
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Faxed document Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:07 PM to chief david hill 802 873 3236
To: David Hill
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:07 PM
To: (Native American People of the Dawn, Inc.)
Subject: news story
Published 04/27/2000
Page: A1
Section: MAIN NewsSource: LYN BIXBY; Courant, Writer
Column: Series
Book Questions Mashantuckets' Tribal Validity
Author Suggests Congress Was Misled When It Granted Federal Recognition:
Congress was tricked into betstowing federal recognition on the Mashantucket Pequots 17 years ago and should consider revoking the privileged status that has made the tribe the richest in America, the author of a new book said Wednesday.
"If Congress had really looked at this, they would have seen that there were no vital records which identified the Haywards, who at the time were the tribe, as Native Americans," Jeff Benedict said in a telephone interview. "If they're not who they say they are, this is a big, big deal for Congress."
Their heritage, a crucial step that would have been required if they had gone through the normal federal recognitin process at the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The Mashantuckets declined to comment  Wednesday because a spokesman said tribal officials had not read the book.
Benedict's book, titled "Without Reservation" became available in stores Tuesday and was the talk of eastern Connecticut Wednesday, particularly in the towns of Ledyard, Preston and North Stonington, which borders the Mashantucket reservation and its crown jewel, Foxwoods Resort Casino. The book is published by HarperCollins.
The three towns, along with Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, are engaged in a long-running federal court fight to sop the Mashantuckets from expanding their reservation.
Ledyard mayor Wesley Johnson said Wednesday that the Mashantuckets should be willing to produce the documents to prove they are a tribe.
"And if they can't do that, what Congress giveth, Congress can take away," he said, "I'm sure we weill be talking without our attorneys and our congressional representatives to see what can be done if these allegations are true."
North Stonington First Selectiman Nicholas Mullane said he believes Congress was deceived in 1983 when it approved legislation that recognized the Mashantuckets and settled a 6-year-old lawsuit the tribe had filed to claim aboriginal lands around its state-recognized reservation.
Mullane said he had read about 100 pages of the 376-page book and a dozen other copies were circulating among town officials. "The book could have far-reaching effects on an awful lot of people," he said. "The [federal recognition process] is the key, that there should be strict standards."
In going through Congress, the Mashantuckets bypassed the lengthy and epensive Bureau of Indian Affairs recognition process, required for other tribes.
Preston First Selectman Robert Congdon said he had read part of Benedict's book. It is easier to show that Congress made a mistake, he noted than to prove that longtime Mashantucket Tribal Chairman Richard "Skip" Hayward set out to deliberately deceive Connecticut's senators and representatives at the time.
U.S. Rep. Sam Gejdenson, who since 1981 has represented the district where the Mashantucket reservation is located, does not know whether he will even read the book, according to his press spokesman, Scott Kavarovics. He said Gejdenson's only comment Wednesday was that he had never heard anyone question whether or not the Mashantuckets were Native Americans.
In addition to Gejdeson, Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., a U.S. senator at the time, was instrumental in passage of the congressional act. Weicker declined to comment Wednesday, saying he had not read the book. He was governor in 1993 when he negotiated a historic agreement with the Mashantuckets, allowing them to have slot machines at Foxwoods in return for the state's getting 25 percent of that revenue.
"Without Reservation" is the fourth book written by Benedict, who is 34 and grew up in southeastern Connecticut. He graduated from Waterford High School in 1984 and next month is scheduled to graduate from Boston's New England School of Law, where he has pursued a degree while researching and writing his books.
Benedict said the research for "Without Reservation" was extensive, including more than 600 interviews and thousands of documents. However, he said one gorup of people he was not allowed to interview were tribal officials.
The Book opens in 1969 with 21-year-old Skip Hayward filling out a form to get a license to marry his first wife, who was 17 at the time. On the form Hayward lists his race as "white."
At the time, Hayward's grandmother, Elizabeth George was living on the reservation, and when she died in 1973 the reservation was left unoccupied for the first time since the 1880's according to the book. She had made Hayward aware of the reservation's history and encouraged him to move into her homestead and take over her property.
George had a "faint connection to Indian ancestry," the book says, but her link was to the Narragansetts, not the Pequots.
Hayward did not show any interest i nthe reservation and Indian heritage, according to the book until he met Tom Tureen, a Maine lawyer who was trying to help tribes that were not federally recognized to recover tribal lands.
Hayward moved onto the reservation and created a tribe witha group of relatives.
"To legitimize their tribal claim, Hayward and his family formed a corporation called the Western Pequot Indians of Connecticut, Inc.," the book says, "In the Pequot's corporation the artificial legal identity was that of a Native American Indian tribe to capitalize on the injustices inflicted on an extinct tribe."
Hayward's alliance with Tureen led to a filing of a lawsuit to recover aboriginal lands and eventually to Congress, where, Benedict said, the deception was twofold. 
First, Benedict said, Hayward led lawmakers to believe that his tribal members had the genealogical credentials for recognition when they did not.
"When Congress recognized the Pequots," he said, "it made joining an Indian tribe as easy as forming a corporation"
Second, he said, Gejdenson, Weicker and other members of Congress thought they were approving an 800-acre reservation area to settle land claims, when the actual area drawn on a map was 2,000 acres, reaching Route 2, a main road through eastern Connecticut. he said many landowners were not aware their property was within the reservation map.
"The map, in my mind, legally is as crucial as the genealogy because that map is an indication of how the Congress was deceived," Benedict said, "if these people aren't who they say they are and they acquired land through deceptive practice in the statute, then there is sufficient legal grounds for Congress to first and foremost conduct an investigation."
If Congress were to revoke the Mashanatuckets' tribal status, he noted, congressional and state officials would have to decide what to do with Foxwoods.
"Congress is creative enough to come up with a number of things they could do with that casino," Benedict said, "one of which is taking into receivership and having those funds go to real Native American tribes that need the money."

Page 33: In May of 1973 From Calais, Maine Susan MacCulloch and John Stevens of the Passamaquoddy Native Peoples in Maine investigated ten leads on potential Indian tribe clients in Massachusetts......The state of Vermont turned up no potential clients. Neither did New Hampshire.....
What?! No, St. Francis/ Sokoki Abenaki Band/ASHAI, Inc.'d led by the St. Francis Family? No Lampman's? No Phillips Family? No Cowasuck of North America, Inc.'d? or Nulhegan-Coosuk, Inc. of Orleans County, Vermont either?! No Koasek Traditional Band of the Abenaki Nation, Inc. led by Nancy Doucet? No El Nu Abenak Tribe?

What? No New Hampshire Inter-Tribal, Inc.? No Cowasuck Band- Abenaki/Pennacook People, Inc.? No Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire, Inc.? or First Nations, Inc.?

Oh yeah, thats right, the whole U.S. based alleged and re-invented "Abenaki Tribes, Bands, and Nation" was "hiding in plain sight." It wasn't a matter of discrimination or racism etc nor about the remembrance of the Eugenic's Era, that kept Abenakis out of "plain sight," but rather it was PROFITABLE or FASHIONABLE AFTER May 1973 to be claiming one was Abenaki Indian, considering what was happening in Maine and down in Connecticut! Now, since ca. 1974 onward to the present time of March 10, 2010 it is O.K. to jump up and down in front of the Vermont/ New Hampshire Legislature's and EVERYONE and their Grandma wants to be "Abenaki" and join these Incorporated groups.

The State of Vermont and or New Hampshire Legislature's are deaf, dumb and blind to realize the FACT that none of these groups are legitimately documented genealogically, historically connected to, or socially documented as being anything more that Incorporations! These "groups" are certainly not documented as being connected to any "historical Abenaki communities" ALL THESE GROUPS ARE, ARE INCORPORATIONS, CREATED UNDER STATE LAW.

It must be entertained and questioned if, by merely inquirying whether or not "tribes" were in Vermont, that Tom Tureen, Susan MacCulloch and or John Stevens "put the motivation into" the St. Francis family bunch, to "Play Abenaki" up there in Swanton, Vermont beginning in the early 70's. We know that Susan MacCulloch and John Stevens went to Massachusetts, and we know that there was a fella (I can't think of his name right now) in St. Albans "trying to organize" this group up in Swanton, who was associated with the "Boston Indian Council". I mean there was and is BIG $MONEY$ to be had from the Federal and State, by claiming to be a "Abenaki" Tribe, and or persons these days. To the monetary tune of $380,000.00 / $83,604.00. Far cry from May 1973 that's for sure:
Now, let's switch the words around......
When the State Legislature's of New Hampshire and Vermont  recognize(d)) the "Alleged and Reinvented Abenaki Tribes/ Bands," then, "it makes joining an Indian tribe/ Band as easy as forming a Incorporation."

Just before this HB 1610 was O.K.'d by the New Hampshire Legislature, Mark William Mitchell just happened to mention an article published yesterday March 09, 2010 regarding $42 Million in Grants, issued to NAtive Americans through ACF and ANA. It is very interesting that Mr. Mitchell would post this on Sherry Gould's HB 1610 Facebook page literally within 24 hours BEFORE the NH Legislature was to allegedly "debate" this particular HB 1610.
Wijokadoak, Inc.
Executive Director
Sherry L Gould
Board of Directors
Peter Newell, President
Chief of New Hampshire Native American Intertribal Council, Penobscot
Lynn Clowes, Vice President
Director of the Cultural Competency Group, NH Minority Health Coalition, Micmac
Anita Blanchard, Treasurer (Sherry Gould's mother)
Accounting Manager, Whaleback Systems Corporation, Abenaki
Marlene French, Secretary
Smart Care Program Manager, Lutheran Community Services, Metis
David Stewart-Smith
Ethno-historian, Pennacook / Abenaki

Aaaah, it is NO wonder Lynn Clowes wanted to see HB 1610 pass in the NH Legislature!
Go figure, she is on Sherry Gould's Board of Directors, of course. And Barry Higgins is associated with Sherry and Bill Gould as well.
WHO is going to BENEFIT from HB 1610 being passed by the Legislature of NH today?
The answer is already obvious: The "Executive Directors, of these Inc.'s" and those associated with them.
If the majority of Native People who reside in N.H. are NOT associated with ANY Incorporate groups in N.H., this HB 1610 does not BENEFIT any Native person(s) EXCEPT those who control the Inc. groups and who are associated with these various Incorporated alleged-and-reinvented
Abenaki-Cowasuck-Pennacook groups!
The Mashantucket Pequot Museum opened a special display in their main hall on June 28, 2003 entitled "Honoring the Nations".
The display Includes the national flags of many Native American Indian Nations.
The flag of the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook - Abenaki People was included in the display and will be a part of their collection.

Nancy Lee nee: Millette - Doucet "screamed," ranted and raved about Paul Pouliot's "flag" being in Mashantucket Pequot Museum and well, look what one does find....
The Koasek Traditional Band - Abenaki Nation, INCORPORATE.
The book
"Playing Indian" by Philip J. Deloria
Another well written book I highly recommend this blog's viewer's to read asap.
 "Without Resevations" by Jeff Benedict.

Just what happened with S.222 and this alleged "re-scheduled" hearing:

First we got this notification from Mark Mitchell's VCNAA website:
S.222 hearing rescheduled
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 09 March 2010
S.222 hearing rescheduled
Mark Mitchell
The VT Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs has rescheduled a review and vote on S.222 , (An act relating to recognition of Abenaki tribes) to Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 9am.
The Attorney General's office area of concern within the bill is:
(5) Been and continues to be recognized by other Native American communities in Vermont as a Vermont tribe.
(6) Been known by scholars, local municipal officials, or the public as a functioning tribe in Vermont.
Mike McShane, Asst AG stated in an e-mail exchange that "even with the revised language, we remain concerned about sub (5) and (6) and do object to the bill with that language included. Absent those two sections, we would not object to the bill as drafted."
McShane acknowledged the statement made by Mr. Garrison in 2005 concerning the impact of state recognition on the federal process.
"That is one person’s opinion. However, in determining whether a petitioning group meets federal criteria for recognition, one of the enumerated factors to be considered is, “Relationships with State governments based on identification of group as Indian.” 25 CFR § 83.7(a)(2)," stated McShane in the e-mail.
To refer to the public relations officer, BIA as “one person’s opinion” says it all, stated Professor Fred Wiseman.
Home Tribal News VT St. Francis/Sokoki Abenaki S.222 Hearing Rescheduled

Then we got this edited notification later on in the same day from the same website:
S.222 Hearing Rescheduled
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 09 March 2010
S.222 Hearing Rescheduled
Mark Mitchell
The VT Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs has rescheduled a review and vote on S.222 , (An act relating to recognition of Abenaki tribes) to Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 9am.
The Attorney General's office area of concern within the bill is:
(5) Been and continues to be recognized by other Native American communities in Vermont as a Vermont tribe.
(6) Been known by scholars, local municipal officials, or the public as a functioning tribe in Vermont.
Mike McShane, Asst AG stated in an e-mail exchange that "even with the revised language, we remain concerned about sub (5) and (6) and do object to the bill with that language included. Absent those two sections, we would not object to the bill as drafted."
McShane acknowledged the statement made by Mr. Garrison in 2005 concerning the impact of state recognition on the federal process.
"That is one person’s opinion. However, in determining whether a petitioning group meets federal criteria for recognition, one of the enumerated factors to be considered is, “Relationships with State governments based on identification of group as Indian.” 25 CFR § 83.7(a)(2)," stated McShane in the e-mail.
To refer to the public relations officer, BIA as “one person’s opinion” says it all, stated Professor Fred Wiseman.

NOW LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO. PAY ATTENTION TO 1:26 wherein the woman seated at the corner of the room at the table, speaks to "Mark".....

NOW, you know why the rescheduling twist was thrown out there by Mark William Mitchell on his website, maintained by his relative Jesse James Larcoque.

The woman (Democratic Senator Hinda Miller) on the Committee, stated, quote, "Great! Ok! Terrific!....and I am reporting this Bill and I am extremely happy.....the other thing Mark Mitchell what you can tell everyone is that we're very very grateful that you've honored our request to keep the drama down and not to have too much activity that confused us, and that would have allowed us to really hunker down and get going on what we really needed to do, so thank you very much."
This a fair and transparent process?.....when we are told one thing, and then another?! Remember, Mark William Mitchell was on the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs and is associated strongly with the Swanton "group" led by April St. Francis - Merrill. If this is what is going on NOW, I do not hold out much hope that the Commission (after the possibility that S.222 is passed Legislatively) will be fair and transparent, if the likes of these people are to control that Commission. Of course, that all depends on IF this Bill passes, and importantly who is on that Commission to ensure that it is fair and transparent in its interactions and representation(s) towards ALL NATIVE PEOPLE'S within Vermont.

Apparently, NO OBJECTION is being allowed to be brought forward by anyone, against these Incorporate groups claiming to be Abenaki. Certainly, genealogical evidence is not being required. If the genealogical records were studied and researched the Legislature would know they were being duped, hood-winked and lied to by these "Chief's" etc.

Democratic Senator Hinda Miller ought to TAKE A JOG, instead of trying to make Alleged and Reinvented "Abenaki" Incorporations, into Abenaki Tribe's and Band's via State Recognition!

MY RESPONSE to HB 1610 in New Hampshire:

NH Recognition Bill HB1610

Message from Sherry Gould
I am the person under Wijokadoak, Inc. (of which she created and promotes) the nonprofit that has been organizing the alleged NH Indian community for a Commission on Native Affairs in NH since 2006. Wijokadoak, Inc. supports the New Hampshire Native American Inter-Tribal Council (which is merely another Incorporate. whose President is Peter Newell, who also sits on Widjokadoak, Inc. as well) who has been doing the work for over 20 years to make this Commission happen. There has been an incredible outpouring of community support from hundreds of American Indian Tribes, bands and individuals in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine and New York and also from major non-native nonprofits, individuals and NH State department heads and workers in support of this Bill. What a blessing it has been to see Indians of good will set their differences aside and work hand in hand for the good of all. The handful of detractors all claim to be Native American and show no good cause to oppose the bill or its supporters. It is a shameful thing in my opinion that a few bad apples seek their own good at the expense of thousands of New Hampshire residents who want this Commission and support HB1610.
One person sending 100 emails cannot drown out 9,999 (Exactly, just who are these person's and their resident addresses?) strong beautiful voices and prayers.
Together we have drafted the following fact sheet. It should silence the anti-gaming movement in New
Hampshire that would like mis-informed people to think this commission would lead to Indian Gaming in
New Hampshire. HB1610 has nothing to do with Indian gaming. It will do nothing to grant special privileges of any sort to any Indian resident in New Hampshire.

But it will allow Federal Funding to come into the State of New Hampshire, into DCYF, of which Widjokadoak, Inc. Executive Director Sherry Gould has PUBLICALLY stated, that she works with.
So who BENEFITS from HB1610's passage in the New Hampshire Legislature?! The "trickle down affect" of Federal Monies will benefit these Incorporation's who are deceitfully trying to imply that they are legitimate Native Tribal Communities of Abenakis and/or Pennacook's from and of New Hampshire.

Please DO NOT support NH House Bill 1610 for a NH Commission on Native American Affairs
Before You Vote - Did You Know?

The original inhabitants of New Hampshire were the Pennacook and Abenaki Indians who, though they were not acknowledged to survive, still live among us today.

Factually and truthfully, anyone claiming to be "Pennacook" obviously doesn't know the Pennacook historical record within the State of New Hampshire. ONLY in or around October-December did Paul Wilson Pouliot, President of COWASS NORTH AMERICA, Inc. based at that time in Franklin, Worcester County, Massachusetts (and their now personal residence that they call their "Headquarters" based in Alton, Belknap County, New Hampshire as of merely two years ago when Paul Pouliot and his 2nd wife Denise nee: Beauregard-Mehigan-Pouliot relocated INTO the State of New Hampshire). In Oct-Nov-Dec 1995, in Paul Pouliot's newsletter entitled Alnobak News, Volume 95/ Issue 4 - Page 1, Pouliot states "Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People" COWASS North America, Inc. - 160 Dailey Drive in Franklin, MA 02038-2951.

Then in Jan-Feb-Mar 1996 of Alnobak News Volume 96/Issue 1-1 on Page 1, Paul Wilson Pouliot claims by title in this newsletter, he switches to "Cowasuck Band - Abenaki/ Pennacook People" COWASS North America, Inc. - P.O. Box 554, Franklin, MA 02038.

Then in November 15, 1996 "Chief" Paul Wilson Pouliot of the alleged Cowasuck-Abenaki-Pennacook / COWASS North America, Inc. with his 1st wife Linda (nee: Whites) Pouliot bought 137 acres in Goshen, Sullivan County, New Hamsphire. Paul Wilson Pouliot did IN FACT, call it TRIBAL PROPERTY in writing in his Alnobak News, yet the property was PRIVATELY OWNED, under his name!

Again, this Non-Profit Incorporate "group" (like all the 'others', both in Vermont and in New Hamsphire) are NOT legitimate historical Tribes, or Bands of the Abenaki. At least to my thinking. These "groups" are Alleged and Re-Invented so-called Abenakis of recent extraction. 

There are several distinct Indian groups in New Hampshire; each group has a Speaker or Chief that represents them. No single Chief speaks for all groups.

The majority of Native American Residents in NH are not associated with any of these groups. The New Hampshire Native American Inter-Tribal Council is the oldest group (that such organization is merely an Incorporated SOCIAL "INDIANIST" GROUP led by Peter Newell) which has always been located in New Hampshire and has continually served all Native American individuals and groups in the state.

IF the majority of Native American Residents in New Hampshire are not associated with any of these groups, then how could this New Hampshire Inter-Tribal Council (incorporation) serve all Native American Individuals and groups within the State of New Hampshire?!

They imply to the State of New Hampshire Legislature, etc., that this N.H. Inter-Tribal Organization "represents and speaks" for us......and yet the majority of Native American Residents in NH are not associated with ANY of these Incorporated groups!


The N.H. House Bill 1610 on March 10, 2010, passed by a vote of 201 (for it's passage) and 132 votes (against it's passage). Based on "sympathy votes."

So much for supporting genealogical evidence, cultural markers, social and historical record verification that these "groups" are alleged legitimately the Real Deal Abenakis from and of Vermont and or New Hampshire.

Again, these "groups" are now closer to being State-Sanctioned to "Play Indian" and or "Abenaki"

Abenaki Natural Beverage, Incorporated V-059450 November 06, 1997:

Articles of Incorporation:
Corporate name: Abenaki Natural Beverage, Inc. (V-059450)
Name of Registered agent: Sherry Vance
Address of registered office: P.O. Box 276, Depot Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue: 100
Classes of shares and num. of shares authorized to issue, in any class: Common
Dated: November 07, 1997
Incorporation purpose: Production, marketing and sale of beverages.
Directors" See Attached List. (See Below in this posting)
Signature of incorporator: William G. (?)
Address: 7 Main Street, Essex Jct., Vermont 05452
$75.00 Filing Fee must be attached to this application. This Articles must be typewritten or printed and filed in duplicate. Unless a delayed effective date is specified, the document is effective on the date it is approved.
Articles of Incorporation, Office of Secretary of State Filed: Nov. 6 1997. Filing fee of $75.00 dollars has been paid.
Abenaki Natural Beverage, Inc.
Board of Directors:
Jeff Benay of 14 First Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Jane Kiser of East Fairfield, Vermont 05488
Roy Bergeron of 47 Fourth Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Doug Teater of 154 North Main Street in St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Amie Hakey of 40 Pine Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Priscilla Jeffrey of Church Street in Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450
Mary-Ann Marshall of 37 Grand Avenue in Swanton, Vermont 05488

Abenaki natural Beverage, Inc.
Corporation Status: Inactive
File No. V-59450-0
Incorporation Date: 11/07/1997
Corporation Description: Beverage Sales
Registered Agent: April A. Rushlow
Address: P.O. Box 276, 100 Grand Avenue
Swanton, Vermont 05488
President: Frederick Wiseman
Vice President: Roy Bergeron
Secretary: Jane Kiser
Treasurer: Anna Louko
Director 1: April A. (nee: St. Francis) Rushlow - Merrill
Director 2: Harlan LaFrance
Director 3: Anna Roy (Frederick M. Wiseman's wife and mother to Aaron York)
Principal Street Address: P.O. Box 276, 100 Grand Avenue in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Last Annual Report: December 31, 1998
Terminated: May 17, 2000
Reinstated: July 27, 1999

Abenaki Resource Management, Incorporated N-09217 March 1996 - May 15, 1996 - April 13, 1999:

Articles of Association (non profit and cooperative) of the Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.
Name of registered agent, Homer W. St. Francis, Sr.
Registered office address: Depot Street, Swanton, Vermont 05488
Intial Board of Directors:
Homer W. St. Francis, Sr. at 44 Liberty St., Swanton, Vermont 05488
April St. Francis, 44 Liberty St., Swanton, Vermont 05488
Dorcus Churchill, 40 Pine Street, Swanton, Vermont 05488
Carol Nepton, P.O. Box 486 Swanton, Vermont 05488
VT Incorporators signature: April A. St. Francis
Address of VT resident: 44 Liberty Street, Swanton, VT 05488
Office of Secretary of State
Filed: May 15, 1996
Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.
Articles of Association:
The name of the corporation shall be Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.
The period of duration shall be perpetual.
This non-profit corporation is organized for the purpose of:
1. To improve the educational, health, social and economic status of Native Americans living in or having their historical heritage in the State of Vermont, especially those of Abenaki heritage.
2. To preserve, conserve, and protect natural areas which are of important ecological or historical significance and to interface with other organizations which share those purposes.
3. To recieve gifts of money, securities and real property and to otherwise acquire and hold, lease rent, sell and mortgage real and personal property for the purposes and objectives of the corporation.
4. To construct buildings and excavate or contract for the construction of buildings and excavation of work, or to contract and let contractors do such work.
5. To recieve gifts, grants or aid from Federal, State of Municipal Governements, school districts, or private citizens including businesses, and to participate in any federal, state, school district, educational or craft project.
6. To do any and all other acts as are permitted non-profit corporations under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Vermont as set forth in Title 11, Chapter 19 Section 2352, Vermont Statutes Annotated specifically and Title 11, Chapter 19, Vermont Statues Annotated generally.
7. No part of the net earnings of Abenaki Resource Management, Inc. shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that Abenaki Resource Management, Inc. shall be authorized and/or to pay reasonable compensation of services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I, Section 2. No substantial part of the activities of Abenaki Resource Management, Inc. shall be the carrying on of propaganda, otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and Abenaki Resource Management, Inc. shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, Abenaki Resource Management, Inc. shall not carry on any other activities not to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)3 of Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law); or, (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.)
8. In the event of dissolution of the corporation for any cause or purpose, all assets remaining after the payment of bills outstanding and expenses incurred in terminating the corporation's existence shall be paid or delivered into the possession of the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi. St. Francis-Sokoki Band.
9. All of the power enumerated above shall be exercised exclusively in furtherance of the purposes and objectives set forth above in such a manner that the corporation shall qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the coresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).
10. A director may be removed by the affirmative vote of  not less than two directors whenever in the judgment of the Board of Directors the best interests of the corporation  will be served thereby. A director prior to the vote on her/his removal shall be entitled to a public hearing before the Board of Directors at which time she/he shall be entitled to make a statement on her/his behalf, present witnesses on her/his behalf and to have the assistance of counsel in connection with such activities.
This document correctly sets forth the provisions of the Articles of Association. These Articles of Association have been duly adopted as required by law. These Articles of Association were reviewed and adopted by the Board of Directors on March  , 1996.
Chairman of the Board (unsigned) Date (unsigned)
Entity: Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.
Created under the laws of the state (country) of Vermont
Name of process agent: Homer W. St. Francis, Sr.
Agents address: P.O. Box 276, 100 Grand Avenue. City: Swanton, VT 05488
Principal Office Address: P.O. Box 276, 100 Grand Avenue. City: Swanton, VT 05488
Corporate Officers
President: Homer W. St. Francis at 44 Liberty St. in Swanton, VT 05488
Vice Preisdent: April A. Rushlow at 6 Fourth St. in Swanton, VT 05488
Secretary: Carol Delorme at 96 Grand Avenue in Swanton, VT 05488
Treasurer: Carol Delorme at 96 Grand Avenue in Swanton, VT 05488
Jeff Sose at 92 Grand Avenue in Swanton, VT 05488
Donna Roberts (now married to John Moody) at R.F.D. #1, Box 440 in Sharon, VT 05065
April A. Rushlow at 6 Fourth Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Signature: Homer St. Francis Title: President Date April 13 1999
Change of Registered Office or Registered Agent
Date Filed June 11, 1999
Name of corporation: Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.
Street address of registered office: Depot Street in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Change of address for registered office: 100 Grand Avenue in Swanton, Vermont 05488
Signature: Homer St. Francis Title: President Date: April 13, 1999

Abenaki Resource Management, Inc.
Directors (Continued)
Name and Address:
Homer St. St. Francis, Sr. at 44 Liberty Street in Swanton, VT 05488
Carol Delorme at 96 Grand Avene in Swanton, VT 05488