
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trudy Ann (nee: Call) Parker and her "working relationship" with Nancy (nee: Millette) Doucet:

Front Cover
Aunt Sarah
Woman of the Dawnland
Trudy Ann Parker
The 108 Winters of
An Abenaki Healing Woman
Inside Jacket of Book
History books tell almost nothing about the "People of the Dawnland," but that does not mean they never were. Aunt Sarah was one of these and she was also a basket maker and a healing woman who lived to see 108 winters. She was a St. Francis Abenaki, gentle and proud. Her hands always smelled of sweetgrass and they reached out to help and heal many human and animal friends along the good trail that she walked.
"If the White race ever learns what is clean and what is dirty, many of their dreaded diseases will disappear," said Aunt Sarah. "Close to the sickness lies the source and also lies the cure," the old one's claimed, and she knew that this was true. She also knew and respected the earth whom she called her mother, the earth whom she called her mother, and she said, "The White Man will learn and stop his pollution or else he will die in his own filth, of his own volition, but the lilacs and the birds will also die and they have no choice."
Aunt Sarah was born in a wigwam, the daughter of an Indian Chief and as a young woman she and her family cross this land in wooden wagons with the circus. Once, she stared a cougar down and in the eighth month of her pregnancy, she fought off a pack of wolves, armed only with a garden hoe, but her faith in the Great Spirit was strong and enduring.
Come take a walk with me to "The Place Where the Sweetgrass Grows," as we follow Aunt Sarah's moccasin tracks through the more than 100 winters of one who saw triumph and tragedy, many smiles and many years along the path. And, who with her whole being loved the earth and a man called John, there in the heart of the Dawnland.
Trudy Ann (nee: Call) Parker is in the middle of her second stint as Town Clerk of Lunenburg, Vermont. She is also the only woman to serve as Selectman in that little hamlet where Aunt Sarah lived and died. Aunt Sarah's father was an Indian Chief and he was also Trudy Ann's Great-Great Grandfather.
Proud to be of Aunt Sarah's blood, Trudy Ann contracts for Teacher Workshops, Educational Seminars, and in addition, does many speaking engagments for genealgoical, historical and other groups, telling about the culture and heritage of the Western Abenaki.
She is a history buff, who plays a guitar and lives in a log cabin on a road with no name with her husband Don, and a lazy cat, and a dog called Munchkin.
Is she going to write again? You bed she is; the next book will be all about Log Driving in the Connecticut River Valley.
Inside Page
"To Salmon"
"Smiles & Rainbows"
Trudy Ann Parker
Notice the Bear Illustration
Backside Jacket of Book's Dust Cover
"Water where a fish cannot swim and a horse cannot drink is water unfit for a man to drink or to bathe in."
Notice the Fish Illustration
"I need only the peace of the mountains and the clear water running in the streams to heal my tired heart."
Notice the Turtle Illustration
"I, Sarah, believe in God, just not churches.
I see God in each blade of grass, each rock and tree and drop or [sic] rain.
I know Him, and He knows Sarah."
Rememer this?
This the rubbery self-adhesive advertisement that Homer St. Francis' "St. Francis/Sokoki" group now led by April A. (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow-Merrill leads, as "Chief."
Notice the Illustrations of the Fish, Turtle, Beaver and Bear
As one can comparatively examine, these are the SAME ILLUSTRATIONS that are throughout Trudy Ann (Call) Parker's book regarding the Taxsos dit Jackson Family (of Guildhall and Lunenburg, Essex County, Vermont) regarding "Aunt Sarah Jackson - Somers / Summers.
John Scott Moody created these drawings I am told
Letter of Solicitation
P.O. BOX 223
June 3, 1997
Dear Tony,
Enclosed is a copy of my book, Aunt Sarah Woman of the Dawnland for your preusal.
Someone brought this work to the attention of one Lyn Jarvis, who called my office and suggested that I send you a copy. Mr. Jarvis thought you might be interested in this book as a possible subject matter for one of your talks with Vermont Authors on your show.

In the 1980's Aunt Sarah was selected as one of the "Most Spirited Women in Vermont," by Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, Vermont.

I am of Aunt Sarah's blood, and her story is part of my own. Whatever you decide, I will tell you what I tell my audience, you will laugh and cry, but more important than anything else-----you will learn.

Thank you for your time.

Trudy Parker
Trudy Ann Parker
1-8020892-5959 - Office
1-8-2-892-6675 - Home

So, Trudy Ann (Call) Parker was promoting her self-published book and promoting herself in the process. Who does this sound similar to?

That's right ... Nancy (nee: Millette) Cruger - Lyons - Doucet? Yes, I think so. REMEMBER: Trudy Ann (Call) Parker and her husband Donald Howard Parker, did IN FACT set up selling her book at the July 17th, 1994 Remich Park, Littleton, NH Weekend Pow-Wow that Nancy herself orchestrated with the help of Jesse James Laroque, Homer St. Francis Sr. and Walter Watso, etc. It was not just a one time promotion of Trudy Ann (Call) Parker nor her first book "Aunt Sarah" either, by Nancy (Millette) Doucet.
Front Cover
Volume 7, Edition 2 Summer 1998
A Native American Guide to Powwows
and Other Special Native American Events
Aunt Sarah Woman of the Dawnland....4
Tantoo Cardinal....7
Rick Hunt...Cover Artist....9
Nancy (nee: Millette) Cruger-Lyons-Doucet's retrospective online inquiry posting about Susan Sherwood (nee: Ingerson) Archer - Fowles? - Wilson - Richey on "Olidahozi" Yahoo Message Board (Jeanne Lincoln-Kent's site)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 4:19 pm
"Nancy Millette"
Also Jeanne [Lincoln-Kent] if you have any records that show a name of some of the Abenaki in the traveling shows I am looking for information on my Great Grandmother's Flora Una Ana Eunice Ingerson - Hunt sister Susan Sherwood Ingerson - Archer - Fowles? - Wilson - Richey. I know she traveled with a show. She grew up near "Aunt Sarah" Jackson - Somers. I have also contacted Trudy [nee: Call - Parker] to look too. Her name was Susan Sherwood Ingerson. Thank you Nancy

So now one can review that there was a "working relationship" that developed from summer of 1994 onward, consistently wherein Trudy Parker was at Nancy (Millette) Doucet's retrospective Pow-Wow Events both in Littleton, Twin Mountain, and probably also in Lancaster, NH including elsewhere over the years. Each woman, a promoter of either Pow-Wow's and or books. More importantly, these two women were "riding each other's coat tails....promoting themselves. Both women are connected merely to a corporate entity that was established in 2006 and promoted by Nancy (Millette) Doucet. Through her "followers" (such as Trudy Parker of Lunenburg, Vermont, Card Holding Member #642) Nancy Millette-Doucet attempts to legimate herself and her Indian-ness, to my thinking.
Why was Nancy (Millette) Doucet inquirying about her Great Grandmother's sister Susan Sherwood (nee: Ingerson) being in a Circus/Traveling Show? REMEMBER: Nancy did this tactic with Newton Washburn of Bethlehem, NH; again, with the Jefferson Archaeological site; and yet again, with the Yamachiche "Indian Village" business. Anything to attempt, in her insecurity, to try and prove she's a real "Native American." I do not see a Native person who happens to have a distant "White" ancestor so desperate to prove that they are real "White" "Caucasian" (Caucasoid, Europoid or Europid).
Page 104
William Presbrey of London, England, and Taunton, Mass. and his descendants, 1690-1918
Presby, Joseph Waite
Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Co., 1918.
NOTICE: That on this particular page NO WHERE does it indicate that George William Ingerson nor his 1st wife Almira (nee: Rines) Ingerson NOR their children were "Abenaki" "Abenakis" "Indian" "Indien" "Le Sauvage" "Colored" "Dark" "Black" or the like.
ALSO NOTICE: That for #613 v. Flora Eunice Ingerson DOES NOT indicate whatsoever that her middle name was "Una Ana" as Flora's descendant Nancy (Millette) Cruger stated in 1994 onwards in the Pow-Wow materials. Nor does it indicate that Flora was "born on some riverbank" either.
The document does however, indicate that Susan, Flora's older sister (this is suggested/indicated by way of the order of these children listed in this book on Page 104), had "travelled with a show company." YET, this DOES NOT indicate whatsoever that Susan, her siblings, nor her parents were identifying as or identified externally by others, as being "Abenakis" or "Indians".
Page 105
William Presbrey of London, England, and Taunton, Mass. and his descendants, 1690-1918
Presby, Joseph Waite
Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Co., 1918.

Yet, it is VERY CLEAR that Nancy (Millette) Doucet has IN FACT, DOCUMENTARILY jumped from one ancestry to another, in her attempts to IMPLY that she is of Abenaki descent.
First, it was "My Great Grandmother Flora Una Ana Ingerson - Hunt was born on a riverbank" etc.
Second, she throws her ancestor Flora "Una Ana" to the wayside, (when her lies and distortions were and have been confronted by her cousin Rhonda Lou (nee: Besaw-True and of course, openly I have confronted Nancy about these created "distortions" that Nancy has repeatedly promoted and cultivated like her Pow-Wow events, and herself) she begins to weave the "story" about her alleged connection(s) to Yamachiche, Quebec, Canada.

For Immediate Release

March 22nd, 2007
North Meets South at Nawihla!
Written by Nancy (nee: Millette) Lyons
The Koasek Abenaki Nation will host it’s first Native American Festival and Pow Wow on June 2 and 3, 2007 at the Woodsville Community Field, Woodsville, NH. The schedule includes over 30 arts and crafts venders, four drum groups, December Wind Native Folk Rock Band on Saturday night and a special guest performance each day featuring the Aztec Dancers from Mexico. A detailed time schedule will be available to the public in advance of the Pow wow.
The Luis Salinas and family Aztec dancers have performed all over the United States. They will do many dances and explain their culture and what the dances mean before each performance. The most exciting part of the show will be when they invite the public in the circle to dance with them on some occasions. They will end their performances with a traditional Fire Dance; one of the most outstanding Aztec dances.
The Native American Pow wow has been named Nawihla which in Abenaki means “ I am returning home”. Haverhill and Newbury meadows have historically been the center of commerce for the Koasek Abenaki until the contact era. Back in historic times many other tribal nations would come to the meadows to trade with Abenaki by way of the Long River ( the Connecticut River). Nawihla will be a huge celebration welcoming the Abenaki and other Native People back home. It is especially an honor for Chief Nancy Lyons to return home with her people. Chief Lyons was born and raised in Haverhill and went to Haverhill Academy and Woodsville High School.
To bring back a glimpse of what life was like for the Abenaki in the meadows the El Nu Abenaki Tribe will set up a historic village complete with blanket trading and craft making demonstrations through out the weekend. The public will be welcome to visit the village and ask questions and even purchase some of the hand tooled items on the trade blankets.
Nawihla organizers have been working in partnership with other area business for the Native American event. Haverhill Alumni Hall will host a lecture with Trudy Ann Parker on May 30th. Trudy Ann Parker (Abenaki) is the author of Aunt Sarah, Woman of the Dawnland and Big Snow Little Snow. Aunt Sarah is a book about Trudy’s Aunt who lived to be 108 winters. Big Snow Little Snow is based on the logging day of the Connecticut River. On May 31st Joseph Firecrow, Northern Cheyenne Granny Nominee will perform a music concert at Alumni Hall.
Chief Nancy Lyons will be working with area schools on the possibility of featuring Fred Wiseman and his DVD Against the Darkness to area schools prior to the pow wow weekend. Against the Darkness gathers together, for the first time, an impressive array of genealogical information, historic objects, documents and photographs to refute this cleansing of Northeastern indigenous history. [Oh, really? Then why was it that "Professor" Fred Wiseman Ph.D' video was so piss-poor and "shot down" by the Bureau of Indian Affairs/ Office of Federal Acknowledgment? Hmmm, I'll post more about that Against the Darkness video etc shortly]
Using live action and voiceover by young alleged and re-invented Abenaki actors and the stirring music of songwriter Peter Buffett, this digital video inspires as well as informs.
The video footage has been carefully screened by over 100 American and Canadian Abenakis of all ages. Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, Wendat, Mohawk, Narragansett, Wampanoag, Pequot, Mahican and Euroamerican elders, scholars and filmmakers provided an "external" Native perspective. Their sage advice has been incorporated into the Against the Darkness System.
The events listed above have been sponsored by the Town of Haverhill, Nootka Lodge, Woodsville Guaranty Bank and Koasek Tribal Nation.
Page [1.]
To Whom It May Concern,
I am a descendent of the Millette family of "Petit Village de la Riviere-du-Loup" of Yamachiche. I have never been there only through the stories of my grandfather. He, as well as all Millette's behind him are from Yamachiche area.
The things I was told about "Petit Village de la Riviere-du-Loup" of Yamachiche;
That the large family of 16 children lived in a small house at Petit Village. They were very poor and slept in cots above each other. The floor of the house was dirt and in the winter the snow would come into the bedroom at night. The boys would awake in the morning and look at tracks in the floor to see what came through visiting while they were sleeping.
My Grandfather's brother would go out hunting each day for food for the family. He would leave each morning with his gun and one bullet. Ile would return each night with game. Sometimes, with as many as five rabbits but every time with his gun and one bullet. This puzzled the younger boys. The couldn't figure out how he got game and still had his bullet. So one day the boys followed him and finally found out the secret was he used snares!
My Grandfather moved to New Hampshire in the States and after he moved, got married and had children he was very poor. One of his brother's back at Petit Village de la Riviere-du-Loup" of Yamachiche worked in a mill and would send money or gifts for the kids for Christmas. My Grandfather always wanted to go home to visit so one time he got a babysitter so he and my Grandmother could go to home to Petit Village to visit. When he got to the border they told him he could go in but he could never go back to the States. I am not sure why. But he had children back in New Hampshire so he never got to go home again. I am looking forward to going "home" and visiting in my Grandfather's honor.
My Great Grandfather Christopher Millette came to New Hampshire after my Grandfather moved there. He was very upset about something that happened to his land and home at Petit Village de la Riviere-du-Loup" of Yamachiche. He got a lawyer and was trying to file a suite against Canada. I am not sure all the details but hopefully someday will find the records. I know he said Canada took his land while he was gone and he wanted it back.
When in the States my Grandfather was picked on for his accent and was often called "dumb Frenchmen" by drinking buddies which made him very mad! My Great Grandfather was a small man and one night a very large man called him "a dumb Frenchman" and my Great Grandfather jumped up and hit the guy so hard he broke the guys nose and said " I ain't NO Frenchman! !" He always said he was Indian.
Page [2.]
In the summer of 2003 I stayed for three days at Odanak Reservation Canada with two elderly residents the Msadoques sisters who were in their late 80's. I told them that my family was aboriginal from Yamachiche and asked if they knew anything of Petit Village de la Riviere-du-Loup" of Yamachiche.

This is the story they told me:
" Oh Yamachiche!! It is way out there in the bush. Very isolated. The women in that tribe would walk to neighboring villages and pick out a nice handsome man to bring home with them. Once the woman was with child they would give the man the boot!! They made sure the aboriginal children were not fathered by family. AND 1 always wished I was Yamachiche!!"
Chief Walter Watso told me in early 1990's that was Petit Village de la Riviere-du Loup" of Yamachiche as way out in the bush. No one would even go hunting out there without an Indian Guide. He said all the people at the village of Yamachiche were Aboriginal and their own tribe.
Confirmation of Notarization
Nancy (nee: Millette) Cruger-Lyons (now married to Mark E. Doucet, took this two page write-up and had it notarized by the Randolph, Vermont Town Clerk.

Then, later, when I was seeking validation for her "Abenaki-ness" Nancy's group (Raymond Lussier whom I call "Palm Reading Lussier" so as to differentiate between the late Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier of Attleboro, MA and this comtemporary person with the same name; Paul Bunnelll; Brian Chenevert; Karen Majka a.k.a. Karen Mica; Howard Knight Jr. and Suzette LeClair etc etc) it was Paul Bunnell who was directed by Nancy Millette, to try and discredit the genealogical work I had done pertaining to Nancy Millette herself, that I posted online in genealogical forums. She also sent "Palm Reading" Lussier after me by email(s), with his stupid arrogantly written "Tribal Judge" communications of egotistical nonsense.

When the genealogical research was confirmed by Suzette LeClair and Paul Bunnell of the then group led by Nancy Millette Cruger Lyons Doucet, she "went after" Paul Bunnell. Of course, one cannot deny one's ancestry. She was not a Yamachiche "Native" descendant whatsoever. DNA can be "lifted" from someone else and appropriated to another person.

On Friday March 20, 2009 and Saturday March 21, 2009 National Geographic DNA testing will be taking place at the North Haverhill Town Office Building. On Saturday March 21, 2009 Trudy Ann Parker author of Aunt Sarah and Fred Wiseman author of several books about the Abenaki will have a book signing for those interested. Fred Wiseman will also show his film “Against the Darkness” at 3 PM and give a talk. All is free and open to the public.
Fw: no more bullshit
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 3:48 AM
From: "Floyd Family"
To: "Douglas Lloyd Buchholz"

To: Floyd Family

Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:13 PM
Subject: no more bullshit
From: nmillettedoucet
My DNA came in from National Genographic. I am very much Native American and if I hear anymore bullshit I will be proving in court defamation of character and proof in front of a judge! I am sick of the bullshit from Salmon Douglas Lloyd Buchholz, Paul Bunnell Paul Wilson Pouliot and Ray "Palm Reading" Lussier. Now I have blood and bone results they better be careful about what they have to say about me or they will see my records up close while sitting on stand in front of a jury!!
talk later...nancy [Nancy L. nee: Millette] Doucet

I would kindly like to see verbatim and convincingly, the evidence documentarily, that Mrs. Nancy (Millette) Doucet can allegedly substantiate her Indian-istic D.N.A. and I want to see that such D.N.A. grants her magically, validation to the Abenaki language, the Abenaki Culture, the viably continuous-cohesive-externally observable Abenaki COMMUNITY connection(s) that she professes this D.N.A. has given her.
Corporate Entities such as the 2006 created
 "White Pine Association"
Incorporated in NH and VT
doesn't count as
to the Abenaki Ancestors!
Neither does having Trudy (nee: Call) Parker of Lunenburg, VT getting her "green card" (Membership Card) in the "Koasek of the Koas" from Nancy Doucet, make the illusion (or delusions) by Nancy (Millette) Doucet's group a legitmate "Abenaki" "Tribe" whatsoever.