
Monday, October 26, 2009

November 26, 2001 and November 27, 2001 Paul Wilson Pouliot's idea for a Gambling Casino:

Am I crazy for "seeing" what these historical records show? We know that the folks down south in the Pequot Nation were interested in putting in a Casino venture up in the "North Country" and we also know that Nancy Millette soliciting $50,000.00 dollars for Brunswick Springs, Vermont a.k.a. N'biz8bek....did not come without some strings attached.
Why are these "groups" so adamant, continuing to scrapping the can's of their ancestors for any scrap of Native American ancestry that they can try to find, even if it means resorting to doing a DNA test of one's blood or bones? I heard through the NDN Telegraph that runs up and down this river we call Kwenitegw, that Nancy Millette allegedly tested her "blood and bones" to try and prove she's allegedly a "Native American".
Perhaps these "groups" are so deseperate to establish themselves as allegedly Abenaki, Koasek, Cowasuck, Missisquoi, Nulhegan, etc. simply because IF they can twist, distort, and manipulate long enough (like a pit of snakes), then once they alleged gain their sought after Vermont or New Hampshire State Recogntion,  we'll all find out that they had their fingers in the Casino Pie all along, just waiting to lick their fingers! THINK ABOUT IT.

Alleged Koasek Abenaki Corn Article October 2006:

1st document: On May 03, 2006 the State of Vermont gave the historical Abenaki People recognition. Not the contemporary people who claim to be Abenaki. The State of Vermont recognized the historical Missisquoi Abenaki community, not the contemporary people led by the late Homer St. Francis, Sr. as being from and of that historical Missisquoi Abenaki community. Read between the words of the Abenaki Recognition Bill S.117 of which was signed by Governor Jim Douglas on May 03, 2006. I was there to witness the signing of that document right along with everyone else.
This article states, "Next June (2007) will be the first time in almost 300 years the original people will be back in the meadows." So where did these alleged Koasek Abenaki descendants do for 300 years until they supposedly popped up out the ground again? Did they hide in the Attic like Anne Frank and her parents Edith and Otto, until one day they came out of "hiding in plain sight", along with their alleged Koasek corn?!
2nd document: Nancy (Millette) Cruger - Lyons - Doucet stated when asked "does this mean a casino for the Abenaki?" at the time of September 14, when this article was created for publication, and she replied, "For now no comment but I will tell you this, I will make sure you don't have to wait 300 years to find out!". In the photograph(s) were Sarah Calley holding the alleged Koasek corn, Daniel B. Osgood, Sr. (wearing the bear claw necklace and jean jacket), Nancy Lyons cousin Colleen Chase of Woodsville, N.H., and Nancy's sister Crystal Millette of Warren, N.H., and Nancy's father Malcolm "Mike" Millette of North Haverhill, N.H.

NOTICE the Magazine: Indian Gaming October 2006.

hmmm, interesting that a Indian Gaming Magazine periodical would be eye-balling this Koasek corn, Nancy Millette-Lyons, and this created "Koasek, Inc." THINK ABOUT IT.
This magazine article which caters to Indian Gambling leads me to at least ponder a possibly true story I heard talked about way-back-way-when When Nancy Millette-Cruger was the Littleton Town Promoter here in New Hampshire in the 1990's there was some "talk" which indicated that the folks down south in the Pequot Nation were seriously considering putting a Casino up in the "North Country" in or around Littleton. It is alleged that Nancy's "Aunt"(?) was looking around for suitable property for this endeavor retrospectively-speaking, at the time. Whether or not "this story" is true I don't know (as yet) but in consideration of this Indian Gaming magazine article of October 2006,  it got me to thinking about what was said around here years ago about Nancy Millette and these Pequot connections. She did say the Pequots gave $50,000.00 dollars towards Brunswick Springs and that she was instrumental in making that happen back then; and one has to ponder that a favor like that does very likely would have had "strings attached to it" somehow or another. If you think I am crazy, wait til you see the next posting.

Nancy (nee: Millette) Doucet and her alleged DNA results:


Recently, I was informed via email that Nancy Doucet has stated on the White Pines Association (yet another Incorporation) that she's President of, that quote, "Friday, 23 October 2009 10:12 Nancy The White Pine Association is pleased to announce the National Geographic DNA Study is now being posted for those who had their test done on location in Koas area last March. The results are showing a strong identity for those of this area. My DNA and other tribal members clearly shows Native American blood lines. We are pleased this study has helped those people who have had oral family history but could not find the paper trail. As we all know the US Census and other government papers did not allow self identification nor did they do a good job at clearly identifying much of anything except who was in a household. BUT our DNA tells our true story in blood and bone. If anyone needs any help with your results or further questions you are welcome to contact us. Thank you, Nancy Millette Doucet"

So, Nancy Doucet thinks/assumes that DNA testing is going to give her 1. Indian Status 2. Indian Tribal Affliation 3. State or Federal Recognition.
First of all, DNA testing results cannot provide anyone with confirmation of Native American enthnicity, connection to Native American Tribal Status, or the like. Eligibility for Native American rights is ultimately a political and cultural issue that will never be satisfactorily answered by genetics.
So let's take a more serious review of this dynamic of DNA testing for "DNA Markers" that might indicate Native American Ancestry.
1 through 5 Documents: (In "red" is my commentary)
In the PDF article I have attached to this posting, by TallBear and Bolnick (one can google for this PDF article like I did) it states on Page 2, "Because tribal and Federal Law focus on tribal group relations, cultural continuity, and a tribal land-base, many individuals with Native American biological ancestors are nonetheless ineligible for federally-recognized tribal status or tribal enrollment. When the Laws fail to recognize them as ethnically Native American, these individuals (like Nancy nee: Millette - Doucet and these so-called Abenaki Incorporated groups) may turn to DNA testing. For example, after failing to meet Federal Recognition standards, a group calling themselves the "Western Mohegan Tribe and Nation" attempted to use DNA analysis to prove their Native American identity (like Nancy Millette - Doucet and these so-called Abenaki Incorporated groups) in order to get into the gaming business. Although their efforts were unsuccessful, hopes of gaming profits may motivate others (like Nancy nee: Millette - Doucet and these alleged so-called Abenaki Incorporated groups) to seek recognition in this manner, and tribal sovereignty could be undermined as a result.
On Document Page 4 of this posting "The science of Native American DNA testing" it clearly states, "The tests fail to detect Native American ancestry in individuals with Native American ancestors, and incorrectly identify it (Native American ancestry) in others who do not have such ancestors."

"Secondly, DNA tests may certify some individuals as having Native American ancestry when in fact they do not."

"In fact, not all "Native American" (DNA) markers used in the DNA tests are actually found ONLY in Native Americans. Some of the (DNA) markers are most common in Native American populations, so ANY individual with those markers most likely has Native American ancestry. But because such markers can still be found in non-Native American populations, just at lower frequencies, Native American DNA tests may falsely identify some individuals as having Native American ancestry."

Of course, now that Nancy Doucet has had her DNA testing done, I am wondering who did the testing (the lab work) and how does one confirm that it was actually her DNA sample that was tested? What IF Nancy Doucet took someone else's DNA sample, used it as her own (such as Walter Watso for example), turned it into the National Genographic Project, and her name is on the sample, so therefore the DNA testing results would come back that she is a Native American descendant?! Again, Nancy Millette-Doucet may say and proclaim that her DNA allegedly coming from her blood and bone samples alleged proves her so-called "Native American" ancestry. Perhaps Nancy Millette-Doucet would be advised to send me, in the mail, the very documents she recieved from this DNA testing lab, etc.; or have that particular DNA testing lab send me the results of the kit itself?
Yet ultimately, how does one know for a fact that it was even Nancy Millette-Doucet's DNA that was actually tested, unless it was done by a doctor in a hospital with witnesses present at the time of the proceedure being done? For example, I could get a DNA kit from National Genographic too. I could get one of my Native friends to give me their cheek-swab sample, put my name to the DNA kit, send it back to the folks at National Genographic Project, and subsequently the DNA testing results would alleged confirm I was "Native American".

Here's another website page regarding Kim Tallbear, Phd. that I think readers of this blog will find interesting.

What I think people need to realize is that DNA testing can be a useful tool, yet it is not the definitive answer some people are led to believe that it allegedly is. Even IF Nancy Millette-Doucet has allegedly DNA markers that are most commonly found in the Native American population on the North American continent, how is one to determine how far back that alleged Native American ancestor lived? 500 years ago, 2500 years ago, even farther back into time itself? Again, DNA testing results are not definitive answers to much of anything. It certainly doesn't show and provide any evidence that her ancestry was or is Cowasuck Abenaki, let alone actually from Native American People's. Like the ol' days of the West where a sleek well dressed Snake-Oil Cure-All Salesman with a bottle of b.s. in one hand and a Eugenics Bible in the other, DNA Companies are selling these DNA kits proclaiming that by comparing a persons DNA test results to their particular databases, they can tell that person if their DNA markers INDICATE Native American ancestry.
Now, let's explore WHY Nancy Doucet and her created White Pine Association "members" are doing this genetic testing to allegedly prove their alleged "Native American" ancestry, in the next posting on this blog.

July 10, 2002 Sagakwa Pow-Wow Event in Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire

1st document: This is a newspaper article in the Coos County Democrat dated July 10, 2002 wherein Nancy Lee Millette announced publicly that she was married to Howard Lyons, a Mohawk singer. Indeed, Howard Isaac Lyons and Nancy Millette-Cruger were married in Santa Clara County, California on May 14, 2002 License number 246022 ny Elaine A. Rexna, Minister in San Juan Bautista, San Benito County, California.
2nd document: Continuing article regarding this Pow-Wow event in Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire.
3rd document: July 12, 2002 Coos County, New Hampshire newspaper article out of the Democrat, Page 6. 2nd paragraph states, "Sagakwa Annual Native American Cultural Weekend was founded by Nancy Lyons, the granddaughter and great-great grandaughter of Flora Una Anna Hunt and Elmira Rine Ingerson. (Actually daughter Nancy Millette-Cruger-Lyons was the daughter of  mother Beverlyn Clara Hunt-Millette, then Beverly Hunt was the daughter of Reginald Ray Hunt who married to grandmother Mabel Emma nee: Dyke, who was the son of great grandmother Flora Eunice Ingerson-Hunt, who was the daughter of great great grandmother Almira Rines who married to George W. Ingerson). As a child she (Nancy Millette-Cruger-Lyons) allegedly told her great grandmother (Flora Eunice Ingerson-Hunt), "When I grow up, I will find your people and do something so they are together again."
In 1993, Nancy (Lyons) remembered her promise and kept it by establishing Sagakwa. This Native American weekend has been recognized by the governors of Vermont and New Hampshire as a Native Cultural Weekend by way of Proclamation. Former state Senator Fred King presented the proclamation from Governor Jeanne Shaheen just prior to the Grand Entry at noon on Saturday, July 06th. It said in part, "Whereas, the many bands of the Abenaki within the territory of what is now known as the State of New Hampshire date back 10,000 years; Whereas, Sagakwa, Native American Cultural Weekend is an annual tribute to Abenaki Women, to Elmira Rine Ingerson and her daughter, Flora Una Anna Ingerson Hunt, from the ancient village dated 8,000 years old, located in what is now the town of Jefferson and to all of their children and their children's children and to all other Native Peoples in the State of New Hampshire; and Whereas the Abenaki and the Six Nations, Haudenosaunee, come together on this day in peace with each other in the territory of New Hampshire to plant a peace tree to forever live and grow in the town of Lancaster as a growing symbol of the co-existence of these two aboriginal peoples...."
Anyone with an ability to study the documents I have already put onto this blog regarding Almira Rines-Ingerson and or Almira's daughter Flora Eunice Ingerson (her father being George W. Ingerson) can figure out there is a "distortion" between what Nancy Lyons stated in this newspaper article, and what the genealogical vital records show about these two women ancestors of Nancy Millette-Cruger-Lyons-Doucet. I find that this "campaign" of Nancy Doucet's repeatedly in the newspapers, etc. to identify her Great Grandmother Flora "Una Anna" Ingerson - Hunt, and that of her Great - Great Grandmother Almira Rines - Ingerson - Pollock to be just a bit absurd. There is NOTHING, absolutely nothing except Nancy's mouth that has proclaimed that these two women were Abenaki women. What about these two ancestral women's mother's, and their sisters, and nieces, etc. I have never seen or heard from any other descendant from these two women proclaim the things that Nancy has, about these two women, Almira and her daughter Flora. On the day of Flora's departure from this reality of life itself ALLEGEDLY Nancy, as a young ten year old girl, allegedly stood in the very room of this dying woman Flora "Una Anna" Ingerson - Hunt, and allegedly heard Flora declare "that her mother Almira Rines-Ingerson was Abenaki" and then Nancy, allegedly declared "I will find your People, and bring them out of the darkness and hiding".
I DO NOT THINK THIS HAPPENED. Do the freaking math people. IF Nancy Lee (nee: Millette) Wiggins - Demming - Cruger - Lyons -Doucet actually was told by Flora Eunice Ingerson - Hunt, "that the her mother Almira was Abenaki" then why isn't there other descendants from Almira's kith and kin showing and providing the evidence of their being Abenaki, let alone Native American People's?! I think this woman Nancy (now married to Mark Doucet) made up these "stories" which began to evolve in Nancy's brain beginning in August 1993 after talking to Jesse James Larocque in Bath, New Hampshire next to her mother's home! Over the years, the "stories" that were shoved into the media, and manipulated into documentation such as this Governor Jeanne Shaheen's Proclamation of 2002 by Nancy herself, "began to take on a life of their own." Clearly and obviously at least one "cousin" to Nancy Lee Millette, began to take notice of the absurdities and distortions in these "stories" that were being put out there. That was Rhoda Lou (nee: Besaw) True, who is in this newspaper article, and she is the person who provided me the documentary evidence of which to understand the so-called "Flora Una Anna Ingerson - Hunt" stories that were being put out there by Nancy. Because, I couldn't understand what these "stories" were all about, in contrast and in light of having the awareness of the families Rines - Ingerson - Hunt - Elliott genealogically documented historical records. The whole "situation" didn't make sense to me, and I found it to be absurd, for Nancy Millette to insult these two ancestral women, by cintinually proclaiming that these two women were Abenaki, when in FACT they were NOT Abenaki nor from no alleged "Abenaki Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire". Previously placed FACTUAL DOCUMENTATION on this very blog PROVE without a shadow of a doubt that Flora Eunice Ingerson could NOT have known her mother Almira Rines. Heck, she didn't even know her mother's name when Flora married to Henry Otis Hunt in October of 1896! So again, I find these "stories" that Nancy Millette-Doucet has created in her own mind, that Flora and or Flora's mother Almira were Abenakis to be just the opposite of telling the truthful reality of these women. Why would a ten year old girl on March 11, 1963 be allowed by elder adults, to be in a room of a imminently dying woman? Secondly, why didn't the other Almira/Flora descendants perpetuate the same "stories" of Flora and Almira allegedly being Abenaki women? How come the mothers, aunt's nieces, uncles, fathers, brothers, and so on, not show and provide any evidence historically of their allegedly being Abenaki who were related to these two women Almira and her daughter Flora?
IF Nancy Millette-Doucet was being truthful and honest about her alleged genealogical connections to the Abenaki People, then why hasn't she not shown and provided the actual in-hand evidence of such connections to the Abenaki Ancestors! Because she can't. Even her own "cousin" Rhonda L. Besaw - True confronted her about these "stories" that Nancy Milliette-Doucet has perpetuated in the media and through the Executive Council's Office's of the Governor's in both N.H. and Vermont.
3rd document: Another section of the July 12, 2002 Coos County Democrat newspaper article.
4th document: Remaining section of the Coos County Democrat article of July 12, 2002. Rhonda Besaw-True "smudging" with sage and an abalone sea-shell. Isn't taking photographs of a person or people "smudging" like against Native American traditions or something like that? Didn't I read in the Caledonia Record Newspaper wherein "Chinka Buck" was protesting and having a fit because alleged "Chief" Luke Willard of that Nulhegan group in in Orleans County, Vermont "allowed" photographs to be taken of person(s) or people being "smudged".

Where is the Indian Police when you need them?!

(I have to laugh some more....)