
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

November 12, 2009 Email Judy Dow To Douglas Buchholz ~ December 15, 2009 Paul W. Pouliot Aln8bak News Community Announcements ~ Rep. Daniel Carr Email Response to Douglas Buchholz, Etc:

Document 01 and 02:
Fwd: Revised NA Bill
Thursday, November 12, 2009 5:54 PM
From: ""
Message contains attachments1 File (1955KB)
Re: Revised NA Bill.eml

Forwarded Message: Re: Revised NA Bill

Re: Revised NA Bill
Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:39 PM
From: ""
To: "Denise K. Pouliot" Cc: "Judy Dow"
Message contains attachments1 File (1463KB)LSR 2489
Native American Commission.pdf
Kway Paul and Denise,
(And Judy)
Good talking with you. Hope to see you next Friday evening at the John Trudell event at UNH Durham and maybe next Wednesday at the Diversity Task Force meeting in Concord.
We quickly looked through the proposed bill and your correct it is very similar to the Vermont bill. It also therefore has the same challenges/obstacles when it comes down to recognizing Abenaki artists. You should talk with Judy Dow and get a copy of the proposed amendment that she introduced concerning the recognition for artists under the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. I believe the issue again would be that the BIA only recognizes members of state or federally recognized bands or tribes, and not individual artists. Therefore the proposed commission would have to recognize bands/tribes within the state to which an artists belongs to in order to be accredited under the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. Otherwise the bill would not do anything to help out artists/basketmakers.

On Nov 12, 2009, at 10:25 AM, Denise K. Pouliot wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: carr []
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 6:54 PM
To: Sherry L. Gould
Cc: 'pete';
Subject: Re: Revised NA Bill

Dear Sherry Gould, Peter Newell and Paul Pouliot,
Here is the final draft of the LSR. Since time has gotten short I have signed off on it and have sent out copies to several Legislators who said they would like to co-sponsor. Senator Martha Fuller Clark, Representative; Gene Charron, Renny Cushing, David Watters, and Steve Lindsey are so far on the list. They limit the number of total sponsors and co-sponsors but we could add others by special permission if they wanted to be added. I will have to follow up on this since Reps; Frank Emiro, Beth Rodd, Ricia McMahon and Chris Roberts all expressed interest but I had not gotten definite commitments when the time came to put in the list. Representative Watters is the UNH NAGPRA representative so he is very interested. He has put me in touch with Donna and John Moody and I wrote to them and I will send the LSR text when they get back to me, also I will send the text to Nancy Millette Doucet. Please feel free to share the text since it is now about to go public.
Best wishes,
Daniel Carr
LSR 2489 Native American Commission.

Document 02:
Aln8bak News & Community Announcements
From: Paul W. Pouliot
To: Undisclosed
Date 12/15/2009 07:17:47 PM
Kwai All –
Please distribute this message as you wish to other interested people within the greater Indian community. The upcoming Aln8bak News 2009-4 is in the process of being setup. Announcements are going to be made in the Aln8bak News this year related to Abenaki community issues such as Abenaki Language Camps, MA & NH legislation, and arts & crafts preservation and protection.
The major news of this upcoming year is related to legislative action to create a New Hampshire Commission on Native Affairs. This legislation is being sponsored and proposed by the New Hampshire state legislature as a NON-PARTISAN and NON-BAND specific effort.
So far the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook-Abenaki People, Koasek Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation, Wijokaodak, Inc., Gedakina, Inc., and the New Hampshire Intertribal Council have been discussing collaborative efforts to support the proposed legislation.
Note: The legislation WAS NOT written by anyone within our community, it was written by the NH state legislation and it is similar to the Vermont legislation with some exceptions.
The primary differences between NH and VT legislation are that the commission should be granted vested authority to make these "groups" into Abenaki Tribes/or Bands WITHOUT AN GENEALOGICAL CONNECTION(S) to the Abenaki Historical Communities and that the initial commissioners should be chosen by the “greater Indian community” not by a political partisan process. If the proposed legislation is approved, a series of meetings within the NH Indian community will be held to determine who would be the best qualified candidates for appointment to the commission. We are hoping that this candidate selection process will be conducted openly and fairly regardless of tribal or organizational affiliation, genealogy, or BIA status.
FYI – The Aln8bak News now costs $20 per year for the printed and mailed subscription. Past and archived issues are available on the web our website at
Or directly at

Document 03:
Response to HB 1610......
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 11:37 PM
From: "Carr, Daniel"
To: "Douglas Lloyd Buchholz"
Dear Douglas Lloyd Buchholz,
Thank you for sending this information. I believe after looking at your blog that it will take some time to read and check. On the face of it I think you are talking about a separate problem. The problem you are addressing is an issue with state or federal recognition neither of which is part of HB 1610. Certainly I am hearing from a large number of very different people from all over the state and from beyond. The old conflicts some people have tried to raise again are legal matters which the courts must resolve and have no bearing on the merits of my bill. In my own town, the constituents I am intent on providing help for come from several different tribes. I have also met people who have several different tribal ancestries. My neighbors often are unwilling to admit their ancestry because of the generations of abuse their families have suffered. To demand proof seems a deeper form of abuse which I would not like to put on my neighbors.
Daniel Carr

So, what Rep. Daniel Carr is saying, is that "because his neighbors are unwilling to admit their ancestry" "because of the generations of abuse, that allegedly their families have suffered, that to demand genealogical, historical, and social evidence/proof, is allegedly a deeper form of abuse, which Daniel Carr (as a sponsor of this bill HB1610) will NOT require.
Step 1: Say your Indian/Native American/Abenaki.
Step 2: Establish a Trade Name or Incorporation Organization.
Step 3: Hold a yearly Pow-wow with leathers, feathers and a Donation Coffee Can.
Step 4: Get Legislative Representatives to sponsor "Abenaki Recognition Bill."
Step 5: Become an Instant Shake-and-Bake Abenaki Indian with State Recognition.
No Genealogical Evidence Need Be Required
Step 6: B.S. your way along. If you say your Abenaki/Koasek/Pennacook long enough and loud enough, the VT/NH Legislature will approve and MAKE you ABENAKI/ KOASEK/ PENNACOOK INDIAN regardless.
HELL, the Nazis screamed loud and long enough that they were the Master Race, and a whole German People believed them!

Document 04:
From: Jeanne Kent
Subject: [Olidahozi] Fwd: post to your group please
To: "Olidahozi"
Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 7:09 PM
From: "nmillettedoucet"
Date: December 28, 2009 8:06:44 PM EST
To: "Jeanne Kent"
Cc: "Wolfheart Spirit"
Subject: post to your group please
Hi Jeanne Kent and Milo Paquin
I can not seem to get a post on the group site so I would appreciate it if you would post this for me.
Notice: I want to make it perfectly clear that the Koasek Abenaki of the Koas led by Chief Nancy Millette DOES NOT support the bill 1610 in New Hampshire.
thank you

Nancy Millette Lyons Doucet allegedly DOES NOT SUPPORT HB1610; but SHE DOES SUPPORT HER VERSION OF HB1610, as long as it gives FULL and DIRECT OFFICIAL VT/NH STATE RECOGNITION TO "HISTORICAL ABENAKI TRIBES". Which, BTW she proclaims that the "Koasek Abenaki of the Koas", Trade Name is one of the "Historical" Abenaki Tribes.
Take a look at the Historical Evidence:

Document 05:
Trade Name: Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation
File Number: 0157824
Registration Date: 12/23/2008
Member 01: John Prescott
Member 02: Nancy Millette (Doucet)
Member 03: Shirley Hook

I have to laugh!

Document 06:
Trade Name: Koasek Traditional Band of the Abenaki Nation of the Koas
Business ID: 606829
Entity Creation Date: 01/02/2009


......give state recognition to historically standing tribes in the state who the NH Historic Resources has worked with over the years including: NH Abenaki Charlie True, Koasek Abenaki of the Koas (Haverhill and Newbury) and MAYBE NH Intertribal Council (Peter Newell) however that would need to be checked with BIA and Indian Arts and Craft Board. To my knowledge a State has NEVER recognized an Intertribal Council. States recognize HISTORIC tribes.
with their