
Monday, September 9, 2013

Given enough time, these wannabiak groups of Vermont and New Hampshire, will indeed, show the PUBLIC what their true intentions have been all along....

Now, I could indeed put all 137 Pages into one blog posting, yet I am not about to do it either (not on littlebear400 aka cheifgreylock) or any other idiot out there, that obviously is a PRETENDER "Abenaki".

And these idiots ASSUME they are going to infest the whole Northeast like the Emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, that is INVADING the territories all across the Northeast. What will happen to their "Abenaki" basket making then? OIr what about the Vermont/NH's "Abenaki" Maple Sugar industry? .... that Luke Willard and his Merry Band of Nulhegan Wannabiak “Abenakis” of Orleans are selling on

Pure Vermont Maple Syrup (Grade B) 1 Liter
by White Tale of Vermont

Grade B Vermont Maple Syrup in 1 liter glass whiskey bottles. Made by Abenaki sugar makers at the Nulheganaki Tribal Forest in Barton, VT. Delicious dark, bold maple flavor. Made and bottled in Vermont (2013).

Earthworms -- specifically their waste as it replaces the soil -- are threatening most directly the economically important sugar maple tree as they slowly alter the makeup of the great northern forests of the United States and Canada. Or how about the Asian long-horned beetle (ALB), which kills maple trees and travels on infested firewood.

What will happen when the Maple Trees are gone?

There is an old saying....
"As long as the ash tree grows, the Abenakis will live.”

Sort of humorous really, considering that allegedly 'Native Americans' came across the "Land Bridge" up the west side of the state "Alaska" back-way-when (according to the "experts" in scholarly institutions); and now since Native American Indians allegedly are now 2nd Class Asian mutants or whatever, that these invasive Beetles have followed them across the ocean, thousands of years later. I don't really know which is worse, the Emerald ash borer, the Asian Long-Horned Beetle, or the 4 or 5 groups pretending they are "Abenaki" Tribes sanctioned by the naive State of Vermont Politicians?!

If my doubts and subsequent questioning of these 'wannabiak wji n'dakinna' makes me a 'racist' and a 'naysayer' .... then so be it. The State never saw any legitimate proof, I doubt the 3 expert scholars hand-picked by the groups or the VCNAA ever had any real legitimate proof genealogically or otherwise in their hands either. I know I haven't seen diddly squat from any of the four groups, as to the validity of their claims, as to being "Abenakis" let alone "tribes". 

Even now, today, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, wants to minimize and dilute the criteria for Federal Recognition, so that these Wannabiak, can "get through the door" and obtain Federal Recognition:

According to the PDF Notice from the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs regarind 25 CFR Part 83, Procedures for Establishing That an American Indian Group Exists as an Indian Tribe....

Action: Notice of tribal consultation sessions and public meetings.

SUMMARY: The Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is examining ways to improve the Department’s process for acknowledging an Indian tribe, as set forth in regulations.

This document announces a comment period, tribal consultation sessions, and public comment sessions on a preliminary discussion draft of potential revisions to improve the Federal acknowledgment process.
DATES: Comments must be received by August 16, 2013.

See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice for dates of the tribal
consultation sessions and public comment sessions.
ADDRESSES: See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice for locations of the tribal consultation sessions and public hearings and a Web site where the preliminary discussion draft is available. You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
—Federal Rulemaking Portal: The rule is listed under the agency name ‘‘Bureau of Indian Affairs’’ and Docket ID ‘‘BIA–2013–0007.’’
Email: Include ‘‘1076–AF18’’ in the subject line of the message.
Mail or Hand-Delivery: Elizabeth Appel, Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative Action, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW., MS 4141, Washington, DC 20240. Include ‘‘1076–AF18’’ on the cover of the submission.

Elizabeth Appel, Acting Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative
Action, (202) 273–4680,
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department’s process for acknowledging
an Indian tribe is set forth at 25 CFR part 83, ‘‘Procedures for Establishing that an American Indian Group exists as anIndian Tribe’’ (Part 83 Process). Through adherence to this process, the Department seeks to make consistent, well-grounded decisions when acknowledging a petitioner’s government-to-government relationship with the United States. The Part 83 Process is criticized for being, among other things, expensive, burdensome, less than transparent, and inflexible. The preliminary discussion draft of potential revisions to part 83 is intended to generate comments on potential improvements to the process, while
maintaining the integrity of the acknowledgment decisions. This notice announces the availability of a preliminary discussion draft of potential revisions for public review at:–IA/Consultation/index.htm. Comments on the discussion draft are due by the date indicated in the DATES section of this notice. We will be hosting several meetings to obtain input on the discussion draft. Morning sessions are tribal consultation sessions reserved only for representatives of federally recognized tribes. Afternoon sessions are open to the public.
The meetings to obtain input will be held on the dates and at the locations shown below. All times are local.

July 23, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Canyonville, Oregon ... Seven Feathers Casino Resort, 146 Chief Miwaleta Lane, Canyonville, OR 97417,
(541) 839–1111.

July 25, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Solvang, California ...... Hotel Corque, 400 Alisal Road Solvang, CA 93463, (800) 624–5572.

July 29, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Petosky, Michigan ....... Odawa Casino Resort, 1760 Lears Road, Petosky, MI 49770, (877) 442–6464.

July 31, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Indian Island, Maine .... Sockalexis Arena, 16 Wabanaki Way, Indian Island, ME 04468, (800) 255–1293.

August 6, 2013 ............ 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Marksville, Louisiana ... Paragon Casino Resort, 711 Paragon Place, Marksville, LA 71351, (800) 946–1946.

Following this first round of consultation and public input, we will review the comments received and then
prepare a proposed rule for publication in the Federal Register.
This will open a second round of consultation and the formal comment period to allow for further refining of the regulations prior to publication as a final rule.
Dated: June 21, 2013.
Kevin K. Washburn,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2013–15329 Filed 6–26–13; 8:45 am]

Under the proposal, reviews of a petitioner’s community and political authority — criteria for acknowledgment — would “begin with the year 1934 to align with the government’s negation of allotment and assimilation policies and eliminate the requirement that an external entity identify the group as Indian since 1900,” according to the Department of Interior.

So with that being said, Vermont's FAKE "Abenakis" that are now State Approved and Stamped, salivate at the prospects of gaining Federal Recognition, now that they have their ill-begotten State of VT Recognition (and they want the same to happen in New Hampshire, today, tomorrow, next month, or next year doesn't matter). These FAKE groups of "Abenakis" want the SAME BENEFITS, the SAME MONIES and TREATY RIGHTS as the already Federally Recognized Tribes, but without all the hassle of having to show any real proof of genealogical connection(s) to the Abenakis, historically or otherwise. 

Federal's Would Open Door To 'Casino Tribes'
Bureau of Indian Affairs proposal for easy tribal recognition could hurt state compact
August 07, 2013 | Editorial, The Hartford Courant
The issues around Indian gaming ought to be well behind us in this state, resolved two decades ago by Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr.
But the Bureau of Indian Affairs keeps trying to stack the deck.
In 2002, the BIA granted federal recognition to two putative Connecticut tribes, the Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots, even though neither met the BIA's standards for recognition. An Interior Department appeals panel reversed the recognitions, an action that held up in court.
Well, here we go again. As author Jeff Benedict reported on these pages, the Interior Department's assistant secretary for Indian affairs, Kevin Washburn, has drafted new guidelines for groups petitioning to become federally recognized tribes.
Though the guidelines are still preliminary, they deeply concern state officials — as well they should.

More Casinos Coming?
In the guise of making the process more efficient and transparent, the draft guidelines make tribal recognition much simpler. For example, the guidelines say a recognition request will get an "expedited favorable finding" if the petitioner "has maintained since 1934 a reservation recognized by the state."
Some of these state reservations have been around since Colonial times. But to infer the continuous existence of a tribe — a distinct political and social community — from the existence of the land it might once have lived on is not logical:
You can't assume the bear from the existence of the woods.
What it means, if the proposal becomes law, is that the Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots, rejected because they failed to prove their continuous existence as a community and continuous political governance, now are likely to be recognized.
Federal recognition is essentially a gaming permit in states that allow gambling. The federal Indian Gaming Act of 1988 allows tribes to operate any kind of gambling that is legal in their states. In an odd legal twist, casino gaming was allowed in Connecticut because of its "Las Vegas Nights" law, which allowed charities to run casino-style fundraising events.
The two tribes that gained federal recognition, the Mashantucket Pequots and Mohegans, opened casinos and were given the exclusive right to operate slot machines in return for 25 percent of the net revenue, per the deal negotiated by Gov. Weicker. It has brought the state much wampum.
But a decade ago, state lawmakers, concerned that one of these reconstituted "casino tribes" would actually gain federal recognition, revoked the Las Vegas Nights law.
Would the elimination of that law block a new Indian casino? Possibly, although Mr. Benedict offers a plausible hypothesis of how it might not. Should the draft guidelines become law, the Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots can apply again. If they win recognition, they would file land claims. Land claims can tie up a lot of real estate for a long time.
To get rid of the land claims, state officials might then agree to another Indian casino or two.
This would force renegotiation of the Pequot-Mohegan compact, almost assuredly at a rate much less favorable to the state. The new tribes would get the tax and other benefits that come from being a sovereign nation.
Washington Can Be Bought
Big-time Indian gaming — a highly questionable policy to begin with — has been with us for a quarter-century. Most of the real tribes have all been recognized by now. States have made compacts with them. New ones that come along need more scrutiny, not less.
State Attorney General George Jepsen said his office has been monitoring the BIA actions for months. He plans to submit comments opposing the rule changes and is coordinating opposition with Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and members of the state's congressional delegation. "I take this very seriously," he said.
He should be. The Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots had big casino money behind them when they won BIA recognition in 2002, and money can buy so much in Washington.

What has the Vermont Public really actually seen, convincingly, that these Vermont groups are actually Abenaki Tribes, historically, that their members as a whole/majority, are connected to Abenakis genealogically?

Absolutely "wishy-washy" "feel-good" BS and implied statements by them and theirs, or their political allies, is all that is documented. There is nothing by way of convincing documentary proof, because they never had had it to begin with! 

You see, they don’t just want to merely SELL THEIR ART WORK/ “wares”, they want WANT and WANT MORE MORE and MORE. From State Recognition ill-begotten with their OBVIOUS LIES and DISTORTIONS about themselves and the actual Abenaki People, now they want “Federal Recognition”.

From the Indian Arts and Crafts Act being “watered-down” to meaningless-nothing:

APRIL 01, 2013

Rep. Nick Rahall (D-West Virginia) has proposed changes to the Indian Arts and Crafts act. Courtesy
Drastic amendment proposed to Indian Arts and Crafts Act
Change would open doors for non-Natives to claim authenticity
By Brandon Ecoffey
Native Sun News Staff writer
WASHINGTON—An amendment proposed to the Native American Arts and Craft act by Rep Nick Rahall (D-WV) if passed would potentially remove protections from Native American artisans across the country and subsequently allow for non-Tribal members to label work they create as “Native American produced”.
The Indian Arts and Craft Act which was originally established in 1990 prohibits the marketing of American Indian and Alaskan Native arts and crafts as authentic unless it is produced by a federally or state recognized tribal member.
The changes proposed by Rep Rahall would insert in to the law language that would allow for members of a non-profit Indian organizations and individuals who are not enrolled members of a recognized tribe to claim authenticity.
“Any individual who is a direct lineal descendant of a person listed on the base roll of an Indian tribe, whether or not such individual qualifies for membership in the Indian tribe,” the amendment reads. “Any individual who is a member of an Indian organization.
The law provides vague definition of what an Indian organization is and includes language stating the organization does not need to be recognized by any tribal nation.
"The IACA is already difficult to enforce and does little to protect or support Native American artists and small arts businesses, these new changes would render it completely useless,” said Dr. Jessica Metcalfe founder of the Native American Fashion blog Beyond Buckskin. “It sounds like someone in DC is lobbying for this change because companies realize that right now there's a lot of money to be made off of selling our ethnicity. But our ethnicity isn't for sale,” added Dr. Metcalfe.
The amendment has been referred to the House committee on Native American and Alaska Native Affairs.

(Contact Brandon Ecoffey at

Copyright permission by Native Sun News

If you haven't heard, there is a "Drastic Amendment Proposed to Indian Arts and Crafts Act." If we want to protect the integrity of our authentic Indian made arts and crafts, it is urgent that everyone contact their Congress people and insist they stop these changes. This will affect Indian artists of every tribe so it is not strictly a Cherokee problem. Please get involved!

Wise words from my Cherokee friend, David Cornsilk:
The Cherokees in Oklahoma fought the Indian Art War in 1990 that culminated in the passage of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. All other tribes remained silent. We endured being cursed, slandered and even physically assaulted from fake Indians claiming to be Cherokee and selling art as Indian made. But since the Acts passage Indians artists of all tribes have benefited from the protections afforded by the by the Act. 
Back in 1990 when wannabes, fake Indian artists, claimed to be Cherokee, everyone thought fakes were solely a Cherokee problem. That has not changed much today. But there are other fakes out there today representing the Blackfeet, Apache, Creek, Sioux and others. They are also claiming tribes mentioned in history books no one has heard from in 200 years. These fakes join together to form fake tribes and several states have granted recognition to them without one iota of authenticity. The fakes sell art as Indian made, teach a bastardized Indian culture in schools and to the public. They stand over the graves of our ancestors in our stolen homelands and perform disgusting pseudo ceremonies when the graves of our ancestors are uncovered. But most dangerous of all is the very real threat to tribal sovereignty. These groups have so watered down the definition of tribe that we may soon no longer recognize ourselves. When the U.S. looks at Indian country and sees fake tribes, they may no longer recognize us. 
This amendment to the IACA must be stopped. Your tribal councils must pass resolutions to condemn it. You must get your federal representative’s to quash it. And by all means use social media to spread the word. We cannot afford to be silent.
Working together, we can stop this proposed change! Please get involved.
Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading. 

And Vermont's FAKE "Abenaki" Tribes want Federal Indian Child Welfare Benefits too.

My Comments:

Oh and not to forget, Vermont and New Hampshire “tribes” and their “representatives” WANT to be a part of the Federal The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) as well, now that they had a ‘taste’ of “State Recognition”

Isn't it amazing how these “Indians” …. that are so many Instant - Shake and Bake “Abenakis” of Vermont and New Hampshire, that will and obviously do WHORE THEMSELVES OUT TO THE POLITICAL CORPORATE? Isn't it wonderful how they want to climb into bed, with their “cronies,” from Senator Illuzzi, and Hinda Miller, etc .... right on up the sleazy political ladder? 

I mean seriously, Indian Child Welfare is a freaking JOKE right along with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, if they are going to just let anyone RIDE UP, or SLIDE ON IN, benefiting from its “protections”

Can anyone say GENOCIDAL MANIPULATIONS by CORPORATE'S  and these ‘wannabiak’ of Vermont and New Hampshire?

While Odanak witnesses and observes in near complete SILENCE, without a mouse even stirring against the Identity Theft of their own Abenaki Peoples throughout N’dakinna? If the identity of the Abenaki People is not good enough to protect, against the exploitation of those that are clearly genealogically NOT ABENAKI, do not speak Abenaki, and are not ancestrally connected to an Abenaki Community, then what's the point of BEING Abenaki? 

Is it about Money $$$, Status, Corporate connection(s)?

Where is Odanak Chief Rick O’Bomsawin, etc. (and all the other Wabanaki Chief's of N'dakinna) and the warriors? Is Odanak Chief O'Bomsawin still selling & storing his tobacco in Vermont and New Hampshire, and points south to Florida? He probably doesn't want to lose “business” and doesn't want to lose Odanak “jobs” and that is why he hasn't said nary a word about what's been going in Vermont/New Hampshire; but hey, the integrity of their Abenaki Identity can go to Hell in a Brown ash basket floating down the Connecticut River (Kwenitegw) eh?