
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Step 31 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #29. Cover-letter fom Mr. Lynn C. Sherman of 5172 Mt. Shasta Lane in Marrero, Louisiana 70072. Telephone: (504) 347-6023. This letter was addressed to Mr. Arthur "Wise Hawk" Marchand of "Turtle Lodge, Abenaki Republic" P.O. Box 57 in Worcester, Massachusetts 01613 dated December 01, 1992. "Dear Sir: Please excuse my delay in responding with the Application for Enfranchisement form. My wife, Barbara, has been very ill. Again thank you for your invitation to participate in the incorporation of your Sakoki Band. Attached are my completed applications form, personal history form, and copies of available family records. Please advise if this information is sufficient for your purposes........Aditional details may be found in the Application for Enfranchisement of Henrietta M. White, sister of my mother, Marion Sherman. Mrs. White's Northeastern Woodlands Coos number is 00999. I am also enclosing pictures and funds for appropriate identification cards, upon approval."

Document 02: Exhibit #29 Page 02. Date of Application: November 14, 1992. On the same day, the Application of Mr. Lynn C. Sherman was apparently reviewed and approved on the same day November 14, 1992. Arthur Marchand was self-identifying himself as a Tribal Chief of the Incorporation "Centeraleastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Republic - Algonquin Confederation. Allegedly, Lynn C. Sherman was on the Board of Directors of Arthur Marchand's Incorporation.

Document 03: Exhibit #29 Page 03. Lynn C. Sherman states that his Great Grandfather was Andrew "Mahaire" Myers. Andrew had married to Bridget Smith who was the daughter of Nicholas Smith. Nicholas Smith was from Canada and took the english last name of Smith, when he immgrated to the United States.  From the cover- (Document 01) of Lynn C. Sherman it is written, "Family tradition says that Nicholas changed his name to Smith when he moved from Canada where he was born, to the United States. His Indian name was not understandable by the immigration authorities, the story says."

Document 04: Exhibit #30. Keith Marchand's letter. "To Whom it may concern, I, Keith J. Marchand, arhtur Marchand's son, address is 126 Sterling Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. I live with my dad and always did. There was a meeting that occurred at 126 Sterling St. There was a great deal of people that showed up for voting purposes, Officers, and Directors, was voted on for Incorporating the Centraleastern Woodlands Sokoki, Inter-Tribal Band. Other members from out of the area was listening to the meeting through the Intercom Telephone. The vote was completed on November 14, 1992. On December 26, 1992, I accepted the Vice President, to relieve Frank Robinson's position. Board of Director: Keith J. Marchand.

Document 05: Exhibit #31. Corporation Division. To Joseph F. Sheehan, I Mary F. Marchand of 126 Sterling Street in Worcester, Massachusetts have attended a meeting for the Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tirbal) Corporation. The voiting was done and I was given the position of Clerk-Secretary. There were many of the others at the meeting to vote for the Corporation to begin on November 14, 1992. We had an Emergency Meeting on December 26, 1992 because there were some positions open, to be replaced. As for the signatures on the Incorporation papers, I gave Arthur Marchand permission to put my name on it because I was too sick. Yours Truly; Clerk-Secretary of Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal) Corp. Mary E. Marchand (508) 791-1889.

Document 06: Exhibit #32. Letter from Frink Robertson stating that "I, Frink Robertson RESIGN as the Vice-President of the Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal). My work gets into my spare time so, I don't have the time to perform for the Inter-Tribal. However, I would like to stay in as a member only. Plus I have been getting threatening telephone calls from Howard F. Knight and his followers. Yours Truly, Frink Robertson 24 Jones Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. Telephone (508) 756-0027.