
Friday, January 14, 2011


Membership Application Form
[We must change by June mtg to Coos added as this is our true heritage per Joe Pero. JAN 1981 HFK Howard F. Knight Jr. E.B.G. Emerson Bidwell Emerson]
PETITION FOR CLAN RECOGNITION:        a belt of wampum
We, the undersigned members or the Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak), an Indian Tribal Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Vermont, do hereby petition the Tribal Council for recognition as a Clan pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Section 4 of the Tribal By-Laws, as amended, and we have chosen:
(Name of person selected as Clan Chief)
to serve as our Clan Chief and representation on the Tribal Council.
SIGNATURE                       BAND NO:
June 1983
[10 May 1981 Kevin Fletcher? Remember, we must put Coos in the name. This is our heritage + it was approved -- 1981 Rushing Water Howard F. Knight, Jr.]
A Belt of Wampum
By Kichi Sogmo Spirit Bear
[Arthur W. Seymour]
We The People of the Eastern Woodlands -Coos Band of the Abenaki have sat back too long, it is now time for us to act, and to get back what rightfully belongs to us.
We have lost the right to hunt, fish, and trap. It is too late for us, we have waited too many centuries without doing something for ourselves. We must stand together and fight for what we believe in. We must screech like the owl and let Mother Earth shake from many Moose on the run.
We must let all white's know that we mean Business.
[Let's see here, when Emerson "Spirit Bear" Bidwell Garfield said, "let all white's know that we mean business, he really meant it .... The definition of incorporation's "articles of incorporation" (sometime referred to as the "charter"), by-laws, and other documents created when the corporation is established. That's what Arthur W. Seymour, Wayne Hoague, and Richard Phillips meant .... "Let's INCORPORATE under the State of Vermont Laws" they all did .... and to hell with their much song & dance of so-called self-proclaimed "We are a Sovereignty Abenaki Nation" ditty; or should I say Abenaki "Corporation" "Association" "Confederation" or "Republic"? !! Oh look, someone knew how to draw some "Teepee's" and a tree, labeling it the "Tree of Life", with a critter in it. The artist must have forgotten to draw the Apple and the Snake.... Oh, I forgot....the Snake was sitting at the table with the artist! OR was it, that the "artist" be actually the Snake sitting there drawing?]
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Tribal Bylaws
ARTICLE I: Sect. 3.
The principal office of this Tribe (N.E.W.C.) [North East Woodlands Coos] shall be:
R.F. D. #2, Box 530-A
Alderbrook Road
Newport, Vermont 05855

ARTICLE IV: Old Section 6 becomes new Section 7.

ARTICLE IV: New/Section 6:
A. Genealogical records such as Birth, marriage + death records, journals, and other records that can prove a lineage will be accepted as proof of lineage.
B. Genealogy Charts of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, shall be an acceptable proof, once verified, of genealogical lineage.
C. The Geneaologies of members of this tribe shall be filed in only three places; in the office of the Chief of this Tribe and in the Security Vault of the Church of J. C. of LDS, under the Mountain in Utah and with the Tribal Geneaologist. [A., B., and C. Approved June 1987 by order of the Council HFK]
Article III #9
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D. Tribal Sheriff
E. Shaman (Medicine Man)
F. Historian Chief
G. Federal/State Liason Chief
H. Self-Help Chief
I. Inter-Tribal Representative Chief
J. News Media Representative Chief

E. Duties of the various offices of the Tribal Council:
High Chief-
The duties of the Chief High Chief will be to as defined lead the Tribal Band towards, maintaining, the goals of The Tribal Association as defined in Article III of the Articles of Association plus and other things that he may feel are necessary to promote the health, welfare and safety of the The Tribe, and all Native American Indians. [E. Approved May '85 E.B.G. - Emerson Bidwell Garfield]
Clan Chiefs-
They shall also be known as Sub-Chiefs and they shall represent the concerns of their respective clans on the Tribal Council to the best of their abilities. Also they shall serve in various additional duties as the High Chief shall direct that meet the goals of the Articles of Association such as those listed under (D.) above. [Approved May '85 H.F.K. - Howard F. Knight Jr.]
Geneaology Chief -
He shall be appointed by the High Chief from the membership of the Tribal Council for a period of 10 years, and will be responsible to maintain the Tribal Genealogical records as well as to guarantee to all that every member is properly Native American extraction at the time they join the Tribal Band based upon proper acceptable documentation which will be defined in the section on Geneaological Records. He will maintain a Tribal Registry that is accurate and current to the best of his ability.
[Approved May 1985 H.F.K. - Howard F. Knight Jr.]
Treasurer Chief-
He shall be appointed by the High Chief from the membership of the Tribal Council for a period of 3 ? 5 ? years and he shall be bonded for an amount that exceeds by 10% of the dollar amount of funds that he may control at any time. The Treasurer Chief [Approved Oct. '85 E.B.G. - Emerson Bidwell Garfield]
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will be responsible for all Tribal Funds received, held, or disbursed. No checks funds will be disbursed for any purpose without the approval of the Tribal Council and the counter-signature of the High Chief. Amendments to the Treasurer's regulations shall be submitted to the Tribal Council and must be approved by 3/4th's of the membership of said council.
Secretarial Chief -
Shall be appointed by the High Chief and from the Tribal Council, for a term of 3 years, and he shall keep accurate, complete and concise minutes of all meetings of the Tribal Councils or any other meetings that the High Chief shall say needs to be recorded. The Secretarial Chief shall preserve said minutes of said meeting and at the end of said every Third year he shall turn over to the Historical Chief all minutes and records more than two years old.
Tribal Sheriff -
He shall be appointed by the High Chief and charged with his duties of enforcing the Tribal Laws as defined in the Tribal Laws and Prohibitions section of these By-Laws.
The Tribal Sheriff shall also be a recognized Peace Officer of the Law of the State of Vermont if possible and can be any Town Constable, any town or City Police Officer, any County Sheriff or Deputy, or any State Police Officer or any Federally recognized Officer of the Law. The Tribal Sheriff must be a member of the Tribal Band, and he will be responsible to a three member committee, known as the Oversight Committee, of the Tribal Council, appointed by the High Chief. They in turn will be responsible to the High Chief for the proper conduct of the Tribal Sheriff and any deputies he may have in future years, and the proper enforcement of Tribal Laws. [Approved Oct. '85 H.F.K.]

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The conduct of the Tribal Sheriff will at all times exemplify the best traditions of the history of Law Enforcement and the Abenaki word of honor!
The Tribal Sheriff shall serve at the pleasure of 3/4 of the Tribal Council upon the recommendation of the High Chief and the Oversight Committee.
He shall be appointed by the High Chief for a period of eight (7) years and shall be responsible to research, and teach to all, the ancient ways including but not limited to Herbs, WoodLore, etc. He shall work closely and in harmony with the Historian Chief. He shall be responsible for any and all other duties of the office as the Tribal Council or The High Chief shall direct and keep a written record of same.
Historian Chief - Duties to be defined
Federal/State Liason Chief - Duties to be defined
Self/Help Chief - Duties to be defined
Inter-Tribal Representative Chief - Duties to be defined
News Media Representative Chief - Duties to be defined

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Genealogist -
The Genealogist (Nadodmaw8mek Nanawalm8mok) shall be selected by the permanent Tribal Council, and shall serve such term as shall be the pleasure of the Tribal Council. The Genealogist shall gather, protect and preserve the genealogical records on each and every member of the Band on those forms approved for use by the Tribal Council. These records are to be kept in such manner that their contents are known only to the Tribal genealogist, the Tribal Council, the proper agents and agents of U.S. Government and of the State of Vermont, wherein this band incorporate. A copy of said records will be filed and maintained for permanent record with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Thetford Historical Society of the Town of Thetford (if said historical society so agrees). These records will be utilized as the "Mormon" Church or the Thetford Historical Society see fit with the understanding that these records entrusted to their care are of a  permanent nature and as such they are a gift to them, by the North eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont, for the purpose of research and documentation of persons of American Indian lineage.
The Original copies will remain in the custody of the Tribal genealogist and will be turned over to the High Chief of the Band upon the Tribal genealogists completion of his term of office. The genealogy records will then be turned over by the High Chief to the new genealogist.
Copies only of the Originals will be made available to all others entitled to access to said genealogical records of the Northeastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation of Vermont. The Tribal genealogists shall refer Clan recognition....
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requests the Tribal Council for action by them with a recommendation of either for approval or disapproval.
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Article X - General By-Laws for the good of the Band Tribal Band
Section 1. Protests -
That no protest will be staged by a member or members without proper authorization from the Tribal Council.
A. The matter to e protested must be an Indian matter.
B. All protests must be in proper manner as proscribed by the Tribal Council.
Section 2. Drugs and Alcohol -
No drugs or alcohol are to be present at any meeting of this Tribal Band except as noted.
A. Narcotic drugs, prescribed by a registered Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) will be the only drugs allowed on a person at a Tribal function.
B. Alcohol is banned at all times, at all Tribal functions.
C. Those individuals who willfully violate these regulations will be subject to removal, and disbarment from said Tribal functions for a period of time as may be designated by the Tribal Council.
Section 3. Weapons -
No weapons of any kind will be allowed at any Tribal function, to include such weapons as Num-chucks, Brass Knuckles, Knives of any kind, Handguns of any types, Clubs of any kind or any other weapon item that could be used as a weapon of bodily harm except as noted.
A. All weapons will be confiscated by the Tribal Sheriff or duly authorized officer of the law or their deputies and turned over to the proper authorities for disposal as they see fit.
B. The only authorized weapons at a Tribal
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function will be those of American Indian heritage that are authorized, on display, or being displayed for a Tribal ceremonial affair.
1. at all times these display or ceremonial weapons will be under the ever-watchful eye of the Tribal Sheriff, his deputies or other duly authorized officers of the law.
2. The presence of all display and ceremonial weapons present at a Tribal function must be made known by their owners to the Tribal Sheriff, his deputies, the Tribal Council and any other law enforcement present at said function.
Section 4. Headdress -
All Clan Chiefs and the High CHief will be required can wear at least one feather from an approved source as noted below. All members of the Tribe band who are participating in a Tribal Ceremonial must also wear at least one feather from an approved source as noted below.
1. Approved source for feathers and Headdresses
A. Turkeys, Hawks, American Eagles, Headdresses from commercially made sources, Crows, Ravens.
B. Headdresses purchased from Retail/Wholesale American Indian stores are acceptable. Cheyenne, Souix Headdresses (or Souixian are acceptable).
Section 5. Guests -
Guests will be allowed to attend all Tribal functions except as noted:
1. Opening or Closing of Tribal Council Ceremonials
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Section 6.
1. Tribal Sheriff's meetings with Tribal Council.
2. Guests must abide by all of the rules and regulations of the Tribe now or hereafter existing.
3. Guests will not participate in voting conducted at any Tribal function.
4. News media personnel who are guests always will abide by the same, rules and regulations as Guests but they will be allowed before or after mtgs tribal Council members and Chiefs. There is restriction, they must not interfer by sound, light or etc., with the conduct of tribal business, and
A. The High Chief or his designate, will be the only authorized spokesman for the tribal band as a whole to the newsmedia.
B. The newsmedia will be notified by the High Chief, or his disignate, of all events planned by the Tribal band far enough in advance so that the newsmedia can provide the coverage of the event as they may wish to provide.
Section 6.
The Tribal High Chief will be the official spokesman at all times on those issues pertaining to the Tribe. No one will address those issues except [unless?] they have a letter from the High Chief so stating. All requests for public appearances of the Tribal Council will be decided or the Tribal members will be handled by the Tribal Council unless the Council cannot meet in a properly called meeting time frame. In that event, the High Chief shall
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make the necessary determination, subject to later review and critique by the Tribal Council.
Section 7. Tribal Sheriff, Deupties and their Responsibilities
The duties of the Tribal Sheriff and his Deputies will be to enforce these by-laws and any other instructions that he may receive from the Tribal Council in proper form, either verbaly or in writing so long as those instructions are not a violation of any Federal or State laws that might supercede Tribal laws. The deputies duties will be the same as those of the Tribal Sheriff and they will be answerable to him, and thru him to the Tribal Council. Neglect of duties will be grounds for dismissal, in disgrace, at a properly called Tribal Council meeting upon concensus vote of the Tribal Council.
Section 8. The Tribal Court
A. The Tribal Court under the laws and By-Laws of this Republic shall be the new Council of Elders (the Former Tribal Council) whose authenticity shall be based up the will of the people. All decisions shall be binding.
B. Decisions of the Tribal Court shall apply in all Tribal matters involving any member of this Tribe, the United nations, the Occupation Governments of North America and their political sub-divisions and institutions at all levels.
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To do any and all lawful activities which may be necessary to, useful, or desirable for the furtherance, accomplishment, fostering or attainment of the fulfilling of all the legal commitments and treaties made [crossed out crossed out crossed out] with the Native American Indians either as an individual, as a band, as a tribe, as a nation or as a confederation by the following; the colonial governments of the individual and several states prior to and during the American Revolution, The Continental Congress during the American Revolution, the government of the United States of America since the American Revolution, the individual and seperate states and the individual representatives of the aforementioned including priests, monks, preachers of various denominations, military personnel both officers and enlisted, Indian traders and, various businesses who arranged and made treaties with Native American Indians.