
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The whole messy affair regarding Middlebury College and the alleged "Abenaki" Burial Ground and some NEW DETAILS about it:

January 06, 2013
Climate Connections
Idle No More: Indigenous sovereignty in action
Note: Will Bennington is a Development Associate with Global Justice Ecology Project, and a member of Rising Tide Vermont.

An Indigenous man [John Kenneth Lawyer a.k.a. 'Greywolf'] plays a drum and sings during the round dance.

Deanna Lou (nee: Dudley) [a.k.a. Dee Brightstar] Lambert - Martin. She later in May of 1995 allegedly married to Juan Morales del Caripo in a Franklin County Jail, in an attempt to keep him in the USA, claiming it was an "Abenaki" marriage. In this photograph one can see her (with the black dyed hair) just behind the raised woman's right arm which is holding the drum striker.

‘A form of eugenics’

July 03 - 05, 2013  -  3:00 PM

"Innu people and Quebec student strikers march and speak out against Hydro-Quebec; protesters assaulted by police at New England Governors’ Conference in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont. Charlie Delaney, Jr. a.k.a. Megezo/ Eagle, a member of the Nulhegan Abenaki community, marches in solidarity with Innu protesters."
But we need to raise $500 to send him there by May 20, 2013!  Please
 help us stand in solidarity with Charlie and the Nulhegan Abenaki  by making a donation today.
But we need to raise $500 to send him there by May 20, 2013!  Please help us stand in solidarity with Charlie and the Nulhegan Abenaki  by making a donation today.
Charlie has worked within the UNPFII and other international agencies, as a delegate for both the Abenaki and the Miskito people from Nicaragua. This will be his first opportunity to represent his people as a state-recognized tribe.  But he can't do it without your support.  Please,
 send a donation today.
Charlie has worked within the UNPFII and other international agencies, as a delegate for both the Abenaki and the Miskito people from Nicaragua. This will be his first opportunity to represent his people as a state-recognized tribe.  But he can't do it without your support.  Please, send a donation today.

Mountain Occupiers in Lowell, VT: 
Carol Irons is part of this "movement"

We need your help to get Amanda Lickers to the Rendezvous!

I responded with: 

Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: VT Abenaki?
Really? Donna Carvalho who TOOK the maiden name of her own mother, Lillian Dorothy (nee: Roberts) Carvalho - Green who (this Lillian Roberts died 10 Oct 2012 in Florida), claims to be an Abenaki mother, an Abenaki grandmother, and an Abenaki Great-Grandmother?
I think not, right along with the Bruchac's, they can SAY and CLAIM that they are allegedly "Abenakis", yet that is far from the reality of their upbringing or anything else.
Really, c'mon, Amanda Lickers and her side kick Gabrowski was in the same PROTESTS, talking in the SAME CIRCLES as these pretender "Abenakis" up in Orleans County, and in Burlington, VT with these "Abenakis"

Dee Brightstar, an Abenaki woman who previously served on the tribal council for the Missisquoi Abenaki, noted the similarities between the Harper government’s treatment of First Nations and her people’s history in Vermont.

“The Canadian government passed Bill C-45. That will eliminate Indigenous rights,” she said, referring to the law passed in December that has sparked railroad blockades, round dances, and an ongoing hunger strike
by Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence, which began on December 11.
She fears that First Nations in Canada, some of whom practice m ore traditional lifestyles than m any in the
United States, will lose their culture because of the passage of this bill.
Dee Brightstar said, “Bill C-45 is a form of eugenics.” referring to the racist program that included forced
sterilization of Abenaki and other poverty-stricken Vermonters in the early 1900′s. Eugenics nearly
eliminated the Abenaki people.

FAKE UNPROVEN "Abenakis" PRETENDING TO BE ABENAKIS is a form of Eugenics as well.

January 08, 2013

Climate Connections [PAY ATTENTION to the NAMES of the ORGANIZATIONS]


"Its not easy being green for Middlebury College"

Note: Anna Shireman-Grabowski is a member of Rising Tide Vermont, a fiscally -sponsored project of Global Justice Ecology Project. GJEP members William Bennington and Keith Brunner are also members of Rising Tide Vermont and the grassroots Campaign to Stop the Vermont Gas Pipeline.

By Jay Saper and Anna Shireman-Grabowski

"Middlebury College is now supporting a controversial pipeline that would carry fracked natural gas through Vermont and under Lake Champlain to the state of New York.
The company behind this project, Vermont Gas, currently operates a network of fracked gas distribution
pipelines in northern Vermont that it hopes to connect with national networks in New York.
Middlebury College, is one of the pre-approved intervenors, has avested interest in seeing the project completed. Specifically , it wants to use the pipeline to transport bio-methane — a renewable energy derived from cow manure — to its campus from a facility several miles outside of town. Middlebury has already committed $2 million to develop the bio-methane, which it would use when energy demands on campus exceed the capacity of its bio-mass plant. Currently , when that situation arises the school must resort to burning oil.
Those organizing against the pipeline are not the only ones wary of carbon offsets. Environmental justice advocates have long discredited this approach as presenting climate change in term s of individualistic morality, where peace of mind can be bought and collective political action is discouraged.
As the Indigenous Environmental Network pointed out in a recent statement, carbon offset program s do not consider the health and livelihoods of people living where fossil fuels are extracted, transported, refined and burned because they make carbon the only factor in the equation.

July 30, 2013

Alliance for Global Justice

Charlie Delaney Megeso, Board Chair, has worked as a master mason for thirty years. He is currently an elected citizen judge in Chittenden County, Vermont. As a member of the Abenaki tribe, he has been involved in the indigenous movement for twenty-five years. He was a legal researcher for the tribal judge [the late Michael Arthur Delaney working with the late Homer W. St. Francis, Sr.] and served as tribal ambassador to Washington, DC. He wrote two bills that became law, concerning state recognition of indigenous tribes in Vermont. He is also a former chair of the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs. Over the past eighteen years he has done reconstruction work with the Miskito people on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. He works with the Miskito official representative to the US, and he serves as the North American representative of the Miskito to the United Nations and the US State Department. In 2002-2003 he was a delegate to the United Nations, representing both the Abenakis and Miskito; and he served on a committee working on the International Declaration of Indigenous Rights, ratified into international law in 2007.

So, Charles "Megezo" Delaney, Jr. is also a member of Rising Tide VT as well (?)

Rising Tide Vermont and Global Justice Ecology Project are helping Charlie raise $500 to help with his travel and lodging expenses while in NYC.


Our dear friend Charlie Delaney-Megeso, a Nulhegan Abenaki, has been approved to represent the Nulhegan Abenaki at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Charlie is a long-time Indigenous rights activist, and has fought tirelessly for Abenaki recognition in so-called Vermont.  He has been involved in social and environmental justice issues, and has traveled on humanitarian delegations to Latin America.  Charlie is on the board of the Alliance for Global Justice.

As the former chair of the VT Commission on Native American Affairs, Charlie understands the issues facing Vermont's Indigenous People.  He hopes to bring back information on how Abenaki in Vermont can access international cultural and social programs for Indigenous Peoples, as well as to enable increased Abenaki involvement in international work on Indigenous issues.

Charlie will also be meeting with other Indigenous leaders from throughout the world to discuss the creation of workable mechanisms to enforce the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the development of an international Indigenous Peoples' Court.

Please help Charlie achieve these ambitious goals for himself and for the Abenaki by send a donation today.

This entry was posted by mountainoccupiers
[] .

Carol Jessie Irons, self-proclaiming "Abenaki" Wind-Turbine Protestor, and cousin/relative to Beatrice Ruth (nee: Aldrich) Nelson, both of whom are Coutts descendants, they claim is Abenaki by way of their shared ancestry to William Longway and Etta Edla A. (nee: Cole).

Posted on August 1, 2013

Anna Shireman - Gabrowski (?)

Indigenous organizer Amanda Lickers has been working hard to stop the Line 9 Pipeline expansion in Canada, and to bring together first nation communities. We’re so lucky that she is willing to travel to the Northeast Kingdom and share her experience with us. We know that her keynote address and workshops at the Rendezvous will bring an important new perspective to our efforts as activists and environmentalists, and help build alliances across boarders.
But traveling costs money – and without your support, Amanda won’t be able to come all the way to Vermont. We need to raise $1500.00 in the next 8 days to get her here. We can do this! If just 75 people give $20 each, we will meet our goal. Many conferences and concerts cost much more than that – we’re just asking you to contribute now.
Click here to go to our donation site.
Don’t forget to share this with your friends!

And then I get this email message in my email acct. inbox:

From: Michael Reddy

To: ""  
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:31 PM
Subject: FW: VT Abenaki?


I'm a white settler activist interested in anti-colonial earth defense and working to develop active solidarity with First Nations folks in my region--the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont... I'm confused as to the various bands of Abenaki and those claiming to represent them... as a white person i feel no authority to judge the authenticity of them.
I'm writing to y'all in particular because i'd like to develop meaningful contacts with indigenous folks here--to offer the resources i have access to to further their struggles--and to solicit their input, perspective, etc regarding the campaigns i'm engaged in to defend this land base....

do you have any solid Abenaki contacts or more info into the historical Abenaki bands that you think would be useful to me?

i'm bringing Amanda Lickers--a member of the Turtle Clan of the Onondowaga nation, part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy--to the region next month to do a workshop on anti-colonial ecodefense and would love to spread the word among First Nation folks in the region!

thanks in advance!


I don't have time for this nonsense. 

Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

He or she replied in return:

From: Michael Reddy
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz  
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 2:27 AM
Subject: RE: VT Abenaki?

Nonsense? Kindly? 
I understand not having time... Life's busy these days... 
But to call the passion i have for justice and the determination i have to prevent further destruction of the earth "Nonsense" is a cop out to me....
Give me some shit, but make it shit i can work with--a critique that can help me build solidarity and broad based opposition to neocolonialism in a better way than i'm doing now... 

in the spirit of total liberation.....

And again I responded:

Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 
Subject: Re: VT Abenaki?

Ok you got me at White Settler Activist.

What is your real agenda here?

They replied (again) back to my person by email:

From: Michael Reddy
To: Douglas Lloyd Buchholz  
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 5:36 PM
Subject: RE: VT Abenaki?

my real agenda is trying to build community agency to stop industrial infrastructure projects from destroying our landbase, and community resiliency to respond to increasingly frequent "natural" disasters, crises, etc.... 

i'm helping to organize an event in northern vermont on the right of way of the Portland Montreal Pipeline (owned by Exxon) which connects to Enbridge's Line 9..  Those companies currently ship light crude oil through those pipes, but they want to reverse the flow and ship heavy tar sands crude from "alberta" through them and out through the deepwater port of Portland, ME..... 

The event i'm helping to organize is The Rendezvous Aug 17 & 18 [2013] in Irasburg Vermont... it's a free/by donation/pay what you can event....

one of the keynote speakers and workshop facilitators i'm bringing out for the event is Amanda Lickers, a member of the Turtle Clan of the Onondowaga Nation... She's been active in fighting Enbridge's Line 9 pipeline near her reserve in "ontario"... she's going to be doing a 4 hour workshop called Anti-colonial Earth Defense at the Rendezvous.. I'd love to reach out to include other voices of colonized First Nations folks in the bio-region ... 

anyway, if you're too busy to spread the word or forward me contacts--no worries.. if you've got a critique of my approach or perspective let me know.. i'm doin my best--always growin always learnin.....

in solidarity.

Posted By Press Release On August 4, 2013 @ 3:38 pm
Mountain Occupiers Rendezvous in Irasburg Aug. 17, 2013
Keynote speakers for the event are Professor Peter Brown, Ph.D. of McGill University, coauthor of Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy; and Amanda Lickers, an indigenous Seneca-Haudenosaunee who is currently organizing against the reversal of Line 9, a pipeline slated to carry Alberta tar sands crude to Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Rendezvous organizer Carrie Glessner says, “We hope groups and individuals with an environmental or social justice mission will join us, and we invite everyone to learn more about the event workshops and speakers at our website:

RisingTide activist, Michael Reddy, sees The Rendezvous as a rare opportunity. “Getting Mountain
Occupiers, 350VT’ers, Rising Tide, Earth Firsters!, First Nation folks, etc. all in one spot to talk
strategy is the most exciting thing about this event. There’s no time like the present to challenge ‘business as usual’.”

August 17, 2013

In Irasburg, there descended a swarm of quote, "members and attendee's of Mountain Occupiers 350VT'ers, RisingTide, Earth Firsters, "First Nation folks" (self proclaimed very likely), all in one location, to discuss and make their strategic plans of attack. Very likely Middlebury College.... why? 

The answer lies in a previous article: July 05, 2013 entitled, "Its not easy being green for Middlebury College.

September 11, 2013  - approximately 3:00 PM

A group of 5 young protesters decided that 2,997 small 9/11 memorial flags placed in a Middlebury College campus lawn needed to be removed because they were on top of a Native American burial ground yesterday.

Vermont has a long history with the Abenakis — native to the New England area. The University of Vermont has done research which concluded that several Abenaki women had been sterilized. 

Apparently, the University of Vermont did not do any research at all nor haven't done their homework on the accuracy of what is cited in that, regarding the ALLEGED sterilizations during the Eugenics Program of Vermont, because clearly, and obviously the University of Vermont quote, 

"The Abenakis were a large group targeted by the Vermont Eugenics laws, and though, according to Paul, the last noted sterilization occurred in 1957, the Abenakis continued to be sterilized (Dowbiggin, p. 181).  "

"Between 1973 and 1976, approximately 3400 Abenaki women were sterilized in the United States, including those sterilized in Vermont; full informed consent was not obtained" (Dowbiggin, p. 181)." 

THIS is an intentional MISQUOTE, out of the book written and compiled by it's author Ian Robert Dowbiggin.

The book, on Page 181 does not say that Abenaki woman continued to be sterilized in the United States at all.

What is actually STATED in the book on Page 181, is this: 

“Data relating to the sterilization of Native Americans cast an equally gloomy pall over efforts to popularize sterilization in the 1970’s. During the heyday of eugenic sterilization, in the 1930’s, Native American tribes such as Vermont’s Abenakis had been targeted for sterilization, but far from dying out, this disturbing practice actually thrived in later years.  [71] 

In 1976, the General Accounting Office released data that indicated that 3,406 Native American women in one-third of all Indian Health Services (HIS) districts had been sterilized between 1973 and 1976 without filling out proper consent forms."

Amanda Lickers, a member of the Onondowa’ga Nation, a part of the Onkwehon:we, a member of the Turtle Clan and the Onondowa’ga Nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, claims she did this, because she was told by another alleged student of the Middlebury College, that there was a Abenaki Burial Site on campus, and seeing the small American flags in the ground, thinking with her heart, made the alleged instantaneous decision, to start pulling them up, with her white settler activist's sympathsizer's, such as Anna Shireman - Gabrowski and several other non-students, helping pull the flags up, and stuffing them hastily into Glad garbage bags.

When confronted, Amanda Lickers launched into a verbal tirade wherein she used BIG wordage's like:

1. "our people have been under attack"
2. "the theft of our territories"
3. "the devastation of our waters"
4. "the poisoning of our people through the poisoning of our lands"
5. "the theft of our people from our families"
6. "the rape of our children"
7. "the murder of our women"
8. "the sterilization of our communities"
9. "the abuse of our generations"
10. "the uprooting of our ancestors and the occupation of our sacred sites"
11. "the silencing of our songs" 
12. "the erasure of our languages and memories of our traditions"

When confronted by fellow Middlebury, VT College, Junior Student Benjamin Harris, all that Amanda Lickers could conclude was that this young man, was a "a nationalistic-settler, a young white boy". She did not want to cave to his support of the occupying, settler-colonial, imperialist state, and the endorsing of the genocide of indigenous peoples across the world
Upon requested by this Benjamin Harris, to relinquish the said 2,977 American flags to him, she simply stated that they were being "confiscated" and when further attention was garnered by the incident as it unfolded, the Onkwehon:we of the Turtle Clan and the Onondowa’ga Nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, along with her cronies, RAN AWAY with the bags of flags in hand.

"It is the duty of the college of Middlebury College to consult with abenaki peoples and repatriate their grounds."

So, who, in fact, put Ms. Amanda Lickers and her cohorts such as Anna Sheriman-Gabrowski, up to this STUNT, in their attempt at media attention, etc.? 

This is the question that begs to be answered, and like in Elementary, Middle, or High School, no one wants to admit to any wrong doing but point to the VISIBLE PERPETRATORS that were on that Middlebury College Campus on that particular day.

Donald Warren Stevens, Jr. [formerly of the St. Francis - Sokoki group led by April St. Francis - Merrill and now of "Chief" of the "Nulhegan" "Tribe"] proceeded to claim, "that the vandalism was 'disgusting' and believes the protesters were acting to promote their own political beliefs." and he continued, "We didn't know anything about this and if we had, we certainly wouldn't have sanctioned it," Stevens said.

He said that Abenakis do not publicize the locations of their burial sites, in order to protect them, and that he has no knowledge of any such sites on the Middlebury campus. Stevens said that even if the site of the memorial had been a burial site, the American flags placed in the earth would not have been  a desecration..... etc.

Anna Shireman-Grabowski, a college senior, invited Amanda Lickers, a Canadian left-wing activist to campus to promote “decolonization”. Shireman-Grabowski and Licker were both involved in environmental anti-industry protests.
In a phone interview, Lickers identified herself as the leader of the group and said she had “absolutely no regrets” about her actions. Lickers said she was invited to campus by the Associate Dean of Students for Student Activities & Orientation J.J. Boggs to give a workshop on “settler responsibility and colonization.” College spokeswoman Sarah Ray disputed this and said Lickers was invited by Shireman-Grabowski. At the workshop, which was held at noon on Wednesday, a Middlebury student said the campus was the site of an Abenaki burial ground, Lickers said. Based on this information, Lickers made a “spontaneous” decision to remove the flags after she discovered their presence on a campus lawn.

Later, several varied people, decided to pitch their two cents worth on the events that happened after-the-fact, such as Crystal M. Lampman:

The granddaughter [Crystal M. Lampman born on March 13, 1979 in St. Albans, VT, daughter of Lester Marvin Lampman and Ann Marie nee: Gaudette] of Chief Leonard "Blackie" Miles Lampman had this response: As the granddaughter of Chief Leonard "Blackie" Miles Lampman let me tell you how I view your desecration of a memorial that holds meaning to me– you have disgraced MY family, MY people, MY heritage, and MY history. Do NOT call yourself sister to me. There are ways to accomplish getting ones point across without being disrespectful and hurtful. Case in point a DOCUMENTED Abenaki burial ground which now hosts a beautiful memorial on the banks of the Missisquoi River on Monument Rd in Swanton/Highgate. You have slapped in the face everything my family has worked for in gaining honor to be able to call oneself Abenaki. You have dishonored the memory of my grandfather a Chief and US Soldier. My Grandfather surely is shaking his head in shame at you supposed educated future leaders of our nation.

Ok, so let's review this a bit:

First of all, regardless of her claims of being the Granddaughter of Leonard M. "Blackie" Lampman this response means absolutely nothing. Most everyone is the grandchild of someone. How has what happened in Middlebury College on 9/11/2013 disgraced HER family, HER people, HER "heritage" or HER "history"? 

The Lampman's have proven NOTHING to connect genealogically, their ancestry, to the Abenakis whatsoever. 

This "Because-they-SAY-they-are-Abenakis" is utter BS and nonsense. The Lampman family of Franklin County, VT proved absolutely NOTHING to the Bureau of Indian Affairs OFA, nor really to the State of VT as well. As well, the St. Francis Family didn't provide ANY EVIDENCE connecting their family to the Abenakis at all either.

As for gaining honor to be able to call oneself "Abenaki"

How about the Lampman's and or the St. Francis' or ANY of these FAKE "Abenaki groups members providing unmanipulated and transparently, the actual convincing definite genealogical-historical-and social proof DOCUMENTED, that they (or the Lampman's etc) were or are connected to the Abenakis, and not just "followers" of the Homer Walter St. Francis Sr. bunch "when it suited them" through the years, eh? 

And here is a statement from Donna Louise (nee: Carvalho) Charlebois - Moody:

"I have worked on Abenaki repatriation for 19 yrs. and on sacred site protection. Wherever we go in this world, we are in someone's homeland. Bluntly--those flags are analogous to a stone honoring cairn and as an Abenaki mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, I personally have no problem with the honoring and see no possible way this can be construed as a desecration of land-- one, it's not a permanent display, and two, that land has already been hammered with concrete, brick, roadways, and whatever ground disturbing work was done to construct the campus. Let's get some rational perspective on this. I'm disturbed by other posts here which exhibit a great lack in education and information."

I do not respect ARROGANCE. [Claiming one is an "Abenaki" mother-grandmother and great-grandmother SHOWS the arrogance in her thinking and thought processes.]

 And speaking as if one is an Abenaki, with no valid evidence, is an identity theft against the Abenaki People. Wabenaki/Waubanaki/Wabanaki does not equal "Abenaki" at all. 

It is an attempt to bastardize the reality of those Abenaki Ancestors, by these PRETENDER'S !!

Prove Donna (nee: Carvalho) Moody, that you are Abenaki ... because all I see is a HURON ancestor, generations nearly past my two hands fingers from you ....

Let's see, has Donna Moody proven genealogically that she comes from the Abenakis? 

Or does everyone just accept this Because-I-SAY-that-I'm-"Abenaki" dynamic? 

If no one questions and requests/demands the actual viable convincing evidence HISTORICALLY - SOCIALLY and importantly GENEALOGICALLY of these groups of their "tribes"/"members" connection(s) to the Abenakis.....

Then how does anyone, individually or as an AGENCY actually HONESTLY KNOW that they are dealing with actual bonefide documented historically connected Abenaki People?


After reading all of this, knowing that Charles L. Delaney, Jr. Megezo - John K. Lawyer Greywolf- and Deanna Lou Dudley Dee Brightstar, and even Carol Irons, along with this Anna Shireman - Gabrowski, as well as Amanda Lickers, are a part of and active in these organization's such as Rising Tide Vermont, Climate Connections and Mountain Occupiers etc. etc., does anyone really honestly believe that Don Stevens, Jr. and his Nulhegan - Cowass Inc.'d group now a State-Recognized "Tribe" of "abenakis" had no knowledge of Amanda Lickers and Ms. Gabrowski's INTENT when they went to Middlebury College on 9/11 and did what they did?

Who did Amanda Lickers stay with while in Orleans County, Vermont; WHO did she speak with and hear from? She went to ORLEANS COUNTY, VERMONT, for this Rendezvous Event, stayed in VT all that time, until September 11, 2013? Who'd she stay with, and visit with?

Answer: Northeast Kingdom wannabial "Indigenous groups" such as Nulhegan, and perhaps even she spoke with John Lawyer, Charles L. Delaney, Jr. and Dee Brightstar? Or even Luke Willard and Don Stevens?

She certainly didn't come into Vermont for cake and ice cream.....

Whose the student (by name) who informed her that such an area where those flags were, was an alleged "Abenaki Burial Ground"? 

She was co-organizer of a protest held prior to a Vermont Public Service Board hearing on the Addison Natural Gas Project at Middlebury Union Middle School on Sept. 10.

During a brief interview that evening with the Addison Independent, she identified herself as a volunteer with Rising Tide Vermont, a group whose self-proclaimed mission is to be “part of a movement which opposes the expansion of industrial infrastructure in the Northeast U.S. and Eastern Canada, and exposes corporate and state-sponsored false solutions to the climate crisis.”

Shireman-Grabowski also led a similar protest in June, when she and 20 others marched into the Montpelier offices of the Public Service Board and demanded to meet with Commissioner Chris Recchia, reported. She also was leader of a May 7 march on campus that culminated in the presentation to college officials of a petition signed by 1,400 people asking them to revoke their support for the natural gas pipeline.

A second person also spoke about her involvement in the vandalism through an online post and in an interview with the Independent.

In an article posted on, Amanda Lickers stated she was also involved in the vandalism.

Lickers said she is a member of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, another name for the Iroquois, a group of tribes in New York state.

Lickers is a surname at Akwesas:ne as well. Hmm, let's take a review going back a little further in time:

June 23rd, 2011

Nulhegan Chief, Don Stevens, and Elnu Chief, Roger Sheehan, and other Abenakis meet with the Council of the Seven Nations at Akwesasne/Ahkwesáhsne/‘St. Regis’ Mohawk Community.

Go all the way to the bottom of this PDF to page 25:

October 02, 2011

NATION AT NULHEGAN/MEMPHREMAGOG [Luke A. Willard and or Don W. Stevens, Jr.]

National Forests are owned by the federal government and they are nothing but resource banks... NOT conservation... at least not the way we view conservation. At any time that the fed desires, they can fill the White Mountain, Green Mountain, or any other national forest with oil wells, coal mines, quarries, wind farms (which are horrible and I'll debate that with anyone), ANYTHING that they want. Enjoy them while they are pristine but don't get attached... they don't belong to your state and the state has NO SAY WHATSOEVER in regards to national forests. The forest service might humor states and tribes by including them in "discussions" but it's only to shut us up. We learned this from experience. Our TRIBAL & TOWN FORESTS model is much different. Local ownership, local stewardship, and local use. If you're a member of a tribe that has a population of 750, you feel a sense of ownership in the tribe's forest land and because of that sense of ownership, you treat it well yourself and you care greatly about how others treat it. A national forest is owned (technically) by 300,000,000 people but those people have absolutely no say in its use or management. Also, the mineral rights, development rights, etc might be owned by another country like China. It's pretty difficult to establish any sense of ownership with national forests, parks, and conservations. And let's not forget how they got the land in the first place.

October 21, 2011

Then there is this:

Carol Irons with Lucy Cannon - Neel in April 2011

[Lucy Rose (nee: Pion) daughter of Roger Raoul Pion and Marie Rose Annette (nee: Fontaine) who married to Joseph Paul Cannon in 1979.... IS a member of the Luke Willard & Don Stevens Wannabiak of the Nulheganaki group]

Obviously, Luke Andrew Willard along with his cohort Don Stevens are stating, 

October 23, 2011

1:00 PM


"When will Vermont tribes fight for our sacred mountains? It seems Vermont tribes just wanted recognition... for what? I don't know. - Luke Willard"

And then their member (and NH residents) Bill and Sherry (nee: Blanchard) Gould of Bradford, stated, on the 29th of October, 2011:

"Maybe now that PowWow season is coming to a close we could get together and try and save what's left of our Mother Earth. All this Mountain leveling [Mountainoccupier Movement], Gas fracking [Pipeline Protesting and Demonstrations], and Toxic Dumping should be a priority for all of us !"

Bill and Sherry (nee: Blanchard) Gould of Bradford, NH are members of the Luke Willard & Don Stevens Wannabiak of the Nulheganaki group as well]

December 14, 2011

Per the Abenaki Nation at Nulhegan/Memphremagog Facebook Page:

"Mega wind projects such as the Sheffield and Lowell Mtn projects require mountain tops and ridges to be blasted, destroying the ridge lines and damaging the surrounding ecosystems. As an Abenaki, what is your position?

MountainOccupiers = Nulhegan Wannabiak (?) etc.

My Response:

IS Don Stevens, Jr. telling you Vermonter's the truth when he SAYS, he's an "Abenaki" and that he & they is descendant(s) from Old Philips of the Deed in 1796, and that he, and his followers of the Nulhegan group a.k.a. Vermont "abenaki" "tribe" .... 

... had absolutely NOTHING directly or indirectly to do with what happened in Middlebury College on 9/11/2013?

Follow the dots. Do the Math. Do the Homework..... The bull-shit gets deeper with these pretender "abenaki" wannabiak....

Were these "abenaki" groups simply standing 'in the background' of this incident at Middlebury College, with their dirty hands behind their backs, playing the "NO... NOT ME, WE WEREN'T INVOLVED" game?

Were these FAKE "ABENAKIS" of VT were ALL INVOLVED from the VERY BEGINNING? INDIRECTLY (naturally they didn't want to get their hands really dirty) so they let this pair of women, do the dirty work for them? A Great publicity stunt? 

And now that this stunt is gaining quite a lot of negative publicity .... the "Abenaki" "tribes" and their "Chiefs" claim not to know anything about it? 

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to FIGURE OUT the reality of WHY it was intended that Middlebury, VT College was maliciously 'targeted' by these two demonstrating/protesting/activist women, and the other people involved with them. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Given enough time, these wannabiak groups of Vermont and New Hampshire, will indeed, show the PUBLIC what their true intentions have been all along....

Now, I could indeed put all 137 Pages into one blog posting, yet I am not about to do it either (not on littlebear400 aka cheifgreylock) or any other idiot out there, that obviously is a PRETENDER "Abenaki".

And these idiots ASSUME they are going to infest the whole Northeast like the Emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, that is INVADING the territories all across the Northeast. What will happen to their "Abenaki" basket making then? OIr what about the Vermont/NH's "Abenaki" Maple Sugar industry? .... that Luke Willard and his Merry Band of Nulhegan Wannabiak “Abenakis” of Orleans are selling on

Pure Vermont Maple Syrup (Grade B) 1 Liter
by White Tale of Vermont

Grade B Vermont Maple Syrup in 1 liter glass whiskey bottles. Made by Abenaki sugar makers at the Nulheganaki Tribal Forest in Barton, VT. Delicious dark, bold maple flavor. Made and bottled in Vermont (2013).

Earthworms -- specifically their waste as it replaces the soil -- are threatening most directly the economically important sugar maple tree as they slowly alter the makeup of the great northern forests of the United States and Canada. Or how about the Asian long-horned beetle (ALB), which kills maple trees and travels on infested firewood.

What will happen when the Maple Trees are gone?

There is an old saying....
"As long as the ash tree grows, the Abenakis will live.”

Sort of humorous really, considering that allegedly 'Native Americans' came across the "Land Bridge" up the west side of the state "Alaska" back-way-when (according to the "experts" in scholarly institutions); and now since Native American Indians allegedly are now 2nd Class Asian mutants or whatever, that these invasive Beetles have followed them across the ocean, thousands of years later. I don't really know which is worse, the Emerald ash borer, the Asian Long-Horned Beetle, or the 4 or 5 groups pretending they are "Abenaki" Tribes sanctioned by the naive State of Vermont Politicians?!

If my doubts and subsequent questioning of these 'wannabiak wji n'dakinna' makes me a 'racist' and a 'naysayer' .... then so be it. The State never saw any legitimate proof, I doubt the 3 expert scholars hand-picked by the groups or the VCNAA ever had any real legitimate proof genealogically or otherwise in their hands either. I know I haven't seen diddly squat from any of the four groups, as to the validity of their claims, as to being "Abenakis" let alone "tribes". 

Even now, today, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, wants to minimize and dilute the criteria for Federal Recognition, so that these Wannabiak, can "get through the door" and obtain Federal Recognition:

According to the PDF Notice from the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs regarind 25 CFR Part 83, Procedures for Establishing That an American Indian Group Exists as an Indian Tribe....

Action: Notice of tribal consultation sessions and public meetings.

SUMMARY: The Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is examining ways to improve the Department’s process for acknowledging an Indian tribe, as set forth in regulations.

This document announces a comment period, tribal consultation sessions, and public comment sessions on a preliminary discussion draft of potential revisions to improve the Federal acknowledgment process.
DATES: Comments must be received by August 16, 2013.

See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice for dates of the tribal
consultation sessions and public comment sessions.
ADDRESSES: See the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice for locations of the tribal consultation sessions and public hearings and a Web site where the preliminary discussion draft is available. You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
—Federal Rulemaking Portal: The rule is listed under the agency name ‘‘Bureau of Indian Affairs’’ and Docket ID ‘‘BIA–2013–0007.’’
Email: Include ‘‘1076–AF18’’ in the subject line of the message.
Mail or Hand-Delivery: Elizabeth Appel, Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative Action, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW., MS 4141, Washington, DC 20240. Include ‘‘1076–AF18’’ on the cover of the submission.

Elizabeth Appel, Acting Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative
Action, (202) 273–4680,
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department’s process for acknowledging
an Indian tribe is set forth at 25 CFR part 83, ‘‘Procedures for Establishing that an American Indian Group exists as anIndian Tribe’’ (Part 83 Process). Through adherence to this process, the Department seeks to make consistent, well-grounded decisions when acknowledging a petitioner’s government-to-government relationship with the United States. The Part 83 Process is criticized for being, among other things, expensive, burdensome, less than transparent, and inflexible. The preliminary discussion draft of potential revisions to part 83 is intended to generate comments on potential improvements to the process, while
maintaining the integrity of the acknowledgment decisions. This notice announces the availability of a preliminary discussion draft of potential revisions for public review at:–IA/Consultation/index.htm. Comments on the discussion draft are due by the date indicated in the DATES section of this notice. We will be hosting several meetings to obtain input on the discussion draft. Morning sessions are tribal consultation sessions reserved only for representatives of federally recognized tribes. Afternoon sessions are open to the public.
The meetings to obtain input will be held on the dates and at the locations shown below. All times are local.

July 23, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Canyonville, Oregon ... Seven Feathers Casino Resort, 146 Chief Miwaleta Lane, Canyonville, OR 97417,
(541) 839–1111.

July 25, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Solvang, California ...... Hotel Corque, 400 Alisal Road Solvang, CA 93463, (800) 624–5572.

July 29, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Petosky, Michigan ....... Odawa Casino Resort, 1760 Lears Road, Petosky, MI 49770, (877) 442–6464.

July 31, 2013 .............. 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Indian Island, Maine .... Sockalexis Arena, 16 Wabanaki Way, Indian Island, ME 04468, (800) 255–1293.

August 6, 2013 ............ 9 a.m.–12 p.m ......... 1 p.m.–4 p.m ........... Marksville, Louisiana ... Paragon Casino Resort, 711 Paragon Place, Marksville, LA 71351, (800) 946–1946.

Following this first round of consultation and public input, we will review the comments received and then
prepare a proposed rule for publication in the Federal Register.
This will open a second round of consultation and the formal comment period to allow for further refining of the regulations prior to publication as a final rule.
Dated: June 21, 2013.
Kevin K. Washburn,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2013–15329 Filed 6–26–13; 8:45 am]

Under the proposal, reviews of a petitioner’s community and political authority — criteria for acknowledgment — would “begin with the year 1934 to align with the government’s negation of allotment and assimilation policies and eliminate the requirement that an external entity identify the group as Indian since 1900,” according to the Department of Interior.

So with that being said, Vermont's FAKE "Abenakis" that are now State Approved and Stamped, salivate at the prospects of gaining Federal Recognition, now that they have their ill-begotten State of VT Recognition (and they want the same to happen in New Hampshire, today, tomorrow, next month, or next year doesn't matter). These FAKE groups of "Abenakis" want the SAME BENEFITS, the SAME MONIES and TREATY RIGHTS as the already Federally Recognized Tribes, but without all the hassle of having to show any real proof of genealogical connection(s) to the Abenakis, historically or otherwise. 

Federal's Would Open Door To 'Casino Tribes'
Bureau of Indian Affairs proposal for easy tribal recognition could hurt state compact
August 07, 2013 | Editorial, The Hartford Courant
The issues around Indian gaming ought to be well behind us in this state, resolved two decades ago by Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr.
But the Bureau of Indian Affairs keeps trying to stack the deck.
In 2002, the BIA granted federal recognition to two putative Connecticut tribes, the Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots, even though neither met the BIA's standards for recognition. An Interior Department appeals panel reversed the recognitions, an action that held up in court.
Well, here we go again. As author Jeff Benedict reported on these pages, the Interior Department's assistant secretary for Indian affairs, Kevin Washburn, has drafted new guidelines for groups petitioning to become federally recognized tribes.
Though the guidelines are still preliminary, they deeply concern state officials — as well they should.

More Casinos Coming?
In the guise of making the process more efficient and transparent, the draft guidelines make tribal recognition much simpler. For example, the guidelines say a recognition request will get an "expedited favorable finding" if the petitioner "has maintained since 1934 a reservation recognized by the state."
Some of these state reservations have been around since Colonial times. But to infer the continuous existence of a tribe — a distinct political and social community — from the existence of the land it might once have lived on is not logical:
You can't assume the bear from the existence of the woods.
What it means, if the proposal becomes law, is that the Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots, rejected because they failed to prove their continuous existence as a community and continuous political governance, now are likely to be recognized.
Federal recognition is essentially a gaming permit in states that allow gambling. The federal Indian Gaming Act of 1988 allows tribes to operate any kind of gambling that is legal in their states. In an odd legal twist, casino gaming was allowed in Connecticut because of its "Las Vegas Nights" law, which allowed charities to run casino-style fundraising events.
The two tribes that gained federal recognition, the Mashantucket Pequots and Mohegans, opened casinos and were given the exclusive right to operate slot machines in return for 25 percent of the net revenue, per the deal negotiated by Gov. Weicker. It has brought the state much wampum.
But a decade ago, state lawmakers, concerned that one of these reconstituted "casino tribes" would actually gain federal recognition, revoked the Las Vegas Nights law.
Would the elimination of that law block a new Indian casino? Possibly, although Mr. Benedict offers a plausible hypothesis of how it might not. Should the draft guidelines become law, the Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots can apply again. If they win recognition, they would file land claims. Land claims can tie up a lot of real estate for a long time.
To get rid of the land claims, state officials might then agree to another Indian casino or two.
This would force renegotiation of the Pequot-Mohegan compact, almost assuredly at a rate much less favorable to the state. The new tribes would get the tax and other benefits that come from being a sovereign nation.
Washington Can Be Bought
Big-time Indian gaming — a highly questionable policy to begin with — has been with us for a quarter-century. Most of the real tribes have all been recognized by now. States have made compacts with them. New ones that come along need more scrutiny, not less.
State Attorney General George Jepsen said his office has been monitoring the BIA actions for months. He plans to submit comments opposing the rule changes and is coordinating opposition with Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and members of the state's congressional delegation. "I take this very seriously," he said.
He should be. The Schaghticokes and Eastern Pequots had big casino money behind them when they won BIA recognition in 2002, and money can buy so much in Washington.

What has the Vermont Public really actually seen, convincingly, that these Vermont groups are actually Abenaki Tribes, historically, that their members as a whole/majority, are connected to Abenakis genealogically?

Absolutely "wishy-washy" "feel-good" BS and implied statements by them and theirs, or their political allies, is all that is documented. There is nothing by way of convincing documentary proof, because they never had had it to begin with! 

You see, they don’t just want to merely SELL THEIR ART WORK/ “wares”, they want WANT and WANT MORE MORE and MORE. From State Recognition ill-begotten with their OBVIOUS LIES and DISTORTIONS about themselves and the actual Abenaki People, now they want “Federal Recognition”.

From the Indian Arts and Crafts Act being “watered-down” to meaningless-nothing:

APRIL 01, 2013

Rep. Nick Rahall (D-West Virginia) has proposed changes to the Indian Arts and Crafts act. Courtesy
Drastic amendment proposed to Indian Arts and Crafts Act
Change would open doors for non-Natives to claim authenticity
By Brandon Ecoffey
Native Sun News Staff writer
WASHINGTON—An amendment proposed to the Native American Arts and Craft act by Rep Nick Rahall (D-WV) if passed would potentially remove protections from Native American artisans across the country and subsequently allow for non-Tribal members to label work they create as “Native American produced”.
The Indian Arts and Craft Act which was originally established in 1990 prohibits the marketing of American Indian and Alaskan Native arts and crafts as authentic unless it is produced by a federally or state recognized tribal member.
The changes proposed by Rep Rahall would insert in to the law language that would allow for members of a non-profit Indian organizations and individuals who are not enrolled members of a recognized tribe to claim authenticity.
“Any individual who is a direct lineal descendant of a person listed on the base roll of an Indian tribe, whether or not such individual qualifies for membership in the Indian tribe,” the amendment reads. “Any individual who is a member of an Indian organization.
The law provides vague definition of what an Indian organization is and includes language stating the organization does not need to be recognized by any tribal nation.
"The IACA is already difficult to enforce and does little to protect or support Native American artists and small arts businesses, these new changes would render it completely useless,” said Dr. Jessica Metcalfe founder of the Native American Fashion blog Beyond Buckskin. “It sounds like someone in DC is lobbying for this change because companies realize that right now there's a lot of money to be made off of selling our ethnicity. But our ethnicity isn't for sale,” added Dr. Metcalfe.
The amendment has been referred to the House committee on Native American and Alaska Native Affairs.

(Contact Brandon Ecoffey at

Copyright permission by Native Sun News

If you haven't heard, there is a "Drastic Amendment Proposed to Indian Arts and Crafts Act." If we want to protect the integrity of our authentic Indian made arts and crafts, it is urgent that everyone contact their Congress people and insist they stop these changes. This will affect Indian artists of every tribe so it is not strictly a Cherokee problem. Please get involved!

Wise words from my Cherokee friend, David Cornsilk:
The Cherokees in Oklahoma fought the Indian Art War in 1990 that culminated in the passage of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. All other tribes remained silent. We endured being cursed, slandered and even physically assaulted from fake Indians claiming to be Cherokee and selling art as Indian made. But since the Acts passage Indians artists of all tribes have benefited from the protections afforded by the by the Act. 
Back in 1990 when wannabes, fake Indian artists, claimed to be Cherokee, everyone thought fakes were solely a Cherokee problem. That has not changed much today. But there are other fakes out there today representing the Blackfeet, Apache, Creek, Sioux and others. They are also claiming tribes mentioned in history books no one has heard from in 200 years. These fakes join together to form fake tribes and several states have granted recognition to them without one iota of authenticity. The fakes sell art as Indian made, teach a bastardized Indian culture in schools and to the public. They stand over the graves of our ancestors in our stolen homelands and perform disgusting pseudo ceremonies when the graves of our ancestors are uncovered. But most dangerous of all is the very real threat to tribal sovereignty. These groups have so watered down the definition of tribe that we may soon no longer recognize ourselves. When the U.S. looks at Indian country and sees fake tribes, they may no longer recognize us. 
This amendment to the IACA must be stopped. Your tribal councils must pass resolutions to condemn it. You must get your federal representative’s to quash it. And by all means use social media to spread the word. We cannot afford to be silent.
Working together, we can stop this proposed change! Please get involved.
Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading. 

And Vermont's FAKE "Abenaki" Tribes want Federal Indian Child Welfare Benefits too.

My Comments:

Oh and not to forget, Vermont and New Hampshire “tribes” and their “representatives” WANT to be a part of the Federal The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) as well, now that they had a ‘taste’ of “State Recognition”

Isn't it amazing how these “Indians” …. that are so many Instant - Shake and Bake “Abenakis” of Vermont and New Hampshire, that will and obviously do WHORE THEMSELVES OUT TO THE POLITICAL CORPORATE? Isn't it wonderful how they want to climb into bed, with their “cronies,” from Senator Illuzzi, and Hinda Miller, etc .... right on up the sleazy political ladder? 

I mean seriously, Indian Child Welfare is a freaking JOKE right along with the Indian Arts and Crafts Act, if they are going to just let anyone RIDE UP, or SLIDE ON IN, benefiting from its “protections”

Can anyone say GENOCIDAL MANIPULATIONS by CORPORATE'S  and these ‘wannabiak’ of Vermont and New Hampshire?

While Odanak witnesses and observes in near complete SILENCE, without a mouse even stirring against the Identity Theft of their own Abenaki Peoples throughout N’dakinna? If the identity of the Abenaki People is not good enough to protect, against the exploitation of those that are clearly genealogically NOT ABENAKI, do not speak Abenaki, and are not ancestrally connected to an Abenaki Community, then what's the point of BEING Abenaki? 

Is it about Money $$$, Status, Corporate connection(s)?

Where is Odanak Chief Rick O’Bomsawin, etc. (and all the other Wabanaki Chief's of N'dakinna) and the warriors? Is Odanak Chief O'Bomsawin still selling & storing his tobacco in Vermont and New Hampshire, and points south to Florida? He probably doesn't want to lose “business” and doesn't want to lose Odanak “jobs” and that is why he hasn't said nary a word about what's been going in Vermont/New Hampshire; but hey, the integrity of their Abenaki Identity can go to Hell in a Brown ash basket floating down the Connecticut River (Kwenitegw) eh?