certain he will correct it. If newspapers have misquoted you and you have never publicly claimed to be Eastern or Western Abenaki, then in a rational conversation ask him to correct those statements.
I do not believe oral history is proof of anything unless you have a large amount of additional circumstantial evidence or actual historical documentation to demonstrate the accuracy of the story. If you do have additional evidence then make it public and I believe he will
re-evaluate his claims and correct any inaccurate statements in his blog.
Nancy Lecompte

Director for Ne-Do-Ba

Nov 25, 2009
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Happy Turkey Day
Kwai Nidoba
Hope you have someone to spend time with tomorrow - no one should have to be alone on a holiday. I know it's a whiteman day but it's also a family thing and that's important. I'm going to my sisters - she's a great cook! I should be home late afternoon tomorrow and probably all
day Friday so give me a call.

I've had more e-mail from Jeanne Lalime - Lincoln - Kent and today one from Nancy Millette Cruger Lyons Doucet - they seem to be up to something. Obviously trying to get me to drop my support and if they can't do that I think they are trying to get me to do something they can point to to discredit me. But I'm not playing the game the way they hoped and Jeanne seems to be REALLY PISSED, so guess I have struck a nerve!!!!! She says I have lost her respect - hear me crying? - Ha Ha.
I don't plan to make any more comments at all.
Take care my friend
Nancy L. Lecompte

Dec 7, 2009
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Kwai Nidoba

You've been quiet for awhile - everything going OK with you?
Interesting theory on the possible Blair/Phillips connection - have you had any luck getting more info?
I had a few minutes last week and looked to see what I had on file for the Phillips family. A little bit here and there but did not know the name of Old Antoine's wife until getting the .pdf you sent. Now armed with the identity of his wife, I realized a descendant had corresponded with me years (1998) ago! I think you may find it interesting. I am sending it on to you now because I just don't have time to get into it until after xmas.
I know some Gill and Pakikan families went up to that area from Odanak but I didn't realize there was a reserve there.
Wish I had time right now to dig into this more, but I have a big project I am working on for an xmas gift for Mom & Dad and I got keep working at it steady to get it down in time.
I would love to get copies of anything you have that is history or genealogy - for safe keeping just in case they come hunting you! Louis Annance did that with us years ago just in case he ever had a fire at the house. But seriously, not interested in copies of all the current events stuff, news articles, court docs, etc. etc. - just don't have the space or interest.
Talk to you soon

June 10, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz]

June 11, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Not much I can do to help since I do not ask any questions about recent generations and I don't keep any of that kind of info on file if it is volunteered.
I can tell you that what little I have for the family came from Vera in Nov-1999 (that part has to remain confidential) and she claims the Patnaud woman (don't have that computer turned on so can't check details until next week) was the last fluent speaker of Abenaki in the family and the source of their Abenaki blood - this last part can be publically used as long as the source is not specified. You can say "undisclosed source in 1999" or something along that line.
Talk to you next week

Jun 15, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz]
I do have a Patnaude family that possibly traces back to Pierre Couc and Marie Mite8ameg8k8e.
dau. Madeleine Couc b.abt. 1669 Trois Rivieres m. Maurice Menard abt. 1692 perhaps at Michillimakinac.
son Antoine Menard dit Montour dit LaFontaine b.28-Apr-1695 Michillimakinac m. 7-Jan-1723 at Boucherville to Marie Huart/Huard
dau. Marie Charlotte b.abt. 1724 m. (as her 2nd husband) Francois Patnaude 20-May-1765 Chambly PQ. Her 1st husband was J.B. Lefort by which she had at least 9 children (most in the 1740's and early 1750s). Francois Patnaude b.abt. 1734 PQ, parents not on file here.

Aug 11, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz]
Subject: Just in case you don't already have enough reading material ;)

Let me know if the link doesn't work for you.
I will leave it up for a few days and you are welcome to give the link to anyone who might have an interest in it. If they want it they will have to save it to their own machine because I will delete it sometime next week.

Aug 20, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Just keep on working it my Friend ;)
Just in case you get bored with that - here is the .doc file of Fred's paper. You should be able to cut and paste it into your blog.
And here is a link to a Canadian genealogy site I just heard about

I just tried to visit it, but the page would not load - so maybe it is not such a good organization or perhaps they are doing maintenance today. May be worth checking on later.

Oct 21, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz]
THEY ARE COWARDS - MAGOAK [Jeanne (nee: Lalime) Lincoln - Kent's website]
Posted on July 13, 2010 at 9:42 PM

Dec 30, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon [Douglas Lloyd Buchholz]
Subject: Visited the blog and saw a new post, so I guess you are still among the living.

I am looking for your opinion. Getting closer to setting up my blog, but still don't have a name for it. I have a few ideas, but still looking for other ideas or help to decide which is most appropriate. Am also including some of the narrative for the blog description so you can see where I intend to go with this blog. I will be out most of the afternoon, but give me a call later if you get a chance.
Wabanaki Genealogy Research Blog
Exploring Wabanaki Ancestry
Wampum Record
Finding the Grandmothers
Seeking the Truth

GWILOSKOBA - an explorer, person who searches for information
MASKAWOMEK - one finds someone
NEGONZOSAK - old people, ancestors
OLOMASI - be truthful, right, correct
WALILAK - that which is the very truth, it is the very truth
GAHALAKI - it's true, it's a fact
ONKAWI - connecting, linking, strung out like beads
WANTASTIGAN - a thing put away which can not be found, a lost object

(sorry I don't have the proper accenting on the Abenaki words - they are all from Day's dictionary)
This blog is about exploring the historical record as a means of searching for the lost Native Ancestors and sharing the journey among our friends and other interested parties as we go. In the process, it is my hope to educate my readers as well as be educated by my readers.
The blog will follow the research process and comment on various aspects as we unravel specific family mysteries and document our findings. All pertinent data for the target families will be posted in the companion genealogy section of our web site for all to review and use.
Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to leave general comments about the process, add useful information, alert us to existing historical documents of interest, and contribute to the process in any other meaningful way. You will be required to set up a user account. We encourage you to set-up one of the free e-mail accounts available through Yahoo, Google, etc. if you are not comfortable with having your normal e-mail address appear in public comments. You may snail mail us directly [contact page link here] if you do not want to publicly participate.
If you are a serious researcher or descendant of a family being studied you may also want to sign up for a user account in our genealogy section to gain special collaborator privileges.
I ask that comments posted here be limited to the general topics of genealogy and historical research, or to specific blog entry topics and comments. I do reserve the right to filter all comments and remove anything off topic, political, or containing inappropriate language.
I will filter and remove postings making false claims. This is only to prevent the blog from being used by certain people trying to promote their own agenda by spreading unsubstantiated historical or genealogical information - an activity that is unfortunately running rampant in the Northeast at this time.
Oral family history will certainly be allowed for any of the families being studied but may be removed for other families, especially if it appears to be untruthful, outrageous, or previously demonstrated to be false. Again, this is to prevent the blog from being used to further those political agendas just mentioned.
There are those in N'dakina who will claim this blog is biased against them and only promoting our own agenda. They are correct - our agenda is to promote responsible, intelligent, documented research and present our findings publicly. I am making this clear now so there is no question
about it - any person not on-board with our agenda will be discriminated against in all respects. If you are uncomfortable with that, please go somewhere else.
There are folks who will claim our policy is intended to cover-up or hide the truth concerning their families. They will be dead wrong.
First, I will let my regular visitors be the best judge of my actions. Second, provide appropriate historical documentation to demonstrate we are hiding something and we will explore it in public on this blog. My readers can then form their own conclusions. If you are uncomfortable with that, please go somewhere else.
Ne-Do-Ba has always had a strict privacy policy - we do not make comments about the ancestry of living people and we do not keep records for people born after 1900. However, since we are now being attack on a regular basis by people making false claims about their ancestry, we have loosened our policy as it relates to this blog, but only this blog.
Your privacy is still strictly protected by Ne-Do-Ba everywhere else except on this blog.
You have a right to dislike me and my organization, but you do not have a right to make false claims about us or violate our legal rights.
So with that said, please note - I reserve the right to use this blog to document the actual ancestry of anyone found making false statements about this blog or our organization, or violating our copyright in other forums, both on and off line.

Dec 30, 2010
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
GWILOSKOBA - well that was my first choice too.
But then I pretty much decided on "AWIGHOZO - it is written" which is very simple and straight forward - a blog (which is writing) about discovering and interpreting historical documents (things that are written).
But I also like "ONKAWIWI - connected linearly in time" because I love to create timelines for families and also the genealogy thing is about connecting people today with people of the past.
I was just about to sign up for the blog and give it a name when I got your vote - now I think I should sleep on it. If you have any more thoughts, I would love to hear them.
We will see what tomorrow brings ;)

Jan 9, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
"scholars reports" to commission and "commission" minutes should be public record - perhaps you should get and post them to show the process for what it is - fixed by those in control! If such things don't exist or are claimed to be confidential then that should also be addressed in public.
I for one would love to see detailed report of how the scholars came to their conclusions - seems this should be a matter of record. If it is not or there is no detail only rhetoric, then someone should make that fact public.

Jan 12, 2011
From: Nancy
To: Salmon
Subject: Have you visited this site yet

- the meeting minutes are posted.

Did you know the VT General Assembly must accept or deny the recommendations within 24 months or they automatically GET RECOGNIZED !!!!
So if they create some sort of snafu that holds up legislative action long enough - it becomes automatic - how can that be right? But then, none of this has ever been right.

Jan 14, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Perhaps you should check to see if they were actually stupid enough to do this.

Eastern Woodland
"A copy of said records will be filed and maintained for permanent record with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Thetford Historical Society of the Town of Thetford (if said historical society so agrees). These records will be utilized as the "Mormon" Church or the Thetford Historical Society see fit with the understanding that these records entrusted to their care are of a  permanent nature and as such they are a gift to them, by the North eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont, for the purpose of research and documentation of persons of American Indian lineage."

Jan 20, 2011
Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
I am so proud of you my friend - this is the best thing I have even seen you write! Straight to the point with no rhetoric or personal bias showing. This is something that people should pay attention too (I hope).
I do hope you are posting it on your own blog.

Jan 22, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
I just don't understand how Frederick M. Wiseman has gone so far without anyone (besides us!) questioning him.
Unless his PHD was purchased on the internet, he had to have known how to do proper research at one time. But the only thing I have ever seen produced by him was pure crap and certainly not something I would be proud to show the public. And this whole thing of making up the rules
himself as he goes along - it's about time someone found a way to stop him. He is teaching this research style to modern day students! I wonder if there is any way to get him in trouble with his current employer. Perhaps something like this "band / wiki" thing could be formally complained about? Maybe something for you to look into.
You mentioned going on a research trip with Skip. If you do and if you have time - try to get the Alburg history pages (actual town register would be better, but I'll settle for the published version) that mention all the civil war soldiers that served for the town. If you get me the names of all of them, I will put in the time to compare the town's record to a list of actual enlistments for the town at to see if we can resolve the "4 indians" question once and for all. I certainly would like to know myself who they were. They deserved to be properly recognized for their service.

Apr 27, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Be careful my friend! It sounds like you are jumping to conclusions here. You refer to a "typed document" but that is not what is involved here. That is a transcript of the town record found in a PUBLISHED town history. Fred did not concoct this transcribed document, they are only using it to their advantage.
However, we do need to find out more about this published history. I think it is a recent (last 20 to 30 years) work so there is the possibility the author was manipulated in some way or influenced by someone in Homer's club. But you can't accuse them of that without good sound proof - not just speculation.
The real issue you should address is why didn't any of the scholars who were supposed to be reviewing the accuracy of the applications take the time to locate the original document and verify the information. Why? Because they are not good scholars! They did not do the job that was assigned to them. If they didn't do it in this case, why should we trust they ever did it for any of the data.
And of course there is the issue of why no one (Fred, John Moody, etc.) ever retrieved the original document in the first place - because it didn't support the published version and their agenda. To prove they are liars you would need to prove they knew what the original said. Can we prove any one of them ever viewed the original? Probably not, so don't go calling them a liar etc. because that won't get you anywhere.
Am attaching a better copy of the town's original and attaching the RM4 file to a 2nd e-mail. Have fun!

Apr 27, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
This is my research file on the Alburgh men. It includes all those that are possible candidates and what I have discovered so far. I make use of several special features of RM4.
Any fact in red is something I found concerning the name but could not prove actually is the man in question. Some are disproved but I leave them in so I can see I already found and disproved it.
I make extensive use of NOTES - take the time to read them!!!!
I copy and paste actual data found online into the notes section of my sources - take the time to read them!

May 2, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon

May 2, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon

May 11, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon

My blog is listed right along with some of the best known in the whole blogsphere ! I am really honored.

May 27, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: Re: Just a little bit of interesting details regarding Against the Darkness Video review......

On 5/26/2011 7:16 PM, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz wrote: NOW WHO SCRATCHED OUT "NICHOLAS" from the RPPC (Real Photographic PostCard Glass Negative etc? I think it was Frederick Matthew Wiseman himself who did the redacting!

Just my opinion my friend.

May 31, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Just got home from camp and checked the mail box. I have the David Loran
pension file !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to wait until I was unpacked, showered, etc. but that didn't happen.
I guessed right - Alburgh's "Four Indians" were indeed Mohawk men from St. Regis/Hogansburgh.
David Loran is Mohawk
George Squires and Joseph Bero also - they both provide depositions.
George was Tent mate of David. Joseph served with David 6 months in the 98th NY and it certainly does appear they were discharged from that regiment because they were "St. Regis Indians" per Sec. of War. Joseph Bero does not mention serving with David Loran during the Sharpshooter
enlistments, only the earlier 6 month service.
So, 2 of the 3 candidates I picked are now confirmed/documented Indians of the Mohawk Nation.
This is a good day for the Vermont Abenaki deniers!
No mention of Laflin, but he died in service so it would be tuff for him to testify ;)
Names and dates for all his kids and marriage to Sarah, date of death, her family name, both their "Mohawk" names, etc..
Will talk with you later - call at 6 if you get a chance.
Will make a copy of the DVD file for you and another for St. Regis. and try to get them mailed out before the end of the week. Do you have an address for the woman at St. Regis you have been talking with? Are there any other places that deserve a free copy of the file? Maybe one to the Alburgh Historical Society?

Jul 8, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
I did not see anything about this in the local papers. It seems to have been kept pretty hush hush. An acquaintance just sent me the link to the article.
I told you - what is happening in Vermont will never happen here. The real tribes here have learned how to use political power!

Jul 9, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Thanks for the PDF.
I have this in printed form. Louis Annance donated it to Ne-Do-Ba a number of years ago. It is an interesting theory and I agree with some aspects of it totally. However, I do question some of the data he uses and some of his interpretations of it! Still, much better work than anything I have seen from Wiseman!!!

Jul 26, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
I also discovered some material I had on Medor/Swanton Connection which I want you to have. PLEASE - I do not have permission to share this so you can not ever post on the blog or share with anyone else!

the "Medard Cajiais" referred to near the end [reference to our web page for the Cajiais page -NL] was the Medor Cayie/Peter Medor that was my mother-in-law's great grandfather. In the process of researching her family history for her I found that he traveled quite a distance from the Swanton region getting as far south as southern New Hampshire, almost into Massachusetts. In 1850 he is back in Swanton (dwelling 22) under the name Mador Pascnar (you need to compare the rest of the family members to prove it is he). By 1860 he has gone south to Milford NH (dwelling 582) using the name Peter Medor and by correlating the census with a map from that same time it is probable he was living in the mill owned housing of the Souhegan Cotton Mill. By 1870 he is back north in Swanton VT (dwelling 358). His death is recorded 25th July 1890 in Swanton under the name Medor Cayie. In a scrap note attributed to his youngest daughter, Matilda, she spells the name as Cahah=B4 with an
accent after the last letter, although I generally do not get too concerned with spelling variants.

[In respond to my direct questions ">" I got the following -NL]

>born about 1835. With this in mind, I don't believe he is the same
person as your Medor age 40 in the 1850 census.

I agree - the one I tracked out of Swanton was born considerably earlier. I had no information on the 'age' of the one in your database and was considering only the name similarity. For the one I'm concerned with, his grave marker in St. Mary's claims he was born 3-MAY-1814 but I distrust that as it fails to match up with any of the census data or his death record which suggests 1803 or there abouts.

My data is primarily from Swanton vital records and census data.

1. "...leads you to believe the original family name was Cajiais?"
Only circumstantial regarding the actual name. Handwritten note by his daughter, Matilda, used the spelling "Cahah'". His death record in Swanton Town records referring to him as "Medor Cayie". (Before 1900 I rely on phonetics more than spelling.)

2. "Was he from St. Regis or Odanak?"
I suspect St. Regis as his son's death record (Peter Medor who died 28-Jun-1908) refers to "St. Richard" as being both the son's and the father's birth place. I suspect "St. Richard" is a town clerk's 
'mangling' of "St. Regis". Other records only specify Canada.

3. "Do you know who Medor's parents where or anything about his siblings?"
Nothing on siblings. His father is stated as Medor CAYIE on his own death record in Swanton Town records (25-Jul-1890). i.e. Father and son were recorded as having the same name. That may be significant or no more than another Town Clerk foible. Its not enough for me to want to rely on it.

4. Have you determined who his spouse was?"
I believe his wife to be Marguerite Julia. Surname uncertain but probably St. PIERRE.

-----Peter and his wife seem to have variously mis-spelled names.
Patri Medor & Julia Sanspite <- i="" in="" marriage="" mary="" matilda="" of="" s="" st.="">
Peter Mador & Julia Sampea <- i="" in="" marriage="" matilda="" of="" record="" town="">
Peter Medor & Maggie Sangprique <- death="" edward="" i="" of="" son="">
Petri Medor and Margarita Petit <- 1st="" edward="" i="" marriage="" of="">
Peter Medor <- 2nd="" edward="" i="" marriage="" of="">
Peter Medor & Margarite St.Pierre <- i="" marriage="" of="" son="">
Peter Medor Cayie <- death="" his="" i="" record="" swanton="" town="">
Peter C. Medor & Marguerite S. <- cemetery="" i="" mary="" s="" st.="">

From census records come:
Swanton 1850, dwelling 22; Mador Pascnar age 40 & Julia age 35. Also in household children Peter, Louisa, Julia Edmond & Alonzo.

Milford NH 1860, dwelling 582: Peter Medor age 60 & Julia age 53. Also in household children Edward and Matilda.

Swanton 1870, dwelling 358: living with son Edward: Peter age 59 & Julia age 55 [Medor]

His age on death record is "87" implying birth about 1803. This approximates the data in the 1850 and 1870 census. I have no useful comment regarding why the age is off in 1860 except that its a 
multi-family mill dwelling and census data may have been supplied by some sort of house keeper or care taker on behalf of all residents.

From grandchildren records at St. Mary's it seems that church favored the family names of "Cahier" and "Medard".

Other than a 'hand me down' statement attributed to Matilda MEDOR that she was Abenaki, I have no evidence one way or another regarding proof of that assertion.
Have Fun

Aug 8, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: "chief Joe of the St francise tribe"
The man is Joseph Nicola of the Penobscot. Never a chief to my knowledge but he did serve as a State Representative for the Penobscot.
So if she thinks they are related lets see the genealogy!
Oh, but wait - that would make her Penobscot, not St. Francis, and not Mississquoi
Like to see her get into the Penobscot tribe without showing her genealogy.

Aug 11, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: St. Regis Squires curiosity
I was just (finally) reviewing an Ancestry tree link you sent a few weeks back for Joseph Bero.

In looking at his wife's parents I have this feeling we may have stumbled onto something else of value.

The mother's name is given as Marie Ann "Kanenstenhawi"

When I sounded out her Iroquois name I noticed how much it sounds like KANISTANAUX

Which is the name used by the family in Stockton, NY that probably has ties to Metallic here in Maine & NH.

Sep 1, 2011
From: Nancy
To: Salmon
Subject: Annance thoughts
Here is an idea for you to chew on a bit.

Perhaps the Annance family does needs to be discussed in detail on your blog for one important reason.

This is an off Reservation family living in the mist of non-Native people for more than a century - first at Rangeley (Annance & Wasamimet), then at Lancaster (only Annance?), and finally at Greenville (Annance, Capino, Toma, Perley, etc.). In all of those locations they are clearly identified as NATIVE. Why? Because they were. Because they maintained their culture. Because where ever they lived they created mini-communities that were seen as Native communities or neighborhoods
by outsiders and written about by those outsiders in a wide variety of documents.
This Annance family clearly demonstrates exactly what you have been claiming all along. Native families do not live in a vacuum and if they are maintaining their culture the neighbors will take notice and leave records for later researchers to find. The same is true for the Jacksons, Capinos, Watsos, Mitchells, Lagraves, etc.. They all left the reservation, but maintained their culture enough so that their neighbors clearly knew who they were. In their everyday life they probably went
about their business in the same manner as their non-Native neighbors. None of them had to go around dressed as Indians and living in wigwams for their neighbors to understand exactly who they were. Native is what they were and the neighbors had no problem seeing that.

Unlike all these others claiming to be hiding during this very same time period. If they were hiding from their neighbors, they really could not have had any community. At least some of them would have had obvious Native features, enough so that neighbors would have labeled their families and neighborhoods as "Indian". Somewhere, someone would have labeled them in diaries, shop account books, pauper records, land deeds, court records, etc.. So where is this documentation? Except for a couple ambiguous statements in the 20th Century eugenics records (and that Alburg Indians crap!), not a single item has been brought forward by these folks to show anyone ever saw them as Indian until after 1970's.
Court records for the 1800's could be a real treasure trove of data on these families, but I doubt anyone has ever attempted to search local court records.
These groups have not demonstrated any practical reason for a need to hide back in the 1800s (long before their favorite eugenics excuse even existed).
Also, their petitions show absolutely no connections between the families they descend from that were "hiding" and the families that were not hiding, such as the Obomsawins, Jacksons, Annances, etc. that have descendants on these membership rolls.
Important steps in proving a theory is to show why it is a logical conclusion after looking at all the available information, to identify all other possibilities, and demonstrate why these other possibilities are illogical as they pertain to the theory. None of the theories they present in their petitions are ever properly argued because they never mention other possibilities and hence they never show why these
possibilites should be discounted.
Anyway, just some thoughts running through my head last night.
Heading up to camp tomorrow morning and probably staying until Tuesday if the weather is favorable.

Sep 15, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: lets try that again
Attachment: September 29, 1994 Newspaper article from the Sun Journal - Lewiston, Maine regarding Louis Annance, President of the Dawnland Alliance, Incorporated.

Sep 15, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Emailing: Image (2).jpg
Newspaper article image of Louis Paul Annance.

Sep 16, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: Re: Here is my work up and it is pretty much as complete as I want to get it.
I read the blog - pretty darn good - I'm proud of you.

Oct 5, 2011
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Wiseman's unwise words
Attached is a pdf of Wiseman's "Chief" defense marked up with my comments. I am using a new piece of software (trial version), so if this file doesn't open or is illegible let me know.


Dec 16, 2011
To: Salmon
Subject: a little xmas gift for you
Feel free to use on the blog, just don't say it came from me!

Dec 22, 2011
From: Nancy  
To: Salmon
This arrived in my "Bruce" mailbox. Thought it might get your blood pressure up. I thought she said something about not being a part of the Vermont issue or not eligible because she didn't live in Vermont?

If you ever use this online - you need to DELETE to address, so she doesn't banish me from her mailing list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:  Enrollment
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 01:10:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Fine Gourd Art by...Morningstar
Reply-To: Fine Gourd Art by...Morningstar

Kwai, Nidobak
Happy Holidays to all my members. I want to thank you for your support as we enter a new year and hope you will continue to follow my work as it changes and progresses.
I am ending this year on a very happy note. The Abenaki Nation has struggled for years to become recognized and this year two Bands (Nulhegan and Elnu) were given state recognition by the State of
Vermont. Last Saturday I received notice that I was accepted for enrollment in the Nulhegan Band, Coosuk-Abenaki of Vermont. At last I can participate fully in my culture and with my extended family. It has been my dream that when I cross over, I will have my moccasins on and
now, I most certainly will!

Jan 6, 2012
Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: A friend of ours?
Just signing off for the evening when I came across this - and Bruce just couldn't resist - he is soo bad.
About 1/2 way down the page -

Kelley Folsom
December 21, 2011 at 4:09 pm

Jan 8, 2012
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: the styles tree
Here is a ged for that Carruth/Styles family. This idiot is convinced both his grandparents are Indians!
Attachment: styles.ged

Jun 26, 2012
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: DNA & genealogy
Thought you might enjoy.
Excellent overview of how to use dna and genealogy to find the Native connection.

Jul 30, 2012
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Interesting paragraph about mid page discussing historians and assumptions - they could be talking about Wiseman, Moody, etc.

Jul 31, 2012
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: Re: Fw: clan of the hawk . abenaki fashion
Ya that's a good one.

1. lady in the picture is not wearing this hat
2. this hat is not from the early 1800s

They just keep weaving their own fantasy bigger and bigger. And the
public just eats it up.

Not much to do except keep posting on the idiocy of these specific claims. Some day these fantasy stories may come back to bit them in the ass, but I am not holding my breath because the public has already accepted their crap and obviously clamoring for more.

Now, if some descendant would write to me and ask my opinion of this hat story it would provide me with justification to tear the story to bits --- publicly.

Did you see the story about Virginia trying to bypass BIA and go straight to US Congress for Federal recognition of 4 State tribes? If they are legit, more power to them, but I fear they may be just culture
clubs trying to get rich with casinos. Would love to read their original BIA applications and the BIA opinions.

Sep 12, 2012
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Fwd: So – Why Not Kill the Messenger?
Thought you might enjoy reading this article.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: So – Why Not Kill the Messenger?
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:28:53 -0400
To: Nan
So – Why Not Kill the Messenger?

The Elizabeth Warren Cherokee ancestry controversy continues – and I’m betting it will right up to election day.

Oct 10, 2012
From: Nancy
To: Salmon
Subject: Bruchac dissertation
This copy is digitally registered to me and is copyright by Marge and by ProQuest.

You CAN NOT Share this with anyone (not even Skip) and you can not use it on your blog because it will get me in trouble. However, you can quote a paragraph here and there without any problem.

I think you will love the introduction. She is lying through her teeth and using it to put herself in a position of authority to speak for Native People.

[Nancy L. Lecompte is herself ... doing EXACTLY what she condemns!]

Feb 5, 2013
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Re: Regarding Belmont Newell's father.... from Joyce Sundheim. This MAY BE something new....
On 2/4/2013 9:56 PM, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz wrote:
He always claimed to be Penobscot or Kiowa but I am now believing that his inheritance was from England and that his father may have traveled with a John Johnson family here in the U.S. thus learning about remedies from him ..... I noticed that he was not on the census of Old Town - I think it was 1859 or 1860 because he was an infant.

It appears she has never actually read John Johnson's story! It is clear from his story, he learned the trade from the Newell's, not the other way around. He was just a young man and they were already veterans of the road when he joined up with them.

He is not on the 1860 census because there is no such census for Penobscot that year! Belmont is not on the 1858 School census because he was not born yet, but his parents and older sister are on that census.

For some reason this woman does not want to be a Penobscot Indian! She is just making things up to fit the truth she wants. No sense trying to convince her otherwise. Such a shame she and her brother are not interested in the truth only in perpetuating their own fantasy. You would think the two of them would at least have the same fantasy, but no. Well, maybe yes - Louis doesn't want to be a Penobscot either, he wants to be Kiowa!

Feb 8, 2013
From: Nancy
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Re: Found something, you might have already seen this though.... hugs
Nice find!
Doesn't seem like Thomas Sr. b. about 1792 would be called an old man in 1832 at the age of 40. Perhaps this is the father - or perhaps totally unrelated!!!
Makes me wonder if the tribal genealogist is jumping to conclusions based solely on the very common name of Newell !!!
Who ever this guy is, he seems to have really pissed off a couple of Penobscot. The last war [1812] has been over for almost two decades but they can't let it go. I wonder if Newell is cutting into their craft sales or something?
And another Newell Lyon. I have 2 of this name on file born 1844 & 1893 so clearly not this guy.
Lots of Noel/Newell/Nuel in Maliseet church records but no Thomas baptized in the right time period and no marriages to a Mary Anne or to any Tomah women. But of course we are thinking of Newell as a family name when it may not be one at this early time period.
P.S. I forwarded the fake tribe thing to the Penobscot. Don't expect to hear anything back, but they have been put on notice.

Apr 10, 2013
From: Nancy
To: Salmon
Subject: Twisted history according to a priest
The first two posts on this message board thread are pretty informative, the rest is how everyone has decided to believe a priest rather than look things up for themselves. Just goes to show that even priests "want what they want" and are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. The hell with the truth, it just gets in the way! mv=flat&m=2631&p=topics.ethnic.natam.nations.metis.metisgen 

Apr 10, 2013
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: This descendant of "Ots-Toch" might interest you
This very prominent person in the genealogy world claims descent from "Ots-Toch" which I think is a person you did some work on / in the Bruchac family. She makes the claim in the 2nd paragraph of this blog post. Are there valid descendants of this woman or is this "professional genealogist" blowing smoke? 

Jun 25, 2013
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Partlow question
I just gave your e-mail address to a woman researching her husband's Partlow line.
She saw my Alburg Indian articles. She is confused because the family says Indian but her research says English. It seems like she wants to learn the truth, whatever it is. I don't know if she will contact you are not, but I have not actually researched the family and I know you have, so maybe you can be of some help to her.
OR maybe she works for Mr. Dumbman [Fred M. Wiseman] and is trying to get me to say something they can use against me.

Nov 24, 2013
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Good to know this - I was planning on doing the National Geno test for myself because I thought it would be fun and get me a personal and useful FTDNA account. Looks like it would have been a waste of my money.

Feb 9, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Another "tribe" gets rejected
Didn't read the whole response, but certainly looks like another group of wannabees!

Mar 7, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Chris Roy's Dissertation

Jun 15, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: DNA
Just read your post from a couple weeks back on Roberta's DNA blog.
Very nice job. Well expressed without getting personal.
I was disappointed she did not respond to your second comment and I thought her response to the first one was a bit flippant.

Sep 2, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Abenaki Prayer ???
Do you know anything about the possible origins of this prayer? Ne-Do-Ba
was asked to "interpret and verbally speak" this prayer by someone with
the probably last name of Galen.

Like I know the language and can speak it - Ha ha ha.
Anyway, thought I would pass it on in case it was created by one of our Wannabiak friends.

Sep 3, 2014
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: Re: Abenaki Prayer ???
Just heard more about this prayer - Ha Ha Ha
Galen states: "The Prayer is attributed to Chief Edwin “Joe” Pero, Coos (Cowasuck-Koasek) Deer Clan"

Sep 5, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Phillips
I took a look at those Phillips church records. Something is not right, but I can't figure it out. I sent the records on to my official French translator to see if there is key data in the records that we are
missing. May take a few days.
I never saw the census records before. "Black" humm! Seems like the church records would make some kind of mention of this, but maybe not.
The kids in the 1850 census don't match up too well with the kids from the church records. And what's up with Antoine's age. The death record may not be the same man as the 1850 Census - there is a huge difference in birth years between the two! If census age is correct for Catherine,
then she was fourteen when Antoine Jr was born and Peter is certainly not her son, because she was only 9 when he was born.
It doesn't make sense that Antoine Jr. was illegitimate and 3 years later Mathias is not, but there is no marriage record for the parents in this parish. Even once they are from the US, there are still going back to this specific parish to baptize their children. Also why don't we have baptisms all of the 1850 kids?
I noticed the Codere name among the godparents in these baptisms. These are very likely Catherine's siblings. Have you had any luck putting her family together.
I home all afternoon and will be available for a while after supper (company coming at about 7).

Sep 25, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Here is a Phillips tree I just stumbled upon at ancestry. Perhaps you have seen it. Ties all the Phillips to the Kanistanaux family and Metallic. Must be from one of our "friends" in Vermont, so I thought you should see it.

Nov 6, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Re: Fw: the info on Mattaluc

Nov 19, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte

To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz
Subject: Wabanaki Project

Nov 27, 2014
From: Nancy Lecompte

To: Salmon
Subject: DNA [Wabanaki Project that she, alone, 'cooked' up]
I am sorry I put you in the middle and messed things up for your project.
I have decided I do not have the time and skills to do this right so am taking steps to shut down the project today.
I have written to Ms. _________ and asked that she not hold you accountable for my incompetence.

Nancy Lecompte

[This is WHERE and WHEN Nancy Lecompte VIOLATED MY TRUST and friendship with Nancy Lecompte]

Jan 30, 2015
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: this is just too funny
Here is a link to the tintype and "documentation" I mentioned today.
The note says she is "1/4 Indian". Funny thing - if you follow the links on this page to her mother and her grandparents - no one else is an Indian! I followed her father in public records and guess what - he ain't an Indian either. So does being "Indian" jump over a generation or two ???

Mar 6, 2015
From: Nancy Lecompte
To: Salmon
Subject: Eugenics question
Could you please check with Judy Dow to see if the surname Marden or Mardin appears in the eugenics files?

Nancy Lecompte

[And this is WHEN she 'set me up' yet a second time, and then decided to try and vilify me, simply because I confronted Nicole Marden with her lies and distortions; Nancy had told me about Ms. Marden's communications with her recently, and so when Stephanie Nicole Marden began to BS in her attacks against this blog, well I just told Ms. Marden that I already KNEW Ms. Marden had gone to the 4 groups in VT, and had gone to Nancy Lecompte and the latter's Ne-Do-Ba organization sniffing around etc., and I KNEW Nancy Lecompte was 'in on what Nicole was doing' in regards to her attacks on me and this blog.]

Suffice it to say, that after this malicious 'knife sharpening' against my person by Nancy L. Lecompte, and I have posted previously in detail about this 'situation' between Nicole Marden, Nancy Lecompte, and myself retrospectively in this blog, I have not communicated with Nancy Lecompte NOR her organization Ne-Do-Ba, Inc.'d since March 2015. I have found Nancy Lecompte to be hostile, irrational and vindictive. 

Nancy Lecompte was PERFECTLY FINE when I was researching and exposing documentation from the 4 groups of Wannabiak over in VT, or incorporates in MA and NH, but she was manipulative, hostile and now vindictive when it comes round to her own persona and incorporated organization.

I have received one email from her claiming I have infringed on her 'copyright' by posting a photograph of her in Hannah Susep persona / clothing, of which she herself wrote on the back of it, "To my friend Salmon, Wlipamkini, Canyon Wolf" when she mailed me her book, entitled 

It's interesting how a person claims to be a "friend" and yet they place TERMS AND UNREASONABLE CONDITIONS on that "friendship". 

Nancy Lecompte didn't want me to post ANYTHING about Ne-Do-Ba, Inc.'d or use her name or mention either, nor about the Dawnland, Incorporation or about Louis Paul Annance.


As I have shown Nancy Lecompte had been allegedly 'working with me' ... we were both sharing and having conversations both by email and over the telephone. Suddenly in November 2014, Nancy Lecompte's EGO got the better of her, and she attempted to sabotage my research endeavor regarding the Antoine Phillips family claims and assertions and the atDNA evaluation I was attempting to do between Metallic and Phillips. Especially in regards to the claims that were made as part of the State Record when the groups went for Colonizer State of Vermont "Recognition" made by Donald Warren Stevens, Jr. and Professor Wiseman, then of Johnson State College. We NOW know that the VCNAA, the State of Vermont, nor the 4 groups claiming to be "Tribes" of "Abenakis" did not validate or ensure the accuracy of ANY of the claims and assertions put forward. The "scholarly data" was indeed factually manipulated, distorted and lied about, by many people. NO ONE bothered to ensure the accuracy or truthfulness of the claims and assertions being made whatsoever. Certainly not Senators Vincent Illuzzi, Kesha Ram, or Hinda Miller to name just a few involved.

WHO is Nancy Lecompte really working for, AND advocating for?  

I retrospectively back in March 2015 posted a URL to a PDF of Dawnland Newsletters, she herself (in part) sent to me. There is no copyright on them. She has provided no evidence whatsoever that they were copyrighted, let alone that photograph she'd give me some while ago. But she can NOW make a DMCA Complaint against portions of this blog, regarding her and or her involvement with Dawnland Inc. pertaining to some of the Newsletters? 

WHAT & why IS Nancy Lecompte SO CONCERNED about? She wants to NOW 'kill the messenger'? 

WHY? Because the research is about her and the claims and assertions she's made over the years, or about her organization Ne-Do-Ba, Inc.'d.

You will 'see' and review as I have, WHY Nancy Lecompte has begun to nit pick TRYING to prevent her name and or organization's documentation on here, from being evaluated by anyone. Ne-Do-Ba, Inc. nor herself are 'above' evaluation when it comes to the Re-Invention of the VT, NH "Abenakis" or their allies!

Next, I will show the other data chronologically transcribed, regarding Nancy L. Lecompte. She's had for a long time, had a 'vested interest' in claiming that she herself was ABENAKI or an 'ABENAKI DESCENDANT'. 

Obviously, doing this research, knowing what I know now, Nancy Lecompte nor her organization could no longer be involved with this research evaluation or my person, because obviously she 'claimed to be Abenaki" and garnered her 'status' from her organization and involvement with Dawnland, Inc. led by Louis Paul Annance there in Maine. 

Now she clearly doesn't want those claims and assertions known or evaluated, and we do wonder why not? 

Thanks to Ne-Do-Ba's Director and owner Nancy Lecompte ALL URL addresses to data which has been stored at per my acct. and used by this blog, are no longer usable by viewers and people who study the contents of this blog, and in particular of those DawnLand Newsletters. Hopefully this is a temporary 'situation'. 

The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) has been in fact used to invade the privacy of Internet users, harass Internet service providers, and chill online speech, such as what is on this blog, in order stop the exposure of these non-profit organizations historical documents from being view-able online
Newsletters from the Dawnland Alliance are in fact, in the public domain, and Lecompte doesn't wan them to be reviewed. Why?
The subpoena and take down powers of Section 512 are not limited to cases of proven copyright infringement, and are exercised without a judge's review. 

Please contact me by email (provide an email address) to obtain the DawnLand Newsletters. Or anything else on this blog. Love to share it ... 

Nancy Lecompte SAYS the Newsletters she sent to me are copyrighted. I also obtained some through another agency, as PUBLIC INFORMATION. I did not scan them all and put them into PDF format onto this blog.

The doctrine of "fair use" (17 United States Code, Section 107) which permits certain limited copying of copyrighted works for educational or research purposes without the permission of the copyright owner

Favoring Fair Use

Teaching ... is this not what this blog is doing?
Research ... is this not what this blog is all about?
Criticism ... is his not what this blog is in part, doing?
Commentary ... is this not what this blog is all about?
News Reporting ... is this not what this blog is doing?
Parody ... is this not what this blog is doing?

Favoring Fair Use

Published work ... is this not what this blog is doing?
Factual or nonfiction based ... is this not what this blog is doing?
Important to favored educational objectives ... is this not what this blog is doing?

Favoring Fair Use

Small quantity ... is this not what this blog is doing?
Portion used is not central or significant to the entire work ... is this not what this blog is doing?
Amount is appropriate for favored educational purpose ... is this not what this blog is doing?

Favoring Fair Use

User owns or lawfully purchased or acquired copy of original work ... did I not SHOW that I acquired the copies of the Dawnland Newsletters from Nancy Lecompte herself on October 1, 2014?

One or fewer copies made ... I did in fact, scan the work, turned it into a PDF and URL shared that on this blog.

No significant effect on market or potential market for copyrighted work
No similar product marketed by copyright holder

"self-designation and  based on a claim to Abenaki ancestry"




[not "Indian" "Abenaki" Incorporation's or sponsored Pow-Wow's]