
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

June 08, 1999 Kissane Associates Letter to Vermont Secretary of State, Corporations Division:

Attorneys At Law
Two North Main Street
St. Albans, Vermont 05478-1668
John G. Kissane
David M. Yarnell
Jesse D. Bugbee
William T. Counos, II*
Martin A. Maley
Kathleen A. Yarnell**
*Also admitted in California
**Also admitted in Colorado
Telephone (802) 524-9546
Fax (802) 534-6993

Vermont Secretary of State
Corporations Division
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1109
Attn: April
Re: Abenaki National Beverage, Inc.
Abenaki Housing Cooperative
Abenaki Educational Development Corporation
Wobanaki, Inc.
Abenaki Selp Help Association, Inc.
Abenaki Tribal Land Trust
Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.

Dear April:
I enclose herewith the biennial reports for each of the above referenced non-profit corporations for filing. Also enclosed is a check, #4732 in the amount of $105.00 for filing fees.
It has come to our attention that an individual who styles himself "Hereditary Chief/ Prince David A. Hill" has filed status reports or other documents, purportedly on behalf of some of the above listed organizations.
Please be advised that Mr. Hill has no connection whatsoever with any of these corporations. The individuals listed on the enclosed reports are the only duly elected officers or member of these entities, and the only people authorized to act on their behalf.
If you require any further documentation to verify this, please let me know. In the meantime, it would be appreciated if any further communications from Mr. Hill be ignored.
Very truly yours,
Jesse D. Bugbee
cc: Mark Nestor, Esq.