
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Step 31 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #29. Cover-letter fom Mr. Lynn C. Sherman of 5172 Mt. Shasta Lane in Marrero, Louisiana 70072. Telephone: (504) 347-6023. This letter was addressed to Mr. Arthur "Wise Hawk" Marchand of "Turtle Lodge, Abenaki Republic" P.O. Box 57 in Worcester, Massachusetts 01613 dated December 01, 1992. "Dear Sir: Please excuse my delay in responding with the Application for Enfranchisement form. My wife, Barbara, has been very ill. Again thank you for your invitation to participate in the incorporation of your Sakoki Band. Attached are my completed applications form, personal history form, and copies of available family records. Please advise if this information is sufficient for your purposes........Aditional details may be found in the Application for Enfranchisement of Henrietta M. White, sister of my mother, Marion Sherman. Mrs. White's Northeastern Woodlands Coos number is 00999. I am also enclosing pictures and funds for appropriate identification cards, upon approval."

Document 02: Exhibit #29 Page 02. Date of Application: November 14, 1992. On the same day, the Application of Mr. Lynn C. Sherman was apparently reviewed and approved on the same day November 14, 1992. Arthur Marchand was self-identifying himself as a Tribal Chief of the Incorporation "Centeraleastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Republic - Algonquin Confederation. Allegedly, Lynn C. Sherman was on the Board of Directors of Arthur Marchand's Incorporation.

Document 03: Exhibit #29 Page 03. Lynn C. Sherman states that his Great Grandfather was Andrew "Mahaire" Myers. Andrew had married to Bridget Smith who was the daughter of Nicholas Smith. Nicholas Smith was from Canada and took the english last name of Smith, when he immgrated to the United States.  From the cover- (Document 01) of Lynn C. Sherman it is written, "Family tradition says that Nicholas changed his name to Smith when he moved from Canada where he was born, to the United States. His Indian name was not understandable by the immigration authorities, the story says."

Document 04: Exhibit #30. Keith Marchand's letter. "To Whom it may concern, I, Keith J. Marchand, arhtur Marchand's son, address is 126 Sterling Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. I live with my dad and always did. There was a meeting that occurred at 126 Sterling St. There was a great deal of people that showed up for voting purposes, Officers, and Directors, was voted on for Incorporating the Centraleastern Woodlands Sokoki, Inter-Tribal Band. Other members from out of the area was listening to the meeting through the Intercom Telephone. The vote was completed on November 14, 1992. On December 26, 1992, I accepted the Vice President, to relieve Frank Robinson's position. Board of Director: Keith J. Marchand.

Document 05: Exhibit #31. Corporation Division. To Joseph F. Sheehan, I Mary F. Marchand of 126 Sterling Street in Worcester, Massachusetts have attended a meeting for the Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tirbal) Corporation. The voiting was done and I was given the position of Clerk-Secretary. There were many of the others at the meeting to vote for the Corporation to begin on November 14, 1992. We had an Emergency Meeting on December 26, 1992 because there were some positions open, to be replaced. As for the signatures on the Incorporation papers, I gave Arthur Marchand permission to put my name on it because I was too sick. Yours Truly; Clerk-Secretary of Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal) Corp. Mary E. Marchand (508) 791-1889.

Document 06: Exhibit #32. Letter from Frink Robertson stating that "I, Frink Robertson RESIGN as the Vice-President of the Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal). My work gets into my spare time so, I don't have the time to perform for the Inter-Tribal. However, I would like to stay in as a member only. Plus I have been getting threatening telephone calls from Howard F. Knight and his followers. Yours Truly, Frink Robertson 24 Jones Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. Telephone (508) 756-0027.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Step 30 Foward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #28. Backside coverpage of "Indian New England Before the Mayflower" by Howard S. Russell. Sold at the Swanton, Vermont "Tribal Center" by the group led by the late Homer St. Francis Sr., and now led by his daughter April St. Francis - Rushlow - Merrill. These "groups" proclaiming to being legitimately descendants of the Abenaki Ancestors, seem to have had to lean on other scholarly works such as from books such as "Dawnland Encounters" by Calloway, or this book by Howard S. Russell. The reason I think (of course, I could be completely wrong in my conclusions) that these alleged Abenaki groups cannot seem to give their own historical or genealogical record(s) (instead of leaning on and borrowing from these academic scholars, who write "from outside" the Abenaki culture, history, and genealogical foundations) is simply because these alleged reinvented Abenaki groups (the Vermont and New Hampshire "Abenaki Community" as these groups like to refer to themselves) very likely have had no foundation that does clearly and convincingly connects to the Abenaki People/ Ancestors. I am merely stating what I personally find that it is indeed perplexing, odd and strange that a group of self-proclaiming and self-promoting "Abenaki descendants alleged foundations of alleged having carried on Abenaki "heritage(s)", cannot/ and will not openly (without hesitation or protest) show and provide the merits and foundations of their own genealogical backgrounds and "heritages" that they seemingly have "appropriated," (without having to appropriate someone else's scholarly works to imply that the scholarly work of someone else) somehow applies to their alleged Abenaki ancestors historical, social or genealogical records.
The single mili-second (give or take a few months perhaps) that one begins to suspect, doubt and or confronts these alleged and re-invented Abenaki "groups" representatives/ "Chiefs" or "Speakers" and or their "membership" card-holder's "actual genealogical foundations", they scrabble around grabbing at "Wabanaki", "Eastern Woodlands", so-called "Traditional Core Values", and already these people of these alleged "Abenaki groups" here in Vermont and New Hampshire point at their beadworking, their Abenaki Language Revitalization "camps", and or their pounding out brown or black ash logs and or making ash splint baskets. They will say they are perpetuating an Abenaki "living culture". When the reality is questioned, they spew out their excuses i.e. "our ancestors were hiding in plain sight" or "We were targets of the Eugenics Progam". Really? ANYTHING to distort, to elude, to ignore the questions given to them all. They will do anything (even bury their heads in the dirt) other than confronting the real honest reality and truth that not 95% or even 25% percent of these people have not a foundation genealogically-speaking that they can or will show and provide to anyone, that they are legitimately of Abenaki descent. These "appropriations" of attempting to "save" the Abenaki language, of beadworking in "Wabanaki" or "Eastern Woodlands style", pounding ash logs and making ash splint basketmaking, or putting on presentations of Wabanaki/ Eastern Woodlands "Story-Telling," are recently acquired activities of these persons, in order to "imply" they are perpetuating something "from their ancestors." Hardly the truth of the matter when one begins to review, gather and study these particular groups/ people's genealogical and historical social records! Most 99% percent of these people within these alleged Abenaki groups here in Vermont and New Hampshire, were not raised by their relatives doing beadworking, basketmaking, or storytelling; etc. These tactic's are "window-dressing". I think it is yet another "illusionary distortion" these people create for the public, right along with the ribbon shirts, the beads, and the feathers (and the pony tails), to make the public assume that the group's (Inc.'s) alleging to being Abenaki, are indeed legitimate, when in fact documentarily they are not even remotely Abenakis from and of Vermont or New Hampshire ancestrally or contemporarily. Just ask for their genealogical documentation of being Abenaki "from their ancestors." Ask these groups and their "members"/ Card Holders who self proclaim and self-identify as being Western and or Eastern Abenaki, from what historical community of Abenakis do they come from. Inquire of these so-called "representatives" of the Vermont or New Hampshire Abenakis to show and provide the foundation documentarily as to why they claim to be Abenaki, and a person 99% percent of the time, will get that "Wall of Silence". One will be accused of perpetuating "Paper Genocide" and that one is a racist. Accusations will fly, that one who doubts, who questions, who inquires as to the merits of these alleged reinvented Abenaki groups and or persons, is "negative", has an alleged "progressive sickness"; etc.
In the end, there is no foundation, and no documentary evidence to show and provide that these people/groups can show that they are legitimately of Abenaki descent 95% percent of them (according to Charles Francis True Jr.). So they "use" and point to other scholarly work, in order to try and imply substantiation of their own created illusions and distortions of being Abenaki. Yet, no genealogical evidence from their ancestors is provided documentarily-speaking. I do find that a bit strange.

Document 02: Exhibit #28 Page 186. Underlined is the sentence, "The pleasant upper Connecticut Valley, except for a Squakheag or Sokoki village at Vernon just above the present Massachusetts line.

Document 03: Exhibit #28 Page 187 of"Indian New England Before the Mayflower" by Howard S. Russell. "There was a Cowassuck settlement at Newbury, was lightly inhabited." Again, they are speaking of a pre-1750 time-frame.

Document 04: Exhibit #28 Page 04. "Bulldozer Levels Marlboro Indian Dig." Dated October 01, 1980 of the Telegram Marlboro Bureau Newspaper by Herbert O'Connor.

Document 05: Exhibit #28 Page 05. "Do Indians Own the Common? City Parks Chief Wants a Powwow."

Step 29 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #25. Official Tribal Rolls of the Northeast Woodlands-Coos Tribe of the Western Abenaki Confederation-Abenaki Republic Algonquin Confederation (Traditional) of Indigenous Peoples.
1. Howard F. Knight Jr. RFD. #2 Box 530-A Alderbrook Road, Newport Vermont 05855 Card No. 0001 Green Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: 1980. Council of Elders-Approved: Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992.
2. Minnie F. Knight (Same address-wife of Howard F. Knight). Card No. 0002. Same Clan. Same year of "Enfranchisement" and same date of reaffirmation date by approval of the "Council of Elders" on 13 June 1992.
3. Matthew R. Knight. (Same address-grandson adopted legally by Howard F. Knight and Minnie F. Knight). Card No. 0003. Same Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: October 1989. Reaffirmed by "Council of Elders" on 13 June 1992.
4. Franklin W. Knight II. (Same address c/o parents Howard F. and Minnie F. Knight-father to Matthew R. Knight). Card No. 0004. Same Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: 1980. Reaffirmed by "Council of Elders" 13 June 1992.
5. Krystal L. Knight. Address: c/o DSS-C.P.S. Kingston, Ulster County, New York. Card No. 0005. Same Clan. Date of Enfranchisment: Jan 1991. Reaffirmed by "Council of Elders" on 13 June 1992.
6. Katelynn M. Knight. Address: the same as #5 of this same document. Card No. 0006. Date of Enfranchisement: 13 June 1992. Reaffirmed by "Council of Elders" on 13 June 1993 (like everybody else on this list).
7. Angela M. Knight. Address: c/o DSS, State of Idaho, Region 4, Boise, Idaho. (C.P.S. is Child Protective Services and DSS is Department of Social Services). Card No. 0007. Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: October 1989. Reaffirmed by "Council of Elders" on 13 June 1992.
8. Roberta R. Knight. Twin daughter of Howard and Minnie Knight. Address: P.O. Box 76 in Post Mills, Vermont 05058. Card No. 0008. Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: 1980. Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992.
9. Blake A. Manning. (Same address as #8). Card No. 0009. Date of Enfranchisement: October 1991. Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992.
10. Sheila M. Blandin. (Twin sister to #8). Address: Box 127 Chamberlain Hill Road; RFD in Vershire, Vermont 05079. Card No. 00010. Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: 1980. Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992.
11. Forrest S. Blandin. Son to Sheila M. (Knight) Blandin. Card No. 00011. Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: October 1989. Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992 by "Council of Elders."
12. Damon W. Blandin. Son to Sheila M. (Knight) Blandin. Card No. 00012. Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: October 1991. Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992.
13. Cora M. Webre. Sister to Howard F. Knight Jr. Address 41052 Turo Lane in Gonzales, Louisiana. Card No. 00013. Turtle Clan. Date of Enfranchisement: 1980. Reaffirmed: 13 June 1992.
Interesting that Howard Franklin Knight Jr. was the one creating and issuing these "Membership Cards" into his "group" to his own family members! First, to himself #00001, then his wife Minnie #00002, and to his adopted grandson Matthew #00003, and right on down the familial line.......

Document 02: Exhibit #26. Business Card of Chief Homer St. Francis, Depot Street Box 276 in Swanton, Vermont 05488. Phone: (802) 868-2259 or (802)868-7146. Fax: (802) 868-5118. Sovereign Abenaki Nation - Republic of Missisquoi.

Document 03: Exhibit #27 Page 01. Newsletter dated August 1992 of The Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Indigenous People. Postmarked Springfield, Massachusetts on September 05, 1992 from ASHAI in Swanton, Vermont to Arthur Marchand of 126 Sterling Street in Worcester, Massachusetts 01613.

Document 04: Exhibit #27 Page 02. Newsletter dated August 1992 of The Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Indigenous People.

Document 05: Exhibit #27 Page 03. Newsletter dated August 1992 of The Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Indigenous People. Here's a question that just begs to be answered
regarding Title V Indian Education". WHY is it that the "Title V Indian Education" in ONLY Franklin County, Vermont (?), and not anywhere else in the State of Vermont! Was there (retrospectively-speaking) "behind-closed-doors" agreement or some secret documents signed by the Homer St. Francis "group," to restrict Title V Indian Education from ever escaping Franklin County, Vermont into other counties of the State of Vermont? THINK about it. What about Orleans County, Caledonia County, Orange County, Essex County or Chittenden County, Vermont and don't these counties also have Native People descendants? Hmmmm, I guess the lack of Title V Indian Education being administered elsewhere in the State of Vermont, that "someone" has been at least implying that the only Reinvented - Alleged Abenaki / Indian People descendants exist solely in Franklin County, Vermont, and nowhere else in the State of Vermont.

Document 05: Exhibit #27 Page 04. Newsletter dated August 1992 of The Sovereign Abenaki Nation of Indigenous People. Notice the "Abenaki Indian Center" near Manchester, New Hampshire at 381 Chestnut Street in Manchester, N.H. Telephone: (603) 644-3777. Paul Stevens was Director of such Inc. Organization but after his passing, the new Director was Sharon Hunt.
I have spoken of Allan Martell's alliance with and support from and for the late Homer St. Francis Sr. and also in regards to Charles Francis True Jr. whom operates the "Abenaki Nation of New Hampshire" which evolved out of this "Abenaki Indian Center" of Manchester, New Hamsphire on this blog.
Indeed, previous "Exhibits" (Steps Along The Yellow Brick Road) retrospectively from the Corporation "Protest" Hearing of January 26, 1993 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts came from these very books that this Swanton, Vermont "group" (led by the late late Homer St. Francis Sr.) was selling in August 1992 via their "Tribal Center". Seems to me that perhaps Mr. Arthur Marchand of Worcester, MA was "good enough" to get on the mailing list for these Swanton Newsletters, but later found "not good enough" to be yet another "Chief" of the Reinvented Alleged Abenakis.
Or was he just simply being scape-goated into taking the blame for what happened in California, etc. in regards to Homer St. Francis Sr., Roger Deshanais, and Howard F. Knight Jr. in the Sherrie DeVee-Jinks C.P.S./D.S.H.S./Judicial child custody case out in Eldorado County, CA in mid-to-late 1992? Sort of like a smoke and mirrors type of tactic to distract one from noticing that underneath this Arthur Marchand vs. Howard F. Knight/ Paul W. Pouliot/ Homer St. Francis "situation" was some ennormous huge pile of "b.s." they all tried to conduct against the State's of Vermont, California, and Massachusetts.

Certainly (notice that Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s granddaughters Krystal L, Katelynn M. and Angela M. Knight were all in the custody and care of Dept. of Social Services - Child Protective Services in New York and Idaho) there seems to be "a reason" why Howard Franklin Knight Jr. went to California with Roger J. Deshanais in September 1992. I think it is pretty obvious that 1 + 1 = 2 here, and I do not need to explain any further or connect the documents for people to figure out that the historical picture doesn't need to be air-brushed around the edges to make it any uglier than it already has been painted by the parties (persons) already mentioned herein this post.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Step 28 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #23 Page 01. The Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal) "Corporation". Arthur J. Marchand Jr. P.O. Box 37 Worcester, MA 01610 1 (508) 791-1889. Since the Coos has been closed by Homer Saint Francer (St. Francis) and no one is getting into his tribe (I heard it from one of the members in his office).
You are welcome into this one that is (REG) with the State of Massachusetts, No. 000414045. We are (REG) with the Federal Government, the paperwork is on its way. We are already (REG) with the STATE. You must sign a new application, and send in a copy of your last I.D. card of the Coos band tribe. A cost of $1.00 dollar is for the paperwork and registration for this one. $1.00 dollar cost is for each person to get a band no. We at the moment aren't making any money on this, but later we will get Federal funds for our GOALS. Yours truly, Arthur Marchand Jr.

Document 02: Exhibit #23 Page 02. Arthur Marchand's Application Form.

Document 03: Exhibit #24. Northeastern Woodlands-Coos Band of the Abenaki Republic-Algonquin Confederation Application for Enfranchisement.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Step 27 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vemont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #22. Band Council Resolution 1976-1977. The Counsel De La Bande Indienne: Abenakis of Odanak and Becancour. Agency District: Montreal. Province: Quebec. Place Nom De L'Endroit: Odanak - Becancour. Do Hereby Resolve (Decide Par Les Presentes): That we, the Abenakis of Odanak and Becancour, recognize the Abenakis of the State of Vermont as our BROTHERS and request that: 1. The State of Vermont recognize the Indians of that State as Abroiginals of the North American Continent. 2. To be treated and provided for by the State Government and the U.S. Federal Government (B.I.A.). 3. That their land claims be recognized. 4. That their hunting and fishing rights be recognized.
C.C. Indians of Quebec Association. Recieved this date: 6 Aug 1992 from Chief Homer St. Francis in Swanton. Chief H. (Howard) F. (Franklin) Knight Jr., N.E.W. (North East Woodlands) - Coos Tribe. Recieved on this date August 27, 1976 From Chief Watso By Homer St. Francis.

Retrospectively-speaking ~ as afore mentioned on this blog recently, Howard F. Knight Jr. recieved from Homer St. Francis Sr, the document signed by Odanak Abenaki Community resident and Chief Walter Watso on August 20, 1976 which was rec'd by Homer St. Francis on Aug 27, 1976, of which Homer St. Francis had notarized on August 30, 1976 in Swanton, Vermont (See: Posting on this blog "Step 06" January 03, 1977 Apendix C of Haviland and Powers Book The Original Vermonters). This Document will be Exhibit #22 of which I just made mention of.

Then within September of 1992, Roger "Running Elk" Deshanais and Howard F. Knight Jr. went to El Dorado County, California regarding one (Sherrie nee: DeVee) Jinks Child Custody Case involving Child Protective Services and the California Judicial Court Systems. Claiming that the "group" led by Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. was allegedly B.I.A. (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Recognized, they attempted to "B.S." the State of California, with the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, and that Howard F. Knight Jr. as "Chief" and "Tribal Judge" made the decision that Sherrie DeVee's children needed to stay with the tribe (and within her sole custody). She had gone to Massachusetts to obtain this alleged Tribal Decision signed by Howard Knight Jr., etc), then she "hid out" with her two children ages 10 and 12 with another woman with six children on the Rosebud, South Dakota Native Lakota Community until they overstayed their welcome.
This is what caused Howard Franklin Knight Jr. to allegedly "retire" as "Chief" of the Incorporation called the Northeast Woodlands - Coos Abenaki "group". The Fed's were just itching to fry his backside I am sure. He was legal HOT water and someone was getting ready to boil him! So he allegedly held "an Council of Elders" election at his home on December 02, 1992, to shed himself of any official "title's", responsibility, or accountability for his or his "follower's" actions and words in California and or elsewhere. He literally "re-invented" himself from being an alleged Cowasuck Chief into a "Senior Advisor". So did Paul Wilson Pouliot literally reinvent himself by being allegedly elected as "Chief" of the alleged Abenaki of Coosisak. Howard Franklin Knight, Jr. even got so desperate as to try and give the Incorporation Northeast Woodlands - Coos Band Inc. to Homer St. Francis Sr!

Frankenstein and the Mad Doctor were working together in "collusion"?

Definition: Collusion is an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair advantage. It is an agreement among persons. It can involve misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties."

Step 26 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #19. Identification Membership Card of Jon Warren. Abenaki Nation/ Vermont Trible (Tribal Council) Card #70. Birth date: May 27, 1949. Signature ?

Document 02: Exhibit #20. Page 151 of the book entitled "Dawnland Encounters, Indians and Europeans in Northern New England, Edited by Colin G. Calloway. Copyright 1991 by University Press of New England. [News of the attack alarmed the community at Cowass and , according to Samuel Penhallow, the Abenakis "emmediately forsook their Fort and Corn at Cowasuck, and never returned to this Day, that we could hear of, to renew their Settlement in that place." Cowasucks did in fact return return at the end of the war. More often, English expeditions shared Hilton's experience, coming up empty-handed as Indian communities evaporated into the forest at their approach. Following an Indian raid on Cocheco, or Dover, New Hampshire, in the spring of 1711, for example, an English retaliatory force went in pursuit "to Ossipe and Winnepisseocay Pomds, being places of general resort for fishing, fowling and hunting; but saw none, only a few deserted wigwams; for being so closely pursued from one place to another, they removed to other nations, leaving only a few cut-throats behind, which kept the country in a constant alarm."]
[Withdrawal, and even migration, was a common Abenaki response to military danger and the disruption of war. Many Abenakis followed well-worn paths.......

Document 03: Page 152 of the same book as Document 01 Exhibit #20 mission villages in Canada, where the French welcomed with open arms. In 1704, Governor Vaudreuil invited several tribes to resettle on the St. Lawrence where they could enjoy French protection against the English. Some bands accepted, but the Cowasucks preferred to stay and fight in their homeland. The same month that the Cowasuck were delegates declined Vandreuil's offer, Caleb Lyman was leading his expedition against their village.]
Speech of the Abenaki Indians of Cowasuck to the Governor-General, 13 June 1704.
"Father, to tell the truth you have shown great care for me in inviting me to come and settle on your lands. However, I cannot bring myself to come there because the English have already struck me too hard. I believe, therefore, that the only place where I can strike back against the English is the place I come from, which is called Cowasuck. I could not do that easily if I was in your country. [Presented a wampum belt.] Father, hear me, I wish to remain at Cowasuck. It is true you have acted well in offering me a fort on your lands, and that would have been good if we had been at peace as we used to be, and we could have done it easily. But hear me, I am a warrior. I offer you my village which is like a fort thrust towards the enemy, so that your lands on this side can be protected, and so that you can think of me as "my child who is at Cowasuck to carry on the war and protect me, serving as a palisade against my enemies." (National Archives of Canada, MG1 F3, vol. 2:407-10; editor's translation).

Yet, there was not a single bloodline connection, genealogically shown and or provided by the "parties" involved in this Corporation "Protest" Hearing of January 26, 1993 that ANY of them (i.e. Paul Wilson Pouliot, Howard F. Knight Jr, Arhtur Marchaud, etc) genealogically connected to the 1704 era of the Cowasuck Abenaki People's. So, it would seem to me, that these person's perhaps were seemingly misrepresenting themselves as being "descendants of the Cowasuck of the early 1700's era, by using this 1991 published material in the book Dawnland Encounters by Colin G. Calloway, when in fact they showed and provided NOTHING other than their self-created and promoted "Incorporation Name and Status within Vermont and Massachusetts Secretary of State's Office(s). No genealogical evidence was demanded, requested or required of either Arthur Marchand's "supporters" nor that of Howard F. Knight Jr./ Paul W. Pouliot/ Homer St. Francis Sr's "supporters."
It was like Frankenstein complaining about the Mad Scientist for having created his Bride, to the Villagers!

Document 04: Exhibit #21. The Abenaki Republic/ Vermont-N.H. Northeastern Woodlands - Coos (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak) Card #No. 00597. Membership/ Identification Card of Robert H. Maynard. 126 Sterling Street in Worcester, Massachusetts 01610. Date of birth: October 17, 1926. Signed by Robert H. Maynard. Turtle Clan. 
Robert H. Maynard signed his own Identification Card, identifying himself!

Document 05: Also Exhibit #21. Identification Card of the Abenaki Nation/ Vermont of Ambassador Roger J. Desharais (Desharnais) of 75 Tower Hill Street in Lawrence, Massachusetts 01841. St. Francis/ Sokoki Band No. 3185. Date of Birth May 28, 1942.
Roger J. Deshanais signed his own Identification Card, identifying himself too!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Step 25 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #17 Page 01. Application for Enfranchisement/ Membership/ Citizenship by Howard Franklin Knight Jr. "OK by Chief Richard Phillips SWN of the Eastern Woodlands Band Of The Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak).
I hereby apply for membership in the Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation. I certify that I am an Indian or a Descendants of an Indian who is indigenous to the North American Continent. I understand that my application will be carefully reviewed and must be approved by the Tribal Council. I understand that if I am Accepted, I must relinquish my membership in any other Band or Tribe of Indians, and that my failure to do so will constitute an automatic forfeiture of any and all rights acquired because of my membership in the Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation as provided in the By-Laws thereof. Signature of Applicant: Howard F. Knight Jr. RFD.#1, Box 15 in Thetford Center, Vermont 05075. Birthdate: 31 May 1941 Phone: None.
Name of Indian Relative: Ida May GEAR. Band: Odenak Reservation Band No: Pierreville, Que., Canada Relationship: Grandmother.
Children Under 18 Years Old: Franklin Warren Knight II Age: 15 Date of Birth April 29, 1966; Roberta Rene Knight Age: 13 Date of Birth: September 16, 1968; Sheila Marie Knight Age: 13 Date of Birth: September 16, 1968. (Roberta and Sheila Knight were twins, born in Germany).

Was "Ida May Gear" (grandmother to Howard F. Knight Jr., wife of Franklin Warren Knight. Married on November 26, 1903, mother to Howard Franklin Knight Sr.) actually born or from Odanak, Quebec, Canada? The birth records for her four children, Thelma Jane b. 1906 East Burke; George Warren b. 1910 Lyndon Center; Howard Franklin b. 1912 St. Johnsbury; and Steward/ Stuart Gibson b. 1914 St. Johnsbury pretty much indicate that their mother Ida M. Geer/ Gear was born in Barnston, Quebec, Canada (just above Holland, Orleans County, Vermont) to Elmer Geer and Ada M. Bigelow. These Vital Records will be posted for review along with other genealogical information regarding Howard F. Knight's alleged "Abenaki" ancestral connections, that he himself self-proclaims to accurate, yet he withholds the factual documentation from those that request to verify his proclamations, such as to Eric Floyd.

Document 02: Exhibit #17 Page 02. Eastern Woodlands Band Of The Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak) Card numbers 302, 303, 304,305,306,307. Recognition For Clan Recognition:__________ a belt of wampum. We, the undersigned members of the Eastern Woodlands Band of the Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak), an Indian Tribal Corporation Incorporated under the laws of the State of Vermont, do hereby petition the Tribal Council for recognition as a Clan pursuant to the provisions of Article VI (6), Section 4 of the Tribal By-Laws, as amended, and we have chosen: Howard F. Knight Jr. (Chief Rushing Water) #302. (Name of person selected as Clan Chief) to serve as our Clan Chief and representative on the Tribal Council.
Signature: ~ Birth: ~ Place of Residence: ~ Band Card No:
Cora May (nee: Knight) Webre 7 July 1945 Gramerey, Louisiana Card No. 314.
Belle Lee Kimball Webre Gramerey, Louisiana Card No. 317.
Virginia Batchelder Webre Gramerey, Louisiana Card No. 318.
Ida Jane (nee: Knight) Theos 17 june 1948 Hudson, New Hampshire Card No. 319.
Richard Theos Hudson, New Hampshire Card No. 320.
Timothy Theos Hudson, New Hampshire Card No. 321.
Debra Ann (nee: Knight) Scott Natick, Massachusetts Card No. 311.
Gary Stuart Scott Natick, Massachusetts Card No. 313.
Stuart (G. Knight) Jr. Natick, Massachusetts Card No. 310
Minnie F. (nee: Davidson) Knight 20 Dec 1946 Thetford Center, VT Card No. 303.
Franklin W. Knight II 29 April 1966 Thetford Center, VT Card No. 304.
Roberta R. Knight 16 Sept 1968 Thetford Center, VT Card No. 305.
Sheila M. Knight 16 Sept 1968 Thetford Center, VT Card No. 306.
Dorothy Davis (Dot) Brookline, N.H. Card No. 315.
John William Davis 1964 Brookline, N.H. Card No. 316.
Stuart (Gibson Knight) Sr. 22 Sept 1914 Holliston, Mass. Card No. 308.
Kenneth Knight 1965 Holliston, Mass. Card No. 312.
Rose Marie Knight Holliston, Mass. Card No. 309.
Howard F. Knight Sr. 18 Aug 1912 Goffstown, N.H. Card No. 307.
CLAN TOTEM: Rushing Water in Moonlight (Name of Clan)

This Application for Membership by Howard F. Knight Jr. MUST have been filled out in the year 1981, since Franklin W. Knight II was born in April 1966. If Howard Jr. and Minnie's son was born in 1966 and was 15 years old at the time of this document being created, then the time frame for this Application would be in 1981. Later, in Exhibit #33 Howard F. Knight Jr. states that, "he joined the Coos Tribal Band and took my seat on the Tribal Council as a Clan Chief representing my family Clan, in about June or July of 1980". If that were the case, then Franklin Warren Knight II, would have been 14 years and 2 months of age at the time of this Application being filled out by Howard F. Knight Jr., thereby Howard's son would not have been 15 years old.

Document 03: Exhibit #18 Page 01. Another Application for Enfranchisement/ Membership into the North Eastern Woodlands Band Of The Abenaki Nation (Pisowakamigw Wobanakiak) by Ronald Allan Hurd. Birthdate: February 28, 1948. P.O. Box 5 Post Mills, Vermont 05058. Phone: 295-3274. Name of Indian Relative Band: Fred Hurd. Band No. Bridgewater, Vermont. Relationship: Father. Children Under 18 Years Old: Name: Cori Tanner Whitelaw Hurd. Age: 01 month. Date of Birth: D-Day 1983 (June 6th). Name: Michele E. Hurd. Age: 13. Date of Birth: August 23, 1969.

Document 05: Exhibit #18 Page 02. (Name of person selected as Clan Chief) Frederick A. Hurd. Signature:
Ronald A. Hurd
Darlene Brunotte (mother of)
Cori Tanner Whitelaw Hurd (BB) (Ron's newborn son)
-crossed out-
Norman H. or K. Hurd
David or Daniel Hurd
Cathy Hurd
Danilel Hurd, Jr.
Nakia Hurd
Michele Elizabeth Hurd
CLAN TOTEM: Burning (crossed out) Fire Arrows (Name of Clan).

 Two Clan Totems/Clans of the Coos called
"Rushing Water in Moonlight"
"Burning or Fire Arrows"
 Ever heard of these Clans historically WITHIN the Abenaki People's

Step 24 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #16. Wednesday, October 14, 1981 Page 02. "The lost tribes of Coos" by Cathy Young Czapla. Top Section of the article. The document was too big to scan the whole of it. So it is in two sections, top and bottom, in two pages.

Document 02: Continuation of Exhibit #16. Wednesday, October 14, 1981 Page 02 Bottom Section of Page regarding "The lost tribes of Coos" by Cathy Young Czapla.

Document 03: Continuation of Exhibit #16. Wednesday, October 14, 1981 Page Top Section of Page regarding "The lost tribes of Coos" by Cathy Young Czapla.

Document 04: Continuation of Exhibit #16. Wednesday, October 14, 1981 Page 03 Bottom Section of Page regarding "The lost tribes of Coos" by Cathy Young Czapla.

Step 23 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #13. St. Francis Sokoki Band Check Book. PO Box 276 Swanton, Vermont 05488 "Void" Check number 1276. Chittenden Band, Swanton Vermont.
Document 02: Exhibit 14. Money Reciept dated June 03, 1992. Received of Francis Sokoki Band in the sum of Fifteen and no/100 Dollars for Check lis - votee. $15.00. Cora Baker. Tops Form 4161
Document 03: Exhibit #15. MAP ~ WABANAKI COUNTRY ~MICMAC TRIBAL NAMES. The Wabanaki and their Native American Neighbors ~ From ancient times to the early 18th century. Cartography By: Stacy Morin. Country Rds, Inc., Orington, ME. This Map of "Wabanakik" must have either came from Joseph Bruchac's book "The Wind Eagle" published in 1984, or Joseph Bruchac's book "The Faithful Hunter, Abenaki Stories" which was published in 1988. The Map is just before the Introduction in the book "The Faithful Hunter."

Step 22 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenakis of Vermont And New Hampshire

Documents 01-02-03: Exhibit #11 of the January 26, 1993 Corporation "Protest" Hearing in Boston, MA regarding Arthur Marchand vs. Howard Franklin Knight Jr./ Paul Wilson Pouoliot/ Homer St. Francis Sr. This Exhibit #11 (or A) is in regards to Treaties allegedly pertaining to "Abenaki" Ancestors whose alleged descendants were the above mentioned persons/ alleged "Abenaki" Representatives. This Treaty was called the "Treaty of Portsmouth" dated 1713. In this particular book that these parties allegedly sourced this information from, they used/manipulated/distorted pages 250, 251, 253 and 254. At least that is what it appears to me to have happened. Do the comparative review and conclude as one will about these documents.

This Treaty can be found in the Dawnland Encounters: Indians and Europeans in Northern New England By Colin G. Calloway, on Page 107 through 110.
As one can discern, and review for themselves, the Native Signatories were alleged:
Qualedeenewes/ Winnepesaukess ~
Warrakansit = Sokoki/ Sokowakis (Old Days?) ~
Bomoseen = St. Francis/ St. Francis Abenaki (Old Name) ~
Wedaranaquin = Coos/ Cowasucks (Cowass) ~
Eneas = Woronokes ~
Iteansis = Penacooks.
Someone applied/ wrote the alleged "tribal affiliations" to these Native signers of this 1713 Portmouth Treaty.

Documents 04-05-06-07:  These pages are of the actual Portsmouth Treaty of 1713. Of course, I do have to mention that on Page 110 of Colin G. Calloway's afore mentioned book Dawnland Encounters it states (and I quote), "Whereof, we whose names are hereunto subscribed, delegates for the several tribes of the Indians, belonging unto the River of the Kenybeck (Kennebec), Amarascogen (Androscoggin), St. Johns, Saco, Merrimac, and parts adjacent....." "This treaty to be humbly laid before Her Majesty, for her ratification and further orders. In witness whereof, we, the delegates aforesaid, by name Kireberuit, Iteansis, and Jackoit for Penobscot; Joseph and Eneas for St. Johns; Waracansit, Wedaranaquin, and Bomoseen for Kennebeck, have hereunto set out hands and seals, the day and year above written.

Seems to me, that these Native People's historical representatives of July 1713 were speaking and representing on the behalf of Penobscot's (Eastern Abenakis) and other Native Eastern People's in area's along the coastal shores of Maine; not (Western) Abenakis/ Coos and or St. Francis. Then again, this is "my own interpretation" of the historical social events of the time ca. 1713.

Howard Franklin Knight Jr., Homer St. Francis Sr., or Paul Wilson Pouliot "used" this 1713 Portsmouth Treaty and attempted "to imply" by these fraudulant "additions" of "Tribal Affiliation" to the Native Signatories of this Treaty, that this Treaty applied to them as alleged Abenaki descendants i.e. Homer St. Francis' group, that it applied to Howard Knight Jr.' group, and by alleged election, that group which became Paul Wilson Pouliot's when Howard Knight alleged "retired". All three "groups" of alleged self-proclaiming "Abenaki descendants" never had to show or provide ANY GENEALOGICAL EVIDENCE that in FACT, they were descendants of the Abenakis at all, during this Corporation "Protest" Hearing of January 26, 1993 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

Document 08-09: Exhibit #12. Map Page 02 from The Identity Of The Saint Francis Indians by Dr. Gordon M. Day, National Museum of Man, Mercury Series ISSN 0316-1854 Paper No. 71 ISSN 0316-1862 Dossier 71. Ottawa 1981.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Here Are Some Informative Responses Of Which To Review And Study:

Kindly, on the evening of Friday, November 20, 2009 at 8:03 PM, I recieved an email notification from the Nedoba Organization representative Nancy LeCompte of Maine, informing me that she had uploaded a new page to the website with "a response" regarding Howard Franklin Knight Jr.'s email to Douglas Lloyd Buchholz, that was sent retrospectively-speaking to Eric Floyd of Pittsfield, Massachusetts dated November 08, 2009. Please See and review this link:

I, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz would encourage ANY person that reviews and studies this Blog and or the links to other information, documents and or webpages therein, to send this information to the Legislative Representatives and to the Governor's of each state (Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts)!
Kindly, Douglas Lloyd Buchholz of Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire 03584 (603)788-2718. or

Step 21 Forward Along The Yellow Brick Road Of The Reinvented Abenaki Of Vermont And New Hampshire; Etc:

Document 01: Exhibit #10 Supoena Duces Tecum dated January 20, 1993 to Paul Wilson Pouliot by Kathleen Foley, Administrative Assistant of the Corporations Division for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Paul W. Pouliot, a.k.a. Spirit Hawk pursuant Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A section 12. You are hereby commanded to appear before the Corporations Division, Office of the Secretary of State on Tuesday January 26 1993 at 10:00 A.M. and from day to day thereafter until the actin hereinafter named is heard by said Division, to give testimony relating to an Administrative Hearing involving Howard Knight et. al. (Claimant) and Centraleastern Woodland Sokoki Band (Inter-Tribal) Corporation (Respondant), and you are futher required to bring with you: Any and all books, records, correspondence or documents relating to any matter in question in the proceeding, including but not limited to Tribal history, treaties, records and documents relating to the use of the Tribal Name.

One thing they forgot to request Howard Knight Jr or Paul W. Pouliot, or any other Claimant or Respondant to bring with them, was their definitive, valid, clear and convincing genealogical documentary evidence that ANY of them did or do in fact ancestrally descend from the Abenaki of the Coosisak!

Document 02: Exhibit 10 Page 02. Certificate of Service. "This is to certify that on January 20, 1993, I (Kathleen Foley) served the attached Supoena Duces Tecum, by certified mail to the individual listed below: Paul W. Pouliot aka Spirit Hawk Chief of the Coos Band Tribal Council 160 Dailey Drive Franklin, MA 02038-2951.

Howard Franklin Knight Jr. obviously was NOT protesting or saying before or during  the time of January 26, 1993 in the Corporation "Protest" Hearing in Boston, MA that,
1. Paul Pouliot allegedly forged Knight's signature on that Northeast Woodlands - Coos Band Membership/Citizenship Application Pouliot signed and submitting on July 07, 1992 
2. Paul Pouliot wasn't accepted into my alleged Northeast Woodlands - Coos Band
3. Howard Knight was NOT protesting, or complaining or making issue that allegedly Paul W. Pouliot was declaring himself on the Sign-In Sheet, the Supoena, etc that Paul was self-identifying on the record in the company of Howard Knight himself, that he was "Chief" of Howard F. Knight Jr's alleged Cowasuck Abenaki group
4. Howard Knight Jr. was NOT screaming that Paul W. Pouliot allegedly engineered an illegal overthrow of the allegedly legal, allegedly legitimate and allegedly True Coos band leader of the group, and then allegedly brazenly moved the band headquarters, without alleged proper approval of the citizens of the band, from Vermont to Paul Pouliot's home in Massachusetts!

I have to laugh some more!