
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ralph Skinner Swett and The Clan of The Hawk, Inc. etc:

1st document: Ralph Skinner Swett's Birth Record from Barton, Orleans County, Vermont. It indicates that his ethnicity is "white". This birth record is a matter of Public Record and as a Public Figure, proclaiming that he is "Indian" implied by his published name of Chief Spirit Water" a.k.a. "Chief Lone Cloud", while he might be Indian, his birth record claims he is "white".
IF Ralph Skinner Swett is of Abenaki or Native American descent, I haven't dicovered the ancestor(s) that were. Perhaps some people would conclude that this birth record is "personal" and "private" but again, this is not the case, or I would not have been able to obtain a photocopy from the State of Vermont Vital Records last year. I began to do the genealogical background research documentarily beginning in November 2005 after these various "groups" representatives/leaders and their followers decided NOT to show and provide these very documents to the State of Vermont nor to the VCNAA. A little genealogical background is that Ralph had a brother Leon Edwin Swett born in 1924 and whom died in 1946. Leon Ellsworth Swett Sr. was born February 26, 1886 in Bolton, Brome Co., Quebec, Canada to Henry J. Sweat and Edna Alberta (nee: Wedge) and Leon died July 19, 1949. Leon Sweat/Swett Sr. married June 02, 1923 to Elsie Skinner who was born April 22, 1895 and died October 28, 1988 in Newport, Orleans County, Vermont. Her father was Edwin C. Skinner born in 1868 son of Daniel Skinner in Vermont about 1833 allegedly in Brownington, Vermont, and Daniel married to Louise N. Walker in Canada. Sibling to Edwin C. Skinner was a sister Mary L. Skinner. There is some confusion in that Elsie E. Swett was a Skinner to Edwin C. Skinner and his wife Zaidee or Raidee E. Ranney born in New York (maiden name unk.) OR was Leon Ellsworth Sweat's wife was an Elsie E. "Smith" born in England that made an entry into the U.S.A. via Lewiston, NY in 1915. Perhaps Leon Ellsworth Sweat/Swett married twice?
IF anyone has the ability to show and provide documented Abenaki ancestry in Ralph Swett's ancestry, please communicate. IF anyone ignorantly concludes that "genealogical research" is "personal" or "private" then all one needs to do is go to or or as they are all quite informative.
2nd document: Email communication from Rhonda Lou Besaw whom married to Charles Francis True Jr. to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz (myself) in mid-August 2008 regarding Ralph Skinner Swett's "group" up there in Evansville, Vermont. According to the email, (3) three different Groups came together under the Northeast Wind Council to forever be joined in unity. The three Chiefs who met togehter represented three different bands and signed a pact.
The Northeast Wind Council was set up and organized many years ago with the help of alleged Grand Chief Walter Watso, Great Grand Ambassador of the Abenaki Nation Darryl Larock (Larocque) , retired Chief Howard (Franklin) Knight (Jr.), and Chief Spirit Water (Ralph Skinner Swett himself). To my thinking this MUST have been the Unity Meeting in the late summer of 1994 which I spoke of earlier in this blog. August 20, 1994 wherein the Unity of Councils Agreement signed in Evansville, VT. This agreement was signed by the tribal leaders of Abenaki bands at that time bringing them into Unity as the Sovereign Republic of the Abenaki Nation. Homer St. Francis was named Grand Chief and Walter Watso Assoc. Grand Chief. The Unity Agreement was signed by: Ray Lussier - Grand Council of the Allied Bands of Southern New England, Roland Demers - Sherbrooke Aboriginal Community Council, Pierre Heroux Richards - Sorel Aboriginal Community Council, Ray Milano - Athens Council, Richard Ray Hunt - White Bison Abenaki Council of New Hampshire, ???? - Empire State Council of NY, Howard F Knight - Northeast Woodlands Coos/Cowasuck of North America, Walter Watso - Odanak
Emerson Garfield - Cowasuck/Coos band, John Lawyer - St. Francis/Sokoki band, Roger Lucas - Cowasuck/Coos band, Brian Lemois - Cowasuck band, Darrel Larocque - St.Francis/Sokoki band, Melody Nunn - Cowasuck/Coos band, Phil Thibault - St. Francis/Sokoki band, Ina Delany - St. Francis/Sokoki band, Phil Martin - Cowasuck/Coos band Mass, Harry Shover - Cowasuck/Coos band, Nancy Lemois - Cowasuck band, Phenix Hearn - St. Francis/Sokoki band, Edward Verge - Abenaki Nation NE VT.
3rd document: Email dated August 16, 2008 from Ralph Skinner Swett a.k.a. "Chief" Lone Cloud (formerly "Chief" Spirit Water") to myself (Douglas Lloyd Buchholz a.k.a. "Salmon") wherein Ralph states, Our group was started by Howard Knight, when Howard Franklin Knight Jr. and Cindy Shover broke up. Walter Watso was there as was Darryl Larocque. All was done in a very respectful manner and very legal. What Ralph Swett meant in this email by his usage of "very legal" was that that "group" calling itself the Northeast Wind Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nations/ Clan of the Hawk was and is yet another 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. IT IS NOT A HISTORICAL TRIBE OR BAND OF ABENAKI PEOPLE. We had their full backing (support) and help in doing so.
From the Clan of the Hawk, Inc.'s Newslettler of May 2006:
News outside the Clan: As many of you know, Nancy Lyons has been working on a "Unity" Group and I have helped any way I could. However, as the clan has supported Debbie Bezio and applauds her for all the work she has done on the Abenaki Recognition Bill, I told Nancy that we would not be supporting Jeff Benay for the Governor's Commission on Native American Affairs. As soon as I told Nancy these facts and that we would support Debbie Bezio, Nancy removed the Clan of the Hawk, and your Chief from this group! So, here again, I am labeled as a "bad person.' I have many reasons why I chose not to support Jeff Benay, but feel it is not appropriate to air them publicly at this time.
In the spring of 2005 Chief Raymond "Ray" "Looking Glass" Lussier of the Southern New England Indian Council in Attleboro, Massachusetts made a long term gifting loan of over 1800 artifacts to the Abenaki Clan of the Hawk, in Evansville, Vermont. This collection, which Lussier started when he was just nine years old and worked on throughout his entire life, consists of arrowheads, axes, spears, stones and other artifacts. The collection is in museum display cases and is fully catalogued.
In the spring of 2006, Chief Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier again honored the Clan of the Hawk with another incredible gifting loan. He sent all of the books in his Native American research library to be cared for in a new library at the clan. This will be named the Ray Lussier Wabanaki Family History Center and Reading Room. Dedication ceremonies will be held at this year’s 15th Annual Pow Wow, Saturday, August 5th, at the Pow Wow grounds in Evansville, VT and is expected to be one of the high points of the celebration.
This wonderful collection includes 8 volumes of the Dictionnaire Genealogiques Des Familles Canadiennes, Purreville-Odanak, Napierville, Comte’ de Missiquoi, Richelieu, Drumonville, and many, many more. The birth and marriage records from all the reservations in Canada, going back into the 1600’s are in this research collection. Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier in a council resolution at SNEIC, said, “Whereas, The Clan of the Hawk of Evansville Vermont under direction of my blood brother Chief Ralph Swett has distinguished itself by carrying on many Abenaki traditions, visiting schools and teaching the younger generation, hosting Pow Wows, Gatherings etc., making available a Museum of Abenaki as well as other tribal histories and involving itself in Community outreach programs. Be it hereby Resolved: In the name of Abenaki Unity, I Hereby entrust to The Clan of the Hawk my Books, Repertoires and other pertinent Documents for the introduction of the Wabanaki Family Resource Library and Reading Room in Evansville Vermont.” The rules pertaining to the access to and use of these materials are to be found later in this newsletter. Copies of them may also be had by requesting them from Chief Spirit Water. The primary responsibility of the Clan of the Hawk Library is the care and preservation of this Historical Collection of Documents and Books. Therefore these rules will be enforced. Policies and procedures for requesting duplication of this Collections materials are available. Requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In making such decisions, primary consideration must and will be given to the preservation of the materials. Reference services will be available by appointment only. Chief Spiritwater cannot donate his time for this as he has for years for every thing else. In order to staff the library, there will be a charge of $25.00 per visit, 15.00 per hour after the first. Call ahead for an appointment!! 802-754-2817 or
This evening, I found some video clips on by a daughter of Raymond "Looking Glass" Lussier that was done in 1992 or 1993. Check it out.
From the Clan of the Hawk, Inc.'s Newsletter of April 2008:
Lorna Garfield shared this with the senators responsible for reviewing the Abenaki recognition Bill Amendment:
Dear Senators: I am writing this to add just a little more information to my previous testimony. I thank you for the job that you are doing, I know this is not an easy decision. I do believe that to pass this and allow two supposed historical bands the say in the fate of all other Abenaki people is a serious mistake. I ask that people please do the research of the history. Any band could have claimed these historical names, but that does not make them so. Sokoki bands were from southern VT, not Swanton area. I am not saying they are not native, or anything against them. I do know that the criterion that is being set is truly impossible to meet.
Who is going to check Nancy Millette and April St .Francis lineage? If they could not meet the regulations for Federal Recognition then how do you expect any of the others? But the amendment they are trying to push would allow them in, and then decide the fate of the same bands that they don't acknowledge now. Check their petition, and please do not once again allow yet another form of genocide. I believe that in having to prove ourselves in this way is just another form of genocide. I pray the day shall come that my people can hold their heads high, be proud of whom they are and that all will get along. This is as it should be; this is the teaching of my ancestors. As for Nancy Millette's band, they too are going by a historical name, but the band has only been organized since state recognition. Just because the smaller bands are not as old or in the news, makes them no less Abenaki.. I speak for the Clan of the Hawk, as a tribal council member. We ask you to check our records; we have been organized for 20 years.
4th document: Cindy Shover (a.k.a. Loon Caller)'s Business Card. Notice the circular image on the left on the Card. Remember that when you see the Incorporation papers of Howard Franklin Knight Jr. dated May 31, 2007 when they attempted to "steal back" the Incorporation "Abenaki Nation of Vermont, Inc. The Native American & Abenaki Affairs", with the help of Burton Decarr a.k.a. "Spotted Eagle" of Swanton, Vermont. Burton Decarr had signed a document "against" Paul Wilson Pouliot on January 30, 2007 with the help of gaurdianship, April St. Francis-Merrill herself. Because when one looks at the notarized document of January 30, 2007 it states, "At Swanton, on the this 30th day of January, 2007, before me personally appeared Burton Decarr and known by me to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and she thereupon duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same to be her free act and deed. Well, last time I seen Mr. Burton Decarr he appeared to be physically a male/adult man, NOT a "she" or a "female". So you do the math.....
Cindy Shover was allied to Howard Franklin Knight Jr. The circular image on this Card, and the documents dated May 31, 2007 are the same image.
5th document: Document attachment that came in an email to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz on August 15, 2008. Again it is about the Clan of the Hawk, and this so-called "Northeast Wind Council of the Sovereign Abenaki Nations". Wow, now we don't just have an alleged "Abenaki Nation of Vermont" but now we have allegedly Sovereign Abenaki Nations. Totally amazing. Is this like a epidemic or a virus spreading across Vermont, etc?! I think the Mohawk's better watch out, it might be worse than the common cold or swine flu.
6th document: Newspaper article regarding the Clan of the Hawk 17th Annual Intertribal Pow-wow dated August 2nd and 3rd, 2008. You don't have to be Abenaki, or even Indian/Native American to join this "group". Nancy Millette might fit in perfectly with them. Buckskin, leather, psychic booths, wannabe's, runnamucks, the whole nine yards. Again, one needs to evaluate and know what is REALLY ABENAKI and what isn't.
7th document: Another newspaper article out of the Caledonia Record dated October 07, 2009 Page B10. "Perhaps then the State of Vermont and the rest of our great country might follow us and do their part." Yeah, well when it was time for all these "groups" to do their part and cough up the PROOF/ EVIDENCE of being legitimately Abenaki People, all the State of Vermont (and the BIA) got was crap and silence from the whole bunch of these alleged Abenaki "groups"! So, talking about "heritage" falls flat on itself. Perhaps these "groups" and their so-called Chief's such as "Spirit Water/Lone Cloud" (Ralph Skinner Swett) andhis side kick creator/inventor "Rushing Water/Grandfather Circle" (Howard Franklin Knight Jr. are nothing more than illusions, distortions, charlatans, and decievers of the Vermont Public and Legislature in claiming they are the Real legitimate Abenaki descendants they claim to be. I have yet to see genealogical evidence clear and convincingly that either of them descend from the Abenaki People. I don't think anyone else has either. If I am in error in stating this, then provide me the documented evidence to prove my conclusions to be incorrect!
8th document: Phillip Thibault a.k.a. "Soaring Eagle" holding up a Clan of the Hawk, Inc. Honorary Membership for Life Certificate he and Ralph Skinner Swett signed
9th document: Aaaaah, here is a photograph that was sent to me via email attachment, of Jeanne Lincoln-Kent of Winsted, CT on July 05, 2005 while she was at the Clan of the Hawk Pow-wow in Evansville, Orleans County, Vermont. Perhaps she had a Membership Card with Ralph Swett as well, that she no longer carries, like she did with that Metis Nation of Quebec, and Paul Wilson Pouliot's "group"? Well, at least Jeanne Lincoln-Kent's regalia isn't that commercially-tanned hide buckskin.

Phyllis Donovon Letter To The Editor August 22, 2009:

I found this Letter to the Editor most interesting and thought I would post it and comment on its content. First, I do agree that Clan of the Hawk in Evansville, Vermont is a blantant mockery of Native American Culture in general and more specifically Abenaki Culture. I do agree that Clan of the Hawk is a loose group of people, who have NOT PROVEN genealogically that they connect historically to any documented Abenaki people................ Phyllis Donovon goes on to say, "Nor are these followers related by blood to each other as are all other legitimate Native bands and clans."
Now, that last sentence I have to comment on. NO, these other alleged Native bands and clans HAVE NOT as yet either proven to anyone that they are genealogically connected to any Abenaki historical family or historical communities. So, this Letter to the Editor by Phyllis Donovon of Wheelock, Vermont seems to me , to be pointing the finger at Ralph Skinner Swett (not that agree with his historical or contemporary goings-on either) it appears that three fingers belonging to Phyllis Donovon are pointing back at whatever as yet unnamed "groups" she proclaims to be "other allegedly legitimate Native bands and clans". In my next post, I'll show a bit of documentation on Clan of the Hawk, Inc. so that readers of this blog can get a little bit more understanding....based on FACTUAL DOCUMENTATION.

More About Brunswick Springs, Vermont in December 1992 and Jan. '1993:

1st document: Envelope of Penelope Newcomb's letter to me, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz dated September 25, 2009.
2nd document (2 pages front and back): First page of letter by Penelope Newcomb. "Dear Douglas, Hello again~Enclosed are several articles from The Chronicle (newspaper) ~one by Paul LeFebvre about the gifting of stock with which to purchase Seven Springs from me to the Abenakis as recieved by Wobanaki, the 501(c)3 organizatioin that I believe Homer St. Francis and the Swnaton group created. That may not be who or how it started. Then the (letter to the editor) letter by me to the Chronicle after Paul's article came out. And antoher letter I wrote at some other time. (Reverse side of letter) I still want to document my part of the story but I haven't gotten around to it yet dut to general over-busyness. But I will! I have to soon. Please please would you try to find out the Abenaki name for Lake Willoughby + let me know if you do. I just need to call it by another, Truer name. (IF anyone does know the name of this body of water lake in the Abenaki language please share it with Penelope Newcomb please and thank you) I'd like to post my part of this sotry + these articles on some some website to straighten out the record. Where? Got any ideas? Sincerely, Penelope Newcomb P.O. Box 87 East Charleston, Vermont 05833 (802) 723-4014.
Penelope Newcomb was nice and kind enough to share these articles with me regarding the Brunswick Springs a.k.a. N'biz8bek. Now I share these articles and Penelop Newcomb's kind letter to me with folks out there that didn't realize her kind contribution, or to those that might not have realized her generosity. I previously talked about Brinswick Springs on this blog but had yet to obtain these newspaper articles. In the winter of 1994-5 I stayed with Edward "Ed" Verge, with my Walker hound dog (no, if yer thinking....she didn't go around killin' chickens....and neither did I). Edward Verge was a pretty decent fella himself up in Island Pond, Vermont. Now at the time of that particular winter, he told me he'd gone to Doris Minckler's place there in Swanton, Vermont and she'd appointed him caretaker of Brunswick Springs. He was pretty upset about Tree-Hawk a.k.a. Joseph Pelletier being on that property, staying there with his pregnant wife. Ed wanted to be there instead. Had all kinds of plans he did. I think it was an ego thing perhaps. Either way, by the time Spring thaw came around, I ran into Daisy Goodman, and Tree-Hawk's mother Carlene Pelletier whom encouraged me to "jump the river" and
come live over in New Hampshire. They wanted me to join their created group, which was also a 501(c)3 but Tom O'bomsawin an Abenaki seemed to have some good idea's, at least for awhile. I tlaked previously about that "Group" I was a part of previously in this blog.

October 12, 2009 Your Horoscope on Christopher Columbus Day:

On Columbus Day Monday October 12th, 2009 I found this in the local newspaper, which I thought was kind of profound considering. Jeanne Lincoln-Kent was saying "go plant some flowers in some city", in essence suggesting that I ought to go do something more constructive than address the alleged Abenaki mess out there in Vermont and elsewhere (like here in New Hampshire too since this is where Nancy Millette-Cruger-Lyons-Doucet got her Gov.'s Proclamations repeatedly etc etc).
I won't be willing to stop what the purpose of this blog is nor will I stop for anything or anyone until it is accomplished. I know I am right in my conclusions because I have the genealogical records, these "groups" newsletters, etc etc all the way back to the early 1990's to the present. Jeanne Lincoln-Kent and Nancy Millette-Doucet would like for me to play a different game. But this isn't a game to me or for me. This is serious. I did not want to have to resort to creating and building a blog about all this mess they themselves created but they left me no choice. I asked April St. Francis-Merrill and Carollee Reynolds both on that particular Sunday in May 2009 during that Pow-wow event up there in Swanton, Vermont "offereing for them to sit down and let's talk, get some understanding between us all", but no, they had their arrogant better than thou noses stuck up in the air, and their mouths just'a flappin' away claiming that "it would be a waste of their time to talk to the likes of me". I was saying they didn't exist. Well, I didn't say it first. The Bureau of Indian Affairs said it flat out and loudly. That's when I began to wonder if that were really the conclusion and why & how the B.I.A. came to this conclusion after 38 years.
So I like this Horoscope. I usually don't look at such things in the newspaper but this particular Columbus Day, this one caught my attention.

Yet Another Forwarded Email: Interesting Indeed:

1st document: Another "forwarded email" regarding Jeanne Kent's OPINION about this blog and about my person. Yes, indeed it is really sad that people are so free to say whatever they wish about others with no consideratioin for responsibility for what is being said. OK, Jeanne Kent ought to go look in the mirror and repeat to herself what she wrote, because she is just as much a party of what she herself condemns! I find it all very interesting that she can assume that this blog paints a distorted view of who and what they are, when in FACT the documents support my conclusions.
Being "Indian" or "not being as much Indian" is not of my concern. What is my concern is whether or not these organizations (501c3 non-profits) and the people that are historically and contemporarily members of such, are legitimately descendants of the REAL legitimate Abenaki People. I am NOT as Jeanne Kent alleges destroying people's lives~but I am addressing documentarily people's lie's, distortions, manipulations, and muck-racking b.s. thats gone on historically-speaking, and apparently still continues presently by these people. Of course, they say the same thing about me, that I am allegedly angry, that I am negative, that I am a twisted mind, that I am this or that. Anything to NOT provide the evidence of their assertions or claims, nor proivde the genealogical evidence of their being Abenaki People that connected to and lived upon the land we now call Vermont historically speaking. When a person begins to doubt, when a person begins to openly ask for answers to these qusestions, these people become hostile, on the defensive, and defamatory towards those asking for the proof/answers.
Obviously, Jeanne Lincoln-Kent said it correctly, "Yet it goes on" but she fails to acknowlege that it is she that is continuing to muck-racking. She DID get an email from Nancy Millette-Doucet on October 11, 2009 at 1:08 PM (see October 12, 2009 "Recent Emails from Nancy Doucet to Jeanne Kent to Other Folks on this blog) which Jeanne Kent herself forwarded to multiple people, in an attempt to communicate this attempted intimidation tactic to me. Right after I posted documents about Almira (Rines) Ingerson-Pollock, etc. It was clearly an attempt to stop the TRUTH from coming out, that contradicts the media made statements made by Nancy Millette-Doucet herself historically speaking. It only points to one conclusion. There's more to the historical record on that, but again, the factual documentations have to be shown first, on this blog.
Jeanne Kent states, "There is currently a blog which RANTS about everyone and everything in Abenaki Country"........."and worst of all, opinions and suppositions."
GOD FORBID someone HAS an OPINION or a SUPPOSITION about factual RECORDED DOCUMENTS! But and yet, it is AOK for Jeanne Antoinette (nee: Lelime) Lincoln-Kent HAS put HER opinions and suppositions onto the Yahoo Groups and her blog Morningstar Studio PAINTING a often distorted picture of who and what I am! Go figure.
My blog of course seems to focus on the worst of everything and everyone without ever noting the good people have done. Well once again, MY purpose for this blog is to address the LACK of GENEALOCAL EVIDENCE of the parties that claim to be Abenaki, when in fact all they are, are Presidents and Board of Directors of Non-Profit, State-Created Incorporations!
IF anything on my blog is a lie, then show and provide the physical documentary evidence that contradicts my conclusions or that of the documents that have been posted on this blog. My contact information has been listed on this blog for anyone to communicate with me if they need to.
Jeanne Lincoln-Kent NEEDED that Cowass, Inc. "Artist Certificate" in order to supposedly legally sell her artwork at these New England Pow-wow's. Her AWARDED Art Degrees from these two unnamed Universities wouldn't "cut the mustard". That's to my thinking anyway. Do the math......
Jeanne Kent goes on to say, "I have been doing art since I could hold a pencil." Well my my my, ain't that just a profound statement from her! Most kindergartner's can hold a pencil....and draw too. Guess when they are 63-64 years old, they all can say the same thing!
Page 2 of Document 1: Jeanne Kent states, " What is puzzling is why people fee the need to do this. I for one am not a chief, on a council, proclaiming to be a medicine person, or looking for government money." Well that might be true NOW, but Jeanne Kent has association with Howard Franklin Knight Jr, Ralph Swett, April St. Francis-Merrill, Nancy Millette-Lyons-Doucet, Brian Chenevert, Carollee Reynolds, Rhonda Besaw-True, and Paul Wilson Pouliot historically-speaking and contemporarily on social web sites.
Jeanne Lincoln-Kent herself actually drove up to Montpelier, Vermont Legislative Hearing(s) to "testify" in front of the Vermont Politicians, AND she was there in Montpelier at the signing of Bill S.117 Abenaki Recognition in the State of Vermont on in early May of 2006. My blog is NOT a reflection of per se anger or vengeance. I simply am SHOWING and PROVIDING the documentation regarding to these "groups" in Vermont and New Hampshire that are CLAIMING to being the REAL deal Abenaki OF Vermont and New Hampshire. I do not know the end goal of this blog. It's a work-in-progress. We'll all see where the end goal of all this goes.
I can't tear down what hasn't been built. All of these "groups" attempts at obtaining State Recognition specifically for their "groups" hasn't worked because they REFUSED to show and provide the clear and convincing genealogical evidence nor the historical social connections between persons, families and their groups. The documents that have been and will be placed on this blog Reinvention Of The Vermont Abenaki, will prove what I've been saying and will be saying.
Yeah, I know they would love for me to go elsewhere, rather than work on this blog's content. If I were taking of flowers to make the cities beautiful, community gardens, visits to shut-in's, fund raisers for various charities, delivery of meals on wheels, visit to Senior Centers, etc, etc. Yes, those are wonderful idea's BUT that would negate and prevent me from SHOWING and PROVIDING the documentation, etc. of these "groups" of alleged Vermont Abenakis historical records. Their genealogical records ought to be shown and provided to, to show how absurd it really is that they are claiming that they are Indian, let alone Abenakis.
2nd document: This is another "forwarded email" from this Yahoo Group Olidahozi that I recieved this afternoon. I find it quite interesting that Carollee Reynolds apologizes to the members of Olidahozi, but not directly to Lynn Menard-Mathieson directly, nor to me for all the slanderous crap she's put out there against both Lynn Menard and most especially about my person. I wouldn't accept her apologies for all the crap she's spewed about my person anyway. I gave her that chance in late May 2009. Jeanne Kent, declares that HER SITE Olidahozi is meant to be used to voice opinions, or state facts. I don't know what anyone would call what Carollee posted onto Olidahozi, but to my thinking and conclusions, it was malicious, hatelful, and disgusting to post what she's posted about Lynn Menard-Mathieson and myself retrospectively-speaking.
I also got a telephone call from my aunt out in Washington State, reminding me that she was removed from Olidahozi back in April 2008 when Jeanne Kent decided that allegedly I was allegedly on Olidahozi under my sister's Yahoo Group accout. Obviously seemingly "paranoia" is epidemically in Abenaki La-La Land down there in Winsted, Connecticut and up to Vermont. Here nor there really.
What's this "We have said this before...."? So, the truth comes home. Jeanne Lincoln-Kent uses the plural, therefore one can ONLY conclude that she is allied with Nancy Millette-Doucet, and these rest of these people to AVOID AT ALL COST, to their own integrity, any and all conversation or dialoge about the genealogical records of these "groups" and person's CLAIMING to being the legitimate Abenaki.
Daniel Osgood is allied with this so-called "Indepent Coos Clans United" created and promoted by Howard Franklin Knight Jr. (a.k.a. I.C.C.U.) Actually that ought to be INCORPORATED as in 501(c)3 alleged Clans of the alleged Coos United! Independent? HAH! They ran to the State of Vermont to exist as an incoporated entity, the whole lot of them, including Howard F. Knight Jr.! Vermont never heard of these self-proclaiming alleged Abenaki Cowasuck/Coosak/Koasek people BEFORE their 501(c)3 were created, and the SECOND or MINUTE one begins to question them specifically about their genealogical connections to the REAL Abenaki People, and one begins to SHOW and PROVIDE their genealogical ancestral records, they scream and holler that "the records" are "personal", that they are "private" etc. Well, news flash for them.....actually the records are a matter of PUBLIC RECORD. They don't want the TRUTH to come out, because it will show all the lie's, manipluations, distortions, and all the negative crap they all have been involved in. Enough said on that note. I came here looking for my ancestral relatives. I've found them. I came here looking for the REAL Abenaki. They are in Odanak and Wolinak, they are the one's that can and do have no hesitations whatsoever and without protest the ability to show and provide the clear and convincing evidence documentarily that they are Abenaki People/descendants of the Abenaki People.
But the people that are associated with all these 501(c)3'd groups cannot and will not show and provide their genealogical and social histories to the State of Vermont. Why? Thats what I am trying to answer with this blog's content. Any help from anyone else would be muchly appreciated. I know I don't have all the answers or all the right conclusions. So, instead of trying to shut me down and shut me up, why not HELP me get the evidence to support these groups claims?! But no they haven't been doing that, they been running their mouths and slandering and harassing my person repeatedly, in their attempts to imply this, that, and the other about me. Here nor there, I got documents to put up on this blog FACTS that I think the Vermont and New Hampshire PUBLIC, Politicans,Attorney General's Office, and Governor's and Grant-Issuer's NEED to LOOK AT and REVIEW ASAP.
My "opinions and suppositions" are merely based on what the factual documents and emails show and provide. Aside from my commentary, look at and study the documents. Do the math, do the homework, add it all up at the end of all this and come to one's own conclsuions about whether or not these "groups" and or "these people" are really Abenaki descendants from and of Vermont. If they aren't really who they say they are, then who are they, and what just exactly are they attempting to do. For now, the research to find out is progressing. These "groups" and these particular people's reactions to this blog is quite fascinating indeed.