
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some more Retrospective Muck-Raking By Carollee Reynolds & Some Contemporary Commentary:

Carollee "Carol Lee" (nee: Reynolds) has documentarily been a "member" of atleast three different "alleged and reinvented Abenaki" groups. They are:

1. Traditional Abenaki of Mazipskwik & Related Bands (Connie Brow and Dave Gilman)
2. The Koasek Tradditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation (Nancy Milette-Doucet)
3. The St. Francis-Sokoki Band of the Missisquoi (April St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill)

This is an email from Carollee (nee: Reynolds) when we were still "friends" with one another.
Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:46 PM

From: "carollee reynolds"
To: "salmon"

From: luke willard
Subject: Band Membership
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 15:50:41 -0700 (PDT)

Kwai Carollee Reynolds,
Hope all is well with you. Your family should join the Nulhegan Band. There are 3 criteria for membership. All full status members must meet 2 of the 3. The first is genealogical documentation. The second is substantial oral history. The third is 'community perception' = whether or not the majority of the Abenaki community considers you Abenaki. We have just as many members as Mississquoi does. In fact many have left Mississquoi to join us. We have monthly gatherings with the band meeting, potluck, and drumming. I know your family would be welcomed with open arms. Genealogies and documents are handled confidentially. Ya'll would fit in just fine. Our enrollment is full of names you might be familiar with such as Demar, Sawyer, Ouimet, Snow, Gill, Obomsawin, Otondosonne, Rockwell, Paul, Sylvester, Girard, Mason, Hakey, Phillips, Cote, Allard, Batchelder, Moulton, Marsh, Crowfoot, Baird.... I could go on and on. Anyhow, we're always looking for more pieces ofthe puzzle. Let me know and I'll get you set up with the Census committee. Be well.

Luke Willard ("Nulhegan-Coosuk/ Old Phillips Band "Chief")

Carollee Reynolds wrote....(responding to Luke Willard)...
Thanks Luke and everyone. I had a talk with Burton DeCarr and a talk with Fred Wiseman and met Harold and Nancy Lloyd, as well as my friend (Lynn Menard Mathieson?) who belongs to the other group and I guess it was too much brain stimulation--as well as frustration.
I used to have a Missisquoi Card and then they asked for more documentation and their genealogist Chris Roy told me that my three Lampman lines, Partlow's (same line as April's mother and Brent Reader) were in Vermont too long to be native. What an idiot. So later I did some more research and came up with my Partlow ancestor who was documented indian in civil war records of the town of alburgh. I got certified death, birth and marriage records and submitted them to Headquarters. I was told that after Federal Recognition that they would get a genealogist to officially accept them. I have also Acadian ancestors and Marie Couc (Lepalms), Dandurands, Patnodes, and Richard and Morits. So here is my friend (Lynn Menard Mathieson?) saying that though she was born and lives in Conn. (Connecticut) and she has this one single ancestor who was not even Abenaki (Marie Kakesik8k8e Mite8ameg8k8e aki. Mitcominqui...of which Carollee Reynolds ALSO descends from), she can sell her goods under the pretense that she has a Vermont Abenaki "Band" Card. My daughter who is in college, could not access Abenaki scholarships, even though she was in Title V Indian Education, in Swanton, Vermont. It would be a sad day, if I had to join a group of people who are unrelated to me, from another state (Massachusetts) because my paperwork sits waiting in limbo. I don't care about it myself, but my daughter's dream is to open a native store and center where I we can do community things. My granddaughter's real legal name is Wanibaugh Namih8sat Cook, but Grandma is still waiting on paperwork.

From: Carollee Reynolds <>
Subject: Fwd: Band Membership
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 6:05 PM
To: Takara lavender; Douglas Lloyd Buchholz

TK, if these people end up as one of the ok'd bands then they might be an option, just because we get on Missisquoi's roll doesn't mean that they will start treating people fairly or doing things.

Salmon (Douglas Buchholz) this guy (Luke Andrew Willard) has Sawyers in the group and I think with your contributions and the massive amount of stuff you have accumulated you might stand a chance. Are you part of Charlie True's thing?

From: carollee  
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 10:48 PM
Subject: [cowasuck_traditional_band_council] Re: I've done some research.................

Kwai all the sad thing is that John Lawyer asked me several years ago if I wanted to remain on the list of the Mazipskwik and I told him no I did not, I should not have been on the old list and Luke Willard added my daughter who had just turned 21, she was not on the Mazipskwik list at all, and she was added to the Nulhegan Band. Bob Charlesbois Chris Charlebois cousin was on that list. Bob works at Plymouth MA maybe some one from MA can talk to him. Connie Brow was chairperson. I will try to contact some people Carollee Reynolds

Wed, 20 Sep 2006 11:50:43-0700 (PDT)
From: "Carollee Reynolds"
To: "salmon"

Dear Salmon Quick note My computer kept crashing last nite and I read all the emails. I have alot of the same issues but I have a certain purpose in mind. When I first joined she (Nancy Millette-Doucet) was chief for only 2 years. 23 members are on line and there is over 600 members and I said the same thing.

Almost all these people are from Conn (Connecticut) and Ma (Massachusetts) and Rhode Island most of them are related through marie Mitegoukewe But I am not getting married to them. They are not my band and if april (April St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill) lets me back in I will go back, TK (Takara nee: Matthews) isn't going to.

After awhile Nancy (Millette Doucet) is going to see where all these programs are going, big plans but no people work them oh well take Care
Carollee gotta go to work

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:49-00700 (PDT)

For twelve years I have known this person (Douglas Buchholz/ Mark Leckie/ "Salmon") and have known that he is on full disability for mental and emotional reasons. I can only assume his attacks are based on one of the other Mulitple Personalities. He is having a panic attack because he has done extensive genealogy work and can't back up his current persona.

6 seconds later......

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:51:14-00700 (PDT)

carollee reynolds
Oh Well when I first met Salmon he was in and out of the psyh ward the reason this whole thing started is that Salmon after years of research can not find a single native line in his family. Someone  extended a hand in kindness to him and tried to include him in the language studies, they (Karen Majka aka Karen Mica) offered to look at his genealogy and Bam his little traditional indian fanatasy is gone up in smoke. I was offered a "guest membership" so my daughter TK and her family could do some good like teach dance and market her stuff. Salmon can't belong to anyone's group because he isn't native at all.

Date: 4/11/2007 2:17:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:

She (April Ann nee: St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill) probably has about 10,000 applications. If she cant' handle or do anything with a thousand people I dont' think she is going to do anything else. Her father (the late Homer Walter St. Francis Sr.) only wanted people who lived in the Swanton area.

I think she will open membership up only to certain people with really strict lines that she thinks will vote the way she wants them to. She does absolutely nothing with the community, no feasts and only one pow wow. Brenda wants tk (Takara nee: Matthews) to take a job with Title V Indian education, you can be sure it will be minimum wage and no benefits.

Subject: Re: Check out Band Contacts
Date: 4/18/2007 11:20:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
To: "Lynn Menard Mathieson"

Yup I am malfuntioning, I took happy pills for my depression (Hmmm, intersting...looks like I am not not the only person with "Mental Illness/ Disturbance Issues" Carollee Reynolds!) as Bruce said and now I am breaking out in a rash. Not y idea of happy. Isnt it funny that you and I would be happy to find a name like Van Antwerp with its mohawk roots ( there may have been more than one line) and they (the Bowman-Bruchac's) would get so upset. These guys were buried all in the same little cemetery (I will pick and chose who my ancestors are) Tell you the truth I would rather be Mohawk, no wonder my dad said that. In the oral history that was taken down by my cousin my grandmother said that the Morits were Mohawk as well. If you or I were looking for a connection the internet would be riddled with Queries, I run across yours all the time

I am not even looking forward to the Swanton pow wow. I am sure Salmon the indian expert will show up where I will be watching my grand daughter. This libelous implied induendo (that "I am a harm to a child....) just never stops, yet it is absolutely untruthful about my character, my responsibilities, and my integrity. I have NEVER ever said or implied that I was an "Indian Expert" on anything~I simply have confronted all of these Alleged and Reinvented Abenaki groups in Vermont and New Hampshire, with what these groups have put out there, and Carollee continues to libelously muck -rake in regards to my person, in her attempt to defend these groups  Inc. "Chiefs" Nancy Milette-Doucet and of course April St. Francis - Merrill's actions and words or the lack thereof(and her actions and words in the process); and nor have I ever attempted to be along with any child either, at any Pow-wow. I am not a harm to anyone, EXCEPT towards those that alleged and reinvented Abenakis of Vermont - New Hampshire, who continue to deceive and lie about their ancestors/ themselves.
Subject: Re: [NA-ABENAKI] ABENAKI-BOWMAN Date: 4/18/2007 7:09:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:
I used to go to AA meeting with relatives in the old abenaki headquarters (Well that sure does EXPLAIN her words on that Yahoo Group "FIRSTNATION" which was copied over onto Jeanne Lincoln-Kent's Yahoo Group "Olidahozi" on February 25, 2008 at 7:05 PM) (see below), talk about your Rogues Gallery, the smoke was so bad you couldnt' see your hand in front of your face.

The town clerk in Alburgh VT listed four indians who fought in the civil war, Partlow, Vosburg, Burk and Olena the document was dated 1863. Some Partlows and Vosburgs went back into New York state. My ancestor Eliza Jane Partlow was a full sister to Charles Partlow who was on that list--descendants of Charles are the abenaki speaker Brent Reader and Aprils' mother Patsy Partlow.
Indeed, this is the document page out of the Alburg Town history, of which Carollee Reynolds refers to, in the above bit. The Bureau of Indian Affairs OFA dept. actually addressed this document, its merits and foundation. The conclusion was that this document mean absolutely NOTHING. The document was concluded to be dubious, questionable and it was determined that the document may NOT be referring to these four men "as Indians" nor were they identified as "Abenakis" or "Native Americans" or "Indian" (these four Indians could have been an additional 4, to equal the 8 of the four men that were mentioned by name). [121]A Civil War pension record for Charles H. Partlow of Alburgh, Vermont, marrield to Sophia (nee: Blair/ Blain) Partlow, was located by OFA. It does NOT identify Charles Partlow as an Indian. Page 131 of the Proposed Findings on the St. Francis/ Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont group. Dated November 09, 2005.

But the reality and obvious truth is, that Carollee Reynolds is a descendant of the Partlow's and so is April's mother Patsy St. Francis; so it is no wonder that Carollee Reynolds is "attacking" me any way that she can periodically, when it suits her to discredit the Messenger  in order to discredit the Message; because if she can "defend" her "Chief" and this LIE (this MYTH) they got themselves believing so vehemently that they are all the legitimate Abenakis of Vermont when their very own ancestors genealogical-social-and historical records prove otherwise, well then....she must stupidly assume it is in her best interest to keep mentally (though it is delusion on their part) assuming this little Abenaki Indian fantasy of theirs is real (I concluded after reading the BIA Report Conclusions that their being Abenakis is just a figment of their imaginations; their the one's with the mass mental illness/ disturbance's). If it weren't so pathetic, it would be sad.

Again, February 25, 2008 at 7:05 PM Carollee Reynolds again posted onto "FIRSTNATION" Yahoo Group, Subject [firstnation] People in glass houses shound not throw stones....
The record of who is legally mentally ill aka "wingnut" is in fact Douglas Buchholz. He has had many mental health related hospitalizations in several states. Having known him and befriended him since he first set foot in Vermont, he has come here right off the lock down unit for multiple personalities, schizophreinc and manic-depressive behavioir. He also told me personally that was on a child sexual offenders list out west. If there is any body who needs to be watched and investigated it would be Salmon. He did not come here saying he was Native american, it was just a cover for his past behavior. He was once on the St. Francis rools before proof was required. When they found out about his sexual history he was barred from the band. He is jealous of any one who can prove their identity since he really doesn't have one. He is a very sick and twisted person and until he started attacking people I used to let him stay at my camp and gave him gas money. My daughter and I have friends and relatives among all the warring factions and my old boyfrield (Bruce Delorme) was at the VCNAA Commission meeting on Monday. It was a circus according to him with Douglas who is not even native in the middle of it. If we are so busy destroying each other how can we get anything done? Even drunks at AA meeting can put principles before personalities!!! Carollee Reynolds

This was just more "libelous nonsense" from Carollee Reynolds because Nancy Millette-Doucet at the time in her Allliance with April St. Francis-Merrill (with the help of Mark W. Mitchell and Rep. Vincent Illuzzi as well) was attempting to "go around, underneath and or above" the VCNAA Commission Members, and negate (remove) the requirement of putting the genealogical-social and historical history of these alleged and reinvented Abenaki groups on the table for review and evaluation.

These "groups" want INSTANT Shake and Bake Vermont Official State Recognition, without providing anything of substance, especially nothing to do with documents genealogically-speaking, that they were and are legitimately Abenakis. Genealogicially, these groups knew that such a requirement being a part of the State Recognition Criteria in any S.117 Abenaki Recognition the very least...very much threatens their little "Abenaki fantasy."

From: ""
Subject: Re: [NA-ABENAKI] Abenaki Indian Genealogical Research
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 03:43:20 -0000

Author: carollee57us
Classification: queries
Hi Shawn
TK and I recently signed our St.Francis/ Sokokis card with April St. Francis all you need is your Mom and your birth certificate, finally.

Carollee Reynolds

LINK: ~ NOTICE that Daniel B. Osgood is Card No. 610

"Abenaki Tribe/ Band Hopping or Shopping" takes on a whole new meaning, as these two were heading south from Swanton, to stay at the Nancy Millette-Doucet "Koasek Hotel and Lounge" while she attended the mythical non-existent "Koasek Abenaki Cultural Academy" and learned alleged "how to be Abenaki".
Takara Matthews (age 24 years and 11 months) has very recently accused me (which was stated in the email from April 16, 2010 at 10:09 AM) that "I go out of my way to hurt people" on this blog, which is not my intent nor my endeavor. But then again, on the other hand, it is quite plausible that " persons mentally invested such as herself and many others are, in the LIES and DISTORTIONS," regarding these "alleged and reinvented Abenaki groups" being legitimately "Abenaki," would conclude that this blog in part or in whole, is "hurtful" to them, and rightly so.
No, I go out of my way, time and effort, to show and provide the TRUTHFUL DOCUMENTATIONS on this blog about the alleged and reinvented "Abenaki" supposedly of Vermont and New Hampshire.....

Which includes....Carollee Reynolds and and her daughter Takara aka "TK" Cynda Matthews; and so many others.
