
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Response from "Chief" Paul Joseph Bunnell and a bit more information regarding Jeanne Lincoln Kent etc.

October 06, 2014 - 10:37 PM:
Paul Joseph Bunnell's Response:

"You can find many native mixes in nearly every native nation just like spouses, adopted members, and as I said, today most tribes, and especially NE tribes are mixed/Metis. This doesn't mean that they can't reside in the organized areas. In this case, the Abenaki, Huron, MicMac and other Algonquin tribes have moved in and out of, and or settled in all the areas they exist in today. This is fact in today's melting pot. But in no way will I denounce any ethnic part of my heritage I wish to enjoy and learn from. I have direct relatives who settled in Rutland, Vermont in 1848, and I also have many related native bloodlines in the Vermont and New Hampshire areas, not to forget my Canadian and other areas of native lines. If native bloodlines are established in Koasek territory for nearly 200 years, then they should have the right to declare it in the native community." 
"One of my other lines are New Brunswick Loyalists which I am also proud of. That ancestry area is very close and dear to me, because it also is home of my Acadian and more Native lines. My town of birth is Amesbury Mass. Does this mean I cannot belong to my ancestral relatives there? People have the right to celebrate any or all of their ancestral heritages. No one can take those choices away from them. The Algonquin peoples are all related. My Metis statement is fact. Show me a pure blood Abenaki? The geographical areas I mentioned in our research discussion doesn't change the fact that all these traditional lands were settled or hunted in by most of our ethnic native peoples in the past 5000-10,000 years. Before that, this area was two miles under ice. So, I guess this also really means that we are all Cherokee, Muscogee,Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations from the Southern states."

This identity game is fine, if you are identifying non-natives, but the persecution tactics you are conducting is no worse then the Perkins extermination programs of the 1920-30's [Eugenics Survey of Vermont]

You remind me of the Twilight Zone episode where the evil man investigates everyone by his standards, and tried to destroy them, but at the end, he was shrunken down to a little weasel of a tiny man 3 feet high.

I guess I let you use me long enough. I feel sorry for you little man. Now it's my turn, is it not?"

Chief Paul J. Bunnell, UE, Author, Professional Genealogist
Gwilawato (He looks For Something)
Chief, Koasek Abenaki Nation & Tribal Genealogist
Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation
For Koasek Business contact:

32 Hoit Mill Rd. #202, Weare NH 03281
Loyalty Is Everything


MORE EXCUSES for Paul Bunnell's appropriation of ... if his Metis statement is in fact .... FACT ... then he ought to have had no issue(s) or problem(s) whatsoever, of my posting his stated FACT that his group, as well as the other four groups are merely "METIS" groups ... and NOT ABENAKI TRIBES.

Mr. Paul Joseph Bunnell has searched his 'ancestral garbage can' (as any good genealogical-minded person tends to get addicted doing) and he's looked for any scrap of INDIAN / Native American Ancestry that he can find (it's like winning the Lottery these days....), and joined up with Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) and Nate Pero etc. subsequently he developed a persona of being an "Abenaki" or a "Koasek" etc.

Or is he Metis?

Just look at all those "title's" he lists.... if that isn't an EGO, I don't honestly know why it has been so important to claim he's a Chief, and a so-called "Professional Genealogist" etc.

Then again, there is A LOT of people that have quite DISTANT Native Ancestors, in the 1600's or 1700's ... and BELONG to NO COMMUNITY of NATIVE PEOPLES, KNOW NO NATIVE LANGUAGE, and have joined post-1974 CREATED INCORPORATION(S) that claim to REPRESENT _________ "Tribe" and so on ....

I think you got the idea, if you have read this blog's content.

"My 7th Great Grandmother was a Siberian Indian Shaman" and NOW I am an "Abenaki" from and of Vermont, and am ENTITLED to grants, status, identity and anything else I can get my grubby little thieving hands on ... 'cause I SAY I am an "Abenaki" .... 

Paul Joseph Bunnell DOES NOT LIKE TRANSPARENCY, and obviously he doesn't like my previous post of this evening. Ohhhhh well ...

There wasn't any untruth to what I posted. He said it. I got the emails right here.
And perhaps Nancy Lee Millette was a descendant of a Huron woman Catherine Pillard, of the 1600's, whose descendants that were claiming and self-identifying as FRENCH or ENGLISH or WHITE, migrated to Vermont? It's a VALID INQUIRY to my thinking, considering Christopher Shawney was Nancy's ancestor!

Shawney = Shonyo/ Shinnio = Chagnon? Paul Bunnell's SAYS he didn't find ANY Native Ancestor connection(s) in Nancy Millette's ancestry. He had a vested interest not to find any connection(s) of native ancestry, in her genealogical background, to my thinking. Perhaps I am wrong?

Comparing me NOW, to a Eugenic's Advocate? Give me a break! I simply stated that having a 7th Great Ancestor whose HURON does not make the 7th Great Grandson an Indian nor an Abenaki ... this isn't ethnocide or genocide or anything of the like. It's simple common sense.

Nathan Elwin Pero has made certain claims and assertion(s) about his ancestor(s) being Chief's of a Koasek Abenaki Tribe, from 180 year ago to the present....

Ok, so where is the PROOF, the clear and convincing EVIDENCE of his claims?


Vermont Politicians, the VCNAA, and these FAKE WANNABIAK "ABENAKI" Incorporate Created Groups will HIDE their LIES and DISTORTIONS and Tactics of APPROPRIATION from the naive Vermonter and the GENERAL PUBLIC and the legitimately historical and cohesive Native Communities.

I chose not to hide their claims or their words....

Now Mr. Bunnell wants to imply that I am some sort of worse-than-the-Eugenics Survey - of Vermont and New Hampshire of the 1930's?

I guess TRANSPARENCY is a bit harsh for this "Chief" of the so-called "Koasek" "tribe" eh?

This isn't about self-identification or celebrating one's distant/remote ancestors, whoever they might be.

This State Recognition IS very much about stealing a culture identity, that does not belong to Mr. Paul Bunnell etc. nor any of these four other groups claiming now to be "tribes" .... of course, they will ALL claim to be thee Vermont "Abenakis" because $$$$ is involved, etc.

I do not follow or adhere to the 1-Drop-NDN-Rule.

Show us the actual factual ABENAKI ANCESTRY for 51% percent of ANY of the Vermont's four groups OR this 5th group that now seeks to gain Vermont State Recognition, transparently and openly.

If Paul Joseph Bunnell can't, which I know he can't (his group is comprised of Wannabiak, just like the other four groups in VT) because, as he SAID and states as FACT, they are METIS.

They have redefined the meaning of being an Abenaki -and- redefined the meaning of Metis as well, to suit their own created persona's, agenda's, and political dynamics.

So, I am a little man, according to Paul Joseph Bunnell, Chief of a Wannabiak "Tribe" of FAKE Koasek Abenakis, that uses a revisionist history filled with distortions, half truths and lies against the Historical and Contemporary Abenaki Peoples.

I guess Paul Joseph Bunnell was hoping I wouldn't ascertain his ancestors as well?

Dated 31 July 2005 - Book Review - French & Native North American Marriages, 1600-1800      

Here is a great review of my book by Norm Leveilee, renown Native American Researcher. His website is: He writes the following:

Késsinnimek - Roots - Racines
Mon Petit Coin   by   Norm Léveillée
A Book Review
The revised editon of Paul Bunnell's book French And Native North American Marriages 1600-1800 is a marvelous book dedicated to all our Native American and European ancestors who married to create a new nation of Métis. Paul has spent considerable time in this second edition, bringing up-to-date data based on more accurate resources.

In the introduction, Paul writes:
This work is dedicated to my Huron ancestors to whom I am related, in some cases several times.
And for the next two pages, he lists several of his Native American and European ancestors:

"Nicola Arendanki/Anenontha (Huron) who married Jeanne Otrihouandat/Otrihandit/Otrihoandit (Huron); Germain Doucet (possibly Micmac) married Marie Jeanne Bourgeois...;Jean Claude Landry (Micmac) married Marie Sale/Salle;...;Martin Aucoin married a Métis Woman (needs more research...); Pierre Lejeune married a MicMac/Mi'qnak Woman; Radegode (MicMac oral history says she was of First Nation People married Jehan/Jean Lambert are among those listed as his ancestors."

Again, these Ancestors are in the 1600's ... how does these ancestors, make Paul Joseph Bunnell born in Amesbury, MA and now living in New Hampshire, an Abenaki, let alone a Koasek or a Metis person?

Does he or his ancestral descendant from these stated ancestors ever LIVED IN a Native Community that was historically to contemporaneously defined, observable, by ANYONE?

I have an genealogical and genetically verifiable ancestor paternally,  Margreta Knadchen / Knoedgen who married Johann Wilhelm Rozenbach / Rosenbaugh in the early 1800's from Nassau, Deggendorf, Bayern, Deutschland, Germany.

I think I will claim to be GERMAN, and claim that ethnicity (because I love Germany and German Songs etc)...

But, you know, IF I went to Germany and made such outlandish claims about being a German, not speaking the language fluently, not coming FROM a German Community etc, the German people would laugh (even if politely behind-my-back, and rolling their eyes).

I also have direct relatives still living in both Vermont and New Hampshire; that doesn't make them or me "Abenakis" or a "tribe" ... Jeanne Antoinette (nee: Lalime) Lincoln - Kent TRIED to pull that number too Mr. Bunnell, claiming HER daughter Bonnie moved to Vermont, therefore Jeanne Kent herself was an "Abenaki" (I'll post more on her, like I said afore, when I get good and ready to do so).

Did you know she had a METIS Membership Card from Claude Aubin's group out of Aylmer, in the Province of Quebec, Canada No. #M 00360 -and- she was a member of the Paul Wilson Pouliot's wannabiak group too? How MANY "tribes" as she dipped her old toes into over the years? 4-5-6-7 or 8? And now she is a "Nulhegan Abenaki" whose got "Vermont State Recognition". 

She said it (I didn't) quote, "You should see what we have to put up with. Visit the website, and look at the comments of two of the people continuing to verbally attack Abenaki people with inaccurate information, even though we are recognized. Very Sad." 
Dated December 13, 2012 at 2:15 a.m.

I don't need to verbally attack anyone. I simply post the documents and add commentary. People choose to read my posts and commentary. They are welcome to leave the blog site and stop reading the blog content, at ANY TIME they so choose. There is No Hook set in anyone's ass, to assume this blog is a verbal attack on the Abenakis or any other legitimate historical or contemporary Wabanaki Nation or Community that has been COHESIVE, and CONTINUOUS genealogically-historically-and socially. I do not consider ANY group in "New England or Quebec, post-1974 to within this parameter of definition.

There are lots of DESCENDANTS out there; that does not make these DESCENDANTS Abenakis, Penobscots, Mohawks, Cowasucks, Pennacooks, Mi'Kmaq's, Maliseets, Cherokee's, Blackfeet, Lakota's or the like. Especially not because of some 9th Great Grand Ancestor, whose descendant(s) join Indian-ist Incorporation(s) throughout, simply because they want to PLAY INDIANS/ PLAY ABENAKIS etc.

Admittedly, and honestly, this is a blog about Wabanabiak, FAKE "Abenakis" throughout the past and present.... and FAKE Wannabiak "Tribes" within New England.

Of course, I get feedback from all corners of New England, about these wannabiak. Inaccurate information? Please.... does this look like inaccurate information?

I've got a lot more documents regarding Jeanne Lincoln Kent, etc which I will be posting in this blog. Jeanne Lincoln Kent was most definitely looking to funnel her genealogical records THROUGH Bruce Dubois, to Odanak, in her attempt(s) at the time, to gain official Abenaki Tribal Membership Status, in and at Odanak. The documents and letter(s), correspondence between Jeanne Lincoln Kent and Bruce Dubois prove this out.

And "Bruce" is none other than Bruce Louis Dubois, of Arizona that is mentioned in the above attached document. 

He claimed falsely to be descended from the Abenakis at Odanak, like the Bruchac's have attempted to imply as well retrospectively (more on them later).

Bruce Dubois had been claiming for years, to both the late Odanak Chief, Gilles O'Bomsawin, and to Richard Bernier, that he factually was descended from Simon Obomsawin and Catherine Degonzague's ALLEGED daughter Helene Catherine Obomsawin born at Odanak on June 08, 1847 and died August 31, 1921 in Chicopee, MA ....

But, I met with Bruce Dubois when he came to Vermont a year ago or so, and began looking into his genealogical background as he was enroute to Vermont. He had the same like-minded response to me, as Paul J. Bunnell does now towards me, when I showed him the documented genealogical records, showing, the correct and accurate ancestry for Bruce Louis Dubois. Not what HE SAID or IMPLIED, but what his ancestors SAID and DOCUMENTED of themselves.

There was NO DAUGHTER that this Obomsawin couple had, by the name of Helen Catherine Obomsawin, and if they had such a daughter (hypothetically speaking) she did not marry Francois Forcier / Fusha / Fisher on June 16, 1864, as Bruce L. Dubois had alleged.

1. Chief Atsena Du Plat 8endat Attign8stan and Annengthon HURON
2. “Catherine” 8enta Plat (Pillard) HURON
3. Marie Catherine (nee: Charon) Chagnon dit Larose
4. Marie Angelique (nee: Chagnon) Benoit dit Livernois
5. Marie Angelique (nee: Benoit dit Livernois) Tétreault dit Ducharme
6. François Tétreault dit Ducharme
7. François Marie Tétreault
8. Ursule (nee: Tétreault) Fontaine
9. Ursule (nee: Fontaine) John Ayöt
10. Rose Mary (nee: Ayöt) Forcier
11. Hélène Rose (nee: Forcier) Dubois
12. Bruce Louis Dubois

Bruce's mother had a Mazipskwik Membership Card, of which this Spin-Off Group was led by Connie Brow and David Gilman, retrospectively, upset with Homer Walter St. Francis, Sr. they created a new "tribe" of which Michael Delaney and his wife Ina became members of as well. Charles Lawrence Delaney was in numerous "tribes" as well, just like Jeanne Lincoln Kent -and- now he too is a Nulhegan Tribal Member? 

How was Bruce Louis Dubois, an Abenaki, when the only Native Ancestral connection detected thus far, is to a HURON woman in the 1600's?

Oh I get it. The Huron People were part of the Wabanaki, and Abenaki is a corruption of Waubanaki, so therefore a Huron = a Wananbaki = equates to being an Abenaki, right Rhonda? Or is it simply because a father SAYS so, or because a husband claims to be a "Chief" too?

I guess I am confused?

Francis "Frank" Forcier / Fisher born Feb. 15, 1842 in Vergennes, VT married on Jan. 16, 1864 in Ferrisburgh, VT to Mary Ellen Jane June Helen Laurent dit Larro.

Obviously she weren't an Obomsawin! 

And this is why I detest wannabiak like what's being created in Vermont and New Hampshire etc, by those seeking State "Recognition" based on lies, distortions, and outright absurdities. Appropriating genealogical connection(s) and ancestors that are clearly not-their-ancestor(s). Even some of my own Woodward kith and kin have attempted to do these tactics, naively enough, in the past, using a very early 1900's Alfred S. Campbell colorized photographic image of a Kahnawake Mohawk Indian Actor, by the name of Sose Akwiranoron a.k.a. Joseph Beauvais, who was a MOHAWK (NOT an Abenaki at all). They claimed it was their ancestor! Without doing ANY research, without doing any validation of who it was in the image, for years. That is, until I came along, and became aware of the photographic image, and the myth my relatives created around it, and about it, etc. The image isn't of Parker Preston Woodward, nor his son Darius Adrias Woodward, nor of Herbert Chester Woodward ...

Photograph in the Woodward-Phillips Family
Sose Akwiranò:ron
Joseph Beauvais

And some that I have found over the years (below) ...

I could have perpetuated the Woodward-Relative Myth regarding this image.
I chose not to claim someone else's ancestry for my own.

To claim one is a Chief of an Abenaki Koasek Tribe and yet the ONLY discernible Native ancestral connection, is to a HURON woman in the 1600's?

I am not perpetuating 'ethnocide' or 'genocide' or 'eugenics' against anyone by stating as I have on this blog, the documents, and my commentary.

My Woodward kith and kin were in the Eugenics Survey of Vermont, I doubt Paul Joseph Bunnell even laid eyes on the Eugenics Records, let alone, actually understands WHO were targeted, and or WHY those persons were targeted.

Of course, he probably buys into the MYTH that the Eugenics Survey was targeting the Abenakis of Vermont, because they were Abenakis/ Indians.

So, take a look at Paul Joseph Bunnell's Genealogical Record.

I see Metis (allegedly). I see Mi'Kmaq (allegedly). I don't see him jumping up and down trying to claim he's Italian or being an Italian Chief of an Italian Social Club.
And I do not see ANY Vermont Abenaki Ancestry at all in his genealogical mapping.

Yet, he and they claim to be "Koasek" "Abenakis" From and OF Vermont.

And let's not forget this little communication:

Subject: Resignation Again 
To:, Cc:,

Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011, 3:59 PM 
Dear Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation. 
I can no longer hold the tribe together. I have done nearly everything for everybody through all the hostility and after our leadership walked away leaving everything vacant, I still tried to hold everything together as Nathan was placed under the impression of being assigned chief, which I went along with until he needed so much help that I was asked to help him by being chief for a short while until he was more versed in tribal business. The weaknesses that were obvious in the past in this area are still obvious now; in communication. It takes a lot of communication and hard work and drive to run a tribe. I have been that engine the last several years, always doing my duty to the fullest. I have been used in the past to keep people from getting into office, used to prove chiefs false genealogies, used to hold the entire tribe together, used to bridge relationships in other tribes who use to be hostile or distant, I have been cut out of talks with tribal merger plans, asked to formed a new tribe by council member, and I heard everybody’s complaints and fights always being the in between person long enough. Now I am being used here to disintegrate our tribe while it was already being dissolved by our leadership who left it. Everyone has their own agenda and poor pity party. No one ever took the time out to recognize I was in there putting thousands of hours of hard work into this tribe with no return from anyone. This is my last communication and I suggest all these records be destroyed because I am tired of getting threatening request for all these people striking back at me by way of these damn records. I am not taking anymore offers of saving this drowning nation. In fact it is dead. This is my final resignation and from everything. I will not be taking Calls, Emails from anyone. I will only answer by mail from Nathan how he wants these records, and money and the money better be returned to the proper people involved in Newsletter, Donations, etc. I will await your request by mail to pick up these items and money and reports. I will not be here to make anyone feel awkward. You make arrangements and a family member will assist you. I Quit. My Time Has Ended. 

Paul Bunnell 

Paul J. Bunnell, UE, Author, Professional Genealogist Gwilawato (He looks For Something) Ret. Sub-Chief of the Koasek Abenaki Nation & Genealogist 
My Logo Store Items - Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation. Website: http://www.CowasuckAbenaki.comhttp://violettefamily.

And now Paul Joseph Bunnell and his group want Vermont State Recognition, because they claim to be ... "Koasek Abenakis"

I think not.

The 5th Group is no better than the previous 1, 2, 3, or 4th Groups ... claiming to be ... Vermont's Re-Invented "Abenakis"

"Little Man" I might be, but I also have the researched documents to prove what I claim and comment on.

Let's see Mr. Paul Joseph Bunnell and or Nathan Elwin Pero have that same transparency and honesty about who they really are, and who their ancestors really were?

I won't hold my breath ....