
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

An Evaluation of the Phillips Family of Vermont, in particular Antwine Philips and his wife Catherine Émery dit Codèrre - Part 4

Having sought out a Direct-Male-Descendant of the Phillips Family of VT, and testing their Y-DNA through FTDNA around August 2014, after communicating with another Phillips descendant outside of New England (yet descended from Vermont's Peter Phillips Sr.) beginning in April 2014, the genetic test results were finally in on November 11, 2014.

Understanding the life dynamics of Peter Phillips Sr. (Antwine Philips and Catherine Émery dit Coderre' first-born son) I decided to investigate further. Seeking yet a second Direct-Male-Descendant and being successful in that, again I tested his Y-DNA, to validate the first tester's genetic results. Only one marker was different. It's what they call a Fast-Marker-Mutation. It wasn't a big deal. Both Direct-Male-Descendants have the same 36 (our of 37) Y-Markers. The same Haplogroup B-M181 as well. 

To know more about Y chromosome DNA Testing:

The results genetically for the VT Phillips progenitor Antwine Phillips Sr. ...

The Y-DNA for Antwine Philips Sr.'s Haplogroup is definitively B-M181 (from Africa) 

361064 Antoine (Anthony) Philippe/Phillips d. 1885 VT


376378 Antoine Phillips d. 1885 Vermont


Haplogroup B is an ancient Y chromosome clade that is almost entirely historically restricted to Africa. It is the second oldest clade after A, and it is spread very thinly throughout the continent. Today, the highest frequencies of B are found among small hunter-gather populations, and very rarely among populations of African descent outside of Africa. Except for descendants of slaves brought into the United States, whose descendants are in Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina, etc. 

So, once I had confirmed the Haplogroup did in fact genetically come from Africa, and was not Native American, or Abenaki, I began to search genealogically "around" Highgate, Vermont and of course Notre Dame du Rosaire Catholic Parish, up in Quebec for any paper-trail of Atnwine Philips and or his children.

Already, we can discern and conclude that Donald Warren Stevens Jr. and his family relatives, along with Frederick M. Wiseman Ph.D. were and are WRONG, in their implying that Antoine Phillips Sr., the known progenitor of the Phillips family within VT, having traveled into and lived also within NY, and ME etc .... are NOT RELATED in any way, to Louie Metallic of ca. 1796 at all, and NOT RELATED to Philip, the Upper Coos Chief of that same time period of the late 1700's either.

In the Nulhegan Group's 2010 Application for Federal Recognition, Frederick M. Wiseman Ph.D. along with the group themselves stated that they had a scanned 'PDF' document on file in the "museum" (started and overseen by Wiseman himself) archives of the 1796 "Philip" Upper Coos Chief's Deed. It is written Coos County (not "Country") and in fact, the document is a SURRENDERING of the territories mentioned therein.

But what is interesting about this little write-up, typed up by the Professor, is that he and they state:

"The modern Nulhegan community considers the "Upper Coos Deed" its founding document; in that it lays out the boundaries of the culture/ environmental/ and political area it considers its homeland.

There is living memory of this "Chief Philip." The [REDACTED] Phillips family is said to have descended from [REDACTED] Chief Philip and is even referenced in great detail in a Philips family history book."

Now, please review 

The FACT is I mailed Winifred Yaratz 'scanned' book to Mr. Donald Warren Stevens Jr. because he didn't know a lot about his ancestor's, and having met him at the VCNAA Meeting and considering his descent from Peter Phillips, Antwine and Catherine's son, I shared what I had gathered on the Phillips family, etc. He then immediately gave that scanned book to Fred M. Wiseman, Ph.D. , who subsequently, snarky attitude towards my person, claimed that since it came from Winifred Yaratz, to Albert Phillips, to his son Tom Phillips, to me on-loan (I scanned it), through to Don Stevens Jr. ... that it had been vetted or validated by my person. Which it had never been!

Today, on ... there are many of the Phillips Family descended from Antwine Phillips and Catherine Émery dit Coderre, who have attempted to 'connect' and imply by appropriation, that Chief Philip / Philippé of the Upper Coos and Luie Métallic (ca. 1796) were father-and-son. Such has not been genealogically or genetically validated. 

More importantly, it was NOT VALIDATED in 2010 etc, (UNTIL NOW) proven or disproven that Chief Philip / Philippé of the Upper Coos and Luie Métallic were even genealogically or genetically related to Antwine Philips, husband of Catherine Émery dit Coderre (or even where she came from, or who her parentage, and ancestry were!)

We NOW know WHO Antwine Philips and his wife Catherine Émery dit Coderre were. African and French identifying people, who have been misidentified as Abenakis, by their descendants, and Gypsies by the Eugenics Survey of Vermont.

Luie Métallic's Direct-Male-Descendant has also been Y-DNA chromosome tested through FTDNA. 

The yDNA for Antwine Philips is B-M181 (from Africa)

The yDNA for _______ Métallic is C-M216 (from Asia/ Native North America)

Now we can look at the first 12 markers for each tester:

Métallic: C-M216

Phillips: B-M181

Just on the first 12 yMarkers, there are six difference's between Phillips and Metallic.


What this means, genealogically and genetically, is that these two Phillips Direct-Male-Descendants that perpetuate their common Direct-Male-Ancestor's Y-DNA (Antoine Phillips Sr.) ....


to Chief Philip / Philippé of the Upper Coos and Luie Métallic (ca. 1796) ... at all. 

The MYTH created by Winifred Yaratz, etc. and perpetuated by Fred M. Wiseman Ph.D., Donald Warren Stevens, Jr. ... "Chief" of the Nulhegan Group,  and have 'appropriated' a Deed of  June and July 1796 that they claim is their alleged "founding document" ... that genealogically and genetically DOESN'T EVEN APPLY TO THE Phillips Family derived from Antwine and Catherine, or the to the group itself.

So what does this SHOW about the MERITS of their Colonizer State of Vermont's Legislative and Governor 'Recognition' based on their Application in 2010-2011 and that Professor? Did anyone honestly do any evaluation as to the legitimate merits of the claims being made? Or did they all just go along, believing anything that was said, and not validated?

They lied on Monday, and they kept up their lies until it was all done on Sunday, and they are still perpetuating their peddled distortions, in their attempts to steal the identity of the Abenakis throughout N'dakinna.

From the Alburgh, VT Oct. 1863 "4 Indians" ... to Chief Nicolas Panadis identity ... right on through to appropriating the historical Chief Philip / Philippé of the Upper Coos ... and Luie Métallic (ca. 1796) ... fraudulently and disgustingly as being genealogically related to them. Factually, this has been MYTH they have created.

But again, the Y-DNA results SHOW that Chief Philip / Philippé of the Upper Coos and Luie Métallic ARE NOT RELATED to Antwine Philips Sr., of 1845-1856 Highgate/Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont ... but the question is ... 

WHO REALLY WERE Antwine (Antoine) Philips (Phillips) parentage? 

An Evaluation of the Phillips Family of Vermont, in particular Antwine Philips and his wife Catherine Émery dit Codèrre - Part 3

NOW that we have sought out, researched, established and confirmed the truthful identity of Catherine Émery dit Codèrre, whom married and had children by Antwine Philips, of Highgate/Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont ... let us move forward, and around a bit more, genealogically and documentarily speaking.

About two years after the Phillips family moved from the Highgate/Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont area, specifically Land Lot No. 51 in the 4th Division, on the Highgate Township side of the boundary between Highgate and Sheldon Townships ... to the South Burlington / Williston area of Chittenden County, Vermont, thus began interaction(s) and altercation(s) with varied people in their new neighborhood / geographical area. Particularly with Peter Phillips, the son of Antoine Phillips Sr. and Catherine.

January 21, 1859
The Burlington Free Press Newspaper

Alleged Assault with Intent to Kill – 

The examination of the parties concerned in the recent assault on an Irishman named Goulding, took place before Justice Hollenbeck, Wednesday forenoon. The testimony of the witnesses went to show that the principle criminal was Peter Phillips Sr. – (a son of Antoine Phillips, otherwise known as “Black Jack”) who made a violent and unprovoked attack, having attacked first upon Mr. Patrick Cassidy, an Irishman, whom he assaulted with a bottle, an axe, a sled stake, besides giving him divers kicks, blows in the face with the fist and other “gentle reminders” of his [Peter Phillips] presence, and next upon Goulding, who interfered to preserve the peace, and who received a blow from Peter Phillips Sr. which fractured his skull, and placed his life in jeopardy.
Antoine Phillips Jr. and a young Frenchman named Peter Trueheart, appeared to have been participants in the outrage, by keeping the bystanders from interfering with the more violent operations of Peter Phillips Sr., and by telling him, at one stage of the affray, to “kill” Cassidy. All three were, probably, under the influence of liquor.
The three were bound over for trial at the next term of the County Court, in the sum of $500.00 dollars each, for breach of the Peace, and Assault with Intent-to-Kill.

A sobriquet (pronounced soh-bri-kay) is a nickname, sometimes assumed, but often given by another. [See Elisha Sheldon Jr. Probate file in May 31, 1808.]

January 21, 1859
The Burlington Free Press Newspaper
Affray and Almost Murder 

A drunken row, resulting in the dangerous and perhaps fatal injury of an Irishman named Goldin, occurred on the Williston road, near the corner of Dorset Street, Thursday night. It appears, from the information gathered by us concerning the affair that a low grocery is kept at the place indicated, by a man named Wheeler. Here an Irish teamster and a Frenchman [the ‘Frenchman’ was Peter Trueheart] named Peter Phillips Sr., known by the soubriquet of “Black Jack,” (given him, doubtless, from his complexion, which is very dark) after getting well primed with fighting rum, fell into an altercation, which they continued after leaving Wheeler’s place, and finally came to blows in front of Goldin’s house, which is nearly opposite the grocery shop. Goldin went out bare-headed, and mixed in the affray, probably to separate the combatants, when he received a terrible blow from Peter Phillips Sr., given with a cart-rung, fracturing the skull into which a man’s thumb might be laid.
Peter Phillips Sr. was arrested Friday morning by officers Flanagan and White, and lodged in jail. He is represented to us as an ugly fellow, and has been “hauled up” once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off, in some similar affray.

NOTICE the name "Black Jack" ... this was a name noticeably given, or used by African Slaves, Free Black Persons, just as the name "Cato" was a name used somewhat more frequently.

January 22 1859
Vermont Phoenix Brattleboro, VT Newspaper 

Two colored men, father [Antoine Sr.] and son [Peter Sr.], surnamed Phillips and a Frenchman [Peter Trueheart], nephew of the elder [Antoine Sr.] Phillips, were committed to jail at Burlington on Friday, for a murderous assault upon Peter Goulding of Hinesburgh, fracturing his skull with a cart rung and otherwise bruising him in a shocking manner. Peter Phillips Sr. has been dealt with once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off.

April 08, 1859
The Burlington Free Press Newspaper

State vs. Peter Phillips, for assault with intent to kill, upon Goulding, was tried Monday P. M. Verdict guilty.
Antoine Phillips and Peter Trueheart plead guilty to a charge of assault and battery upon Patrick Cassidy, and with the other Phillips’, were remanded for sentence.

April 11, 1859
Windsor State Prison of Vermont Intake Book

April 11, 1859
Windsor State Prison of Vermont Intake Book
Peter Phillips age 26 years old, at 5’9” in stature, having blue eyes, black hair and a dark complexion, identified as a mulatto, being born in Franklin County, Vermont, was convicted of the assault with the intent to kill, on April 09, 1859 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, was admitted to the Windsor, Vermont State Prison, on April 11, 1859 for two years being his sentence. He was discharged from that sentence on April 09, 1861.

More to be posted ...

An Evaluation of the Phillips Family of Vermont, in particular Antoine Philips and his wife Catherine Cadaive - Part 2

References to Negro Ancestry

1.     “Their oral conditions are extremely inaccurate.”

In part, this statement might have had some merit, but not always.

2.     “Many members of the family today have no idea as to their own ages, much less as to the dates and places of their own births.”

3.     “It is not known whether “Old Antoine” had Negro blood or not” but there is no question that most, if not ...

Well, the Negroid physical characteristic's being observed by Ms. Abbott and others where these Phillips family members traveled to, or stayed at, wasn't a figment of someone's imagination ... then again, back in 1926-1935 Ms. Abbott didn't have a computer or a DNA test kit either!

4.     “… all of his children had Negro blood.” It is of course possible that it was his wife who brought the…

5.     “ … Negro blood into the family.”

Obviously, Ms. Harriet Abbott did not attempt to become aware or to research, any further than she had to, by visiting the Phillips family themselves, and or those that had or were interacted or observing this family. She clearly had no idea who Catherine Cadaive who had married to Antoine Phillips was, let alone her parentage.

Negro: a member of a dark-skinned group of peoples originally native to Africa south of the Sahara.

i.e. relating to black people.

6.     Antoine Phillips Jr. was commonly known as Black Phillips’ …” 

He did not marry to Aurelia Dube; rather, the maiden name is in fact, Violi.  Aurélie Marie Violi was the daughter of Joseph Violi and Marie Ann Audet dit LeMay. 

7.     “ … a mulatto family by the name of Prince … looked upon as colored people …” 

8.     “Jane (nee: Phillips) Peters, daughter of Antoine Phillips and Catherine Emery dit Coderre on her Death Record she is recorded as being ‘colored’ …” 

Mary Jane Phillips married to George Lyman Peters, who was of Hinesburg, Chittenden County, Vermont

9.     “Ruth Peters, having stayed with her grandmother Jane (nee: Phillips) Peters. In the Vermont Industrial school record, it is recorded that Ruth’s father, is ‘colored.’”

10.“Peter Phillips Sr. was part Negro. On his Death Certificate in Peacham, VT he is recorded as ‘colored.’ He was very distinctly Negroid in appearance.”

11.“ … “Old Pete” Phillips was part Negro …”

Indeed, consistently, he was identified as Mulatto in the historical records within Vermont.

12.“As to race, they were originally part French and Negro …”

Again, as has been researched, the Phillips family began with Antoine Phillips (Black) and Catherine Cadaive (French).

13.“ … Peter Phillips, [son of Peter Phillips Sr.] when interviewed in 1926 he was a large, stout follow, big broad shouldered, with a round face and Negroid … characteristics.”

14.In Williston it is recorded that a child Celia Phillips was born to Peter Phillips Sr. in 1859, and her color was recorded as black.

15.“In 1926 Selina, [Peter Phillips Sr.’s daughter], was dark and swarthy. She had a soft voice and as she says, “Yes, missis,” her voice and intonation remind one of the southern Negro.”

16.“After her marriage Melinda Phillips Myers settled down and has become an unusually fine citizen.  She has the good qualities of the better class of colored people.”

17.“Melinda has a number of daughters who have married well and she has a number of nice grandchildren. The visitor thought that possibly she did not wish the husbands of her daughters to know about the colored blood in the family.”

18.“In 1926 Mrs. Melinda Phillips Myers was a stout, healthy-looking woman.  She was very swarthy and showed her colored blood to some extent.”

19.“In 1926 Louis and Matilda and their children and grandchildren were living in Bald Mountain, near Greenwich, N.Y. In the house were Louis, Matilda, all of their children, and three grandchildren. Also Irene Phillips, daughter of Peter Phillips the second, was visiting there. Peter the third had lived there a great deal and Peter the second made that house his headquarters. On the day that Agent H.E.A. arrived, Peter Phillips the second had just left there for Vermont.

a.      There was a great variety in the color of the children. Some of them were very dark and unquestionably Negroid. There were all grades of color. Some of those who are most apparently Negroid have gray eyes.”

20.“Jacob Phillips [son of Peter Phillips Sr. and Eliza Way] was the first person from whom any information of value was obtained in regard to the Phillips Pedigree … Agent H.E.A. saw Jacob Phillips early in 1926. He is quite dark, shows his colored blood slightly, but most people would not recognize it … The people in the village rather laugh at Jake, take it for granted that he is part Negro …”

21.“Mary Agnes Phillips who married Harrison Jerome and who manifestly has colored blood.”

22.“Mrs. Fred Mansfield of Stowe, Vt., (a maternal cousin of Agnes although Mrs. Mansfield is a grandmother) has seen Agnes.  She says that she is very dark, has thick lips and looks as if she had Negro blood.”

23.“Stephen Bissette was born in Winooski, Vt., December 21, 1887.  His name is given variously as Stephen, Stanley, and George Stephen Bissette … In the birth record of one of his children, Stephen is recorded as being colored.”

24.On page 11 of the Eugenics, "For example, they tell of some member of their tribe [meaning family] living to be 111 years old etc, when there is no good evidence of that the age was as far advanced as that."

Now, No. 24 is going to be paramount to the DISCOVERY of Antoine Phillips Sr. paternal parentage.  

But the first step that I took, aside from reviewing the Eugenics Survey of Vermont, was to secure the 1850 Federal Population Census, of Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont. 

August 05, 1850 Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont Census

Antoine Phillps Sr. Age 36 [Identified as B (for Black or Dark Complexioned)] Born in Canada, Cannot Read nor Write.

Antoine b. ca. 1814 Black Canada
Katherine b. ca. 1820 Canada
Peter b. ca. 1829 Mulatto Canada
Antoine b. ca. 1834 Mulatto Canada
Michael b. ca. 1836 Mulatto Canada
Melnas b. ca. 1838 Mulatto Canada
Favine b. ca. 1846 Mulatto Canada
Janett b. ca. 1848 Mulatto Canada

While the surmised ages of the parents are 'off' and distorted, the age's for the children of this couple are 'close' and fairly accurate. 

This placed them in Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont. Next, I sought out Land Records:

August 25, 1845
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 12
Page 506 - 507
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
David Skeels
Catherine Philips

Know all men by these presents that I David Skeels of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont for the consideration of Two Hundred dollars paid to my full satisfaction by Catherine Philips of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont have given, granted, bargained and sold and hereby do freely given, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Catherine, her heirs and assigns forever a certain piece of land in Highgate, County of Franklin, and State aforesaid, and described as follows, to wit: vis.
Commencing on Sheldon Line on the East side of the Road leading from Keyes Falls to the Poor House running twelve rods north to a stake & stones thence easterly parallel with Sheldon Town Line, Eighty-eight rods thence turning an angle and running a southerly course twelve rods to Sheldon Line – thence running on Sheldon Line to the corner of Abel Stearns land thence turning an angle and running northerly on Abel Stevens west line so far that by turning an angle and running to the Lot line of Lot No. 122 & thence on said line of Lot No. 122, to the place of beginning it shall contain fifteen acres of said Lot, to have and to hold said granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof to the said Catherine Philips, her heirs and assigns, to her and their own use and behoof forever; and that I the said David Skeels for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant with the said Catherine Philips that until the ensealing of these presents I am the sole owner of the premises and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid that they are free from every encumbrance and I hereby engage to warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatever.
In witness where I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of August 1845.
In presence of Joseph A. Cutler, R. A. Shattuck, J. R. Goodrich
David Skeels [L.S.]

State of Vermont} Highgate 25th, August 1845
Franklin County} David Skeels personally appeared and acknowledged this instrument by him sealed and subscribed to be his free act and deed.
Before me, J. R. Goodrich, Justice of the Peace
Received for Record 25 August 1845 at 5:00 o’clock p.m.
Attest Benjamin Peake, Town Clerk

August 25, 1845
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 12
Page 507 - 508
State of Vermont
Franklin County

-Mortgage Deed-
Antwine Philips & Catherine Philips
David Skeels

Know all men by these presents that we Antwine Philips & Catherine Philips of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont in consideration of the sum of One Hundred dollars received to our satisfaction of David Skeels of Highgate in the County Franklin and State of Vermont the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge herein given, bargained and sold and by these presents, do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, convey and confirm unto the said David Skeels, his heirs and assigns forever:
A certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in Highgate aforesaid and described as follows, to wit:
Being fifteen acres of land off of Lot No. fifty one [51] in the 4th division, it being the same land this day deeded me Catherine Philips by said David Skeels. Reference being had to said Deed from David Skeels to me Catherine Philips for a more particular description.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said David Skeels, his heirs and assigns to his and his own purpose, use and behoof forever.
And we the said Catherine Philips and Antwine for our heirs, executors and administrators do covenant to and with the said David Skeels, his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents , we are well seized of the premises in the fee simple; that we have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same to the said Skeels in manner and form as above written that they are free and clear of encumbrance and that we will warrant and defend the same to the said Skeels, his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whatsoever.
Provided nevertheless that if we the said Antwine Philips & Catherine Philips or our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said David Skeels, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns two certain promissory notes bearing even date with this deed – one for the sum of forty dollars payable three months from date – the other note for fifty dollars payable one year from date of the last described note on interest and signed by the said Antwine Philips & Catherine Philips & payable to David Skeels on order according to the tenor of said notes through this deed to be void otherwise to be and remain in force and effect.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 25th day of August A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty-five.
Signed, Sealed and delivered
In the Presence of Joseph A. Cutler, F. R. Goodrich

Antwine his (X) mark Philips [L.S.]
Catharine her (X) mark Philips [L.S.]

State of Vermont} Highgate 25 August Anus Domini One thousand Eight hundred and forty five
Franklin County s.s.} Antwine Philips & Catharine Philips, signers and sealers of the above written instrument deed acknowledged the same to be their free voluntary acts and deed.
Before me, F. R. Goodrich, Justice of the Peace

Received this Deed for Record 25 august 1845 at 5:00 o’clock p.m.

The Phillips family were not "land-less" wanders in August of 1845. They continued to hold this land deeded them by David Skeels, until the summer of 1856.

March 03, 1852
Highgate Land Records Volume 15, 1851-1853, Pages 362 – 363
Abel Stearns to Chauncey Lyon
Abel Stearns of Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont, in consideration of $150.00 dollars received from Chauncey Lyon, of Swanton, Franklin County, Vermont, sold to Chauncey Lyon a piece or parcel of land, being in Highgate and being 15 acres of land bounded by a line commencing at the corner of Mrs. Philips land on Sheldon line. Thence Eastwardly on said Sheldon line sixty rods to a stake, thence north 4 degrees west Sixty eight and a half rods to the west line of the Lot – Thence South 38 degrees East seventy-eight rods to the place of beginning, the same that was surveyed by Peter E. Brewer.

December 07, 1852
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 15 (1851-1853)
Page 593
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Mortgage Deed-
Antoine & Katherine Phillips
Lyman E. Pelton
Know all men by these presents that we, Antoine Philips & Katherine Philips, wife of the said Antoine Philips of Highgate, in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont in consideration of the sum of twenty-six dollars received to my satisfaction of Lyman E. Pelton of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do give grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, convey and confirm unto the said Pelton and his heirs and assigns forever;
A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in Highgate and described as follows;
To wit being five acres of land to be taken off the northern end of the piece of land deeded by David Skeels to the said Katherine Philips and a part of the same land we occupy.
To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Pelton and his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever.
And we, the said Antoine & Katherine for ourselves, and our heirs, executors and administrators, that at, and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized of the premises in the fee simple; that we have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same to the said Pelton in manner and form as above written: that they are free from every encumbrance; and that we will warrant and defend the same to the said Pelton and his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whatsoever.
Provided, Nevertheless, that if the said Antoine Philips or his heirs, executors and administrators or assigns shall well and truly pay or case to be paid to the said Pelton or his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the amount of a note by him this day given to the said Pelton for twenty six dollars and use payable one year from date through this deed to be void: otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect.
 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 7th day of December A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in person of G. H. Mallary and Luther Meigs
Antoine, his (X) mark Philips
Katherine (her (X) mark Philips
State of Vermont} Highgate December 9th A.D. 1852
Franklin County s.s.} Personally appeared Antoine Philips & Katherine Philips, the signers and sealers of the above written instrument and acknowledged the same to be their free and voluntary act and deed.
Before me, Luther Meigs, Justice of the Peace
Received December 10, 1852 at 9:00 a.m.
Attest Calvin Drury, Town Clerk

Highgate, August 18, 1854: I hereby acknowledge payment of the sum of money secured to me by this mortgage & discharge the same in full. L. E. Pelton. Milo P. Coburn (Witness) Attest: C. Drury, Town Clerk.

November 09, 1853
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Pages 331-332
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Administrators Deed-
William Green (Admin.)
Lucius Green
To all persons to whom these presents shall come;
William Green, Administrator of the Goods, Chattels, and Estate of which were of Samuel W. Keyes, late of Highgate, deceased intestate send greeting. Whereas the Honorable Probate Court for the District of Georgia at a session thereof holden at the Probate Office in St. Albans in said District on the 25th day of February, 1853, on application for that purpose did license and authorize me to sell & convey so much of the Real Estate of the said Samuel W.illard Keyes, deceased as will be sufficient to raise the sum of $10,000.00 dollars to pay the Debts due from said Estate.
Now therefore know ye, that pursuant to the license and authority aforesaid and not otherwise in consideration of the sum of $600.00 dollars, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge I do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Lucius Greene of Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont, his heirs, and assigns forever a certain piece of land or parcel of land situate lying and being in Highgate aforesaid and described as follows to wit Being the west half of Land Lots No. 50 & 51 in Highgate, Subject to an annual rent reserved by the late Heman Allen. Also 10 acres off from the east half of said Land Lot No. 51 and the same land deeded to George McGowan by B.enjamin Peake to which deed & the records thereof reference is here made for a particular description of said 10 acres all of the above described Real Estate being the same land described in a deed dated February 01, 1847, from the said George J. McGowan to the said Samuel W. Keyes deceased, reference being hand to said last mentioned deed Being a part of the Real Estate in Highgate aforesaid whereof the said Samuel W. Keyes deed seized meaning hereby to convey all the right, title and interest which said Samuel W. Keyes had in and to the aforesaid premises on the day of his decease, and no other interest is hereby intended to be conveyed.

November 09, 1853
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Pages 332-333
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Mortgage Deed-
Lucius Green
William Green
Lucius Green of Highgate, Vermont in consideration of the sum of $400.00 dollars received to my satisfaction of William Green of Sheldon, Vermont, Administrator of the Estate of S. W. Keyes late of Highgate deceased, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do give grant bargain sell alien release convey and confirm unto the said William Green Administrator as aforesaid his heirs and assigns, forever a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in Highgate aforesaid and described as follows to wit, being the west half of Land Lot No.’s 50 & 51, being the sauce land formerly deeded by G. N. Stinehour to Geo. J. McGowan.
Also 10 acres of land off from the east half of Land Lot No. 51 the same deeded by Benjamin Peake to the aforesaid Geo. J. McGowan, reference being had to said last mentioned deed and the records thereof for a particular description of the said ten acres all of the aforesaid described land being the same land described in a deed dated February 01, 1847 from said George J. McGowan to the late S. W. Keyes & the same this day deed to me by the said William Green, Administrator as aforesaid.

[William Green was born April 30, 1800, married to Lucy Louise (nee: Sheldon), daughter of Samuel (Major) Bellows Sheldon and Lucy Louise (nee: Willard) Sheldon. She died September 16, 1889 and William Green died June 27, 1860.]

December 06, 1853
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Page 416
State of Vermont
Franklin County

-Land Deed-
Abel Stearns
Chauncey Lyon
In consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) …
… A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in Highgate and described as follows to wit: bounded by a line commencing at the corner of Catherine Phillips Land on Sheldon Line in Highgate – Thence eastwardly on Sheldon Line sixty-four rods to a stake – Thence North Seventy-Sixty-six rods & Eighteen Links to David Skeels fr. Land – Thence South 28 degrees west on the line of said D. Skeels … Katherine Phillips to the place of beginning being fifteen acres more or less to the same surveyed by William Green on December 05th, 1853.

December 06, 1853
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Page 416
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Quit Claim Deed-
Chauncey Lyon
Abel Stearns
In consideration of the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) …
… A certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in Highgate and described as follows – To wit; Being all that piece of land lying on Sheldon Line in the Town of Highgate near the land of Katherine Phillips which was surveyed by Peter E. Brewer and conveyed to me by the said Abel Stearns meaning all the land he ever conveyed to me in Highgate.

August 26, 1854
Sarah B. [Sarah Bellows nee: Sheldon – wife of Samuel Willard Keyes] Keyes & Others to Deborah S. [Deborah nee: Barlow – wife of Stephen Sheldon Keyes] Keyes Land Record - Highgate, Franklin County, VT
Samuel Willard Keyes late of Highgate, deceased, in his lifetime, did on the 27th day of May 1834 enter into a written contract with Stephen S. Keyes [his sibling] of Highgate, aforesaid to convey to Deborah S. Keyes in fee simple, one equal undivided half of two Grist Mills, lying and being in said Highgate on the south side of the Missisquoi River on what is called Keyes Falls with the equal undivided half of the land on which the Grist Mills were erected and one equal undivided half of the mill yard & water power & water privilege used in connection with the said Grist Mills and one equal half of a dwelling house called the Toll-House, with the one equal undivided half of the land on which said Toll House stands & the yards and grounds occupied with said Toll-House as appurtenant thereto; with said contract the said Samuel W. Keyes attempted to execute on the 13th of June, 1834, by executing and delivering to said Deborah S. Keyes a Deed of said premises but said Deed was so defectively written & said premises were so in artificially described in said deed that the same was insufficient & ineffectual to convey to the said Deborah S. Keyes. This is the rectify that former Deed, and thereby, with this Deed, we, Sarah B. Keyes, George Henry Mallary, Lucy E. Mallary, all of Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont, in consideration of $1,000.00 dollars paid to us in hand by Deborah S. Keyes.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 26th day of August 1854.
Delivered in presence of: J. W. [Joshua Willard Sheldon] Sheldon and Augustus Burt.

August 08, 1854
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Page 601 - 602
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
David Skeels & wife
Alfred Skeels
Know all these men by these presents that we, David Skeels and Mary Ann Skeels, wife of the said David Skeels, in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars received to our satisfaction of Alfred Skeels of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledged, have given, grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, convey and confirm unto the said Alfred Skeels and his heirs and assigns Forever a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in Highgate and described as follows – To wit about one half acre of land with the building(s) thereon standing situated on the west side of the Road from the Falls, to St. Albans and now occupied by us as a homestead.
Also all that part of the Gore lot called Land Lot No. 50 in Highgate in the 4th Division bounded on the East by Abel Stearns land on the North & West by S. W. & S. S. Keyes land and on the South by Katherine Phillips’ land – Being the same piece of land which was deeded to the said Mary Ann Skeels by David Skeels May 02, 1849.
References being had to the said deed ...
To have and to hold, said granted premises, with the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said Alfred Skeels & his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. And we the said David & Mary Ann Skeels for ourselves, and our heirs, executors and administrators  do covenant with the said Alfred and his heirs & assigns that until the ensealing of these presents we are the sole owners of the premises and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are free from every encumbrance, and we hereby engage to warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatever except a rent to the Town of Highgate on the first mentioned piece.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 8th day of August – A.D. One thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.
Signed Sealed and Delivered          
David Skeels
Mary Ann Skeels
In the Presence of
E. C. Thompson
Erastus Church

State of Vermont} Highgate August 08th A.D. 1854
Franklin County s.s.} Personally appeared David Skeels & Mary Ann Skeels, the signers and sealers of the above written instrument, and acknowledged the same to be their free and voluntary act and deed – before me, E. C. Thompson, Justice of the Peace

Received for Record August 08th, 1854 at 6:00 o’clock p.m.
Attest Caloin Drury, Town Clerk

August 08, 1854
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Page 603
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
Alfred Skeels
David Skeels
Know all men by these presents that I Alfred Skeels of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars received to my satisfaction of David Skeels of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold, alien, release, convey and confirm unto the said David Skeel & his heirs and assigns Forever:
A certain piece or parcels of land lying and being in Highgate and described as follows:
To wit – being about one half acre of land with the building(s) thereon, standing situated on the west side of the Road from Keyes Falls to St. Albans & now occupied by the said David Skeels as a homestead.
Also that part of the Gore Lot called Number fifty-on in the fourth division bounded on the East by Abel Stearns land on the North & West by S.W. and S.S. Keyes land and on the South by Katherine Philips land being the same pieces of land which was deeded by David Skeels to Mary Ann & by her and her husband, the said David Skeels to me.
Reference being had to said deeds.
To have and to hold said granted premises, with the privileges and appurtenances thereof, to the said David Skeels & his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof Forever: And I the said Alfred Skeels for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant with the said David Skeels and his heirs and assigns that until the ensealing of these presents I am the sole owner of the premises and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are free from every encumbrances; and I hereby engage to warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatever except a rent to the Town of Highgate on said first mentioned piece.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of August A.D. On thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered, in presence of E. C. Thompson and Erastus Church
Alfred Skeels

State of Vermont} Highgate August 08th A.D. 1854
Franklin County s.s.} Personally appeared Alfred Skeels, the signer and sealer of the above written instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free and voluntary act and deed – before me, E. C. Thompson, Justice of the Peace

Received for Record August 08th, 1854 at 6:00 o’clock p.m.
Attest Calvin Druery, Town Clerk

April 06, 1855
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Page 800
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
David Skeels
Lydia Harrington
Know all men by these presents that I, David Skeels of Highgate, Vermont for the consideration of $200.00 dollars, paid to my full satisfaction by Lydia Harrington of Sheldon, Vermont, freely grant, convey, and confirm to the said Lydia Harrington and her heirs, assigns forever a certain piece of land in Highgate, Vermont, described as follows Viz
Bounded on the north by land owned by Charles M. McKinny on the east by land owned by Abell Stearns and Chauncey Lyons on the south by land owned by Catherine Philips and on the west by land owned by S. S. Keyes containing about ten acres be the same more or less being the same premises heretofore conveyed to me by Alford Skeels by his certain deed now on record in the Town Clerks office in said Highgate, reference being had to said deed for a more particular description of said premises.
In presents of:
Willliam Locrun
John Hogaboom                               Attest: Lucius Green, Town Clerk

April 10, 1855
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 16 (1853-1855)
Pages 793-794
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
Lydia Harrington
David Skeels
Lydia Harrington of Sheldon, Vermont for and in consideration of the sum of $200.00 dollars received of David Skeels of Highgate, Vermont, deeded to him, a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in Highgate aforesaid described as follows to wit, bounded on the northerly lands owned by Charles McKing on the east by land owned by Abell Stearns, and Chauncey Lyon on the south by land owned by Catherine Philips and on the west by land owned by S. S. Keyes, containing about 10 acres be the same more or less bring the same premises conveyed by Alford Skeels to the said David Skeels by Deed now on record in the Town Clerks office in said Highgate reference being had to said deed for some particular description of said premises and being the same lands conveyed to me the said Lydia Harrington by said David Skeels by his deed of Warranty on the 6th day of April, 1855, one for the sum of $100.00 dollars payable to David Skeels or bearer and due on November 01, 1855, the other for the sum of $75.00 dollars payable to David Skeels or bearer and due on April 01, 1856 according to the tenor thereof.
Signed, Sealed and delivered; in presents of:
E. C. Thompson
E. Tillison

May 17, 1856
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 17 (1855-1860)
Page 134
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
Antwine & Catherine Philips
Alvah H. Mason
Know all men by these presents that we, Antwine Philips and Catherine Philips, wife of the said Antwine of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont, for the consideration of one hundred and eighty dollars ($180.00) paid to our full satisfaction by A.H. Mason of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont, do by these presents, freely grant, convey and confirm to the said A.H. Mason, his heirs, assigns forever a certain piece of land in Highgate, County of Franklin, and State of Vermont, described as follows, vis. It being ten acres of land off the east part of the Land deeded by David Skeels to Catherine Philips August 25, A.D. 1845, in such a manner in a parallel line with the road that leads past said land, and also give a right of way to and from the said ten acres of Land so sold to the said A.H. Mason, on the land and over the remainder from the road to the said ten acres.
To have and to hold said granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances forever. And we the said Antwine Philips & Catherine Philips for ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said A.H. Mason and his heirs and assigns that until ensealing of these presents, we are the sole owners of the premises and we are well seized of the premises in fee, and that we have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are free from every encumbrance and we hereby engage to warrant and defend them against all lawful claims whatever.
In witness whereof, we hereunto set our hands and seals, the 17th day of May A.D. 1856
In presence of H. D. Lookinland and William Robinson
Antoine his (X) mark Philips
Catherine (her (X) mark Philips

State of Vermont}
Franklin County s.s.} At Highgate this 17th day of May A.D. 1856
Antwine Philips & Catherine Philips personally appeared and acknowledged this instrument by their sealed and subscribed to be their free act and deed.
Before me, William Robinson, Justice of the Peace
Received for Record may 17, 1856 at 3:00 p.m.
Attest H. D. Lookinland, Assistant Town Clerk

September 19, 1856
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 17 (1855-1860)
Pages 173-174
State of Vermont
Franklin County
-Warranty Deed-
Antwine & Catherine Phillips
Peter Phillips

Know all men by these presents that we, Antwine Phillips and Catherine Phillips, both of Williston, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00), current money of the United States, received in full to our satisfaction of Peter Phillips of Williston, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm unto the said Peter Phillips, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont and described as follows to wit;
All the land contained and described in a deed from David Skeels to Catherine Phillips and dated August 25, 1845 and said deed is recorded in Volume 12 Page 506 of the records of Deeds in the town of Highgate and for a more particular description of said premises, reference is hereby made to said deed and the record thereof, meaning to convey by this deed all of the said premises, except ten acres of land taken off the north end of the said premises and previously deeded to Alvah H. Mason by us, to have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof and thereto belonging to the said Peter Phillips, his heirs and assigns, to him and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, and we the said Antwine & Catherine Phillips do for ourselves & heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns covenant to and with the said Peter Phillips, his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns, that at and until the dealing of these presents we are well seized of the premises, in fee simple, that we have good right and lawful authority to bargain and sell the same, in manner and form as is above written, that they are free and clear of all encumbrances, and that will warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whomsoever except the ten acres above excepted.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of September A.D. 1856.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of F. A. Chittenden, Anson Shaw.
Antwine his (X) mark Phillips
Catherine her (X) mark Phillips

State of Vermont}
Chittenden County s.s.} Williston September 19th A.D. 1856
Personally appeared Antwine Phillips and Catherine Phillips the signers and sealers of the above written instrument and acknowledged the same to be their free voluntary act and deed.
Before me, Anson Shaw, Notary Public
Received for Record September 20, 1856 at 7:00 p.m.
Attest J. D. Lookinland, Assistant Town Clerk

September 20, 1856
Vermont Land Records – Highgate Vermont
Book Volume 17 (1855-1860)
Pages 179-180
State of Vermont
Franklin County

-Warranty Deed-
Peter & Rosella Phillips
To Alvah H. Mason
Know all men by these presents, that we, Peter Phillips and Rosella Phillips, wife of the said Peter, of Williston, in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, for the consideration of three hundred dollars paid to our full satisfaction by Alvah H. Mason of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont, do by these presents, freely grant, convey and confirm to the said Mason, his heirs, and assigns forever:
A certain piece of land in Highgate County of Franklin and State of Vermont, described as follows, vis. It being all the land deeded to me by Antwine Phillips and Catherine Phillips September 19th, 1856, lying east of the road leading from Keyes Falls to Levi Webster’s in Sheldon and a part of the same lot, that was deeded to Catherine Phillips by David Skeels, August 25th, 1845, and recorded in Book 12, Page 506, of land records in the town of Highgate, to have and to hold the said granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances forever, and we the said Peter Phillips and Rosella Phillips for ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said Alvah H. Mason his heirs and assigns, that until ensealing of these presents we are the sole owners of the premises, and are well seized of the premises in fee, and that we have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are free from every encumbrance, and we hereby engage to warrant and defend them against all lawful claims whatever.
In witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals this 20th day of September A.D. 1856.
In presence of H. Chapin and F. A. Chittenden, William Bridges, Deavitt
Peter his (X) mark Phillips
Rosella her (X) mark Phillips

State of Vermont}
Franklin County s.s.} St. Albans, this 25th day of September A.D. 1856
Peter Phillips personally appeared and acknowledged this instrument by his sealed and subscribed to be his free act and deed.
Before me, William Bridges, Justice of the Peace

State of Vermont}
Chittenden County s.s.} Williston, September 23 A.D. 1856
Rosella Phillips personally appeared and acknowledged this instrument by her sealed and subscribed to be her free act and deed.
Before me, T.  A. Chittenden, Town Clerk of Williston, Vermont
Received for record September 25, 1856, at 8:00 p.m.
Attest J. D. Lookinland, Assistant Town Clerk of Highgate, Vermont

Map of Land Lot No. 51 and surrounding area.

October 19, 1858
Highgate Land Records 1855-1860
Volume 17
Page 569-570
-Warranty Deed-
Alvin H. Mason
Daniel P. Oliver
Know all men by these presents in the county of Franklin and State of Vermont in consideration of the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars, received to my satisfaction of Daniel P. Oliver of Swanton in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, and convey and confirm unto the said Daniel P. Oliver, his heirs and, assigns, Forever, a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in Highgate in said County of Franklin and State of Vermont described as follows to wit; it being fifteen [15] acres of land and the appurtenances thereto belonging that was deeded by David Skeels to Catherine Philips August 25th, 1845 and reference, being had to said deed for a more particular description if said premises to have, and to hold said granted premises with the privileges and appurtenances thereof to the said Daniel P. Oliver, his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof Forever and I, the said Alvin H. Mason, for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant with the said Daniel P. Oliver that until the ensealing of these presents that I am the sole owner of the premises and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are free from every encumbrances and I hereby engage to warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of October, AD one thousand and fifty-eight [October 19, 1858]                      Signed Alvin H. [X] Mason L.S.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of William Robinson and Marcus A. Best
Received for recording October 19, 158 at 5:00 p.m.
AttestL William M. Martin, Town Clerk

October 19, 1858
Highgate Land Records 1855-1860
Volume 17
Page 569-570
-Mortgage Deed-
Daniel P. Oliver
Alvin H. Mason
Know all men by these presents that I Daniel P. Oliver of Swanton in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont for the consideration of three hundred and fifty dollars paid to me by Alvin H. Mason of St. Albans in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont by these presents to freely convey to the said Alvin H. Mason his heirs and assigns forever, a certain piece of land in Highgate, County of Franklin and State of Vermont, described as follows vis; fifteen acres of land and the appurtenances thereto belonging that was deeded by David Skeels to Catherine Philips August 25, 1845 reference being had to said deed for a more particular description of said premises, and is the same land that is deeded to me by the said Alvin H. Mason October 19, 1858. To hold said granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances forever. And I the said Daniel P. Oliver for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said Alvin H. Mason, his heirs and assigns that until the sealing of these presents I am the sole owner of the premises and have good right to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are free from every encumbrance; and I hereby warrant and defend them against all lawful claims whatever. The conditions of this deed are such that if the said Daniel P. Oliver shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Alvin H. Mason, his heirs, or assigns, seven promissory notes each for fifty-dollars, bearing date October 19, 858, the first not payable in or before the 1st day of April next and the remaining six notes payable one two three four five & six years from date with annual interest according to the tenor thereof the this instrument to be null and void.
In witness whereof hereunto set my hand and seal this 11 day of October , 1858. In the presence of William Robinson and Marcus A. Best          Signed Alvin H. [X] Mason L.S.

Daniel P. Oliver (on the 1871 Map of Highgate, on the north side of the Town Line.
Webster Est. (on the 1871 Map of Sheldon, on the south side of the Town Line.

As one can discern, as the chronology of the Land Record transactions went from 1845 to 1858, it was Daniel P. Oliver who obtained the land, that previously was held by Antwine Philips and his wife held, as well as their son Peter Philips, before the Phillips family moved to Williston, Vermont, that summer of 1856. As one would say, it's all about location, location, location, and who your neighbors are, of course.

Restrospectively-speaking, on September 19, 2010 ... I posted in this blog a particularly interesting Baptismal Record:

136. Baptism of Antoine Philipp Jr.
7th day of July, 1834
St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
Notre Dame de Rosaire
He was "illegitime"?
son of Antoine Sr. (?) Philipp
Catherine Cadere dit Emery

Indeed this is the CORRECT genealogical footprint (document) of Antwine Philips/ in french "Philippe" for not only Catherine, his wife, but also his son, Antoine Philips Jr.

Baptismal Record – Notre Dame du Rosaire Parish, Ste. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
1834Antoine PhilippBorn June 15, 1834 Baptized July 07, 1834
Catherine Codérre dit Émery    ___________ Philipp                                   
Godfather: Francois Xavier Brault
Godmother: Adelaide Breult
Child was identified as “illegitimate” – Was one parent NOT Catholic, and the mother was? And the N.D. du Rosaire Priest would not “recognize” the parent’s marriage, and thus “labeled” Antoine Jr. as such?

And once the 'genealogical key' was found, and re-evaluated, the genealogical doorway was opened ... not only into the truthful identity of Catherine "Cadaive" but rather Catherine Émery dit Codérre who had married Antwine Philips/ Antoine Philippé, but also to the composition and movements of this family. The confirmation that this Catherine Émery dit Codérre was and is the CORRECT woman who married to Antwine/Antoine Phillips of Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont has been confirmed by genetic DNA results and the evaluation of the Phillips / Émery dit Codérre descendants who have tested both at FTDNA and AncestryDNA.

Catherine "Cadaive" / Cadeux wasn't

Her name was Catherine Émery dit Codérre

Born to Pierre Émery dit Codérre
Marie Louise Brisard dit St. Germain
Notre Dame du Rosaire Catholic Parish
Ste. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada

"Old Antoine wife Catherine Cadaive or Cadieux the only thing Grandma Josephine knew on her that her Grandmother Catherine "Great- Grandmother was Autumn Wind who's father was a Great Chief of her people Grandmother Josephine said they were Indian she said they came from Canada."

How could Josephine (nee: Phillips) who married to Frank Mitchell Blais/ Blake on Feb. 21, 1897 in Monkton, Addison County, VT (and who was born march 08, 1880 in Colchester, VT and died in 1959 in Queensbury, NY) know that her grandmother's father was a Great Chief of her people, and that he was an Indian, when she didn't even know who Catherine's father's name was, let alone where her own paternal grandparents honestly came from, respectfully?

Genealogically-speaking Pierre Émery dit Codérre was 100% percent FRENCH. His wife Marie Louise Brisard dit St. Germain also identified throughout her life as 100% percent FRENCH, as did their daughter Catherine, and her siblings!

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Pierre Peter Phillips Sr.
11. Joseph Phillips
10.  Christie May Phillips
11. Oscar Harvey Sweetser
12. Wendell Oscar Sweetser

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Pierre Peter Phillips
11. Joseph Phillips
12. Christie Phillips
13. Isabelle Sargent
14. Seaton Frank Stone
15. Wanda Lynn Stone
16. Sammy Jake “Sambo” Stone

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Pierre Peter Phillips
11. Napoleon Paul Phillips
12. Paul Anthony Phillips
13. Cora Elizabeth Phillips
14. Paul James Haskins

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Pierre Peter Phillips
11. Rosa Delphine “Delia” Phillips
12. William Thomas Bissette
13. Delbert Arnold Bissette
14. Carol Bissette
15. Todd C. Sieger

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Pierre Peter Phillips
11. Josephine Phillips
12. Marsha Marceline Blake
13. Winifred Ann (nee: Jéróme) Yaratz

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Matilda Elizabeth Leopard
12. Patience Pauline Phillips
13. James Abie LaFarr

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Matilda Elizabeth Leopard
12. Henry Lawrence Phillips
13. Jeffery Lawrence Phillips
14. Jason Phillips

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Louis Phillips
12. Louis Nolan Phillips
13. Albert Leo Phillips
14. Thomas Leo Phillips
15. Benjamin Scott Phillips

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Louis Phillips
12. Louis Nolan Phillips
13. Richard Wilfred “Blackhorse” Phillips
14. Kathy Joyce Phillips

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Louis Phillips
12. Louis Nolan Phillips
12. Susan Marjory (nee: Phillips) Monteith

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Louis Phillips
12. Walter Louis “King” Phillips
13. Clara Joan “Kitten” Phillips
14. Terrance “Terry” “Bear” Lafarr

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Louis Phillips
12. Louis Nolan Phillips
13. Deborah Ann Phillips
14. Emerson Bidwell Garfield

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Michael Phillips
11. Mary Jane Phillips
12. Napoleon Cheeman Joseph Greenia
12. Marjorie Greenia
13. Bonnie Lee Lampman

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Antoine Phillips Jr.
11. Sarah Phillips
12. Elizabeth May Foster
13. Hazel Mary Forant
14. Mary Elizabeth (nee: Desso) Kinville

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Mary Jane Phillips
11. Lyman George Phillips
12. Flora Francis Peters
13. Shirley Mae Knox
14. Deborah Van Dyne

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4.  Marie François Prévost
5. Jean Baptiste Petitclerc
6. Marie Félicité Petitclerc
7. Marie Louise Chabot
8. Marie Louise Brizard dit Ste. Germain
9. Catherine Émery dit Codèrre
10. Peter Phillips
11. Selinda Phillips
12. Rose Lessor
13. Alice Buick
13. Bernice (nee: Wilson) Reynolds
14. Angela (nee: Reynolds) Glass


It is DISTANT HURON Ancestral Connection(s), that is NOT ABENAKI. 

And yet, most of these Phillips descendants have and do claim to be "Abenakis" ...

Again, genealogically speaking, how is it that these Phillips descendants at Abenaki? Missisquoi? Nulhegan? El-Nu? or Koasek?

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4. Marie Françoise Prévost
5. Marie Françoise Petitclerc
6. Jean François Nicholas Bisson
7. Jean François Bisson
8. Jean Baptiste Bisson
9. Cyprien Sypreau Bisson
10. John Francis Besaw
11. Joseph Sylvio Besaw
12. Virgil Alan Besaw
13. Rhonda Lou (nee: Besaw) True

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
4. Marie Angelique (nee: Petitclerc) Poiriau
5. Philippe Perrault
6. Suzanne (nee: Perrault) Blais
7. Rosalie Ann (nee: Blais dit Blake) Dyer
8. Simeon (Simon) Dyer
9. Eber Dyer
10. Mabel Mary Louise (nee: Dyer) Ingalls
11. Isabelle Nina (nee: Ingalls) Blanchard
12. Sherry Lynn (nee: Blanchard) 1m. Scaperotti  2m.  Gould

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Louis Prévost
4. Marie Prévost
5. Marguerite David
6. François Henri Zacharie Cloutier
7. Zacharie Cloutier
8. Marie Jeanne (nee: Cloutier) Gagne
9. Marie Anne (nee: Gagne) Gagnon
10. Lucie Julie (nee: Gagne) Lariviere
11. Marie Beatrice (nee: Lariviere) Rheault dit Rault dit Raoul dit Reux
12. Eugenie (nee: Rheault) Bergeron
13. Romeo William Bergeron
14. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
15. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Louis Prévost
4. Marie Prévost
5. Marguerite David
6. François Henri Zacharie Cloutier
7. Zacharie Cloutier
8. Prisque Cloutier
9. Anselme Cloutier
10. Philomené Cloutier
11. Beatrice Gagné
12. Rose Aimé Beatrice Bourque dit Bourke
13. Leopold Paul Pouliot
14. Paul Wilson Pouliot

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Louis Prévost
4. Marie Prévost
5. Marguerite David
6. François Henri Zacharie Cloutier
7. Zacharie Cloutier
8. Prisque Cloutier
9. Anselme Cloutier
10. Philomené Cloutier
11. Beatrice Gagné
12. Rose Aimé Beatrice Bourque dit Bourke
13. Richard Daniel Pouliot Sr.
14. Richard “Rick” Daniel Pouliot Jr.

1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Jean Baptiste Prévost
3. Marie Catherine Prévost
4. Françoise Petitclerc
5. Brigitte Alain
6. François Hogue Sr.
7. François Hogue Jr.
8. Fabien Flavien William Hoague
9. Clara Hoague
10. Nazaire St. Francis Jr.
11. Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.
12. April Anne (nee: St. Francis) Merrill