Francine Jones - unknown -
Nancy Rivera – Theresa Olson – Shirley Hook (Koas & VCNAA member)
Again, the required headband, the necklace and the Indian Blanket motif.
The "Indian-ist look" or pretense of being..... Koasek Abenaki
Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. the "Retired" "Chief"
of MANY "Abenaki" Wannabiak groups in Vermont
One Wannabiak Group gets together with another Wannabiak Group.
That's to make sure they 'look' "Abenaki" as headbands, Indian-ist clothing, and of course, Medicine Bags (the BIGGER the better) are the IN THANG to match their appropriated "Abenaki" persona's.
And if you are really REALLY Abenaki....
you look like this....
If you "look the part" of one's created persona, the better to deceive the naive and ignorant "white" tourist(s) at their so-called "Community" Pow-wow's
PO Box 147, Post Mills, Vt. 05058 &
Tribal Genealogist: Paul J. Bunnell, Chief
Joseph Firecrow, Nancy (Saucier) Riveria, Melody (Mason) Nunn, Kevin Carney?, Francine (Poitras) Jones, and Neil Chaske
My point in posting these pictures, is because Nancy (Saucier) aka "Spiritbird" and her side-kick friend Francine (Poitras) Jones aka "Dancing Bluewolfspirit" (that's Neil Chaske and Melody (Mason of course Nunn as well) were members of one group, and now of another group. Because they wanted their claim-to-fame, with an already VT State Recognized "Tribe" and they love to get their pictures taken (ego .... imo).
Her mother "Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras was never allowed to speak of her native heritage and ancestry" according to her daughter Francine (nee: Poitras) Jones .... ???
What, did someone put a sock in the mother's mouth? Was she locked up, tasered by a Worcester, MA Police Officer, or slapped if or when she ever dared speak of her "native" ancestry contrary to her FRENCH ancestry?
The horse-pucky "We-Could-Never-Speak-of-Our-Native-Ancestry/Heritage" Song and Dance is getting a bit absurd.
I have never found this to be a trait, with legitimate Native People's. One doesn't just "Band" or "Tribe" hop and shop around, to the whims of fancy ...
So... JUST LIKE JEANNE LINCOLN KENT and so MANY other "Abenakis" like PAUL RENE TAMBURRO, whom I consider yet another Indian-ist Group Hopper Wannabiak...
Francine Poitras Jones claims to be "Abenaki" .... yet she joins one group, and then jumps to another?
Thank you - I made it in the style of the Odanak in Canada - they are Abenaki. The
The reply option won't let me post our website address. So, do a search for Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation and our website should pop up. There is contact information there for you, as well.
Since the time that I produced this video, I've found out that the original tribe I
belonged to was NOT state recognized. They are misrepresenting themselves. Since then, I've become a member of the true state-recognized tribe, which is the Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation [Bernie Mortz group formerly led by the late Nancy Millette - Doucet]. I can't post the website address here, but if you do a search, the website will come up. I apologize for any confusion.
To: Paul Bunnell, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz, Francine Bluewolfspirit, Nancy Rivera
Do you remember that article I wrote back in 2009, explaining where the "Koasek" came from ... the one Brian [Chenevert] didn`t want up on the web site because it upset Luke [Willard] and a few others and he was taking a lot of flack over it ?
I wonder if we should revamp that article, and put it up on our website now, so people will know once and for all where "we" are really from and how we have nothing to do with the "modern" made up version of VT history as it has twisted, to fit an agenda? What do you think?
I am quite aware of what the Paul Bunnell/Nathan Pero's ex-member Francine Poitras - Jones has put on the internet, what with her FALSE genealogical connection(s) many times over to Henri Membertou of the Mi'kmaq People's in the early 1600's.
And while she MAY herself have jumped ship from YOUR group, it still does not negate the reality that even though you have submitted 400 pages of genealogical information to the Scholars for review, neither scholar is a genealogist, and the VCNAA in Vermont has no professional genealogist to review the genealogies of a petitioning group seeking Vermont State Recognition.
How does anyone know the legitimacy and accuracy of such genealogical mappings Paul?
Case in point:
Francine Anne (nee: Poitras) Jones has the following ancestry:
Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau
1. Roch Manintoubeouich / Manitouabeouich & Outchibabhanoukoneau HURON
2. Marie Olivier Sylvestre
3. Louis Prévost
4. Marie Prévost
5. Marguerite David
6. François Henri Zacharie Cloutier
7. Zacharie Cloutier
8. Marie Jeanne (nee: Cloutier) Gagne
9. Marie Anne (nee: Gagne) Gagnon
10. Lucie Julie (nee: Gagne) Lariviere
11. Marie Beatrice (nee: Lariviere) Rheault dit Rault dit Raoul dit Reux
12. Eugenie (nee: Rheault) Bergeron
13. Romeo William Bergeron
14. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
15. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Chief Atsena Du Plat 8endat Attign8stan and Annengthon HURON
2. “Catherine” 8enta Plat (Pillard) HURON
3. Marie Catherine (nee: Charron) Tétreault dit Ducharme
4. Marguerite (nee: Tétreault dit Tetreau) Guillet
5. Marie Louise (nee: Guillet) Fontaine
6. Louis Augustin Fontaine
7. Louis Auguste Fontaine
8. Auguste Fontaine
9. Heloise Elvire (nee: Fontaine) Gaudet
10. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
11. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
12. Francis Euclide Poitras
13. Francine Anne “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Chief Atsena Du Plat 8endat Attign8stan and Annengthon HURON
2. “Catherine” 8enta Plat (Pillard) HURON
3. Pierre Charron Sr.
4. Pierre Charron Jr.
5. Jeanne Marie (nee: Charron) Meunier
6. Marie (nee: Meunier dit Lapierre) Fontaine
7. Louis Auguste Fontaine
8. Auguste Fontaine
9. Heloise Elvire (nee: Fontaine) Gaudet
10. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
11. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
12. Francis Euclide Poitras
13. Francine Anne “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Jeanne Gisis Bahmahmaadjimiwin Nipissirinienne NIPPISING/ALGONQUINE/OTTAWA?
2. Euphrosine Madeleine (nee: Nicolet) Dussault dit Lafleur
3. Jean Francois Dussault dit Lafleur I
4. Jean Francois Dussault dit Lafleur II
5. Jean Francois Dussault dit Lafleur III
6. Charlotte (nee: Dussault) Bergeron
7. Cecile (nee: Bergeron) Cote
8. Cecile (nee: Cote) Bedard
9. Eusebe Bedard
10. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
11. Francis Euclide Poitras
12. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
Francoise (Mi’kmaq)
1. Francoise Mi’kmaq m. Germain Lavendure Doucet
2. Marguerite Louise Judith (nee: Doucet) Dugas
3. Marie (nee: Dugas) Melanson
4. Elizabeth (nee: Melanson) Bourg
5. Michel Bergeron
6. Marguerite (nee: Bourg) Bergeron
7. David Bergeron
8. Charles Bergeron
8. Raymond Bergeron
10. Raymond Bergeron
11. Calixte Bergeron
12. Emile Bergeron
13. Romero William Bergeron
14. Doris Bergeron
15. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Francois Mi’kmaq m. Germain Lavendure Doucet
2. Marguerite Louise Judith (nee: Doucet) Dugas
3. Claude Dugas
4. Joseph Dugas
5. Jean Baptiste Dugas Sr.
6. Jean Baptiste Dugas Jr.
7. Marie Josephe (nee: Dugas) Gauthier
8. Francois Xavier Gauthier dit Landreville
9. Marie Ozine (nee: Gauthierdit Landreville) Poitras
10. Joseph George Ozias Poitras
11. Euclide Poitras
12. Francis Eulicide Poitras
13. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Francois Mi’kmaq m. Germain Lavendure Doucet
2. Marguerite Louise Judith (nee: Doucet) Dugas
3. Claude Dugas
4. Marie (nee: Dugas) Melanson
5. Anne Mare (nee: Melanson) Thidbodeau
6. Paul Olivier Thibodeau
7. Joseph Thibodeau
8. Marie Josephte (nee: Thibodeau) Bergeron
9. Raymond Bergeron
10. Calixte Bergeron
11. Emile Bergeron
12. Romeo William Bergeron
13. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
14. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Francoise Mi’kmaq m. Germain Lavendure Doucet
2. Marguerite Louise Judith (nee: Doucet) Dugas
3. Marie (nee: Dugas) Melanson
4. Elisabeth (nee: Melanson) Bourg
5. Michel Bourg
6. Marguerite (nee: Bourg) Bergeron
7. David Bergeron
8. Charles Bergeron
9. Marie Madeline (nee: Bergeron) Bergeron
10. Calixte Bergeron
11. Emile Bergeron
12. Romero William Bergeron
13. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
14. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Francois Mi’kmaq m. Germain Lavendure Doucet
2. Marguerite Louise Judith (nee: Doucet) Dugas
3. Claude Dugas
4. Joseph Dugas
5. Elisabeth Isabelle (nee: Dugas) Leblanc
6. Marie (nee: Leblanc) Gauthier
7. Joseph Antoine Gauthier
8. Francois Xavier Gauthier dit Landreville
9. Marie Ozine (nee: Gauthier dit Landreville) Poitras
10. Joseph George Ozias Poitras
11. Euclide Poitras
12. Francis Eulicide Poitras
13. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
Anna (nee: Matchonon Cord Clan) Huron-Wendat
1. Abraham Martin dit L’ecossais & Anna (nee: Matchonon) HURON -WENDAT
2. Anne (nee: Martin Matchonon – Cord Clan - Attigneenongnahac) & Jean Jehan dit Cote dit Coste
[F: Mathieu da Cote dit Coste M: Mi’kmaq woman]
3. Noel Coste dit da Cote
4. Jacques Cote
5. Marie Louise (nee: Cote) Hout dit St. Laurent
6. Marie Louise (nee: Huot dit Houde) Dubois
7. Elisabeth (nee: Dubois) Rousseau
8. Francois Vilbon Rousseau
9. Ferdinand Rousseau dit Rousseard
10. Emilia Marie (nee: Rousseau) Bergeron
11. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
12. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Abraham Martin dit L’ecossais & Anna (nee: Matchonon) HURON -WENDAT
2. Anne (nee: Martin Matchonon – Cord Clan - Attigneenongnahac) & Jean Jehan dit Cote dit Coste
[F: Mathieu da Cote dit Coste M: Mi’kmaq woman]
3. Jean Cote dit Coste
4. Ignace Coste dit Cote
5. Marie (nee: Cote) Poliquin
6. Marie Louise (nee: Poliquin) Duquet
7. Marie Louise (nee: Duquet) Rheaume
8. Georges Rheaume
9. Marie Delina (nee: Rheaume) Rousseau dit Rousseard
10. Emilia Marie (nee: Rousseau) Bergeron
11. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
12. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Abraham Martin dit L’ecossais & Anna (nee: Matchonon) HURON -WENDAT
2. Anne (nee: Martin Matchonon – Cord Clan - Attigneenongnahac) & Jean Jehan dit Cote dit Coste
[F: Mathieu da Cote dit Coste M: Mi’kmaq woman]
3. Noel Coste dit da Cote
4. Jacques Cote Sr.
5. Jacques Cote Jr.
6. Josette (nee: Cote) Croteau
7. Flavie (nee: Croteau) Martineau
8. Flavie (nee: Martineau) Rheaume
9. Marie Delina (nee: Rheaume) Rousseau dit Rousseard
10. Emilia Marie (nee: Rousseau) Bergeron
11. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
12. Francine Ann (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Abraham Martin dit L’ecossais & Anna (nee: Matchonon) HURON - WENDAT
2. Anne (nee: Martin Matchonon – Cord Clan - Attigneenongnahac) & Jean Jehan dit Cote dit Coste
[F: Mathieu da Cote dit Coste M: Mi’kmaq woman]
3. Noel Coste dit da Cote
4. Jacques Cote Sr.
5. Jacques Cote Jr.
6. Jean Charles Cote
7. Jean Bapiste Charles Cote
8. Cecile (nee: Cote) Bedard
9. Eusebe Bedard
10. Marie Mathida (nee: Bedard) Poitras
11. Francis Euclide Poitras
12. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf”(nee: Poitras) Jones
Joachim Ouentouen Arontio & Cecile Arendaeronnon Arenhatsi
1. Joachim Ouentouen Arontio & Cecile Arendaeronnon Arenhatsi HURON
2. Marie Felix Arontio Aneneontha Ouentouen HURON
3. Jean Baptiste Dubuc I
4. Jean Baptiste Dubuc II
5. Jean Baptiste Dubuc III
6. Marie Rosalie Dubuc
7. Charles Poitras
8. Prosper Poitras
9. Joseph George Ozias Poitras
10. Euclide Poitras
11. François Eucilide Poitras
12. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
Keskoua (Mi’kmaq)
1. Keskoua (Mi’kmaq) & Basile dit Blanchet
2. Perrine (nee: Basile dit Blanchet) Bellemaire dit Celestin
3. Jeanne (nee: Bellemaire dit Celestin) Brazeau dit Lebrasseur
4. Marguerite (nee: Brazeau dit Lebrasseur) Henry
4. Theotiste (nee: Henry) Gaudette
6. Joseph Gaudet dit Gaudette
7. Flavien Gaudet
8. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
9. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
10. Francis Euclide Poitrais
11. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Keskoua (Mi’kmaq) & Basile dit Blanchet
2. Perrine (nee: Basile dit Blanchet) Bellemaire dit Celestin
3. Jeanne (nee: Bellemaire dit Celestin) Brasseur
4. Pierre Brasseaux
5. Marguerite (nee: Brasseaux) Guildry dit Guidry
6. Jean Auguste Guildry dit Labine
7. Jean Charles Guildry dit Labine
8. Felicite (nee: Guildry dit Labine) Morin
9. Zoe (nee: Morin) Gaudet dit Gaudette
10. Flavien (nee: Gaudet)
11. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
12. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
13. Francis Euclide Poitrais
14. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
And this is not at issue with me (for the most part) other than the DISTANCE between that historical documented native person or couple, and the DESCENDANT, 11-12, and so on generations down.
But what really rubs me wrong, is this:
Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gaudreau
5. Marie (nee: Gauterot) Theriot
6. Marguerite (nee: Theriault dit Terriot) Landry
7. Madeleine (nee: Landry) Dugas
8. Marie (nee: Dugas) Bergeron
9. Pierre Michel Bergeron
10. David Bergeron
11. Charles Bergeron
12. Raymond Bergeron
13. Raymond Bergeron
14. Calixte Bergeron
15. Emile Bergeron
16. Romero William Bergeron
17. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
18. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert
4. Radegonde Lambert
5. Marie Anne (nee: Blanchard) Gaudet dit L’Aine
6. Claude Gaudet
7. Pierre Lejeune Gaudet
8. Marie Anne Gaudet
9. Madeleine Marie (nee: Poirier) Bergeron
10. Raymond Bergeron
11. Raymond Bergeron
12. Calixte Bergeron
13. Emile Bergeron
14. Romero William Bergeron
15. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
16. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gaudreau
5. Marie (nee: Gauterot) Theriot
6. Germain Theriault dit Terriot
7. Claude Theriault dit Terriot
8. Marie Anne (nee: Theriault) Bourg
9. Marie (nee: Bourg) Thibodeau
10. Joseph Tibodeau
11. Marie Josephte (nee: Thibodeau) Bergeron
12. Raymond Bergeron
13. Raymond Bergeron
14. Calixte Bergeron
15. Emile Bergeron
16. Romeo William Bergeron
17. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
18. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert
4. Radegonde Lambert
5. Madeleine (nee: Blanchard) Ricnard dit Sansoucy
6. Marie Ann (nee: Richard) Theriault dit Terriot
7. Claude Theriault dit Terriot
8. Marie Anne (nee: Theriault) Bourg
9. Marie (nee: Bourg) Thibodeau
10. Joseph Thibodeau
11. Marie Josephte (nee: Thibodeau) Bergeron
12. Raymond Bergeron
13. Raymond Bergeron
14. Calixte Bergeron
15. Emile Bergeron
16. Romeo William Bergeron
17. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
18. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gaudreau
5. Marie (nee: Gauterot) Theriot
6. Marguerite (nee: Theriault dit Terriot) Landry
7. Madeleine (nee: Landry) Dugas
8. Marie (nee: Dugas) Bergeron
9. Pierre Michel Bergeron
10. David Bergeron
11. Charles Bergeron
12. Marie Madeleine (nee: Bergeron) Bergeron
13. Calixte Bergeron
14. Emile Bergeron
15. Romero William Bergeron
16. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
17. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf" (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert
4. Radegonde Lambert
5. Marie Anne (nee: Blanchard) Gaudet dit L’Aine
6. Claude Gaudet
7. Pierre Lejeune Gaudet
8. Marie Anne (nee: Gaudet) Poirier
9. Madeleine Marie (nee: Poirier) Bergeron
10. Marie Madeline (nee: Bergeron) Bergeron
11. Calixte Bergeron
12. Emile Bergeron
13. Romero William Bergeron
14. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
15. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Ameridienne “Catherine Marie” (nee. Membertou) Lejeune dit Briard
4. Catherine (nee: Lejeune dit Briard) Savoie
5. Andree (nee: Savoy edit Savoie
6. Anne Pregent dit Prejean dit Lebreton) Pitre dit Nordest
7. Agnes (nee: Pitre) Boudreau dit Boudreaul
8. Francois Boudreau dit Boudreaul
9. Jean Boudreau dit Boudreaul
10. Justine (nee: Boudreau dit Boudreaul) Otis
11. Christine (nee: Otis) Corbin dit Lacroix
12. Eleanore (nee: Corbin dit Lacroix)Turcotte
13. Orelle Ovile (nee: Turcotte) Bergeron
14. Emile Bergeron
15. Romero William Bergeron
16. Doris (nee: Bergeron) Poitras
17. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gaudreau
5. Marie (nee: Gauterot) Potet dit La Fortune
6. Marie (nee: Potet) Bourg . Bourque
7. Claude Francois Bourg dit Bourque
8. Anne (nee: Bourg dit Bourque) Dugas
9. Jean Baptiste Dugas
10. Marie Josephe (nee: Dugas) Gauthier
11. Francois Xavier Gauthier dit Landreville
12. Marie Ozine (nee: Gauthier dit Landreville) Poitras
13. Joseph George Ozias Poitras
14. Euclide Poitras
15. Francis Eulicide Poitras
16. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine” Kagigoniac
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gauterot
5. Marie (nee: Gouterot) Theriot
6. Jean THeriot dit Terriot
7. Marguerite (nee: Theriot) Babin
8. Françoise (nee: Babin) Thibodeau
9. Madeleine (nee: Thibodeau) Consigny dit Sansfacon
10. Madeleine (nee: Consigny dit Sansfacon) Levasseur
11. Jean Baptiste Levasseur
12. Benoit Benjamin Levasseur
13. Thomas V. Levasseur
13. Ann (nee: Levasseur) Cormier
14. Beatrice G. (nee: Cormier) Saucier
15. Nancy “Spiritbird” (nee: Saucier) Rivera
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Ameridienne “Catherine Marie” (nee. Membertou) Lejeune dit Briard
4. Catherine (nee: Lejeune dit Briard) Savoie
5. Germain Savoy dit Savoie
6. Francois Xavier Savoy dit Savoie
7. Francois Xavier Savoie
8. Simon Savoie
9. Simon Savoie
10. Jean Baptiste Savoie
11. Hilaire Savoie
12. Eveline (nee: Savoie) Poitras
13. Euclide Poitras
14. Francis Euclide Poitras
15. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert
4. Radegonde Lambert
5. Madeleine (nee: Blanchard) Richard dit Sansoucy
6. Marie Josephte (nee: Richard) Savoy edit Savoie
7. Francois Xavier Savoie
8. Simon Savoie
9. Simon Savoie
10. Jean Baptiste Savoie
11. Hilaire Savoie
12. Eveline (nee: Savoie) Poitras
13. Euclide Poitras
14. Francis Euclide Poitras
15. Francine“Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert
4. Radegonde Lambert
5. Marie Anne (nee: Blanchard) Gaudet dit L’Aine
6. Augustin Gaudet
7. Michel Gaudet
8. Joseph Gaudette I
9. Joseph Gaudet dit Gaudette II
10. Joseph Gaudet dit Gaudette III
11. Flavien Gaudet
12. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
13. Marie Mathilde (nee: Bedard) Poitras
14. Francis Euclide Poitras
15. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gaudreau
5. Marie (nee: Gauterot) Girouard
6. Germain Girouard
7. Marie Josephte (nee: Girouard) Gaudet
8. Joseph Gaudette
9. Joseph Gaudet dit Gaudette
10. Flavien Gaudet
11. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
12. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
13. Francis Euclide Poitras
14. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Catherine (nee: Lejeune dit Briard) Savoie
5. Catherine (nee: Savoie) Levron dit Nantais
5. Elisabeth (nee: Levron) Picot
6. Michel Picot Jr.
7. Marguerite (nee: Picot) Guildry dit Labine
8. Jean Guildry dit Labine
9. Felicitie (nee: Guildry dit Labine) Morin
10. Zoe (nee: Morin) Gaudet dit Gaudette
11. Flavien Gaudet
12. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
13. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
14. Francis Euclide Poitras
15. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert
4. Radegonde Lambert
5. Marie Anne (nee: Blanchard) Gaudet dit L’Aine
6. Jeanne (nee: Gaudet) Arsenault
7. Paul Arsenault
8. Marie Angelique (nee: Arsenault) Doucet dit Laverdier
9. Marie Angelique (nee: Doucet) Guildry dit Labine
10. Felicite (nee: Guildry dit Labine) Morin
11. Zoe (nee: Morin) Gaudet dit Gaudette
12. Flavien Gaudet
13. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
14. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
15. Francis Euclide Poitras
16. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
1. Sachem (Mi’kmaq)
2. Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou
3. Amerindienne “Marie Catherine”
4. Edmée "Aimee" (nee: Lejeune) Gaudreau
5. Claude Gautrot dit Gautreaux
6. Jeanne (nee: Gauterot) Hebert
7. Marie (nee: Hebert) Arsenault
8. Marie Angelique (nee: Arsenault) Doucet dit Laverdier
9. Marie Angelique (nee: Doucet) Guildry dit Labine
10. Felicite (nee: Guildry dit Labine) Morin
11. Zoe (nee: Morin) Gaudet dit Gaudette
12. Flavien Gaudet
13. Henriette (nee: Gaudet) Bedard
14. Marie Mathilda (nee: Bedard) Poitras
15. Francis Euclide Poitras
16. Francine “Dancing Bluewolf” (nee: Poitras) Jones
I did some SERIOUS investigation on her genealogical claims, and I found it EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS
(A document that I have erroneously described as…) “The 1661 Quebec Register “ refers to two sisters Edmee and Catherine LeJeune “en Acadie” as “vici en France ou de mère indienne” – this (if truly a 1661 register) would have illustrated that even in 1661 the origin of the two girls was not certain, but that indian blood was suspected, else it would not have even been mentioned in the register. The Acadian Research Center in St. John, New Brunswick has in the past provided documentation to various Lejeune descendants expressing the belief that Edmee and Catherine were Métis. The misidentification of this documents stems for the following scanned image, obtained from the Acadian research center in St. John, New Brunswick. Note the label “1661 Quebec Register” in the right margin.
Stephen White identified this document as a working document of researcher Archange Godbout, rather than a 1661 register of any sort. Because, as White points out, the handwriting does certainly appear to be much more recent in style than would have been the case for a 1661 sample, and because White has indicated to me that his copy obtained from the archives at the University of Moncton does not have the “1661 Quebec register” label,” I am confident that White is correct. The 1661 label must, therefore, have been erroneously added, at some later point, by an unknown individual (or visitor?), at the Acadian Research Center in St. John . My part in propagating this error was in posting the Acadian Research Center copy that has the 1661 label, and in referring to it by that name, as well as not having noted that the handwriting style is too recent in appearance to be of 1661 vintage.
As part of the previous arguments proposing that the Lejeune sisters might be Amerindian, I also noted that Edmée’s son Charles Gautreau married Francoise Rimbault, the Métis daughter of (mtDNA-proven haplotype A) Amerindian Anne-Marie.
However….recent mtDNA test results for several of Catherine and Edmée’s descendants have consistently indicated a haplotype of U6a. list this type as “U6a-European,” but more formal genetics sources and studies consistently refer to U6a as North African in origin, primarily concentrated in, but certainly not limited to Morocco , Turkey , Tunisia , Algeria , and also beyond North African in Croatia , Czechoslovakia and the Ukraine . U6a is also found in statistically significant distribution on the Iberian Peninsula (believed introduced there with the spread of Islam), and is not identified anywhere that I have seen as a potential Native American haplotype. The “North African” origin attached to U6a certainly is not inconsistent with a French ancestor, Although there are other haplogroups more common in France, the spread and intermingling of civilizations throughout the millennia often introduced North African DNA into Europe, particularly into Spain and Portugal, but it would be absurd to believe that France would be isolated from such inter-mingling, and several individuals tested as U6a list France as the ancestors earliest know point of origin. The same remarks above related to the reliability of commercial testing DNA results would also also apply here, but if such results can be trusted (and there seems to be less ambiguity here about U6a vs. Radegonde Lambert’s X/X2/X2b), then Catherine and her sister Edmée could no longer reasonably be believed to be Métis (at least not through her mother), despite all circumstantial evidence to the contrary. Having said that, I would again suggest that you converse, if possible, with a professor or similarly-qualified expert in a university genetics research project, and I believe you will realize that the definitiveness of any such results are somewhat questionable. Even the links on such testing company sites about understanding your results will help you understand that these tests predict the “likelihood” of such haplotypes (with what even they describe as a high “probability” and not a certainty), but are insufficiently extensive to irrefutably prove what we may have believed they might, or to absolutely prove or discount a particular ethic origin. While the mtDNA U6a results also exclude Catherine’s mother’s mother, that still leaves 7 great grandparents whose DNA was not tested, including three on Catherine’s maternal tree. Hypothetically, any or all three of those could have been full-blooded Amerindian and still be consistent with the mtDNA test. This is, however, very unlikely given the believed\approximate date of birth for Catherine. It would have been particularly noteworthy by both religious and civil authorities had Catherine been born in Canada from U6a European mother and mixed-blood male.
My Response:
Therefore Marie and Catherine are NOT very likely descendants of Henri Membertou as Francine Poitras Jones has implied and perpetuated.
Of course, the VCNAA nor the "scholars" can 'see' this, because they have no professional genealogist who is not had or does have a working relationship or is unbiased in their research methodology etc.
While Paul Joseph Bunnell has stated that he has sent 400 pages of genealogy in his groups application petition for Federal Recognition, the "Scholars" John Scott Moody, nor Eloise Biel are genealogists and the former has even stated as such, on the record. So what difference does it make if "Koasek" wannabiak "Chief" Paul Bunnell sent in 5,000 pages or any amount of genealogical data to the VCNAA or the Scholars, because the VCNAA nor the "Scholars" have the ability to discern and or detect, let alone review, such genealogical data, for any distortion(s), inaccuracies and or outright appropriation of someone's else's ancestry, that might not belong to that petitioning "Koasek" member's descendant.
What is apparently, is that a 50+ woman by the name of Francine Poitras - Jones of VA has claimed that her mulitple intwined interconnected genealogical ancestry, connects to and goes back to Kjisaqmaw Maupeltuk – Henri Membertou, via his alleged various daughters, when in reality, those very daughters, are highly suspect. It is not even clear and convincing that they were even native!
Even if they were native Mi'kmaq descendants, how is that 12 generations + the descendants are now "Koasek" "Abenakis" let alone Native Americans? Sure, they are "descendants" of native ancestry, BUT what legitimate cohesive coherent historical community of Abenakis or Vermont Native People's do they (and Francine Poitras - Jones, actually prove to come from?)
She was born in Massachusetts, lives in Virginia, and is was a member of a non-VT State Recognized "tribe" and now jumps to the one that it is "recognized" by the State of Vermont, having used a very a remote genealogical connection to the above mentioned native ancestry, all of whom are NOT derived from Vermont Abenakis, historically or otherwise.
They are attempting to steal the Abenaki Identity, by twisting the Mi'kmaq history and the ancestries up there in "Acadia", to 'fit' their agenda down here in Vermont ...
Why is Vermont even listening to these groups now, when these groups are filled with these people, like Francine, pontificating and Playing Indian, in front of everyone, especially school children? It really is pathetic and absurd, to conclude these people are legitimate, even if they do have membership in a State-Recognized "tribe" of alleged "Native Americans" who self-identify today as "Abenakis".....
When in reality and fact, they are not Abenakis at all.
Even Marie (nee: Radegonde Kagijonais) Lambert is in dispute, whether or not the woman was derived of Mi'kmaq ancestry; but even if she was, what difference would it really be? Francine Poitras-Jones ana Dancing Bluewolf Spirit is so far removed from these ancestor, ancestrally and generational-speaking, that to even imply that she, the 12th+ descendant of HURON ANCESTRY, is an Abenaki from and of Vermont historically or contemporaneously, if about as ridiculous as saying today that the Earth is flat!
DNA Study is great, its grand, but it is not going to PROVE that someone is an Abenaki, let alone provide clear and convincing evidence or proof, when the 'target' ancestor and descendant tester is 8 to 12 steps out.
Read this book:
Of course, in Vermont, the "Abenaki" Circus is in town, where TRUTH and ACCURACY and TRANSAPARENCY are but an illusion, and the "Abenaki" Clowns are attempting to deceive, distort, and lie their way into becoming and turning themselves into thee "Vermont Abenakis."
And in March of 2013, Nancy (Saucier) Rivera stated that to join Bernie Mortz wannabiak "Koasek" "Abenaki" State Recognized group, "would be like selling her ancestors", she did just that, by joining his group,
... after being in another group led by Paul Bunnell and Nathan Pero.
I guess becoming an official State Recognized "Tribal" member of an "Abenaki" group of wannabiak, is very much like going to the mall and trying on varied lipsticks, etc. (or a piece of clothing) ... sort of like an "Abenaki" version of the 3-Bears and Nancy (Saucier) Rivera/Francine (Poitras) Jones ... this "tribe" is too small, this "tribe" is too political, and this "tribe" is too small, and in the end, in just the right "tribe" of wannabiak, they fall fast asleep in the bosom of State Recognition, and are officially "Abenaki" "Koasek's" ...
My question is ... when will the Bear's wake up and eat these wannabiak?! These wannabiak are trespassers, imposers, pretenders, and identity thieves. They know this, the State of Vermont Attorney General knows this, the sleazy politicians know this ...
How many previous Indian-ist groups/incorporated organizations has they been a member of is anybody's guess. I can honestly and documentarily state for the record, that Jeanne Lincoln - Kent, Charles Lawrence Delaney Jr., Michael Delaney and Ina (his wife), Paul Rene Tamburro and MANY MANY other people who claim to "Abenakis" have all hopped, skipped, and jumped around from one incorporated group organization to another over the years since 1980.
I guess its a New England Native dynamic, because I don't see Lakota's, Mi'kmaq's, Penobscots, Passamaquoddies, Maliseet's, or even the Wampanoag's or Mohegan's "jumping around from one group to another group, trading in their membership in one group, for another...."
Francine (Poitras) Jones, Nancy (Saucier) Rivera, Paul J. Bunnell, etc, etc = Abenakis?
I think not.
Their genealogical records, and their concocted "oral histories" show that these contemporary descendants, distort their own histories.
Hope those that read this blog, enjoy my post(s), SHARE IT.