
Sunday, January 23, 2011

More on Ralph Skinner Swett and The Clan of the Hawk, Incorporated; Northeast Wind Council; Philip J. Thibault

Page [1.]
From: [Rhonda Lou nee: Besaw-True]
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:28:31 EDT
Subject: Fwd: (no subject)

From: ETPVT [Evansville Trading Post Vermont]
BBC: Besanigw
Sent: 8/15/2008 8:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Suj: (no subject)
Clan of the Hawk
Coos-Cowasuck/Sovereign Abenaki Nation
123 Evansville Road
Brownington, VT 05860
Phone: (802)745-2817

The Clan of the Hawk is a Federally Recognized 501(c)(3) Non-profit Group
Evansville, VT
August 15, 2008
An Historic Event
The Clan of the Hawk's 17th annual Pow-Wow was held in Evansville, VT on August 2 & 3, 2008 A great Native historic event took place in our Indian world. Three different Native Groups came together under the Northeast Wind Council to forever be joined in unity.  The three Chiefs who met together represented three different bands and signed a pact enabling them to help each other on the Path of the Native Way. Several other Groups are planning to join this pact soon, and any small Band or Family Group is welcome to join us. With this unity, we will have the strength to Come Together and Work Together in the Native Way. The Northeast Wind Council was set up and organized many years ago [AFTER August 1994] with the help of Grand Chief Walter Watso, Great Ambassador of the Abenaki Nation Darryl LaRock [Larocque] , retired Chief Howard Knight and Chief Spirit Water. The Northeast Wind Council will meet a few times a year to discuss any causes that may come up and to foster
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the Native Way. For more information on how to become a part of this Council, contact Chief Lone Cloud [Ralph Skinner Swett] at (802)754-2817, or by email to
AFTER getting this email forwarded to me from Rhonda Lou (nee: Besaw) True on the 15th of August 2008, I SUBSEQUENTLY EMAILED RALPH SWETT....inquirying as to what the Northeast Wind Council was, and exactly how it was started. He was "inventive" "evasive" and yet, gave me enough information in his reply, to know that this created Northeast Wind Council was simply yet another "Abenaki" confabulation. Obviously, Rhonda was "keeping my person close" and sending me emails, etc. regarding Nancy Millette-Doucet, her cousin, other like-minded people up until early June 2009.
Re: Kwai Kwai Chief Lone Cloud Ralph Swett...
Saturday, August 16, 2008  8:16 AM

Our group was started (when Howard Knight and Cindy Shover broke up) by Howard Knight. Walter Watso was here as was Darryl Larocoque [August 1994?]. All was done in a very respectful manner and very legal. [As in, Howard Knight Jr. was creating yet another "Abenaki" Corporation, with the assistance of the other two persons mentioned]
We had their full backing and help in doing so. I hope this clears up some of April St. Francis-Merrill's lies.
Homer St. Francis (her father) had nothing to do with us ever. Only to try to hurt us. Never talked with him.
We are going our own way and trying to do our best to help our native people.
I am not trying to be political.
I am here every day.
Come see me if you want.

Chief Lone Cloud (Ralph Skinner Swett)
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NOTE: This would appear to be a continuation of Page [1.] of this particular posted document [above] that Rhonda (nee: Besaw) True, wife of Charles Francis True Jr. emailed to my person, on the 15th of August 2008.
Someone else also "alerted" me to the information from Ralph Swett's website and sent this WORD Document. I subsequently reformated the document into a JPEG format.
June 16, 2010
Caledonian-Record Newspaper
Clan Of The Hawk Hosting Weekend Spiritual Gathering
The Clan of the Hawk will be hosting the 3rd annual Spiritual Gathering at the Pow Wow grounds in Evansville Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
The following classes, demonstrations and activities are planned:
1. Teepee raising, help assemble the Clan Teepee;
2. Sinew preparation, learn to make thread from Moose sinew, Lorene Liberty-Curtis instructor;
3. Western Indian Culture, Michelle Wilson from Irasburg will share her experiences living and teaching on Western Indian Reservations on Sunday;
4. Primitive Fire Making, Troop 539, Vergennes Vermont Boy Scouts, Ethan Allen Council will teach how to make fire using the bow and with flint and steel. They also will be helping us mark out the new Nature Trail on the grounds. There will also be a Red Feather Ceremony.
5. Traditional Hide Preparation - we have 20 raw deer hides that need to be cleaned and smoked for the covering of the wigwam.
6. Talking Circle both days led by Chief Lone Cloud [Ralph Swett] , this is an open discussion and questons are welcomed.
7. Ladies Fan Making, learn to make a fan from a Canada Goose wing with Roberta Noyes of Canaan, Vermont. Cost of supplies $5.00 per fan.
8. 3-Sisters Wattle Fence, hands on demonstration making a wattle fence around our Native Garden.
9. Chief Don Eagle Presentation - Bradly Reynolds from Newport will share his scrapbooks and recollections about Chief Don Eagle who was a 1950's Pro Wrestler from Island Pond.
10. Pine Needle Basket Demonstration - Deanne Stygles will demonstrate how to make a pine needle basket.
11. Sacred Fire Keeper George Lavigne from Greenville, Maine will discuss the purpose and rites associated with the sacred fire and circle.
12. Tomahawk throwing is one of the fun activities so bring your hawk and practice for the up-coming competition at this years Pow Wow in August. There will also be a frying pan toss both days. Saturday at 5 p.m. we will share a pot luck dinner. Everyone is welcome to come and participate in our activities. For more information please call the Clan office at 754-2817 or Feather's Discount at 754-6849.
June 22, 2010
Clan Of The Hawk Presents Cultural Weekend For All
By Gordon Alexander
News Correspondent
EVANSVILLE-The Abenaki Clan of the Hawk in Evansville presented a special spiritual weekend Saturday and Sunday.
The annual event was an outreach weekend to promote cultural sharing and social interaction between Native Americans of different backgrounds and non-natives alike, according to Chief Lone Cloud [Ralph S. Swett].
The spiritual weekend was open to the public, and people were welcome to come and camp out for the weekend at no charge. This annual event was designed to be a peaceful weekend of enjoying the cool early summer while learning something about Abenaki customs.
The spiritual weekend, different from a pow wow, is designed to teach the heritage of Native Americans. A pow wow is more of a social gathering of Native Americans, Chief Lone Cloud said.
One of the guest speakers, Joy Regal, Daughters of the American Republic Regal from Bradford, discussed stories about lengendary Vermont Native American Guide "Indian Joe."
According to her findings and recorded history, "Indian Joe was a Micmac from Nova Scotia who first fled to St. Francis [Odanak] after Louisburg was taken by the English in 1745 and then to Coos after Rogers' Rangers destroyed that village in 1759.
The story goes that Joe, with his wife, Molly, occupied several sites in Ryegate, Newbury, Peacham and Walden. Eventually the couple settled on an island in what is now Joe's Pond in West Danville. (Molly's Pond is 1 1/2 mile distant). Hating the English, Joe became an American scout during the Revolution and received a letter from Gen. George Washington.
Attending the gathering were 11 members of Boy Scout Troop 539 of Vergennes associated members of the tribe. The Scouts camped out at the grounds, and interested in their outdoor living badges, received tips from members of the tribe.
Saturday's events included sinew preparation by Lorene Curtis, an Indian Joe presentation by members of the Newbury DAR, pine-needle basket making by Deanna Stygles and primitive fire making by the Boy Scouts, including traditional Native American fire keeping.
There also was a teepee raising, tomahawk and fry pan throwing, a talking circle, a presentation by Don Eagle and Bradly Reynolds, a traditional hide preparatioin lecture by Lorene Curtis and Western Indian culture by Michelle Wilson.
According to Chief Lone Cloud, Aug. 4-8 will be the tribe's Combination: third Native American Spiritual Week, third Craft Show, and 19th Pow Wow.
"We welcome all Native Americans to come and discuss the issues and your cares," Chief Lone Cloud said. "It seems that we should and could be, working together for a common goal, to help our fellow brothers and sisters in the Native community. This is what we are all working for. Let great spirit enter your heart, open up your arms to your brothers and sisters."
Howard Franklin Knight, Jr.
"Chief Rushing Water"
"Retired Chief Grandfather Circle"
Philip Joseph Thibault
"Soaring Eagle"
holding his Honorary Membership for Life
Ralph Skinner Swett
"Chief Spirit Water"
"Chief Lone Cloud"
Plastic Indian's
Plastic Chief's
Plastic Shaman's
Plastic Abenaki's
Pretending to be Abenaki Tribe's
Here are the 3 of them together
Their the "authentic" Abenakis?
Their perpetuating Abenaki
What these people are perpetuating
in the name of the Abenaki is...
confabulated [blank].

On to the Nulhegan-Coosuk, Incorporated ... next post ...