
Friday, April 16, 2010

Olidhozi Yahoo Group Messages From April 13th to 16th, 2010 Regarding Carollee Reynolds, Daniel B. Osgood, Jeanne Kent, Milo Paquin and Mike Price:

From: Carollee Reynolds
Subject: [Olidahozi] re genealogy
To: Olidahozi@yahoogrou
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 1:59 PM

He is on disability for mental illness, one of the defining characteristics of which is the inability to maintain meaningful relationships w other people. I don't care what his identity is or isn't. If he had to work for a living he would be homeless because he is mentally unstable.

Carollee Reynolds
From: daniel osgood sr
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] re genealogy
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 12:32 PM

last i heard he was in jail, for fooling around with a young boy, may be out on bail now if its true....

--- In, "CarolleeR" wrote:

A fishy person just posted my birth certificate and genealogy on his blog. He also managed to derail the NH Recognition bill HB1610. That's ok because Professor Wiseman has used in the state house already to prove kinship ties in the Missisquoi group. I wonder what he thinks he is accomplishing?

On Apr 13, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Wolfheart Spirit wrote:

Kwai Jeanne, Obviously he is not native, or he would know We are all related. He keeps indicating (White). Well there are very good reasons for that, as any native family knows. For the sake of repeating myself, I'll keep my genealogy private, I know my roots and heritage and where I come from...My thought for today!!

LOVE (Milo Paquin)

From: CarolleeR
Subject: [Olidahozi] Re: My Genealogy on the chopping blog
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 2:44 PM

On reading this blog I find it full of inaccuracies, leaving out the documentation of the native parts of my family. But if you are not part of the community, I guess you wouldn't know. He also sounds just like the attorney general.

From: Jeanne Kent
Date: 4/14/2010 5:53:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Genealogy

Watch out, Milo. He seems to have lumped you in with all of us so he may do your genealogy for you whether you want him to or not. There MUST be something we can do about it, but I really do not know what. Think it is time for some legal advice.

From: Jeanne Kent
To: Lynn Menard-Mathieson
Sent: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 5:52 PM
Subject: Genealogy

I want an honest answer, Lynn. Are you the person who gave my genealogy to Douglas?


From: Wolfheart Spirit
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Genealogy
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 6:12 PM

Meant to add. There is something that can be done!!! If everyone got together, pooled their resources, We could get action. You need a lawyer with knowledge of Internet laws.


Milo Paquin

From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Check out The end of anonymity on the Web?
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I really feel that if someone has something to say, especially if it is slanderous, it should have to be identified. There is a court law in the US, that one has the right to face their accuser. Perhaps that is not the same in Canada, but here, it gives leverage to obtaining identities. Blogs are not newspapers so there is no protection under the law regarding privacy

Right now, Douglas has stated that my Genealogy came from an "anonymous" source. Yet, he now says it was given to a member of the Abenaki Community. So he must know who sent it. But, if he truly does not know, then he is a poor researcher for not verifying it's source. Especially since the statement is that it was also compiled by me. Since I did not receive an email or phone call, he obviously did not verify that statement either. Again, poor researching.

From that material has come assumptions on his behalf which are his own opinions and not statements of fact. I provided only four people with this genealogy and by method of elimination; it is not difficult to figure out the one of two whom it might be. If it is one (Paul Wilson Pouliot?), that person was under court order to return all information. If he did, in fact, keep copies of the material, then I will sue him big time as the ground work is already there. The other (Richard Bernier?), has been working for his cousin Gillis O'bomsawin (now deceased) over the years as a rabble rouser among any and all Abenaki who were not members of Mr. Bernier's band. A band which was the source of the Northeast Aim people and who have caused as much in the way of problems as any group in the Abenaki community. They give the name AIM a bad name.

It is a weak statement that because I have visited various band groups, attended powwows and befriended people, that I should be scrutinized along with the Chiefs. Be it any of the members of my group or another citizen of the community, we have little to do with the political processes of any of the groups, but are not directly affiliated with any one in this capacity. There is no conspiracy, no attempt to demean but we also try to get at the TRUTH (another absurdity)which is not welcomed by Douglas, Karen or Ne-Do-Ba . Suggesting that because people discover they are ancestrally related is a conspiracy is pure hogwash. Any one knows that the original founders of New France were a small group of about 30 Frenchmen. Of that group, I connect to about 15 of them which means over the layers of decendency, many of us have become interrelated either with the French lines or the Indian lines. Hardly a conspiracy plot of any kind. Just the plain old truth as proven by genealogy. Using genealogy to cause distrust or twisting it's interpretation still does not destroy the real facts.
Jeanne Kent

From: daniel osgood sr
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Check out The end of anonymity on the Web?
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 6:30 PM

he must see you as a force to contend with, and or he fears you and the others he is trying to bring down....fd

From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Check out The end of anonymity on the Web?
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 7:20 PM

I guess if we are important enough to be attacked it means we are important people. Otherwise there would be no need to bother. Imagine...I list with the chief! LOL


From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] re genealogy
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 7:25 PM

Let's not fall into the same pit with him, please. Slandering him only brings you are down to his level.


On 4/14/10, Jeanne Kent wrote:

Maybe that is who is paying him for the work. I doubt he would have enough money to purchase all these copies and still have enough to live on without someone providing additional funds. I haven't looked at mine that carefully, but it appears he left in at least some of my native lines.

Posted at 11:17 PM on April 14, 2010

Kwai, Nidobak

As my previous blog pointed out, there are those who cannot accept a difference of opinion without making it a federal case of destruction against the individual as a person. In other words, most blogs regarding Abenaki recognition currently have followed this protocal to the point that they should not be listed as "blogs" but rather as "commentaries". Why bother with opposing opinions when they become so twisted they no longer have meaning?

A case in point. My genealogy is currently listed on one of the blogs. It was given to only four people in positions who require it. But, it was supposedly sent to this blog "anonymously". Being a researcher and blog owner, I rarely print something like this without first establishing it's validity by finding out who sent it. Not this person.
Next he says he has the RIGHT to publish it because it was given to a member of the Abenaki Community. Now you have to understand the complete intent of this particular blog is to prove there are NO Abenaki in Vermont. Certainly none of the people he wants out of the public's eye. Now if it was sent anonymously, how does he know it was from someone in the Abenaki community?
His next statement is that I was the person who did the research making it, of course, suspect. But, again, he took the word of this "anonymous" donor, that I did the work . I received no phone call to verify if it was, in fact, my work. Yet he continues to put forth the persona of a legitimate researcher . Just what research did he do here? None that I can see.
Summary: He received a piece of information "anonymously" from a member of a community he says doesn't exist and claims he has the right to publish it because it is the property of a community that doesn't exist. He also brags that he is descended from this same community that he claims doesn't exist giving him partial ownership. Did you really get all that?

Last time I knew, genealogy is the property of the individual who commissions the work. Not even the genealogist has the right to publish it without the individual's consent . Yet here are all the genealogies on line, along with personal documents all to prove a community does not exist Why? because he has been repeatedly shunned by members of this "invisible" community for the self same lack of social regard that he currently displays.

If it wasn't so sad, it would be down right funny.


On Apr 14, 2010, at 11:29 PM
Mike Price wrote:

I have not been able to open the blog dial up doesn't like it at 24K speeds...argh. ..anything posted on me there...need to know if I must activate (what? don't tell me Mike Price in his elder years just pushes a red button on his living-room chair, and up comes a screen and telecom system of which he a can call around to have his croonies "bully" me around with implied threats of intimidation etc.) my extensive family in the Northeast to go all Shadow Wolf on his butt (yeah and whose Abenaki Army?....don't tell me you got a whole Saco Tribe waiting in the woods ready to scalp me, shoot me or stab me in the back)...or at least file criminal charges for any documents protected by state privacy laws in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts or in Canada


Mike Price
From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi] Re: My Genealogy on the chopping blog
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 11:43 PM

This round was on Carollee Reynolds and me. You need to read the blog I just wrote on my web site (printed below HE GOES TO FAR IN HIS VERBAL ATTACK - GWASSÔGWIMÔD). I gave this information to only four people: Odanak (Bruce DuBois? or Skip Bernier? Someone else?), Missisquoi (Homer St. Francis or his daughter April nee: St. Francis-Rushlow-Merrill), Paul Pouliot/ Lynn Menard-Mathison who may have it, even though it was supposed to have been returned, and Bruce DuBois and Mr. Bernier upon demand. Take a shot at which one is most likely to have provided it?

You will enjoy this twisted logic that Douglas has displayed in printing my genealogy:

On 4/15/10, Jeanne Kent wrote:
Kwai. Want a good laugh? This now appears on Douglas' site:

Copyright © 2009-2010 The Reinvention of the Alleged Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki. All Rights Reserved. No individual, nonprofit organization, or commercial business may use any part, any documents or commentary, of this blog for any reason whatsoever in any media or format without first obtaining the notarized written permission of Douglas Lloyd Buchholz. Please note - - - this blog content is copyright material. No one has my permission to copy any material on this blog, e-mail it to others, or post it on their web sites. If you want others to see it, I encourage you to share a LINK to this page. to do anything more is a violation of Federal Copyright Laws! ~ Thank you.

His site consists of copying everything and anything from other sites and yet he has the foolishness to post this. What a hoot!


From: Jeanne Kent
Date: April 15, 2010 10:34:21 AM EDT
To: Lynn Menard-Mathieson
Subject: genealogy

Kwai, Lynn

If you took my genealogy from Paul, it means he did not return all my records according to my lawyers directive. That leaves him open for suit. Are you sure the information was not forwarded by you?

From: Wolfheart Spirit
Subject: [Olidahozi] LINK
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 6:10 PM

There is a place on the blog site you can report!!! Here is the link...

LOVE (Milo Paquin)

On 4/15/10
Mike Price wrote:

The host that provides the blog site must have a user policy which would prohibit such use of others information and genealogies by him on his specific blog...violation of which could be cause to delete or block his account...just thinking out loud again...

Mike Price

From: Mike Price
Subject: Re: [Olidahozi
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 6:00 PM

PS...defamation of character and slander also come to mind with the things being portrayed by him on his blog....


Friday, April 16, 2010 10:09 AM
From: "Takara lavender"

Email from Takara (nee: Matthews) Redacted (removed). Why post such nonsense and drama. So I removed MY Commentary and her email content from this blog. A "truthful friendship" was never there to lose between TK and myself. TK knows it. I know it.

Vermont Marriage Record for Takarah Cynda (nee: Matthews) and Corey James Cook dated May 28, 2004 in St. Albans Bay, Orleans County, Vermont. Her parents were Frederick Bernard Matthews and Carol Lee (nee: Reynolds) Matthews.

I know the documentary of these "alleged and reinvented Vermont and New Hampshire Abenakis" and they all know it.
Next, let's evaluate the chronology of the "libelous twisting induendo's" that have been posted and perpetuated since ca. 2006 by (and in regards to) Carollee (nee: Reynolds), TK's mother and how she (Carollee) has been on a libelous campaign to vilifyingly attempt to discredit my person, with hatefulness, hurtfulness, and maliciousness.....
The daughter (Takara aka "TK") wants to assume that I am "going out of my way to hurt people." It's O.K. for "other people" (including her own mother Carollee Reynolds) to hurt and be malicious towards me and maliciously, with induendo's "attack" my character and integrity (then subsequently, "act all innocent," as if their libelous and slanderous induedo's etc. don't stink).....but when I "address" the factual truthful Abenaki Recognition dynamics (going on within the "Abenaki Community" as they want to call themselves) online, or in person, retrospectively on Yahoo Message Boards (Yahoo Groups) etc., and now contemporarily-speaking (since May 28, 2009) on this blog....

I am continually vilified, verbally spat on, disliked, hated, scorned and yes, disowned by these people from the alleged and reinvented Abenaki of Vermont and New Hampshire. Do I care any more about what these people think of me, or about me? The answer is no, I don't care anymore. They never honestly respected me in the first place, and I am losing all the respect I ever have had for these people retrospectively-speaking, sadly said. The smiles are gone, the laughter is gone and the reality has set in my mind over time, that these people were never who these people appeared to be.

I am developing a really THICK skin....and I am gaining a "slow developing mental tolerance" to their libelous keystrokes etc.

Now to the next posting.....