
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Some More "Details" Genealogically Accurate regarding the Phelps/ and Phillips Family Lineage Branches.

January 18, 1926
Miss Harriet Abbot
19 Brooks Ave.
Burlington, Vt.

Dear Madam;
I have learned that Mrs. Stephen Meyers [Malinda (nee: Phillips) Myers] lives in the corner of Champlain and Pearl Streets in the brick house in the West side of Champlain Street at the corner. She can tell you all about the Phillips, as she went Gypsying with them and can also tell you about Miss Baker [her sister Louise (nee: Phillips) Baker] and her travels as Gypsies.
W. S. Heath, Town Clerk of South Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont

January 29, 1926
State Department of Public Welfare
Augusta, Maine

In Re: Phillips family

We are interested in the Phillips family that has inter-married with many families which have cost the State of Vermont a good deal of money. These people in the past were known as “gypsies” but in all probability they are part French, part Indian and part Negro. (largely Negro). As far as I know they have never been registered as colored. There was certain Peter Phillips who was known as “One-eyed Peter” [confusion with Mathias a.k.a. Michael Phillips], “King of the Gypsies.”

Matilda Leopard Phillips says that Old Mike died at the age of 104 at the home of his granddaughter, Matilda Leopard Phillips herself. Cora Stark Phillips and relatives about Peacham state that Old Mike Phillips had only one eye, but it is apparent that they are confusing Mike with Pete. HEA

He is said to have had about eighteen children, who were of many different colors from black down through yellow and white. These people wandered up and down the shores of Lake Champlain stealing what they could lay their hands on, hunting and fishing out of season and often living in boats [confusion on her part with the Jerome “Pirate” family]. Some years ago a branch of these Phillips’s went to Belfast, Maine. I think the oldest member of the family that went, was known as Antoine Phillips Jr., [son of Peter Phillips and his first wife Delina Benoit a.k.a. Delia Rosa Bone] I am anxious to get not only the Dependency, Delinquency and Defective records of the Maine branch of this family but also to obtain the genealogy of the Maine family so that I may connect it up with the people here [meaning Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont].
Just at present the Phillips here are trying to hide their connection with “Old Pete”, undoubtedly because their children have married into white families. I am told that the original Peter married for his first wife [his first wife was Delia Rosalie Rosa Benoit dit Livernois dit Benware dit Benway dit Bone] Eliza Way, and that she had a brother Newton Way who lives in Belfast, Maine and who is fairly well-to-do.
                I wonder if the State of Maine or any Social Agency of Maine has been in contact with this family or any of its branches. We have here in Burlington, a Mrs. Steven Myers [Melinda Phillips, daughter of Peter Phillips Sr. and his first wife Delia Bone] who was the daughter of a certain Peter Phillips, who she says died in Maine [Peter Phillips Sr. died in December 1906 while in Peacham, Caledonia County, Vermont]. She denied any connection with the original Pete Phillips.
                From another source, I was told that a certain Willy Phillips married a Nellie Gray and this couple had five children who lived in Belfast, Maine. If you can help to obtain the information which I would like I would appreciate it very much. If these people are not known to your office, probably you can turn my letter over to some other agency which has been in touch with the family. Any help will be very much appreciated.
HEA/GA, In charge of Field Research

Melinda Phillips – spouse of Stephen Aiken Myers

Melinda Phillips traveled with the Gypsy Phillips’s.  She married Stephen (or Aiken) Myers.  Mr. Myers traveled with the Phillips’s for some time but after he married Melinda she made him settle down.      
Mr. Daniel O'Brien states that there is a tradition that Melinda is the illegitimate child of the wife of Old Pete Phillips by Pete's brother Mike [Mathias] who appropriated Pete’s wife Delia Bone [Benoit] while Pete was in prison.  Mr. O’Brien thinks that this is what makes Mrs. Myers dislike giving information because she feels that people are probing into her past.
However, Cora Stark Phillips, wife of Pete's son Napoleon, says that Mike was not promiscuous and that he would not have done such a thing as the above.  Such a statement, however, is not necessarily to be believed as Mrs. Cora Stark Phillips though fairly intelligent married at 14 and is not always truthful.  She also seems to be unusually fond of Mike Phillips herself.
After her marriage Melinda Phillips Myers settled down and has become an unusually fine citizen.  She has the good qualities of the better class of colored people.  She is a good worker and has worked for the best families in Burlington and in 1926 was still doing day work although she must be very old.  In 1926 Mrs. Myers was living in an extremely nice second floor flat on Lower Pearl Street.  It was very well furnished and of a much higher grade than that of her sister Mrs. Martin.  Mrs. Myers was living with some of her unmarried sons and working out every day doing housework for very nice people in Burlington.  She is apparently a very decent sort of woman and thrifty.  Although friendly she was somewhat suspicious and did not wish to give much information.
Melinda has a number of daughters who have married well and she has a number of nice grandchildren.  The visitor thought that possibly she did not wish the husbands of her daughters to know about the colored blood in the family.
Mr. Daniel O'Brien of South Burlington spoke of one of the daughters of Melinda.  He said she was a very fine girl.
In 1926 Mrs. Melinda Phillips Myers was a stout, healthy-looking woman.  She was very swarthy and showed her colored blood to some extent.

On page 11 of the Eugenics, "For example, they tell of some member of their tribe [meaning family] Antoine Phillips Sr.' father Peter Phelps living to be 111 years old [See November 1865 Newspaper clipping] etc, when there is no good evidence of that the age was as far advanced as that."

So when Melinda (nee: Phillips) Myers was visited and interviewed "by the agent" at her residence, did Harriett E. Abbott question Melinda about the "original" Peter Phelps and NOT her own father Peter Phillips? And that Melinda Myers denied connection with "Peter Phelps, a colored man who died November 10, 1865 having lived in St. Albans for nearly half a century"? Or was she attempting to deny any connection with her own father? And if so, why? 

WHY would 'they' tell of some member of their FAMILY living to be 111 years old ...

... if this was not Antoine Philips Sr.'s own father Peter Phelps who happened to have coincidentally died at the printed age of 111 years ... specifically? Who told or SAID to the newspaper 'wire' that Peter Phelps, a colored man ... was alleged 111 years of age? 

Was Melinda (nee: Phillips) Myers (along with other Phillips family members) 'racially denying' and/ or trying to 'distance' themselves from their own Phelps/Phillips ancestors ethnicity ... of being Black, Colored, Negro, or Mulatto? 

In 1924, Virginia passed the Racial Integrity Act, a series of anti-miscegenation laws that would be overturned by the landmark case Loving v. Virginia in 1967. The act defined a white person as someone with blood that was “entirely white, having no known, demonstrable or ascertainable admixture of the blood of another race.” Yet when faced with the fact that many rich Virginia planters claimed to be descendants of Pocahontas, the state allowed that a white person could be up to one-sixteenth Native American. A person with one-sixteenth black blood, however, was still black.

The One-Drop-Rule

REMEMBER, Melinda (nee: Phillips) Myers and other family members were visited and interviewed by Harriett E. Abbott (and or other Eugenics Survey field workers, while-at-the-same-time, in Virginia, this 1924 Racial Integrity Act was LEGAL ... until 1967 when it was overturned.

More "Details" Genealogically Accurate regarding the Phelps/ and Phillips Family Lineage Branches.

September 09, 1850

1850 Federal Population Census – St. Albans, Franklin County, VT
152 - 154 Household:
James McDurphy – Black Age: 50 Laborer Born: Vermont
Mary Ann McDurphy – Black Age: 30 Born: New York
Frederick McDurphy – Black Age: 15 Born: Vermont
Betsey McDurphy – Black Age: 14 Born: Vermont
Theodore Brace – Black Age: 29 Laborer Born: Vermont
Sarah Prince – Black Age: 29 Born: Vermont
Alanson Brace – Black Age: 11 Born: Vermont
Francis Brace – Black Age: 08 Born: Vermont
Sylvester Brace – Black Age: 06 Born: Vermont
Douglas Brace – Black Age: 04 Born Vermont
Peter Brace – Black Age: 02 Born Vermont
GENERATION #1 Peter Phelps – Black Age: 70 Born ca. 1780 Vermont
Amy Pollison – Black Age: 75 Born New York [Cato Pollison’s spouse?]
James Gould – Black Age: 18 Born Vermont
154 – 156 Household:
Sylvester Day – Black Age: 40 Laborer Born Canada
Ama Day – Black Age: 28 Born: Vermont
Alanson Day – Black Age: 17 Born Vermont
Diantha Holmes – Black Age: 70 Born New York

[If Peter Phelps was 70 years old in 1850, he would reasonably be 85 when he passed away]

September 13, 1850
1850 Federal Population Census – St. Albans, Franklin County, VT
Household 289-291:
George Prince – 30 yrs. old male black Laborer Born in Vt. Cannot read nor write.
Caroline Billings – 25 yrs. female black Born in Vt. Cannot read nor write.
Daniel Prince – 08 yrs male black Born in Vt. Attended School.
Rose Anne Prince – 06 yrs. female black Born in Vt.
Isaac Prince – 02 yrs. male black Born in Vt.
Household 290-292:
Henry Prince – 60 yrs. male black Laborer Born in Ct.
Hannah Barlow – 40 female black Born in Vt.
Charles Prince – 10 yrs. male black Born in Vt.
Rebecca Prince – 08 yrs. female black Born in Vt.
Parthenia Prince – 06 yrs. female black Born in Vt.
Elizabeth Prince – 04 yrs. female black Born in Vt.
Florence Prince – 01 yrs. female black Born in Vt.
Household 291-293:
Josiah Baldwin – 50 yrs. male black Born in Vt.
Emily Baldwin – 21 yrs. female black Born in Vt.
Pegg Phelps – 60 yrs. female black Born in Vt. 1790 [Peggy (nee: Moseley)]
Mary Ann Phelps – 10 yrs. Female black Born in Vt. 1840 [Josiah Bolden's daughter Mariah Helen Bolden by his first wife Sarah (nee: Vanderpool).

Apparently, in the 1850 Census, the Census taker may have surmised in error that Peggy and her step-daughter were 'Phelps', but in fact, neither were. 
In fact, Josiah Bolden married to Peggy (nee: Moseley) on April 13, 1855 in St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont. 
Mariah Helen (nee: Bolden) was born to Josiah Bolden and his first wife, Sarah (nee: Vanderpool) born in 1844 in Jericho, VT ... on June 03, 1872 in Bristol, Addison County, VT married to Isaac Prince, son of Isaac R. Prince and Rhoda Freeman.
Perhaps the reason Pegg(y) and the future stepdaughter "Mary" were identified as being Phelps was merely because Peggy lived with Peter Phelps (?) ... 

September 17, 1850
1850 Federal Population Census – St. Albans, Franklin County, VT
Line 11 – Household 426 – 431:
William Phelps Age 31 yrs. Born: Abt. 1819 VT (Blk) Black Occupation: Laborer
Rosanna [Prince] Age: 26 yrs. Born: Abt. 1824 VT (Blk) Black
Lewis Phelps Age: 12 yrs. (Blk) Black
Cynthia Phelps Age: 17 yrs. (Blk) Black
William Phelps Age: 04 yrs. (Blk) Black
Russell Phelps Age: 03 yrs. (Blk) Black
Orange Phelps Age: 2 months (Blk) Black

Canadian Lower Canada Census – Ste. Armand, Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada
No. 36: William Phelps Canada B Episcopal Methodist Age 35 b. 1816
No. 37: Rosanna Prince United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 29 b. 1823
No. 38: Louis Phelps United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 13 b. 1839
No. 39: Orange Phelps United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 02 b. 1850
No. 40: Cynthia Phelps United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 09 b. 1843
No. 41: William Phelps Jr. United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 06 b. 1846
No. 42: George Prince United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 28 b. 1824
No. 43: Caroline Billings Canada B Episcopal Methodist Age 27 b. 1825
No. 44: Daniel Prince Canada B Episcopal Methodist Age 10 b. 1842
No. 45: Rosanna Prince Canada B Episcopal Methodist Age 06 b. 1846
No. 46: Isaac Prince Canada B Episcopal Methodist Age 03 b. 1849
No. 47: Peter Prince Canada B Episcopal Methodist Age 01 b. 1851
No. 48: James Phelps United States B Episcopal Methodist Age 22 b. 1830

[All of the above persons were identified as being Black/Negro/African descendants]

1850 Highgate, Franklin County, Vermont Census
Antoine Phillps Sr. Age 36 [Identified as B (for Black)] Born in Canada, Cannot Read nor Write.

Antoine b. ca. 1814 Black Canada
Katherine b. ca. 1820 Canada [she was born and baptized in 1806]
Peter b. ca. 1829 Mulatto Canada
Antoine b. ca. 1834 Mulatto Canada
Michael b. ca. 1836 Mulatto Canada
Melnas b. ca. 1838 Mulatto Canada
Favine b. ca. 1846 Mulatto Canada
Janett b. ca. 1848 Mulatto Canada

January 21, 1859
The Burlington Free Press Newspaper
Alleged Assault with Intent to Kill –
The examination of the parties concerned in the recent assault on an Irishman named Goulding, took place before Justice Hollenbeck, Wednesday forenoon. The testimony of the witnesses went to show that the principle criminal was Peter Phillips Sr. – (a son of GENERATION #2 Antoine Phillips, otherwise known as “Black Jack”) who made a violent and unprovoked attacked first upon Mr. Patrick Cassidy, an Irishman, whom he assaulted with a bottle, an axe, a sled stake, besides giving him divers kicks, blows in the face with the fist and other gentle reminders of his presence, and next upon Goulding, who interfered to preserve the peace, and who received a blow from Peter Phillips Sr. which fractured his skull, and placed his life in jeopardy.
Antoine Phillips Jr. and a young Frenchman named Peter Trueheart, appeared to have been participants in the outrage, by keeping the bystanders from interfering with the more violent operations of Peter Phillips Sr., and by telling him, at one stage of the affray, to “kill” Cassidy. All three were, probably, under the influence of liquor.
The three were bound over for trial at the next term of the County Court, in the sum of $500.00 dollars each, for breach of the Peace, and Assault with Intent-to-Kill.

January 21, 1859
The Burlington Free Press Newspaper
Affray and Almost Murder
A drunken row, resulting in the dangerous and perhaps fatal injury of an Irishman named Goldin, occurred on the Williston road, near the corner of Dorset Street, Thursday night. It appears, from the information gathered by us concerning the affair that a low grocery is kept at the place indicated, by a man named Wheeler. Here an Irish teamster and a Frenchman [the ‘Frenchman’ was Peter Trueheart] named GENERATION #3 Peter Phillips Sr., known by the soubriquet of “Black Jack,” (given him, doubtless, from his complexion, which is very dark) after getting well primed with fighting rum, fell into an altercation, which they continued after leaving Wheeler’s place, and finally came to blows in front of Goldin’s house, which is nearly opposite the grocery shop. Goldin went out bare-headed, and mixed in the affray, probably to separate the combatants, when he received a terrible blow from Peter Phillips Sr., given with a cart-rung, fracturing the skull into which a man’s thumb might be laid.
Peter Phillips Sr. was arrested Friday morning by officers Flanagan and White, and lodged in jail. He is represented to us as an ugly fellow, and has been “hauled up” once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off, in some similar affray.

January 22 1859
Vermont Phoenix Brattleboro, VT Newspaper
Two colored men, father [Antoine Sr.] and son [Peter Sr.], surnamed Phillips and a Frenchman [Peter Trueheart], nephew of the elder [Antoine Sr.] Phillips, were committed to jail at Burlington on Friday, for a murderous assault upon Peter Goulding of Hinesburgh, fracturing his skull with a cart rung and otherwise bruising him in a shocking manner. Peter Phillips Sr. has been dealt with once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off.

January 22 1859
Vermont Phoenix Brattleboro, VT Newspaper
Two colored men, father [Antoine Sr.] and son [Peter Sr.], surnamed Phillips and a Frenchman [Peter Trueheart], nephew of the elder [Antoine Sr.] Phillips, were committed to jail at Burlington on Friday, for a murderous assault upon Peter Goulding of Hinesburgh, fracturing his skull with a cart rung and otherwise bruising him in a shocking manner. Peter Phillips Sr. has been dealt with once before, for biting a man’s nose nearly off.

April 11, 1859
Windsor State Prison of Vermont Intake Book
Peter Phillips age 26 years old, at 5’9” in stature, having blue eyes, black hair and a dark complexion, identified as a mulatto, being born in Franklin County, Vermont, was convicted of the assault with the intent to kill, on April 09, 1859 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, was admitted to the Windsor, Vermont State Prison, on April 11, 1859 for two years being his sentence. He was discharged from that sentence on April 09, 1861.


The Burlington Free Press Newspaper
November 17, 1865
Peter Phelpsa colored man 111 years old, who had lived in St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont nearly fifty years, died on Friday. He died on November 10, 1865.

November 17, 1865
The St. Johnsbury – Caledonian Record Newspaper, Page
Franklin County
Peter Phelps, a colored man who lived at St. Albans for nearly half a century [ca. 1815], died on Friday at the age of 111 years.

November 18, 1865
The Salem Observer Newspaper, Salem, Massachusetts, Vol. XLVIII, Issue 46, Page 02
Peter Phelps, a colored man aged 111 years, died at St. Albans last Friday.

December 01, 1865
The Orleans Independent Standard Newspaper, Page 02
A Centenarian – Peter Phelps, a colored man who has lived in St. Albans for nearly half a century, died on Friday of last week at the advanced age of 111 years.

December 01, 1865
The Watchman Newspaper, in Montpelier, Vermont, Page 03
Peter Phelps, a colored man, who has lived in St. Albans for nearly a half century, dies Friday, at the advanced age of 111 years as we are informed.

[Clearly, genealogically, historically and socially, the PHILLIPS family were IN St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont periodically from 1860 through 1900] And were associating with the PHELPS descendants.]

August 12, 1870
1870 Federal Population Census – St. Albans, Franklin County, VT
Household 105 – 108
William J. Phelps Age: 25 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Farm Laborer Born: Vermont
Elizabeth Phelps (Wife) Age: 21 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Keeping House Born: Vermont
Ida Phelps (Daughter) Age: 01 yr. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Household 106 – 109
Jerry Coburn Age: 25 yrs. (B) Black Born: Virginia
Agnes Coburn Age: 17 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Clarence Coburn Age: 1 month (B) Black Born: Vermont
Ephraim Brace Age: 10 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Wymon Brace Age: 16 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Household 107 – 110
Mark Belden Age: 34 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Farm Laborer Born: Vermont
Cynthia Belden Age: 27 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Keeping House Born: Vermont
Alberta Belden Age: 14 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Sarah Belden Age: 9 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Joseph Belden Age: 7 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Household 108 – 111
William Phelps Age: 48 yrs. [b. ca. 1822] (B) Black Occupation: Farm Laborer Born: Vermont
Rosanna [Prince] Age: 46 yrs. [b. ca. 1824] (B) Black Born: Vermont
Julius Phelps Age: 05 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Household 109 – 112
Timothy Prince Age: 20 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Farm Laborer Born: Vermont
Mary [Phelps] Age: 17 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Household 110 – 113
Abraham Prince Age: 36 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Farm Laborer Born: Vermont
Elizabeth Prince Age: 40 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Sarah Prince Age: 14 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Agnes Prince Age: 7 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Henry Prince Age: 5 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Mary Prince Age: 2 months (B) Black Born: Vermont
Isaac Prince Age: 23 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont

Household 417 – 435
Edward Bery Age: 40 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Barber Born: New York
Rhoda Age: 28 yrs. (W) White Occupation: Keeping House Born: Canada
John B. Bery Age: 07 yrs. (W) White Born: Canada
Eliza Bery Age: 05 yrs. (W) White Born: Canada
Charles Bery Age: 04 yrs. (W) White Born: Canada
Hattie Bery Age: 4 months (W) White Born: Vermont
Alexander Garrison Age: 40 yrs. (B) Black Occupation: Laborer Born: New York
Diana Garrison Age: 20 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Lewis Philips Age: 37 (B) Black Occupation: Farm Laborer Born; Vermont
Lorena [nee: Griffin] Philips Age: 37 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Mary Ann Philips Age: 19 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Charles Philips Age: 13 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Lewis Philips Age: 07 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Emma Philips Age: 02 yrs. (B) Black Born: Vermont
Sally Philips Age: 2 months (B) Black Born: Vermont
Household 419 – 437
Daniel Profit [Prophet] Age: 26 yrs. (B) Black Born: Virginia
Bridget Profit (W) White Age: 22 yrs. Born: Canada

April 25, 1872
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper
Trial for Murder
The Laselle Street Homicide
Franklin County Court:
Daniel Prophet, colored, testified that he lived in No. 6 Burton & Laselle block, next to the last tenement to the west end. …
Bridget Prophet, wife of Daniel Prophet, testified that she heard the shot fired; that she awoke about five minutes before.

December 02, 1872
Death Record of Louise Phelps [Phillips] – St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont Page 601
Age: 7 months 2 days Born: April 30, 1872 St. Albans, VT
Cause of death: Lung Fever
Father: Peter Phelps [Anthony/Antoine/Antwine Phillips/Philippe and Catherine Coderre’s son]
Mother: Louise

October 19, 1875
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper
Long Suffering Woman
The neighborhood of “the Block” was the scene of another of those family jars for which it is famous. On Saturday evening about 10:00 o’clock p.m., a colored man named William Phelps was arrested by the Sheriff for abusing and assaulting his wife Elizabeth, and was lodged in Mr. Morrill’s restaurant to await an examination into said charges made against him by State’s Attorney Newton, which took place yesterday morning before Justice Gilman, and occupied all the aforenoon. Considerable evidence was adduced on both sides; the gist of the evidence being that William Phelps did not use discretion in assisting his wife Elizabeth down the front steps of a neighbor’s house, and the consequence was Elizabeth’s falling to the ground insensible, and being taken care of by Mr. Newport’s family, who came forward as principle witnesses against the prisoner, William Phelps. It also appeared that when Mrs. Phelps was able to and did go home with her husband, about half an hour after the unfortunate accident, her husband William Phelps did attempt to display considerable fierceness and agility with a razor in the vicinity of Elizabeth’s person, and she, in putting up her left hand to avoid the sharp instrument had the thumb nearly severed at the first joint. The prisoner and his wife totally denied either of the before mentioned assaults, acknowledging only a little family jar, but overwhelming evidence knocked their statements higher than a kite, the former character of the respondent being  ventilated by State’s Attorney Newton to His Honor.
F. W. McGettrick, Esq., on behalf of the respondent made an eloquent appeal, scouting the insinuation made by the State’s Attorney that Mr. Newport was the “peace maker” and Mr. William Phelps the “peace breaker.” But it was of no avail. The Court was convinced that the peace and dignity of the State had been injured to the amount of $8.00 dollars and costs, in which sum the respondent was muleted,
and the boys sang:
A darkey who lived in “the Block”
Gave his wife such a terrible shock
By means of a razor,
That her friends had to raise her,
And her husband was placed in the dock.

St. Albans, Vermont City Directory
Douglas Brace, laborer, h Water n Lasell
Ethan Brace, laborer, h Water n Lasell
Jefferson Brace, foundryman, h Lasell n Oak
Peter Brace, laborer, h 12 Lasell
Timothy Brace, laborer, h 17 Water
William Phelps, freight transferor for C.V.R.R. h. Lasell n Water [See April 19, 1986]
Abel Prince, laborer, h Lasell n Oak
Daniel Prince, Sr. laborer h. 4 Lasell
Daniel Prince, Jr. laborer h. 4 Lasell
Mrs. Isaac Prince, h 11 Lasell
Timothy Prince, laborer h 16 Water
Daniel Prophet, laborer, h 13 Water

St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont City Directory
Dion Brace, laborer, h Water c Lasell
Ethan Brace, laborer, h Lasell n Elm
Fred Brace, Bell boy, Welden House
Jefferson Brace, foundry man, h Walnut n Lake
Peter Brace, laborer, h 12 Lasell
T. Brace, laborer, h 17 Water
Henry Peters, laborer, h 11 Newton
Moses Peters, laborer, h Pine n Lake
William Phelps, barber, 36 Lake, h 16 Water
Peter Phillips, brakeman, h 11 Pine

May 14, 1896
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 04
Henry Switzer was brought before Justice Hall charged with intoxication. He pleaded guilty and fined $5.00 dollars and costs. H. E. Wheeler prosecuted.

October 19, 1896
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 05
Municipal Court – St. Albans, VT
Mike Phillips was up before the municipal court Saturday on the dual charge of ‘breach of the peace’ and ‘intoxication’, to both of which charges he pleaded guilty. He was fined $2.00 dollars and costs for breach of peace, which was committed at the “Blocks,” and $5.00 dollars and costs for intoxication.
He disclosed on E. C. Wood. Wood pleaded not guilty to this charge but on examination was fined $20.00 dollars and costs. He appealed from the decision of the court.
Daniel Profit Jr. pleaded not guilty to a charge of petty larceny of stealing ‘babbitt’ metal [also known as “bearing metal”] from the railroad company. He was tried by the court, found guilty, and sentenced to two months in the House of Correction.
Several breach of the peace cases will be tried by the court tomorrow. Clovi Longway, Samuel Longway, and Mike Senecal are the respondents.

October 24, 1896
The St. Albans Daily Messenger Newspaper, Page 05
Municipal Court
Henry Switzer was up, charged with intoxication. He pleaded not guilty, but on hearing was adjudged to be guilty and fined $5.00 and costs. He appealed.

St. Albans, Franklin County, Vermont City Directory
William J. Phelps, laborer, h 17 Water
Peter Phillips, laborer, bds 13 Water

[Peter Phillips was boarding close to his cousin, at Daniel Prophet's place of residence]

February 01, 1897 – February 01, 1898
Danville, Chittenden County, Vermont Town Report
Overseer’s Report –
Jake Way and family $15.00 [This Jacob Way was also known as "Gypsy Devil Jake Way]
Expenses Outside of Poor House:
Jake Way $15.00

June 01, 1897
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 06
Town Affairs Section
Henry Switzer, one of the denizens of the Blocks, was arrested yesterday on a writ of mittimus for an old drunkenness charge.

April 18, 1898
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 05
Peter Gonyea and Henry Switzer who were arrested Saturday night for intoxication, were fined $5.00 dollars  and costs by Judge Flinn this morning. Goyea took an appeal. State’s Attorney Feeters prosecuted.
This afternoon Jodn Robitor, who was disclosed on by Henry Switzer, had a hearing and was discharged.

June 23, 1904         
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper
Justice Court Proceedings Section
Walter Brace was arraigned before Justice Kearney and pleaded guilty to charges of breach of the peace and intoxication. He was fined $5.00 dollars and costs in each instance, with the usual alternative sentences. …
Mrs. William Phelps and Cynthia Phelps were discharged. The complaints against them were intoxication in Mrs. Phelps’ case and Grand Larceny and Gross Lewdness in Cynthia Phelps’ case. Cynthia Phelps was charged with the theft of $10.00 dollars from Byron Barrett, of Sheldon, Vermont. Byron Barrett was presented in court, but refused to testify against Cynthia Phelps.
Byron Barrett, of Sheldon, Vermont, who claimed he had lost $10.00 dollars while on a visit to the Phelps’ domicile at “the Blocks” on June 15, 1904, and who was in such condition that he was entertained at the jail for the evening, was arraigned before the Justice on a charge of intoxication. He concluded he had better hedge on his $10.00 story and pleaded guilty to the charge of drunkenness and was fined $5.00 dollars and costs.
The Phelps and Barrett cases were prosecuted by City Grand Juror C. H. McGettrick, S. W. Flinn appearing for the respondents. …
Arthur Brace, better known as “Babe,” was arraigned before Justice Kearney to answer to a charge of a breach of the peace. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $10.00 and costs with the usual alternative sentence in the house of correction at Rutland. He chose the alternative sentence.

February 13, 1905
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 04
The “Blocks”
The Barre Times prides itself on the fact that its home city is disgraced by no such institution as the malodorous “Blocks” of St. Albans.
The contemporary should not mistake the significance of mere externals, and reason that because vice does not segregate in the Dialect city there is none there or that because to a certain extent it does segregate in St. Albans there is more here than there is in Barre. Strange as the assertion may appear, perhaps even more shocking to some people, St. Albans is manifestly the gainer under present conditions because of those very same “Blocks,” upon the theory that it is immeasurably better for the lowest and most vicious class of people in a community to herd themselves than to be scattered throughout the multitude as a nuisance and a contamination. If it could be so ordered that there were no such people in St. Albans as not inhabit the “Blocks,” it would be preferable, to be sure, but, just so long as human life and character are what they are, the law of social gravitation will precipitate this moral filth and wretchedness and depravity to the bottom, where it is best that it should remain alone.
Every now and then some honest champion of right-living argues that the “Blocks” are a disgrace to St. Albans and should be wiped out, but that would not mend matters any. It would simply scatter the wretched beings that live there throughout various, respectable neighborhoods in the city. There would be no less vice in St. Albans, and in time, through pernicious influence of such an enforced association of cleanliness with filth, there would be more. The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper has often urged that every pains be taken to keep these unfortunates together to prevent their drifting elsewhere, for this very reason, but that in the meantime the city government should ordain some manner of tenement house law that would compel landlords to maintain buildings that would meet with modern sanitary regulations and then make their tenants keep them clean. St. Albans has had a great deal of experience with this problem at the “Blocks” and it has learned that prayers and psalm-singing and missions and all that kind of thing do precious little good there so long as the wretched creatures are compelled to inhabit dens that by their very construction and environment breed depravity. The first step in the reform of these people is to teach them self-respect. Preach the gospel of soap and water to them, give them the means to put it into practice, and make them do it. It is a long hard path they must travel, to be sure, and not all of them will follow it any way, whatever effort is put forth to have them do so. But it is as true today as it ever ways that “Cleanliness is next to godliness,” and not only next, but comes first.

As can be seen per the above documented chart, Miss Harriett E. Abbott of the Vermont Eugenics Survey KNEW and was mapping out, the PHELPS descendants genealogically. William J. Phelps wife Mary was not a Blanchard, but rather her maiden name was Barber. 

William Phelps who married Rosanna Prince, was the son of Peter Phelps who died November 10, 1865, and was a sibling to Antoine Phillips Sr. who had married Catherine Emery dit Codere.

September 24, 1905
Death Record of William J. Phelps – St. Albans, Franklin County, VT
Color: Negro
Age: 61 yrs.
Occupation: Laborer
Born: Vermont
Father: William Phelps
Mother: Rose Prince

October 08, 1905
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper, Page 05
Death of William Phelps
William Phelps, of Lascelle Street, in St. Albans, died suddenly of heart disease Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock p.m. Mr. Phelps had been ill for several weeks with a fever sore but had recovered and his condition was much better than it had been for some time. Mr. Phelps, who was a Civil War veteran, was 65 years old and is survived by his wife and two daughters.

Funeral of William Phelps
The funeral of William Phelps, who died of heart failure at 2:00 o’clock p.m. on Sunday Afternoon at his residence on Lascelle Street, was held at 10:00 o’clock a.m. Tuesday morning at his home, the Rev. E. E. Marggraf officiating. The burial was in the South Main Street Cemetery, the bearers being William Powell, Daniel Prince, Charles James, and William Satchell. The funeral was attended by a large number of representative citizens of the city.

November 10, 1906
The St. Albans Messenger Newspaper
Helping the Poor in St. Albans
Mrs. William Phelps [Mary Jane (nee: Barber) Blanchard - Phelps], of Laselle Street, was rescued from a deplorable condition yesterday afternoon as the results of Overseer of the Poor Napoleon J. Jarvis’ campaign against squalid homes. She was found in a most destitute condition, without fire, with little clothing, and practically no household furniture. Mr. Jarvis placed her in the hospital. Arrangements were made today whereby she left here on the train at 4:00 o’clock p.m. to live in Randolph, Vermont with her daughter.

December 22, 1906
Death Record of Peter Phillips – Peacham, Caledonia County, VT
Date of Birth: unknown
Age: 97 yrs.
Occupation: none
Wife: Eliza Way
Father: Antoine Phillips b. Montreal, Canada
Mother: Unknown
Birthplace of Mother: Unknown
Informant: W. N. Blanchard, Peacham, VT.
Cause of Death: After exposure to cold with insufficient clothing.
Date of burial: December 23, 1906

December 22, 1906
The St. Johnsbury – Caledonian Record Newspaper
Peter Phillips died at the north part of the town and the burial was at Peacham, Sunday afternoon.

March 16, 1907
Department of the Interior – Bureau of Pensions – Washington, D.C.
Montpelier, Vt.
To: The Commissioners of Pensions, Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to return herewith all papers in the claim for pension of Mary J. Phelps, alleged widow of William J. Phelps, late of Co. C., 54th Mass. Vol. Inf. No. 836,950, P. O. Randolph, Orange County, Vt.
This case was referred to the S.E.D. for special examination to determine the question of legal widowhood, and came to me for the initial examination. This claimant is a white woman, and the soldier was a Negro.
I have known the claimant about five years, having examined cases in which she was a witness soon after I came to the state. As will be seen from the testimony, she has been a notorious character all of her life, having given birth to at least three illegitimate children by as many different men prior to her marriage to the Negro. She is said to have been a common prostitute, consorting with Negroes and the lowest sort of trash prior to her marriage to William J. Phelps.
It appears from the evidence that William J. Phelps had never been previously married, but that he had lived in adulterous relations with his own aunt raising a family of children by her prior to his marriage to the claimant. It appears that he finally brought this claimant to his home and that when his aunt Elizabeth J. Prince objected to her Mary Jane nee: Barber presence, he drove her [Elizabeth Prince] and her children out and she made complaint to the authorities, which lead to the marriage of William J. Phelps and this claimant Mary Jane Barber.
The claimant and John B. Blanchard, both deny under oath that they were never married to each other and while neither of them is to believed under oath, it is evidence that they were never married, for the reason that John B. Blanchard, was sent to States Prison, from St. Albans, Vt., in 1872, after having been convicted of the crime of Bigamy, and served until June 17, 1874, when he returned to St. Albans, Vt., and soon after took up with this claimant Mary Jane Barber. It is not likely that he would have entered into another marriage contract immediately after having completed a term in prison for bigamy, from the same town.
In examining the marriage records of St. Albans, I failed to find that John B. Blanchard had been married to this claimant, but I did find that he was married to one Margaret Hogan, on December 09, 1871, and I found this woman to have been a sister of Atty, C. P. Hogan, of St. Albans, Vt., one of the best men in the state, whose deposition will appear herewith and it was he who discovered that John B. Blanchard was a bigamist, and secured his conviction.
The Negro William J. Phelps was a notorious character, and during his lifetime, he was convicted of running a house of ill-fame, and sent to the work-house, and this claimant was at the same time sent to the Poor House in Sheldon, Vermont. This claimant now has a daughter Cynthia by Phelps or some other Negro, who is a notorious character, and early this winter, she was sent to the work-house for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and this claimant was sent to the hospital, and as soon as she was able to leave there she went to Randolph, Vt., to live with her oldest daughter Sarah Louise, by John B. Blanchard, wife of Frank Porter.
I have made a thorough canvass of the life and history of this claimant, and fail to find that she was ever married, except to William J. Phelps. She is a physical wreck, and I presume that her days of prostitution are over; she has not lived openly with any man since the death of William J. Phelps. She is said to be a hard drinker, and her morals are of the lowest. John B. Blanchard, is a pensioner, and has an alleged wife, now who is likely to become an applicant for pension some day. He alleges service in Co. I, 34th, N.Y. Vol. Infantry, and in Co. I, 95th, N.Y. Vol. Infantry, and for use in such case, a reference should be made of his claim, to this one so that his history may be examined in case of the filing of a widow’s claim. A long period of time has elapsed since taking the claimant’s initial statement, but I held the case in order to locate John B. Blanchard, and procure his testimony (He had spent the winter in Pittsburg, Pa.), and I found him by accident the very day he returned home. This case is submitted for the consideration of the Chief of the Board of Review.
Very respectfully,
W. H. Nelms
Special Examiner.
I was unable to procure but one witness to several of these signatures by mark. I have had two when possible without great inconvenience.
W.H. N.

November 27, 1913
Sheriff’s Search for Peter Philips on Charge of Assault on Neighbor.
Sheriffs of Caledonia and Orleans counties, with Canadian deputies, are searching the county from Walden across the Canadian line for Peter Phillipsbetter known as “Gypsy” Phillips, who is wanted on a charge of assaulting Edward Miles, a neighbor, who he accused of stealing his chickens. Edward Miles received a terrible gash in the head and blood poisoning has developed. Peter Phillips is 52 years old and had a wife and six children who are destitute. Edward Miles is 24 years old and has a wife and child.

December 03, 1913
The man hunt in process in Orleans and Caledonia counties for the ten days previous ended Thanksgiving Day when Sheriff Hill of Newport received word from Mansonville. P. Q. that GENERATION #4 Peter Phillips, a large Negro, 52 years of age [born 10 Jul 1873 allegedly in Quechee, Windsor Co., Vermont to Peter Phillips Sr. and 1m. Delia Benoit dit Benway dit Bone], wanted on the charge of assault on Ernest Miles, a neighbor in Walden, was there. Sheriff Hill took deputies and went to Mansonville. The Canadian officials deported the man and as he crossed the line was arrested by Hill's men without resistance. He was lodged in the county jail at Newport and taken to St. Johnsbury Friday. Peter Phillips lives at Walden Four Corners and the trouble of which this is the outcome occurred Nov. 6, when it is claimed Phillips struck Miles, whom he had accused of stealing some chickens.
The wound was not at first considered danger us, but later blood poisoning developed and the man died. The matter was brought to --the attention of State's Attorney W. A. Dutton and about that time Phillips disappeared.
He is known as "Gypsy Phillips", has led rather a roving life and it is claimed has had rather a checkered career. He is about 52, has a wife [Ida Champagny] less than half his age and five little children. They are in destitute circumstances.
Miles was 24 and leaves a wife and one child.
Phillips returned to his home sometime in the night a week ago Friday. His feet were bare and he had his wife find an old pair of tennis shoes for him.
He took also a dollar in money with which he said he would buy rubbers. R. N. Baldwin, D. A. Brahana and W. M. Fuller, all of Irasburg, who later were injured in an automobile accident, accompanied Sheriff Hill. Deputy Sheriff Ladd of Holland came in late Thanksgiving afternoon with Willie Westover, who has been wanted for a year on a charge of breaking and entering some cottages at East Charleston.
Westover has been hiding in Canada the past year and made bold to come over for Thanksgiving. He was promptly arrested and brought here and placed in the county jail.

May 19, 1926
From: Burton Kent [Town Clerk of Panton, Addison County, Vermont]
To: Miss Harriett Abbott
Eugenics Survey,
Mary Agnes Phillips is supposed to be a grand-child of GENERATION # 3 Peter Phillips, the old Negro Gypsy. Mary Agnes does not show the colored blood very strong as to color, but has the loose shambling walk of the Negro.
Mary Agnes is considered ignorant and immoral, yet can read and write.
If you are interested in “Evolution” you won’t have to trace Harrison Jerome and Mary Agnes Phillips back very far before you find the missing link.
Truly Yours,
Burton Kent

This morning I came across an interesting and informative article that gave me room for thought about the above documentations from the Vermont Eugenics Records SURVEY whose Field Research Harriett E. Abbott of which some of the above documents came from and were created by.

Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies, an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as ‘the feeble minded;’ speaking at a rally of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Adolph Hitler sympathizers."

“Also the notorious ‘Negro Project,’ which sought to limit, if not eliminate black births was Ms. Sanger's brainchild"

To Read MORE:

Now we know what Vermont's Miss Harriett Abbott was doing regarding the Phillips family and the Negro Gypsies ca. 1925 through and into the 1930's!

It wasn't about Abenakis at all !!!

Pages 131-2 of Nancy L. Gallagher's book BREEDING BETTER VERMONTER'S, seems to show a 'distancing' (at least initially) between Margaret Sanger's organization and that of the Eugenics organization(s), UNTIL Henry Perkins subsequently began to bring the two organizations into partnership with one another ...

NOW, it makes sense WHY Harriett E. Abbott was going after the Phelps/ and the Philips etc families and that letter in May of 1926 from the Panton, VT Town Clerk Burton Kent stating that 

... Peter Phillips Sr. was a Negro Gypsy.

The emphasis was that they the Phillips family members were Negro's, Colored, Black's, and Mulatto's (from the paternal ancestry of Antoine Philips Sr.'s parents Peter Phelps and Pegg ______ ) and they had to stop making babies ...

Now go back and read the 4 Applications of the 4 alleged "Abenaki" groups that sought the Colonizer State of Vermont's Legislative "Recognition" ... and REVIEW what has been/was/ and is Frederick M. Wiseman Ph.D. claims and assertions about the Phillips Family, right along with Donald Warren Stevens Jr. 

... and hopefully one can DISCERN the TRUTH vs. MYTH and STORIES by these so-called "Abenakis" ... 

HERE above are 4 male generational descendants GENERATIONS #1 through 4, of the Phelps/Phillips ancestry, CLEARLY documented as either Black, Colored, Mulatto, or Negro.

Which IS validated by the Y-DNA results of two of Peter Phillips Sr.'s paternal descendants. 

How is it that Winifred (nee: Jerome) Yaratz, Frederick M. Wiseman (Ph.D.) and Donald W. Stevens Jr. could assert and claim repeatedly that Antoine Phillips Sr. was the son of the Upper Coos Chief "Philip" ca. 1796 ... and imply that Antoine Phillips Sr. himself was a brother to Louie Metallic ca. 1796 

... when in fact, genealogically, historically, and socially it is PROVEN otherwise?


DID anyone ever bother to CHECK the CLAIMS and ASSERTIONS
that were submitted
By Frederick Matthew Wiseman Ph.D. (an "Expert Scholar")
Donald Warren Stevens Jr. "Chief" of the Nulhegan Group

Certainly NOT Vt. Sen. Vincent Illuzzi!!
Certainly NOT Vt. Hinda Miller!!
Certainly NOT a qualified Genealogist!!
Certainly NOT John Scott Moody!!
Certainly NOT Kevin Dann!!
Certainly NOT anyone on the VCNAA!!